
Harry Potter: The Beast Whisperer

Note: The world is not exactly the HP world. You will find multiple differences for example some dragons in the story are actually intelligent and comparable to gods. The story follows a child who was abandoned on a magical island as a baby and has the power to communicate with and understand the island's magical creatures. He is isolated from the outside world due to the fear and prejudice against magical creatures, and his only friends are a lethifold he wears as a protective cloak, a Nundu who raised him as her own, and an adopted dragon named Blaze. One day, the child discovers a secret that threatens to expose him and his friends to the world. With danger looming on the horizon, the child must embark on a journey to discover the truth about his past and his connection to the magical world. Along the way, he will encounter new friends and foes, face challenges and obstacles, and ultimately uncover a plot that could change the fate of the wizarding world forever. As the child and his friends navigate the dangers and mysteries of the magical world, they will learn the true meaning of friendship, courage, and sacrifice. Will they be able to overcome the odds and save the ones they love, or will they fall victim to the forces that seek to destroy them? The story used narration at the start but will have chapter where POV is used.

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18 Chs

Chapter 18: The Truth

Lewis approached Quirrell on the Quidditch field and accused him of killing unicorns and trying to harm Harry. Quirrell stammered and nervously denied the accusations, but Lewis could see the fear in his eyes.

The other students and teachers began to gather around, curious about the commotion. Lewis continued to press Quirrell, pointing out the evidence he had gathered and the suspicious behavior he had observed. But Quirrell could only stammer and deny, his confidence clearly shaken.

McGonagall stepped forward and asked for an explanation. Lewis recounted his suspicions and evidence to her, but she remained skeptical. "Mr. Quirrell has been a trusted member of our staff for many years," she said firmly.

The Trio also tried to help him, but no one seemed to believe them.

Lewis's anger boiled over as he shouted at the top of his lungs, "Quirrell is the unicorn killer! He's trying to hurt Harry! Why does no one believe us" His voice echoed across the Quidditch field as everyone turned to look at him. He could feel his blood boiling as his will projected itself outward. Suddenly, something inside him cracks, like a dam bursting open.

As Lewis' eyes went white, everything around him disappeared and he found himself in a place where there was only blinding light. Suddenly, he saw a shadow of a figure approaching him. The shadow took a step forward, and Lewis instinctively took a step back, feeling a sudden sense of fear.

"Who are you?" Lewis asked, his voice trembling.

"I am a fragment of your memory. Your memories have been sealed away by the gods for your transgressions as they were not able to kill you."

Lewis can feel his heart pounding in his chest. "What do you mean? What transgressions?"

The shadow doesn't answer. Instead, it takes another step forward, and Lewis takes another step back. The light surrounding them seems to grow brighter, and Lewis feels as though he's being pulled towards the shadow. He tries to resist, but it's like a force he can't fight against.

Suddenly, the shadow disappears, Lewis felt a sudden jolt and found himself standing in a grand hall. The room was so massive that he could barely see the end of it. The walls were adorned with gold and silver banners and were lit up by hundreds of torches. As he looked around, he saw a sea of people bowing down to him.

"Who are these people? Why are they bowing to me?" Lewis thought to himself, completely bewildered.

Suddenly, a voice boomed across the room, "Welcome, Beastmaster."

Lewis turned around and saw a majestic figure standing before him. The figure was cloaked in a long robe and wore a golden crown on his head. He smelled like a dragon.

"Who are you?" Lewis asked, still trying to make sense of his surroundings.

"I am the Guardian of your memory fragments" the figure replied. "You are now seeing a part of your sealed memory"

Lewis looked around again and realized that the people in the room were dressed in armor. They looked up to him with reverence and admiration.

"But why was it sealed away? And who is that woman in chains?" Lewis asked, pointing to the beautiful blonde woman who was shackled in the corner of the room.

"That woman is the god of purity, who was captured by you as she tried to use a demon to destroy your kingdom" the Guardian replied. "And as for why you were sealed away, it was because of the jealousy of gods. The gods feared that you would become too powerful and take their place"

Lewis was shocked. He couldn't believe that he was once a king with such power. As he looked down at his hands, he noticed that they were glowing with a faint blue light.

"What do I do now?" Lewis asked, feeling overwhelmed.

"You must learn to control your power and use it to return back.," the Guardian replied. "Only then will you be able to break free from your seal."

He turned to the woman in chains. The woman was looking at him as she wanted to kill him.

The air around him crackled with energy as he struggled to control his newfound power. He could feel the raw energy coursing through his veins, and for a moment, he was afraid he might lose control completely. As he loses control, he finds himself back on the quidditch field.

Quirell, looked like a deer caught in headlights. He stuttered and stammered as he tried to defend himself, but his words were muddled and incoherent. The crowd began to murmur, some of them starting to believe Lewis's accusations for some reason.

But just as the situation seemed to be spiraling out of control, a loud roar echoed through the stadium, and a huge figure burst onto the field. It was a Graphorn, who had felt Lewis's anger. The crowd disperses and the teachers take out their wand. But instead of attacking he goes near Lewis bows and start speaking in his tongue.

"My Lord, please tell me what made you so angry?" Graphorn pleads, bowing to Lewis.

Lewis took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. He point to Quirell and says "take him down"

Quirrell's face had gone white as a sheet, and he was trembling visibly. "I...I..." he stammered, but no words would come out.

It was then that Lewis noticed something strange happening to Quirrell. The man's turban seemed to be moving of its own accord, and a faint, hissing voice was whispering in his ear.

Suddenly, Lewis understood. Quirrell was not acting alone. He was being controlled by something much darker and more sinister than himself.