
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 52: Plans for the Future

The first half of the Great Route, Gaya Island.

"Boss, do you really want to leave?" Mitchell asked with a choked voice.

Although it is not a permanent separation, such a separation is really sad.

"Hey, Mitchell, how come you are like this. It's not a big deal to be strong, but don't let your people see your weak side." Barrett educated.

Mitchell manages Gaya Island very well, and even the intelligence organization looks like it, which is simply the prototype of Anbu.

Barrett is very satisfied with this, and he has the posture to hand over the power to Mitchell.

Therefore, Mitchell's image is very important.

Therefore, Mitchell absolutely must maintain the majesty under his hands, otherwise how to lead and command the troops under his hands.

"I see, boss." Mitchell controlled his emotions.

Obviously, she also understands this truth.

"Well, by the way, Amy ate the Thunder Fruit on Sky Island. It is known as the strongest natural devil fruit. If you have a strong enemy, you can contact him."

"In addition, he lacks experience in managing forces. Let him take care of him to train him. You can help him. After all, Sky Island is our base camp." Barrett said.

I don't know if there will be anything wrong with giving Sky Island to Amy. Barrett is also worried that Amy will screw up Sky Island. I hope Amy knows it.

"I understand, boss, when the recruitment of troops is completed, I will focus on the sky island." Mitchell said.

Obviously, Mitchell also understands the importance of Sky Island.

Using the concealment of the sky island, you can do too much, and it will not cause the fear of other strengths.

"Well, that's good. I'll call the worm in the future. By the way, I'll take Hahn first. I plan to take him to the City of Seven Waters and take me there by the way." Barrett said.

"Boss, what about us?" Bell and Gaka asked.

Everyone has a mission. They don't know what they are doing, so they can't stay on Gaya Island forever.

"Ah, you two do have tasks too." Barrett thought for a while and said.

When the two heard this, their spirits immediately came.

"In more than a year, the Huben and Anbu of Jarzburg will arrive, and there will be Huben, Anbu and even the sky island of Gaya Island."

"In other words, after more than a year, Gaya Island will gather the elites provided by the three forces."

"You need to work hard to improve your strength before they arrive, so that you can be unique. It is still difficult for you who have animal devil fruits."

"So you have to redouble your efforts. After the troops arrive, you will be familiar with and integrate at most for half a year."

"After half a year, I want you to take part of Huben and Anbu and leave the great route."

"Mitchell, don't forget to select talents from various fields and bring them with them, especially those who can manage the forces."

Mitchell nodded, expressing understanding.

"At that time, I need you two, take your troops, go to the world to develop strength, use the population advantage to select talents, and bring them to Gaya Island for training."

"Mitchell, education, training, and other training systems are also the most important, and must be done well." Barrett again told Mitchell.

Mitchell now seems to be a housekeeper.

"I see, boss." Mitchell replied.

In fact, Barrett is still very relieved of Mitchell, but he is afraid that Mitchell is inexperienced. In fact, Barrett has no experience.

"Boss, we also know." Gaka said.

"Boss, you want to take advantage of the population of the world and constantly screen talents to expand our power. Let's repeat the cycle." Bell guessed Barrett's thoughts.

"Yes, this is one of my purposes." Barrett replied.

This is not Barrett's entire purpose.

"My purpose is still a lot, you are under a lot of pressure." Barrett sighed.

This is also the reason for Barrett's hesitation before. The whole world is the focus of Barrett's plan. Only relying on Bell and Gaka makes Barrett a little worried.

"Don't worry, boss, for now, I have found some talents on Gaya Island. After nearly two years, they will all grow up."

"With the support of the other two forces, I will find more talents, and most of them will be handed over to them at that time. The problem is not big." Mitchell assured.

"Okay." In this way, Barrett was relieved a lot.

"Remember, when you arrive in the world, keep a low profile, accumulate a good reputation, and don't make yourself infamous. We are not pirates."

"Don't bully the people, they are our food and clothing parents, and we have to rely on reputation to recruit soldiers."

"By the way, focus on Xihai. There is a gangster named Capone. Staring at it first, I will tell you what to do later." Barrett ordered again.

After all, to be away for so long, some things have to be explained carefully.

Barrett focused on the Capone gang, first to earn a good reputation, and second to the fruit of the city.

"We see, boss." Bell and Gaka responded.

Barrett actually still has a lot of ideas, but they have to eat one bite at a time. Now they don't have the strength or the manpower.

"By the way, Mitchell, if you don't have enough funds, you can ask Amy. There is a gold town in Sky Island, and some are gold, which is enough for our early development." Barrett added.

"Oh, that was a great help!" Mitchell was excited.

It is difficult for clever women to cook without rice. Although the five major forces have left a lot of money, it is only enough for the construction of Gaya Island, and perhaps it can also support Jarzburg.

But if it is scattered across the world, it is definitely not enough.

And Gaya Island now has no profitable business, only going out and not in, so it seems that there is a lot of money, but it is not used.

"By the way, the empty island shellfish on the sky island is a good thing, you can see how to study it, it is best to let them reproduce faster."

"As for the weapon industry, you should prepare the raw materials first, and wait until I come back to deal with it next time." Barrett ordered.

In fact, Gaya Island has already stocked a large amount of guns and ammunition, but they are prepared for themselves and cannot be sold.

Mitchell also wants to build an arsenal, but the cost is too high and there is no good way. Now I can only rely on Barrett. Fortunately, Barrett's efficiency is faster than the arsenal.

"I see, boss, I'll let Bell bring some empty island shells in a few days." Mitchell agreed.

What Barrett frequently praises must not be simple. Mitchell would like to know about it.

"Well, I can only think of so much for the time being, and there is a phone bug contact." Barrett said at last.

The explanation is over, and Barrett should leave, otherwise he could not help but exhort a few words.

When it was time to leave, Barrett looked at Mitchell, Bell, and Gaka, then turned and left.

Also leaving with Hahn, Hahn has no meaning here, the City of Seven Waters is more suitable for him.

Barrett set off in a new boat.

Goal: City of Seven Waters...