
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

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200 Chs

Chapter 10 The Death of Thornton

"Retreat!" Thornton stared at Herman, gritted his teeth and gave the order to retreat.

In this battle, Thornton was defeated, and the rebels were caught off guard. This position was temporarily owned by the government forces.

And Barrett and Amy, dragging their injured bodies, returned to the rear hospital again.

And this time both of them suffered serious injuries. In order to open a larger gap and allow the government forces to advance quickly, Barrett and Amy were forced to fight separately.

In the face of a large number of enemies, the two fists were harder than the four hands, and both suffered serious injuries.

This time the two men may have to be repaired for a long time. Fortunately, the deadlock on the front line has opened. The current results are good, and the vitality of the rebel army is greatly injured. I am afraid that there will be no major battle in a short time.

If the rebels want to counterattack, they can only move their troops elsewhere, and the time for marching and rectification is enough time for Barrett and Amy to recover.

Speaking of which, the two were really regular visitors to the hospital. They came to the hospital every three or five days and returned to the front line within five days.

Half a year is fleeting.

Over the past six months, Barrett and Amy have frequently traveled between the battlefield and the hospital.Both of them have gone through a lot of battles.

In the past six months, Barrett and Thornton have been fighting constantly. Although Amy was required to support him in the early stage, Barrett was able to fight Thornton alone three months ago.

In the past three months, Barrett pressed Thornton even more.

According to Barrett's rough estimate, military commanders such as Thornton and Herman are all hovering around 250 Dao Li.

In other words, Barrett's strength, 3 months ago, had almost reached about 250 Dao strength.Improved about 100 power.

It took less than two months from just leaving the orphanage to repelling the rebels led by Thornton, and Barrett increased his strength by 50 powers.

And now, in 3 months, Barrett has increased his strength by 100 Daoli.

Don't think that this kind of speed improvement is not much progress.

Don't forget, in the previous two months, Barrett experienced the first battle in his life.

It's just a pity that in the following three months, Barrett only improved 50 powers.

Barrett now has a rough estimate of 300 powers.

"Amy, cover me well, this time I will solve Thornton!" Thornton can no longer provide pressure on himself as he did three months ago.

If not, Barrett is afraid that his strength will increase too quickly and his foundation will be unstable, and Thornton will not survive that long.

"Have you finally decided to start?" Amy has almost died of boredom these days.

A month ago, Amy killed the adjutant assigned to Thornton by the rebels. This month Amy could not find an opponent.

Now Amy's power has reached 300, and if the two join forces, Thornton will undoubtedly die.

"I have been delayed for more than half a year on this battlefield. It's time to end."

Barrett exclaimed, and in a few months, he will be 6 years old.

After so long, it's time to show his fangs.

Early the next morning.

The two once again descended on the frontline battlefield.

At this time, the front line has advanced 50 kilometers, and it is about to reach the bottom line of the rebels.

In the southern battlefield where Barrett is located, if the gap is opened, the government forces can split the rebel forces in the southeast and southwest and break them one by one.

By then, the rebels will be flanked, of course, provided that the government forces can hold their positions.In terms of the situation at this time, the current situation of the government forces is pretty good.

"General Herman, prepare for the general attack." Yes, after several battles, Herman has been promoted to major general, and Amy has also been promoted to honorary colonel.

"It's been a long time since I waited for a day!" Sure enough, I didn't mistake you, Barrett.

Herman was pleased with his choice at this time, and he believed even more that Barrett could end the war.

"Go ahead and attack directly, Amy, follow me, don't do it, Thornton will leave it to me." Barrett asked.

Before using smoke bombs to cover, it has long been ineffective. The rebels will directly explode the smoke. For this reason, Barrett has suffered a lot of injuries. If it had not been prepared before, he would have been killed by the fire. Up.

Now, you can only use life pile, this is war.


The offensive went smoothly, and the two sides soon began close combat.

Barrett also faced his old rival Thornton at this time.

"Boy, your eyes have changed. It seems that you have made a decision!" Thornton saw the killing intent in Barrett's eyes, and Thornton understood that this kid was going to kill himself.

"You can't put pressure on me anymore. I have let you go so many times. Today I want to take back all the profits." Thornton is tired of parrying, but Barrett is comfortable.

"It's not that easy for the kid to kill me." Thornton said, and twelve big men rushed out. Thornton blocked Barrett's punch with his gun and wanted to meet the twelve men.

In the previous encounters, these twelve men suddenly appeared and rescued Thornton.

Barrett took the opportunity to make up a few more punches, and instead of blocking Thornton's pace, Thornton received a few punches and retreated faster.

At the same time, Amy quickly solved the enemy in her hand, turned and rushed to the twelve people, and hacked two of them to death in one encounter.

These twelve men were bodyguards sent to Thornton by the rebel army headquarters after Amy settled Thornton's deputy.

Everyone has the strength of no less than 100 Dao Power, and it can be said that they are a team of elite.

Then Amy turned around and attacked Thornton's back.

Seeing this, Thornton had to stop his retreat and smashed away Amy's slash.

At the same time, the remaining ten bodyguards and Barrett arrived behind Amy and Thornton at the same time.

The Chamber contended, but it seemed that the situation on Amy's side was worse. Herman was at the front command headquarters at this time, commanding the battle, unable to reinforce it.

"Amy! 10 seconds." Barrett readjusted his posture, ready to go all out and quickly end the battle.

"Hahahaha, arrogant." Thornton laughed, what a joke, and killed himself in 10 seconds. Even if he received a few punches from Barrett, Barrett wouldn't be able to kill him.

His feet on the ground are exactly what Barrett's half-shaving shaved.

So fast, this was the first thought that came to Thornton's mind.

Although the eyes can catch Barrett's figure, the body has no time to react in advance.

Only passively defending, Barrett hit Thornton's gun with a punch, and then hit Thornton's body with the gun.

What a terrifying power, this is Thornton's second thought.

This punch made Thornton's injury worse. He started to panic. Maybe he could really solve me in 10 seconds. Thornton's fighting intention was weakening.

Good opportunity, Barrett will not let go of this opportunity.

Barrett may only be 60% sure before, but now he has 90%.

"Do you dare to be distracted by fighting with me? Death!"

Oncoming was another iron fist, when Thornton just thought of defending.

"It's late!"

Barrett hit Thornton with a punch, and Thornton was blinded by the punch.

When you were sick and killing you, Barrett punched Thornton in the chest.

Thornton, who was unprepared, raised his back on both sides.

Thornton died in battle...

Dao Li, appearing frequently here, seems a bit early.

But I don't seem to have any good solutions,

After all, there must be a standard for measuring combat power.

Forgive me!