
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

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200 Chs

Chapter 51-Sweeping Bika

Sky Island, Bika.

Amy came to Barrett excitedly.

"Boss, this fruit is simply too strong." Amy said excitedly.

"Don't be careless, although you don't have an entity, but someone who can be armed and domineering will still catch your entity." Barrett reminded.

Don't let Amy swell too much, or you will suffer in the future.

"Is armed and domineering? I understand the boss." Amy questioned.

"Yes, but I don't understand the domineering training method too much. When I know it, I will hand it to you." Barrett said.

Barrett had no clue about the domineering training method, and Luffy was also proficient in using the tricolor domineering under the guidance of Raleigh.

Barrett now only saw the shadow of seeing and hearing color and overlord color, and armed color was completely clueless.

"Well, boss, I understand, by the way, boss, where are you going to learn domineering?" Amy asked.

So far, he still doesn't know Barrett's plan.

"Go to the navy, I want to study in the navy for a while, by the way, see the sea." Barrett replied.

Unless, as in the previous life, the ship of the Shanghai Pirates, Barrett really can't find it, except for the navy, he can teach him domineering place.

As for self-taught, how can the teaching of famous teachers come quickly.

"But, boss, aren't we going to confront the navy in the future?" Amy wondered.

Although Amy did not like pirates, because the pirates slaughtered Amy's hometown, he did not expect that Barrett would go to the navy.

If they want to fight for hegemony, there must be a battle with the navy. If so, wouldn't Barrett become an ungrateful villain?

"Haha, you overestimate the navy, do you think the navy is still the incarnation of justice? Now they are just running dogs of the world government, and I will leave the navy with integrity." Barrett replied.

Just like Doflamingo's point of view, only those at the top can define good and evil.

History is written by the victors, the pirates are evil, and the navy is justice. This statement cannot be permanent.

Barrett agrees with some of these views that the navy may not be just, they are just tools for the Draco to rule the world.

But the pirates must disappear, which is the same as the navy's purpose.

The era of great pirates must end. Not all pirates are righteous, and many more are evil.

The era of the great pirates brought more pain to the people.

Of course, Barrett is not the Virgin either. He may cause more killings.


"By the way, are you awakening now?" Barrett thought suddenly.

"Do you see or hear? It seems to have some feeling. At first it was the wall. After eating the thunder fruit, the feeling became stronger." Amy replied.

"That's good, remember, although armed and domineering, you can catch your entity, but before he touches you, if he actively elementals, he still can't touch you." Barrett reminded.

"In other words, seeing and hearing color is important?" Amy asked.

"Yes, but don't forget other domineering practices." Barrett exhorted.

He didn't want Amy to be the same as Ainilu, after all, Amy was still a swordsman, and only with a strong armed color could he exert the strength of a swordsman.

And can defeat other natural departments.

"Don't worry, boss, I won't slack off." Amy promised.

"Well, it's time to do business." Barrett reminded.

The huge movement caused the residents in the distance to rush over. They were not far from here.

"Do it, Amy, you are in charge of the south, I am in charge of the north, and Bell is free to play." Barrett said.

Barrett's patience with this group of people has reached the limit. He wants to kill them all. Within his sphere of influence, such people are not needed.

Obtained by Barrett's instructions, Amy turned into a flash of lightning and raged to the south, while Bell turned into a falcon and flew east.

Barrett merged in place, merged with the surrounding houses, transformed into a 60-meter giant, and slammed a punch at the oncoming crowd.

I don't know if this group of people are stupid or not afraid of death. In the face of absolute strength, they dare not stop shouting and attack Barrett.

For this group of people, Barrett used his fists and kicked his feet.

Fortunately, the giants of Barrett's body are not big, and they did not use the armed color, and deliberately controlled the strength, so they did not have the power of the ultimate cannon.

There were not many empty islands, and each one was precious. Barrett couldn't bear it, and directly blasted Bikar.

After raging, there was finally no one living in front of Barrett.

I'm afraid there is no one standing in the whole Bika.

This is the first time Barrett has slaughtered an entire island.

In the war, no one is innocent. If anyone in Bika is willing to stand up and fight for Barrett, even one person, Barrett will not kill the island.

Unfortunately, no, Barrett is desperate for Bika. The island is no longer saved. It is better to renovate it and usher in a new life.

Half a day later, the three gathered again, and blood stains were all standing on each of them.

They didn't know how many people were killed, they just kept killing, kept killing, killing for a long time.

The whole Bika blood flowed into a river, and the blood stained the earth red.

The three of them were silent and leaned together. In any case, although they breathed a bad breath, they all slaughtered the entire island.

They need to rest, and they need to slow down. The blood flow is too big, even Barrett and Amy, who have experienced many battles, have never seen it.

The sun has set, and the sunset tonight is extraordinarily red and extraordinarily bright.

The three also slowed down, washing away the smell of blood from their bodies.

"Amy, the next thing depends on you, now you are enough to control the entire sky island." Barrett said.

Amy has enough strength, Barrett is no longer needed for the next development, Amy should face the world by herself.

The road has been paved, he should go on his own, as for Kongdao, he should practice his hand.

"Boss, what do you want?" Amy suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart.

"Ah, I have to prepare and leave soon. It's time to say goodbye. Don't worry, we will meet soon." Barrett comforted.

Amy should have the ability to handle things on her own, always next to Barrett, he can't grow up.

"I see, boss." Amy tried to control the tears in the corner of her eyes.

"If you don't understand, you can go to Mitchell, she seems to be quite talented in management." Barrett asked.

Parting is always sad, but there is no permanent banquet in the world. The parting now is for a better reunion in the future.

"Bell, take me down." Barrett called Bell.

Barrett intends to let Bell take him down directly.

"Okay, boss." Bell was also very unwilling.

In less than a year of getting along, Bell has completely integrated into this group.

In this way, Barrett left the sky island...