
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 153 Plan! Tezolo

Chambord Islands.

After completing the first step of the development of the combined fruit, Barrett returned to the Chambord Islands.

However, instead of returning to the navy branch, he hid his identity and found a remote shop.

This is a bar. There are many such bars in the Chambord Islands.

On the surface they are a small bar, but secretly, this bar conducts intelligence transactions.

It's just that no matter what you do, there are good and bad. This small bar is a bit depressed, and it feels that it is caused by poor management.

Without reliable and comprehensive information, people will not come to you, business here will naturally not be good, depression is normal.

However, except here.


Barrett was sitting in front of the counter. There was only Barrett in the bar.

"Guest, don't know what is needed?" asked the person dressed up as Xiao Er.

"This is the stronghold of the organization?" Barrett took out a token and asked.

This is designed by Mitchell and is a status symbol.

Tokens are divided into several categories, including black iron tokens for peripheral members, bronze tokens for official members, silver tokens for management, and finally gold tokens.

On the front of these tokens, since the organization does not yet have a name, the eight-character doctrine is engraved, while the back is their own position.

Barrett took out the official gold token.

"Ghost Emperor, Chambord Islands Intelligence Station, for you." The receptionist said humbly.

Ghost Emperor is the honorary name of Barrett in the organization.

Because Barrett's goal is not limited to the four emperors, then the three emperors and five emperors are the only "emperors" left.

Originally, Barrett still resisted such a name, feeling a bit early, but playing like a child.

However, Mitchell said, this will make the organization cohesive and allow its members to respect the leader of the organization.

Moreover, the organization is mixed, and I don't know if the Navy will know what news, so Barrett must not use his real name, otherwise it will be easy to expose.

Therefore, Barrett was given the title of emperor.

Barrett still felt it was too early, but Mitchell told Barrett a data, and Barrett barely accepted the title.

Now, the number of outer members of the organization has exceeded 100,000, and the number of internal members has exceeded 10,000. Among them, there are 1,000 Huben and 3,000 Anbu.

The organization has grown to an extremely impressive level.

But now, prevention is still expanding rapidly, and the secret control of the four seas has entered formality, and some small countries have gradually entered the sphere of influence of the organization.

Unconsciously, a huge organization has begun to take shape.


"No need to do this, you should understand the purpose of my visit this time." Barrett asked.

The intelligence station in the Chambord Islands has been established for a long time, but it is not difficult to build a small intelligence station.

"I understand, Lord Guidi, Lord Mitchell has already told me that the organization is preparing to enter the Chambord Islands." The receptionist said respectfully.

"How are you preparing here?" Barrett asked.

Barrett told Mitchell that after his plan, Mitchell let the Chambord Islands intelligence station act.

"Master Ghost, the investigation has been completed, as long as the organizers reach the Chambord Islands, we can act immediately." The receptionist said respectfully.

"Very well, I will cover your actions when the time comes." Barrett said.

In the plan of Barrett and Mitchell, the two decided to establish forces in the unreachable zone and ban some unreachable forces.

And the task of the intelligence station is to collect those forces that can't be brought around, have no backing, are not strong, and do a lot of evil.

Then the people from Huben and Anbu act to ban these forces.

The disappearance of one power will definitely attract the attention of other powers, and the goal of this action is still very big.

I am afraid that there are many forces that will look at this piece of fat and want to get a share.

At that time, I am afraid that it will cause riots. At this time, it is time for Barrett to perform.

He will order the navy of the navy branch to go to the impossible, suppress the riots, buy time for the organization, and wait for the organization to gain a foothold, and the problem will not be big.

Moreover, under Barrett's protection, he can completely suppress other dark forces, shelter the branches of the organization, and make the development of the organization smoother.

"By the way, when Bell and Gaka arrive, let them both call me." Barrett ordered.

"Understood, Lord Ghost Emperor." The receptionist replied.

Immediately, Barrett left the bar.


Chambord Islands, Naval Branch.

Barrett, who arranged everything, returned to the navy branch.

It has been a week, and Barrett should also look at the navy branch to see if there are any good seeds.

If it's just average, Barrett will simply teach them to make them an avant-garde in the Navy. If they are talented, Barrett will consider digging a wall.

"Major General Barrett, I have let them train for a week, do you want to see it?" Murdoch said.

"Well, I came back this time because of this. By the way, nothing happened during this period of time?" Barrett asked casually.

"There is nothing major in our branch, but Stella seems to be in something." Murdoch said eagerly.

"Huh? What happened to Stella?" Barrett asked seriously.

When he came out this time, Barrett took Stella with him. After all, he had to stay here, and he couldn't let Stella stay in the navy for too long.

One more thing, Barrett didn't want to arrange Stella's life with Tezolo, but let her stay in the Chambord Islands for a while.

Let's see if the two have that fate.

"It seems that Stella recently walked closer to a child who could not be taken. I am afraid that he would be disadvantageous to Stella. After all, he is someone who cannot be taken." Murdoch replied.

"The kid that can't be taken? Is there any information about him?" Barrett asked.

Speaking of the child who could not be brought, Barrett thought of someone.

"Yes, after knowing this, I collected the information of that person for the first time." Murdoch took out a portfolio from his arms.

It seems that preparations have already been made.

Barrett took the portfolio and looked at it.

Life: Gilder Tezolo.

Sex: Male.

Born in a very poor family, his father was also a gambler.

He loves to sing, and he often wanders outside the concert, but he is laughed at and excluded by his companions.

Barrett looked at Tezolo's information.

Sure enough, Stella still met Tezolo.

"Does Tezolo have a good relationship with Stella?" Barrett asked.

Although the two met, and from Murdoch's words, Stella and Tezolo seemed to have a good relationship.

However, Barrett is still a little worried. In fact, in Barrett's heart, he still hopes that the two can be together.

Not only for Tezolo's ability, but also for Tezolo's feelings for Stella.

Tezzolo is absolutely true love to Stella, and Stella believes that she also likes Tezzolo very much. The two are said to be a natural pair.

Except Tezolo, Barrett didn't want anyone to be with Stella.

This may be Barrett's obsession with the plot...