
Harry Potter: The Beast Whisperer

Note: The world is not exactly the HP world. You will find multiple differences for example some dragons in the story are actually intelligent and comparable to gods. The story follows a child who was abandoned on a magical island as a baby and has the power to communicate with and understand the island's magical creatures. He is isolated from the outside world due to the fear and prejudice against magical creatures, and his only friends are a lethifold he wears as a protective cloak, a Nundu who raised him as her own, and an adopted dragon named Blaze. One day, the child discovers a secret that threatens to expose him and his friends to the world. With danger looming on the horizon, the child must embark on a journey to discover the truth about his past and his connection to the magical world. Along the way, he will encounter new friends and foes, face challenges and obstacles, and ultimately uncover a plot that could change the fate of the wizarding world forever. As the child and his friends navigate the dangers and mysteries of the magical world, they will learn the true meaning of friendship, courage, and sacrifice. Will they be able to overcome the odds and save the ones they love, or will they fall victim to the forces that seek to destroy them? The story used narration at the start but will have chapter where POV is used.

StoryBeast · Movies
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18 Chs

Chapter 17: The Culprit

The next morning, Harry felt terrible as he sat at the Gryffindor table for breakfast. He had barely slept the night before, his mind racing with thoughts about the upcoming Quidditch match. Ron, Hermione, Neville, and Seamus sat nearby, chattering excitedly about the game. Lewis was nowhere to be found.

Soon, it was time for the match to begin. In the locker room, Wood gave a short motivational speech to the team. "Remember, this is what we've been training for all year," he said. "We're going to win this game and show Slytherin what we're made of!"

The team walked out onto the field, where Madam Hooch was waiting to referee.

The game starts with a roar from the crowd as the players take off on their brooms. The Gryffindor team quickly gains the upper hand, with Harry soaring high above the field in search of the Snitch. The spectators are on the edge of their seats as they watch the intense game unfold.

But suddenly, Harry feels a violent jolt and his broom starts to buck wildly beneath him. He hangs on tight, struggling to regain control as he flies dangerously close to the ground. The other players are too focused on the game to notice, but Hagrid's sharp eyes spot the commotion from the stands.

"Look at Harry's broom!" he yells to Ron and Hermione, who are watching anxiously. "Something's not right!"

As Harry struggles to stay on his broom, the Slytherin team starts to catch up. The crowd holds their breath as they watch the dangerous situation unfold.

Meanwhile, Lewis was searching Prof. Quirell's room. He sees a chest from which he feels something dark. Lewis couldn't believe what he was seeing. He finds a set of clothes soaked in unicorn blood. He knew that unicorn blood had powerful and dark properties that could be used for nefarious purposes. And worse yet, the killer of the unicorn must have been none other than Quirrell himself.

Lewis rushes out of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom and bolts towards the Quidditch field, his heart racing with fear and anxiety. The thought of what Quirrell might be planning sends shivers down his spine. As he nears the field, he can hear the roar of the crowd and the commentators announcing the game.

Without wasting another moment, Lewis sprints onto the field. He sees Harry struggling and Quirell chanting something. "Ron! Hermione!" he shouts, trying to get their attention but to no avail.

Suddenly, He sees a dark figure flying on the field. He confirms that it was cloak. His friend must have felt his anxiety and through mental connection had come to save Harry.

Lethifold catches Harry and brings him down.

Seeing Harry was safe Lewis turns around to see Quirrell, his eyes blazing with anger.

Without a second thought, Lewis sends a mental note for Cloak to attack Quirell. But Cloak, disappears into the shadows instead. Seeing the audience Lewis comes to understand why.

Lewis rushes over to Harry, who is lying on the ground, dazed and confused. He helps his friend to his feet.