
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 13: One Year of Practice


After a short break, Barrett and Amy arrived at the frontline town according to the guidance.

Compared to the southern battlefield, the fighting here is not tragic. Most of the two sides engaged in small-scale conflicts.

When they first arrived, the two also saw a conflict of about 50 people between the two sides, and Barrett was not even interested in hands-on.

At the front command post, Barrett and Amy met the commander here, Major General Hoel Coffey.

"Nice to meet you, Major General Kofi." Amy stepped forward to say hello.

"Hello, Major General Amy, this is Barrett." Kofi was obviously very happy to see Amy.

"You know me?" Barrett was a little surprised. For the past year, Barrett has been concealing his identity. Everyone's attention is on Amy. How can this Kofi know himself?

"Oh, although I am in the Southeast Battlefield, but Herman and I have been close friends for many years. I used to be under Herman's command."

"Lieutenant General Hermann told me a long time ago about you, saying that you are the hope of this country, especially you Barrett."

Major General Kofi praised.

"Haha, Lieutenant Herman can really value me." Barrett didn't expect that Hermann had hoped for himself long before.

"You are really humble. Others only see your strength, but they don't know your age. To be honest, once your age is announced, your radiance must surpass Major General Amy."

Kofi didn't know Barrett's purpose, he just thought that Barrett might not like publicity.

"Haha, let's not mention it. Tell me about the frontline situation. I don't think the battle here is particularly fierce."

Barrett hurriedly changed the subject, joking, if his identity was exposed, his previous efforts would be wasted.

"The battle on the front line is really not very fierce. The long-term battles in the past have allowed the two sides to reach a tacit understanding. Major battles will not occur frequently. To be honest, I really want to go to your southern battlefield. Where is the battle really exciting? "

Yes, it's another fighting freak.

Kofi is only 24 years old this year, it is normal to be full of fighting spirit, otherwise he would not have just been promoted to major general.

"Don't be afraid of your jokes. In this area I am responsible for, fighting is frequent. In other areas, there is not necessarily a conflict between the two sides for ten days and a half." Kofi complained.

There have been a lot of recent battles. Most of the rebels have launched small attacks to harass and contain government forces to cover the southern battlefield.

Otherwise, the government forces may have forgotten, and they have to retake their own chassis.

This is the status quo of endless wars. Prolonged wars have made everyone forget what territorial integrity is.

And the so-called government is nothing more than the remnant of the former government.

"That's right, we will be here with you during this time." After Barrett finished speaking, Kofi led Barrett and Amy to the back and found a yard to live in.

"You still want to stay here? It seems that this place does not meet our needs." Amy said after Kofi left.

Barrett did not expect that the two sides fought so little.

Of course, compared to the southern battlefield, fighting once every half a month is regarded as a high outbreak zone in other places. It can only be said to be a country with endless wars.

"Stay here, let's increase the training during this time. The foundation of previous practice is not very stable." Indeed, in the southern battlefield, Barrett went to fight every three to five, and then he would heal his injuries.

Fighting experience is enough, but his own quality lacks time to improve.

In addition, Barrett also wants to go around, the fusion fruit is not yet known at this time, at which horn is waiting for him.

In short, during this period of time, Barrett intends to digest the combat experience in the southern battlefield for more than half a year, as well as improve his speed and strength.

"Well, okay, I seem to have touched the threshold recently, and I just need to break through." Amy said braggingly.

"Huh? So fast!" Barrett was taken aback.

You know that Sauron didn't realize how to cut iron until he was 19 years old, and Amy is only 13 years old now, even if he really realized it at the age of 14, it would be five years earlier than Sauron!

"Huh? I just hit the threshold. Why are you so surprised?" Amy didn't know Sauron, so she didn't think anything was wrong.

"When did you start to touch swords?" Barrett asked. Sauron learned how to cut iron when he was 19 years old. Barrett didn't believe in Amy. It took only a year to learn how to cut iron.

"I started contacting it at a very young age. I could beat adults when I was eight," Amy replied.

"Oh." Barrett heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that he had received an evildoer. According to the development of the original plot, Sauron became the world's largest swordsman.

It seems that Amy's talent in kendo is not inferior to that of Sauron. As for why he hasn't heard of him in the original book, it may be that he has not met Barrett and died halfway, who knows.

In other words, Hawkeye, who is two years younger than himself, has also been born at this time. I really look forward to it.

It seems that Sauron will become the world's largest swordsman, and it will be indefinitely. Besides, is it considered a great swordsman to eat Devil Fruit?

What a headache, forget it, just let them go.

"Well, I wish you an early breakthrough in the realm of iron cutting." Barrett sent his blessings.

"Haha, it's not that easy." Amy smiled modestly.

The following days are boring and boring.

Barrett and Amy are engaged in their own practice. Once a fight occurs, Kofi will send people to let them participate. In this way, the two of them improve their strength while digesting their own experience during the battle. learn.

In addition, Barrett would still wander around, even sneak attacking the warehouses of the rebel army, the purpose is also obvious in Amy's eyes, looking for the devil fruit that Barrett said that fits him well. .

It's just that Amy can't understand why Barrett is convinced that he will find the devil fruit. Of course, Amy didn't explicitly say that this is Barrett's secret.

Amy believes that if Barrett wants to say it, then he will tell him. If he doesn't want to say it, he won't force it. After all, he will count on him and find one for himself.

Haiyuan calendar 1484.

One year has passed unconsciously.

It is a pity that Barrett still hasn't found a fit fruit, and at this time, he is 7 years old.

"You seem to be in something wrong recently?" Amy noticed Barrett's abnormality.

The 14-year-old Amy is already 1.8 meters tall, and the muscles on her body have begun to bulge, looking quite burly.

"It's okay, I may be a little impatient." Barrett explained.

This year, Amy successfully mastered the slashing of iron, and no one could stop Amy's slashing on the battlefield.

Barrett has made even greater progress this year. The 7-year-old Barrett is also 1.8 meters tall. The two stood together, like brothers, but Barrett's muscles are more burly.

An idea flooded Barrett's mind...

Talk about it here.

This novel will be different from the original. Of course, such differences revolve around Barrett. After all, he is writing a novel and cannot be exactly the same as the original.

In addition, let's say in advance that Barrett's time to obtain the hybrid fruit may be earlier than the original.I am not very clear when I got the original work, but it should be around the time before I was 14 years old.

This book must have been before the age of 10, and everyone tried so hard to find it.

Can't it be earlier?