
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

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200 Chs

Chapter 154 Dream! Dedication to singing

Chambord Islands, Naval Branch, Barrett Office.

Barrett, who had just returned from the outside, had to turn his attention to Stella before he had time to inspect the navy.

"Major General Barrett, according to our observations, Stella seems to care about Tezolo and appreciate Tezolo's dream." Murdoch replied.

"Oh? Dream, sing?" Barrett muttered to himself.

"Yes, it's just singing. Stella took Tezolo to a concert and excited Tezolo for a while." Murdoch said.

"However, Major General Barrett, although the two of them seem to be suitable, Stella is your sister, and that Tezolo..." Murdoch reminded.

To put it bluntly, Murdoch believes that Tezolo is not worthy of Stella, and that the two of them do not match well.

"Such words, don't tell Stella in front of you in the future. She can't bring her birth. I am even an orphan."

"Remember my words, Murdoch, don't bully the young and poor." Barrett patted Murdoch on the shoulder and said.

"This...I understand Major General Barrett." Murdoch said hesitantly.

Barrett was not responsible for Murdoch either. After all, they did it for Stella. After all, as Barrett, Stella could marry the royal family and become a queen.

"Moreover, as long as this Tezolo has the heart, I can provide him with everything he needs. The question of identity is not a problem in front of me." Barrett added.

"I see, Major General Barrett." Murdoch replied.

Last time Murdoch would hesitate a bit, but this time, Murdoch understood that if this Tezolo lived up to Barrett's expectations, his identity would not be a problem.

Barrett can easily make Tezolo within the Navy like a fish in water.

"Okay, that's it, I'll see that Tezolo, and leave the assessment until tomorrow." Barrett got up and said.

"I see, Major General Barrett, uh, that, now Stella seems to be next to Tezolo." Murdoch reminded.

"That's it." Barrett smiled bitterly.

Are these two people inseparable now?


Chambord Islands, 30-39, amusement park.

Under the guidance of naval intelligence personnel, Barrett saw Stella and Tezolo in the distance.

Tezolo was dressed in tatters, and everyone around him looked at Tezolo with contempt. Only Stella did not dislike Tezolo.

Instead, the two of them talked and laughed, and didn't care about the eyes of people around them.

Barrett gradually moved closer to the two.

"Brother!" Stella said happily after seeing Barrett.

However, afterwards, Stella was a little confused, as if the date was discovered by her parents.

"Brother?" Tezolo said in surprise.

Tezolo glanced at Barrett, and Barrett was burly in shape, wearing a suit with a navy cloak behind his back, so mighty.

"You two come with me," Barrett said.

There are a lot of people, and some private matters should not be discussed here.

Barrett took the two to a coffee shop.

"Introduce your new friend, Stella," Barrett said.

"Brother, he, his name is Tezolo." Stella said twitchingly.

Stella obviously had an extraordinary affection for Tezolo, and the Pirates of the world seemed to be quite precocious.

"Tezolo, do you think you are qualified to be with Stella?" Barrett asked Tezolo.

"Brother!" Stella exclaimed anxiously.

She was very worried that Barrett would hate Tezolo because of his identity.

"I..." Tezolo was speechless.

This kind of Tezolo disappointed Barrett a bit. This is not the Tezolo that Barrett knew. It seems that he needs a strong medicine.

"On this basis, I still dream of singing all day long, so are you qualified to sing?" Barrett mocked.

"Brother, why?" There were a few teardrops in the corner of Stella's eyes, as if she was about to cry.

"Stella, do you think he can give you a future? Do you want to go back to the impossible zone with him?"

"If you have children, do you want your children to have the same experience as you?" Barrett asked.

Barrett's words can be said to be a torture of the soul, and the two of them were questioned.

"Tezolo, can you protect Stella? If you are targeted by a trafficker, can you rescue her, you know, she almost became a slave." Barrett continued to ask .

"I don't have that ability." Tezolo collapsed.

"Stella, have you seen it? This is the person you like. He is just a coward. He doesn't even deserve to sing, and he doesn't deserve you. You are not a world person at all."

"Let's go, Stella, you won't meet again." Barrett made another heavy punch.

"No! I'm not a coward!"

"I must become a singer!"

"I will protect Stella!"

"You give me a chance and I will prove myself!" Tezolo collapsed.

My dream, and the only person who recognized him, had to leave him. Tezolo finally couldn't stand it anymore, he couldn't survive without being mad.

At this time, Tezolo realized that dreams were not enough, he needed strength.

"Yes, I can give you a chance." Barrett agreed.



Tezolo and Stella were surprised at the same time.

They thought Barrett was going to separate them, but they didn't expect Barrett to give them a chance.

"Stella has the same experience as you. I am also an orphan, so I don't care about my birth at all. I only care about the value of one person."

"You are worthless now, but how much you are worth in the future is still unknown."

"Anyway, Stella is still young, I can give you time, but I won't let Stella wait for you forever."

"Fifteen years, and after fifteen years Stella will be in her twenties. If you haven't let me see the value then, I will abandon you." Barrett said.

"I know, I will work hard." Tezolo wiped away his tears and assured Barrett.

"Oh, how do you work hard, sing? Do you think you are now, no matter how good you are, does anyone listen?" Barrett asked.

"I must sing." Tezolo whispered.

Singing and Stella are all about Tezolo, and both are indispensable.

"Well, let me give you a chance. Don't say I'm unfair. From today on, this store will belong to you. In a short time, Stella will not meet you."

"All the clerk in the store will follow your instructions. Two months later, I will see 10 million Baileys. If you can do it, you can meet Stella."

"If you can't, you can figure it out by yourself," Barrett said.

"Yes." Tezolo grabbed the straw and said.

This is his only chance. If he loses this chance, Tezolo really doesn't know what he should do.

"Okay, that's it for you." Barrett got up and said.

Immediately, Barrett took Stella and left.

In fact, Barrett doesn't know if Tezolo can do it, but it's not bad to give him a chance.

Anyway, time is still long...