
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 9 Two People on the Battlefield

It was another two days of cultivation.

Speaking of Barrett's resilience, it is really amazing.

On the first day of self-cultivation, Barrett's upper body was already crusted.

The next day, he basically recovered.

I'm afraid Amy will be overwhelmed at this speed. You know, Amy also has injuries.

If this continues, I am afraid that Amy's injury is still not healed, and Barrett will go to the battlefield alive.

Therefore, the two will also adjust the training time slightly, and try their best to cultivate until it does not affect Amy's battle.

Of course, the first choice is that Amy gets less injured.

However, this hurts Amy's heart very much!

Barrett rampaged in front, and Amy developed wretchedly behind.

When he arrived at the hospital, Barrett went to practice alive, and Amy had to prevent the wound from falling apart.

If things go on like this, the gap between Amy and Barrett will grow bigger and bigger. Although Amy can keep up with Barrett's progress at present, it's because Amy is 12 years old and her strength is growing rapidly. Age, and Amy's talent is good.

Once Barrett has reached this age, no, I am afraid that this age will not be used. At that time, Amy may not even be able to do it.

Every time I think about this, "the chicken legs in my hand don't smell good", Amy can't help but strengthen training.

"What do you think?" Obviously, Barrett also noticed Amy's anomaly.

Barrett had already thought of the things Amy had taken into consideration, but Barrett knew it already.

"I'm still too weak." Amy sighed.

"I ask you something, um, what kind of obsession do you have with the sword."

Barrett asked an unknown question.

"What do you mean?" Apparently, Amy didn't understand what Barrett meant.

"Yes, do you eat devil fruit?" Because Barrett has seen many swordsmen, they only rely on their own swords to cut everything in the world with their own swords.

Of course, there are swordsmen like Fujitora.

Therefore, Barrett didn't know what Amy's obsession with the sword was like.

"Do you have devil fruits?" Amy first expressed shock. Devil fruits are such a rarity, for Amy now, it is beyond hope.

"Uh, not yet." But it shouldn't be a few years.

Barrett thought to himself.

"How funny are you!" Amy jumped into thunder.

"If it does, I will definitely eat it. That is one of the most amazing things in the world." What followed was loss, and Amy was obviously eager for that power.

"That's all right, don't worry, I will prepare a very powerful fruit for you." Barrett patted Amy on the shoulder and laughed happily.

Barrett is really scared. Amy doesn't eat devil fruits. Barrett "picked up" it casually.It now appears that Amy has great potential, but in the eyes of Barrett, this potential is not enough.

After all, not everyone can grow to the level of Eagle Eye, the world's number one swordsman in the future, just through hard work.

At least for now, it seems that Amy's swordsmanship may not reach that level.

Therefore, a devil fruit is very important. As for this devil fruit, Barrett has his own thoughts in his mind.

Two more days.

"Are you ready, Amy?" Again, ready to go.

"No problem." Amy's injuries are getting better.

Especially the previous dialogue, filled Amy with hope.

"Go, I'm going to have a good fight this time." Barrett set out to attack the front line.

On the front line, government forces.

"Meet again, Barrett, how was your rest?" Barrett arrived at the front and found that both sides were repairing. After all, not every time he could catch up with the fight.

So Barrett came to Herman first.

"Good rest. Do you have any recent battle plans, Captain Hermann?" Barrett could not wait to go to war.

If it wasn't for Barrett and Amy's lack of strength, Barrett would take Amy directly into the enemy camp.

"It didn't happen at all. Since you are here, we will discuss it." Herman obviously wants to take the opportunity to strive for greater results.

It's just a tough battle, which consumes too much, and Herman dare not make a decision lightly.

"Are there smoke bombs?" Barrett thought of something.

There are guns in this world, and smoke bombs are obviously not a big problem, but I don't know if Hermann has smoke bombs in his hands.

"Yes, but because it is not commonly used, there are not many, but it can be replaced by other methods." Herman, roughly thinking of Barrett's idea.

"It's just that even if they use smoke bombs, the rebels will shoot like smoke. What if they get hit." Herman still had questions.

"I can sprint with a steel plate, and smoke as a cover to disperse the enemy's fire. You and Amy are behind me. You are responsible for holding Thornton, Amy and I disrupt the enemy's formation, and then the large forces charge."

Carrying a one-man-high steel plate sprinting for a distance of nearly 3 kilometers, and then fighting at close range, I am afraid that only Barrett can do it. After all, Herman still has to maintain his strength to contain Thornton.

"Feasible." Herman, after thinking about it, agreed.

Just do it at noon that day.

A large amount of smoke appeared between the positions of the two armies.

The rebels tentatively fired into the smoke. The area of ​​the smoke was not large, and it was impossible for the large forces to hide in it.

But after several rounds of tentative shooting, the rebels discovered something was wrong.

"There is a sound, what did I hit? There is something in the smoke!" a soldier shouted, apparently he hit the steel plate in Barrett's hand.

"Shoot into the smoke." A little boss commanded.

Unfortunately, only a few scattered shots hit the steel plate in Barrett's hand, and Barrett was not far from the enemy's position.

A figure broke through the smoke and jumped out of it, holding a steel plate that was one person tall in his hand.

Then two figures jumped out from it, it was Amy and Herman.

"Kill!" The three of them were not far from the enemy's position.

After blocking a few bullets again, Barrett succeeded in breaking into the enemy's position.

Amy and Herman followed closely behind.

"Disrupt the enemy's formation!" Herman yelled.

Barrett and Amy rushed into the enemy's camp, and Herman used this gap to launch a flare.Then I went to find my opponent.

At this time, Thornton rushed to hear the news and saw the three of them, extremely jealous.

With a loud shout, "Fate!" He attacked Herman.

In a short while, the government troops slammed into the rebel positions.

But now Barrett and Amy are already scarred.

Barrett has improved a lot recently, but it's only about 150 power, and Amy has nearly 100 power recently.And these rebels, fighting all day, are no worse than the soldiers of the navy headquarters.

This shows how much pressure Barrett and Amy have.

With the wounds on his body, the government army came up, and the two of them didn't have that much worry.

As the tiger broke the chain, the two began to flex their muscles.

Blood donated the earth red...

The cover is approved,

Haha, doing it myself is a bit ugly.

Let everyone laugh.

The level is limited, everyone forgive me.