
Harry Potter. A Black Prodigy

Disclaimer Except Main character and some magic tricks, I don't own anything. Harry Potter belongs to J. K. Rowling. Synopsis: Ethan who transmigrated to the world of Harry Potter as Nigel Black. Follow the journey of Nigel Black to witness, how he clashes with his problems and enemies, to surpass anyone who came before or anyone who is coming. Honing his skills to perfection, to understand the concept and workings of magic,and acknowledged as the GOD OF MAGIC, to become the legend whose stories were told for generations. ************************************ I'm planning to keep stockpile of atleast 5 chapters which will be uploaded, after satisfactory responses and Power Stones.....

Mr_Myeterious · Filem
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22 Chs


It has been six years since the awakening of the system and the start of my training. From that day on, I immersed myself in rigorous training. Many children observed me and initially began to exercise as well, but later quit due to the difficulty. The caretakers grew concerned about this turn of events, but I assured them by stating my desire to excel in the field of sports, which motivated me to persevere.

Each morning, I wake up at 4 a.m. and head to the orphanage field to practice meditation, a crucial component for mastering mind arts. Afterward, I have breakfast followed by physical training. Then, it's time for lunch and solving puzzles, sudoku, and assisting the caretakers with chores, particularly planting. I also dedicate some time to writing stories, a hobby of mine. In the evening, I engage in playtime with the older children, which aids in my development. Finally, at night, I meditate once again before bed.

I dedicated myself to reading and writing to increase my intelligence stat, which also helped me understand important concepts. Additionally, I began tackling math problems far beyond my standard as a child. The reactions varied—some were in awe, others jealous, but overall, everyone supported me.

After three years, accidental magic began to occur. The first incident happened when some older kids attempted to pick a fight with me, assuming I would be an easy target due to my limited interaction with others. As they approached, numbering four, and began hitting me, my magic responded to my emotions and desire to escape. A force emerged, pushing them away. I seized the opportunity to flee and later reported the incident to the caretaker. Thankfully, no further action was taken. Intrigued by this newfound ability, I endeavored to replicate and refine it through trial and error. After much practice, albeit with small results at first, I succeeded. This prompted me to shift my focus to training my magic.

Observing my thoughts, the system developed a task:


" Quest: Achieve satisfactory control over magic."


"Yes," I responded.

The system acted as a virtual diary, allowing me to store notes and tasks. Nigel mused inwardly, "From that day on, I began focusing on magic away from prying eyes, allocating less time to IQ and storytelling."

From that day onward, I trained diligently, slowly but surely increasing my stats one by one by completing daily quests and receiving stat points as rewards.

My magic also reached a satisfactory level where I could move small objects like tables, chairs, or even beds from a distance of 5 to 6 meters with a gesture of my hand. Within a range of 2 to 3 meters, I could control things with my mental command.

With the help of magic, I can also replicate the sonar signal of bats within a radius of about 3 meters. This allows me to detect any magical or physical intrusion and alert myself so I can react accordingly. However, my reaction time varies due to the short range, so I have to react quickly. I've only tested this ability in soccer, cricket, and other games. Initially, I couldn't activate it all the time, but with enough practice, I can now activate it as second nature.

"System, show my stats."


"Name: Nigel Black

Level: 8

Class: None


- Occlumence Master

(Helps user create false memories to fool others)

- Legilimence Master

(Assists user in breaching low-level defenses of Occlumence, showing illusions via eye contact, and communicating telepathically)


HP: 100

MP: 500

Tiredness: 0

Strength: 30

Stamina: 35

Agility: 40

Intelligence: 100

Perception: 25

(Available points to distribute: 0)


{Passive Skills}

- Occlumency

(Protects the mind from Legilimence, enhances thought processes, and aids in concentration)

- Magic Field - 3 metre.

(Detects physical or magical presence within a 3-meter radius)

{Active Skill}

- Legilimency

(Allows the user to read minds via eye contact, implant false memories, sense emotions and surface thoughts)


(Ability to move objects by mere thought. In this case, the host uses magic for this feat.

Limitation: 80 kg)


(An ability obtained by mastering Legilimency to perfection. User can cast illusions by making eye contact with a person.

Limitation: A person skilled in Occlumence can't be affected by the illusion.)


(An ability obtained by mastering Legilimency to perfection. User can communicate with a person by making eye contact or with someone inside their magic field.

Limitation: A person skilled in Occlumence can refuse intrusion.)"


Hiii I'm the author well this chapter ends here.

If I have done anything wrong pls comment down.

And pls comment so I can know If you are liking it or not.

More Power Stone means fast chapter

Target (50) Power Stone.

It acts like a motivation, when we know that someone is interested or not in reading.

Today I will upload some more but from tomorrow it will depend.

The next chapter will be the start of the story so it will take some time to write, and because of my exam there will be some delay but I will try to be regular.

So from the next chapter you will see some familiar characters, there will be the same change, means you are reading a fanfiction so there will be species some characters may not act as original.

It will be the same time to write next because there will be characters and I have to study them first then change it for the story. So please be patient, please be regular and give some review and comment if I require any improvement.

And give me more Power Stone,

More Power Stone means a fast chapter.

You know our protagonist Experimented some things off camera like using legimence, illusion etc on muggle.

You know till Hogwarts he can use Understand magic.

And for security purposes he does this practice far away from orphanage.

And pls tell me about trace placed on we wand and something on mistry of magic I will change it accordingly.

Mr_Myeteriouscreators' thoughts