
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

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200 Chs

Chapter 14 Sneak Attack Plan

"Amy, get ready, we have a big move tonight." Barrett made up his mind.

"Huh? The news from you." Except six months ago, the rebels organized a major battle in order to retake the southern battlefield. There has been no major battle for half a year.

"Just the two of us." Barrett smirked.

"Well, you are crazy? Just what big moves we two can do." Amy was shocked by Barrett's bold thoughts.

"You too underestimated the two of us, and we were a sneak attack, but the action was a bit bigger." Barrett explained.

In this year, Barrett and Amy have not experienced many battles, so their strength has not increased like before, but Barrett has at least 400 powers, and Amy has a little more, about 450 powers. .

The two teamed up to fight against 100 soldiers.

"Where do you want to attack?" Amy probed carefully.

"What do you think of Buxton?" Buxton is the central city occupied by the rebels, equivalent to Corrado, the capital of an endless war.

"With the two of us, have you ever thought about how we should escape after the sneak attack?" Amy was puzzled by Barrett's decision.

Buxton is more than 100 kilometers away from the battle line, which means that Barrett and Amy need to pass through an enemy-occupied area of ​​100 kilometers. After the attack is over, the two will be hunted down 100 kilometers.

This is a disaster for two people with only more than 400 abilities.

"I've already figured out the route. Who said we have to cross over on land." Barre's characteristics end.

"Is it?" Amy seemed to guess something.

There are many difficulties on land, so go around from the sea.

Buxton is only more than 20 kilometers away from the coastline. It is considered a coastal city, and it takes less than half a day to cross at the speed of two people.

"I can go, so how can we escape back? Even if we escape to the sea, the rebels will be in hot pursuit, right?" Obviously Amy was not at ease about this action.

After all, Barrett said, it is a big action, so the rebels are likely to be chasing after it. On the government side, it may be difficult to persuade Lieutenant General Hagrid to send troops.

"As for how to come back, I also think about it. Hagrid definitely can't count on it. We can only count on Hermann."

On the southern battlefield, government forces have advanced to 70 kilometers from the coastline.

"In other words, we went from the coastline of the southeast battlefield to Buxton, and after the sneak attack, we returned to the southern battlefield from the coastline of the southern battlefield?" Amy understood Barrett's plan.

As long as Herman is strong, Barrett and Amy will not be able to escape for long before they can be accepted by the government forces. The plan is not bad.

"This is just a conservative plan, but now there is still a question, will you sail?" Barrett obviously can't sail.

I have no experience in sailing in my previous life, and I have never seen the sea in this life!

And the government army and the rebel army will definitely not have ships coming between them, so you can only count on Amy.

"When I was a child, I used to follow the adults on the island to go fishing. This is not a big problem." Fortunately, Amy did not live up to Barrett's expectations.

"Great, I will go to Major General Kofi to ask for a lifeboat. We pretend to be people who have been shipwrecked." Barrett was overjoyed. Barrett wanted to try this plan a long time ago.

Once the sneak attack is successful, the rebels must become angry and launch a large-scale war. At that time, the government forces will have to fight, and Barrett and Amy, who have been practicing for a year, can be active in various battlefields again.

"Well, I think it will work." Amy also supported the plan at this time.

Just do it, and the two appeared in the southeast waters this afternoon.

"How long will this voyage take, Amy?" Barrett asked.

"The straight-line distance between us and the destination is about 130 kilometers. We have to make a big circle. We need to sail about 160 kilometers at sea, and the time is about 3 days." Amy calculated that their boat couldn't run fast.

"I have discussed with Lieutenant General Hermann. Seven days later, he will suddenly launch a large-scale offensive. He will try to tear out a hole in the rebel position within one day, move forward, and meet us." Barrett said.

"Then we still have four days to act." Amy said.

"Yes, my plan is to use two days to detect the enemy's situation and two days to do damage." Barrett felt that two days would be enough to stir Buxton into darkness.

"Understood, shall we move separately then?" Amy asked.

"Well, 7 days later, at 7 o'clock in the evening, we will meet at the landing place. Before that, even if we are found, we must go in circles with the enemy." Barrett said.

Barrett didn't want the rebels to lie in their retreat.

"Understood." Amy clearly understood what Barrett meant. This action is a life of nine deaths, and one must be careful.

The weather on the Great Route is really unpredictable. Fortunately, Barrett and Amy were driving close to the island. Even if they encountered wind and waves in the past three days, they all escaped without risk.

However, the two days of sailing also taught Barrett a truth that navigators are indispensable in great sea routes.

No wonder the golden lion "Shiji" is trying to take the flying navigator-Nami, I am afraid that the Ed Wohai battle has left the golden lion's heart palpitations for a long time.

Barrett also vowed to find a good navigator in the future.

In any case, these three days have passed without risk.

If it wasn't for someone around, Barrett, who was standing on the ground, would have liked to kiss the couple fiercely holding the ground.

Finally landed.

Soldiers from the rebel army were checking in the port, and the soldiers leaned on the railing lazily. After all, few people would come to this war-ending country.

The era of big pirates has not yet started, otherwise there may be several pirates landing.

"Stop, what are you doing, where do you come from." A soldier stepped forward and interrogated lazily.

What kind of threats can there be with just these two children coming by boat?

"Hello, army master, our ship was in a shipwreck and sank, leaving our two brothers drifting here." Amy stepped forward, pleased the soldier, and stuffed it into the soldier's hand. A few Baileys.

Amy cursed inwardly,'When did I be so suffocated, I will definitely kill you when I come next time.'

When the soldier saw Bailey in his hand, his eyes immediately brightened. After looking at the two of them, it seemed that there was nothing valuable anymore, so they let them pass.

The two of Barrett passed the soldiers' inspection, and the ship stopped at the port.

No one should have liked it. If he did, it would be what Barrett liked. He saw the ship next to him, as if it was a supply ship for the rebels.

Barrett and Amy entered the town easily.

"Four days later, goodbye."

"Four days later, goodbye."

Barrett, Amy glanced at each other and disappeared into the town.

Wake up, hunting moment...

I really haven't found the specific name of the country where the war is endless.

I saw someone in the book circle said that it's called Jarzburg.

I checked it out and found that it was written in another novel.

And the chapter name indicates that it is mostly supplementary information,

So I didn't dare to use it. The city names used in this chapter are all made up.

If there are errors, please correct me.