
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Komik
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200 Chs

Chapter 101: Arrest! Trim

The new world, Punk Hassad.

The remnants of Lockes rushed towards the navy ship, and only if they snatched the ship could they escape.

"Stop them, stop as many as you can." Warring States roared.

Although the five of them can't do anything, as long as the soldiers at the bottom can stop them for an hour, they can't escape.

At this time, the navy, as if desperately, intercepted the pirates.

Unfortunately, no one can stop Lingling, Newgate, and Kaido.The three of them ran the fastest.

There was only one hour, and the guys running behind couldn't wait for one more leg to run away desperately.

This hour turned out to be the time when the two sides suffered the most casualties.

The people on both sides worked desperately, until the person in front gradually moved away, and the person behind by the navy gradually lost hope.

They knew that they had no hope, the people in front would definitely not wait for them, and there were 5 perverts behind them.

Rebelling against the designation will die, so the pirates who survived chose to surrender, at least they would not die.

It's just that they won't know that sometimes it's better to die than to live. Pushing the city is not a good place, it is not an ordinary prison.

An hour passed, Kaido and the others were gone.

However, five people still caught up, among them Barrett, Karp, and Warring States, the fastest.

The three of them reached the coastline first.

At this time, there were three warships missing from the coast. It seemed that they had escaped separately, and the remaining warships became a pile of scrap iron.

"Do you want to chase?" Barrett asked.

"At sea, we do not have an advantage." The Warring States Period replied.

The enemy is attacking on the ship, and he is in the air, not to mention his physical exertion. Once it hits the sea, Barrett and the Warring States will be over.

"Little devil, the speed is good. Let's go chasing it together. Whichever one we catch is whichever one we catch," Karp said.

"Kapu!" the Warring States roared.

"You can't let them just run like this. You are here to protect those little guys. By the way, take the pirates into custody. We will chase them." Karp said solemnly.

The Warring States period looked at Karp's eyes. He usually laughed and joked, but once the critical moment came, Karp would become serious.

"Okay." The Warring States exclaimed.

Warring States knew that he couldn't persuade Karp, so let him go.

With the permission of the Warring States Period, Karp and Barrett took off together, pursuing them in one direction.

After a while, Sakarski arrived, but Barrett and Karp had already set off.

"Warring States general, did they go after it?" Sakarski asked.

"Well, leave it to them, let's deal with the pirates on the island." Warring States ordered.

Then the three returned the same way.

On Barrett's side, two figures flashed in the air, and both of them were not slow. Karp also used it, Yuebu Shave.

"Speaking of this trick, you kid created it." Karp took the time to praise.

"You're too good, as long as the physical skills are strong enough, who created this trick is meaningless." Barrett replied.

In fact, this is indeed the case. This move has a lot of demands on physical skills, and it has greater demands on physical strength.

Most people can't imagine it, but for someone like Karp, it's a piece of cake, not worth mentioning.

The two chased them out for about half an hour, and Karp was the first to discover the enemy's situation. Seeing, seeing, and seeing is good, Barrett hasn't noticed yet.

"This guy is really unlucky, he can't escape this time." Karp muttered.

When Barrett heard what Karp said, he probably guessed who it was.

Finally, following Karp's direction, Barrett saw a warship, and if it was good, it was it.

Keep getting closer, and it really is him, Kaido.

This guy was really unlucky. He suffered the heaviest injuries and the weakest strength, and was chased by two people.

Kaido on the deck looked at the two people in the sky, frightened to death, one Karp, and one who maimed himself.

These two people actually flew from the air, this physical technique is too much.

"Boy Barrett, give you the rest of the pirates, this Kaido, I'll take care of it." Karp said.

In the previous battle, Barrett had been injured and consumed a huge amount of physical strength. He came to chase, but his physical strength was not as good as before.

So leave Kaido to Karp.

Then Karp went straight to Kaido, and Barrett also landed on the boat.

Barrett feels that his physical strength is really low, and it may be some trouble to solve these pirates.

So Barrett directly used the combined fruit to dismantle the warship and let all the pirates fall into the water, while he built a small boat.

Standing on the boat, watching the pirates struggle in the sea, Barrett doesn't care what they do, just soak in the sea.

If they are lucky, they will take it away when they return to the voyage. If they are not lucky, just feed the fish or feed the sea kings.

Karp is also simple and rude, directly hitting Kaido and hammering.

Kaido was already seriously injured at this time, unable to hold a few punches at all, and was abruptly fainted by Karp.

"Let's go, Barrett boy, let's take this guy away. It's a big credit," Karp said.

"Okay," Barrett replied.

He can't refute it now.

The navy is not good at this point. Originally, the navy was to prevent the devil fruit from falling into the sea, so it imprisoned those with the most vicious abilities in Advance City.

However, slowly, no matter whether it is capable or not, as long as it is captured alive, it is now locked in Advance City.

For Barrett to say, Kaido should be killed directly, but it is a pity that Karp is on the sidelines.

Besides, Barrett has to use Kaido to make trouble for the navy. He is also an ally in disguise.

A period of rest was enough, then Barrett and Karp took off and returned to Punk Hassad.

Karp was holding a dying Kaido in his hands.

When the three returned to Punk Hassad, the Warring States period they had already handled the prisoners of war.

Those who are seriously injured should be killed directly to save trouble, and the rest will be handed over to Judicial Island and Push City.

"Ah la la, this guy is really miserable." Polusalino sighed when he saw Kaido's misery.

"Good job, this time, finally, there is an explanation." The Warring States praised.

At the beginning, he really didn't expect that the two of them could really catch up. This was a surprise, and he had an explanation with the marshal.

"But, what about the ship, we have no warship anymore," Sarkarski reminded.

When they came, just Barrett and the others came five warships. These navies and prisoners of war, how can they be transported back without warships?

"I have a way, but I have to take a day off and have a lot of food." Barrett said.

Barrett now has almost completely lost his combat effectiveness, exhausted his physical strength, and still has injuries on his body.

Barrett may have to reply before he can build warships.

"What's special about you! Can you still build warships?" Sakaski directly exploded.

This really makes people not live.

Too much...