
Harry Potter and the Ebony throne

Voldemort's rebirth at the end of the Triwizard Tournament triggered something bigger than he intended. Long dead spirits escape the underworld and threaten the world. Harry is joined by the spirit of Godric Gryffindor and other heroes of the past to stop their ancient foes. Starts at the end of Fourth Year. Harry/Fleur.

HadrianPeverell24 · Derivasi dari karya
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5 Chs

A New Home

The train ride the next day was relaxed as Harry sat in the compartment along with Ron and Hermione. Some of their other friends dropped by to chat, but toward the end of the trip the compartment was filled with Neville, Ginny and the Weasley twins who were saying a quick farewell as the door to the compartment opened, revealing the slick backed blonde hair of Draco Malfoy.

'Oi Scar head, the least you could have done at the end of the Tournament was to die. You couldn't save Diggory and he at least was a decent wizard. What good are you?' Malfoy sneered, Crabbe and Goyle stood behind the blonde Slytherin with dark grins on their otherwise blank faces.

'Young one, don't rise to his bait, rather shame him by showing you are above his petty games.' Godric warned in his mind and Harry couldn't help but agree, he gave a sigh as he stood from his seat. He felt the eyes of his friends following him and was concerned to see a malicious gleam in Ron's eyes, then it hit him.

Ron thought he would attack Malfoy.

Even Malfoy's eyes widened as Harry moved toward him, not saying a word.

Finally, Harry stopped in front of the blonde Slytherin and with a disappointed expression he had seen on Dumbledore's face a few times, he met the young Malfoy's gaze.

'Draco, things in the world are getting real. Life and death decisions are being made. I know what side I am on in this upcoming conflict. But your side isn't locked in, you still have time to choose. Deep inside, I know that you've been putting on an act, and it's a good one. But think hard on your options. Good day.' Harry said, dismissing the Slytherin with a nod and closing the door between them with a basic locking charm before sitting back down.

The silence in the carriage worried him and he looked around to see his friends staring at him.

'What?' he asked, they glanced at each other for a moment before one of the twins spoke.

'Harrikins, are you okay? I thought for sure that you would have trounced the little git.'

'Surely he must be ill my good brother-'

'For why else he would give young Draco-'

'A simple friendly warning-'

'More a plea really.'

The twins looked at each other, then back to Harry.

'Are you dying?' they asked simultaneously.

Harry chuckled, noticing the same expressions on the other faces in the compartment.

'No guys, I'm not dying, not anytime soon anyway. I just think it's past time for my petty feud with him to finish. If it escalates, he'll probably end up dead. Which I don't want on my conscience, even if he has been a horrid prat in the past.' Harry explained and he saw Neville look afraid for a moment before nodding.

'Oh, we will be arriving at Platform 9 ¾ soon. We should make sure we're all ready to go.' Exclaimed Hermione as she leapt up from her spot and left the compartment with Ginny beside her, carrying a bag in each of their hands.

The boys watched the girls leave and chuckled, getting changed out of their robes and Harry felt eyes on him again.

'What this time?' he huffed, rolling his eyes.

'Harry, mate. Where d'you get those clothes?' Ron asked, his head cocked as he looked at him and Harry could see the envy in his gaze.

He sighed.

'Ron, I transfigured these this morning, trying out a style different from "overgrown muggle". Not sure how I feel about it, but at least it's comfortable.' Harry remarked as he looked down and gestured the dragonhide outfit he had worn since discovering the Hall of the Brave. He felt bad lying to Ron but figured that telling him about finding the Hall of the Brave and everything else wasn't something he wanted to do just yet.

He found them to be the most comfortable clothes he had ever worn.

Ron only gaped at his attire while the twins gave identical grins and a few minutes later Hermione and Ginny returned, both stopping to stare at his attire before they even sat down.

Harry saw an odd look in Hermione's eyes as she stared at him, almost calculating and he turned to look at Ginny to see hunger in her gaze.

'Girls, please tell me you aren't going to just stare like this one?' Harry asked, gesturing to Ron beside him.

Both girls shook their heads and sat down opposite him.

'But Harry, where did you get them from?' Hermione asked.

Harry groaned.

They got off the train after it arrived at Platform 9 ¾, Harry was keen to leave behind the awkward conversation and had had to ignore Godric chuckling in his mind at their reactions.

In the middle of the station stood Sirius, with the crowd keeping a wide berth.

The ex-convict wore a wide grin and looked great as he wore new clothes and was well groomed for the first time Harry could remember seeing him.

'Sirius.' Harry called and went to the man, giving him a strong hug.

He pulled back and Harry felt Sirius put a hand on his shoulder.

'I'm taking you back to my place, unless you'd rather the Dursleys?' Sirius asked, smiling as Harry gave him a grin.

Sirius was caught in a hug from Hermione.

Harry smiled, watching as the man looked overwhelmed for a moment at the brunette missile.

'Sirius, we're so glad that you're free now. Congratulations.' She cried as she pulled away so Ron could shake the ex-con's hand.

Harry noticed the looks on Ginny and the twins' faces and groaned.

'Sorry guys, this here is my Godfather, Sirius Black, who has been acquitted of all crimes he was falsely accused of.' He said with a grin to the Weasleys who only gave forced smiles and a weak wave.

'I'm sure we'll catch up over the summer and you can get to know him. Anyway, have a great summer.' He called to them all, gathering his trunk and Hedwig's cage before Sirius side along apparated them from the train station into the dining room of a dark filthy house.

Harry glanced around the room, it looked like it hadn't been lived in for decades. The walls and floor were covered with grime and Harry couldn't help clenching his jaw, trying to hold his breath at the smell.

'Now uh, welcome to Grimmauld place. It's been in my family for years and I only just moved in. It'll need a bit of work, but under all this grim interior the house isn't bad. Just the memories it holds.' Sirius trailed off with a dark look as he glanced around the room.

Harry cocked his head at Sirius.

'You grew up here didn't you?' he asked, and Sirius let out a bark of a laugh.

'Well, I kinda ran away to stay with your dad after my fourth year. I didn't get along with my family.' The man said, a faraway look in his eyes.

'You did?' Harry asked and Sirius grinned, finding something about the memory funny.

'Yeah, I mean we were friends since the start of first year and by the end of my fourth year I was sick of my family supporting the Dark Lord and everything they stood for. So, I went back with James to his place, his parents understood where I was coming from and set up a room for me. But Fleamont and Euphemia Potter, your grandparents, were great people.' Sirius explained, a bright grin on his face.

'I can't wait to hear more about them.' Harry grinned.

Sirius matched the grin before taking Harry's trunk and lead him out of the dining room.

'Come on Pup, I'll show you around your new home.'

The two made their way upstairs to Harry's room, outside the door Harry noted the name on it.

'Sirius? Who was Regulus?' he asked, then he saw a shadow pass over Sirius' face.

'He was my little brother. Unfortunately, he listened to my mother and joined the Death Eaters. After a year or two, none of us heard from him again. We were really close when we were kids.' Sirius paused as Harry placed a hand on his shoulder.

'I'm sorry Sirius.' He said, squeezing the other man's shoulder in support.

'No, Harry, I'm sorry. I brought you to the one place that might be worse than where you used to have to stay.' Sirius said, opening the door and moving into the room.

While the room was decorated in dark colours, the open window let in enough light so that the room wasn't too gloomy.

'Sirius, this place will be great once a bit of work gets done.' Then he paused, cocking his head at Sirius.

'How did you get free so quickly, anyway?' Harry asked.

Sirius let out a bark-like laugh.

'Simple really, because of Crouch Juniors testimony and the Inferi Menace starting at the same time as Voldemort's revival, my freedom was a minor inconvenience that Fudge blamed the whole thing on the previous administration. Even though he still denies that Voldemort is back.' Sirius explained, with a pained expression as he finished.

Harry just stared at Sirius, with an incredulous raised eyebrow.

Sirius shrugged.

'Now, I'm sorry about the room pup, but my house-elf is useless and I'm not much better.'

Harry grinned as he inspected the room again.

'Dobby.' He called and with a sharp crack, the excitable house-elf appeared in front of them.

'Great Master Harry Potter sir? How can Dobby help you?'

Harry caught Sirius covering his mouth to stop from snickering at the adoration in the house-elf's gaze.

He knelt down in front of Dobby.

'Dobby, are you able to help around the house? This is our new home. And can you do as Sirius asks? He will be the-' Harry paused, giving Sirius a smirk.

'-responsible adult looking after me.' Harry heard Sirius splutter with indignance, but he ignored it, focussing on Dobby.

Harry looked back at Sirius.

'You said you had a house-elf? Should we introduce the two?'

Sirius held a hand to his chin in thought.

'Yeah, probably would be a good idea, otherwise they may fight.'

'KREACHER.' Sirius called and an ancient looking house-elf popped into existence nearby, muttering under its breath.

'Kreacher, this is Harry Potter, my heir and heir to the house of Black. You will obey him.' Sirius said, then gestured to a wide-eyed Dobby.

'This is Dobby, he will assist in the care of this manor. Which will be returned to its former glory.' Sirius said, a stern expression on his face as Kreacher turned a baleful glare on Harry.

'Filthy traitorous master declares filthy half-blood master as the heir? Oh, Mistress will be so ashamed.' The ancient elf groused before shuffling out of the room, continuing to mutter to itself.

'Umm…' Harry started, looking between Dobby and Sirius.

'Sorry Harry, that elf has gone mad after being stuck in this place for a decade with only a portrait of my insane mother for company.' Sirius explained, sitting down on the bed with a huff.

'Dobby will get started on the cleaning great master Harry Potter. Bad elf has left much to do. Call Dobby for anything you need great master Harry Potter sir.' Dobby squeaked before popping away, leaving the two men alone.

'Look, Harry. I'm sorry I wasn't around for your childhood or last year for the tournament. I have been a horrible Godfather.' Sirius admitted, a tear in his eye.

'Sirius, it's okay. You're here now. You've gotten me away from the Dursleys, that's more than I could ever have asked for. So what if we need to renovate this place? We'll do it together.' Harry declared, taking a seat on the bed beside Sirius.

The two sat in silence for a minute before Sirius perked up and turned to Harry, a grin on his face.

'So, what do you want to do for the holidays? Go on a trip? Relax?' he said.

Harry grimaced at the question, Sirius ducked his head, looking closer at Harry.

'What's wrong?' he asked.

'Sirius, how is your Occlumency?' Harry asked, after an uncomfortable pause. Sirius gave Harry a confused expression.

'It's the only reason I didn't go completely mad from the Dementors in Azkaban. Though it was a close thing.' The ex-convict admitted.

Harry let out a sigh and told Sirius everything that had happened. The third task, the graveyard, the Hall of the Brave, Godric Gryffindor in his head.

Sirius sat through the entire story, without interrupting even once.

'What can Moony and I do to help?' Sirius asked once Harry finished.

Harry stared at his Godfather.

'Really? That's it? No questioning my sanity?' he asked and Sirius laughed.

'No pup, none of that. You mustn't have noticed it yet, but you are giving off power like a glacier gives off the cold. You weren't doing that the last time I saw you. It's even obvious you know a decent amount of Occlumency, even though no one would have taught you.' Sirius said, looking into Harry's green eyes.

'So, pup. What can we do to help?' Sirius repeated with a smirk.

'Help me prepare for the coming war. Not just with Voldemort, but these other spirits.' Harry said, his gaze meeting Sirius'.

'We'll start in the morning pup, I've got some great ideas, just know that you can use magic in this house Harry, it's shielded from the ministry. But tonight, send out some letters to your friends and rest. We're going to have a big day tomorrow.' Sirius said before standing, ruffling Harry's mop of hair and leaving the room.

Harry sat on the bed, deep in thought.

'Well, that went well young one. I think you chose correctly in that one. The man is dedicated to you.' Godric's voice echoed through his mind and Harry smiled, nodding to himself. He shook his head and walked to a writing desk on the side of the room, beneath a window.

He sat down to see everything he would need to write.


Hey mate, just wanted to let you know that I'm staying with Sirius this summer. I hope you enjoy the time away from school and everything. I hope the twins don't pick on you too much.


Harry put the letter aside, shaking his head at himself. He knew Ron was unlikely to reply to him, he was always pretty useless over the summer, but figured it was the least he could do.


How are you? I'm staying with Sirius this summer which should be great. It seems he has heaps of plans for what we'll be getting up to. So hopefully it'll be fun.

I hope you enjoy your summer away, you were going somewhere with your parents, weren't you? Don't worry, I'll get my homework done in the first few days and will probably get some studying done between whatever Sirius has planned for us. I'm being responsible I swear.


Harry put the letter next to Ron's, knowing that Hermione would likely not be exchanging letters as much this summer as usual as she would be on a holiday with her parents. He was glad for her, he wanted her to enjoy herself and he hoped she could keep that connection to her parents he knew she had. She had always tried to downplay it, probably to spare him the pain of seeing something he couldn't have. But he was glad that at least someone had that connection.

He pulled out a third piece of parchment and considered what he wanted to say.


How are you? Have you settled in back home yet?

My Godfather was wrongfully imprisoned when I was named the Boy Who Lived, because of the events of the third task however he has been released and I am now staying with him.

Also because of that night, I am having my Godfather Sirius help me prepare for the next time I am attacked. Anything more detailed will have to wait for a later time but suffice to say that every year I've been in Hogwarts someone or something has tried to kill me. I want to be prepared for the next time it happens.

I hope this letter finds you and your family well and I hope to hear from you soon.


Harry sat back in his chair, letting out a deep breath and stretching his body. He heard several satisfying pops in his shoulders and back as he stretched and felt his body relax.

A soft hoot beside him took his attention as Hedwig watched him from her cage.

'Oh Hedwig, I'm sorry. I should have let you out of that ages ago.' He groaned as he got up to release her.

As he opened the cage, Hedwig hopped up to his shoulder and bopped her head to his and gave a soft hoot. He walked back to the writing desk and rummaged through his trunk sitting between him and the bed until he found some owl treats.

Spreading a handful of the treats across the table, Harry half watched as Hedwig hopped around the table to find each treat. By the time she finished, Harry had prepared the letters to his friends and attached them to a now happy Hedwig who held out her leg to him.

'Okay girl, can you take Hermione her letter first? Then Ron, then Fleur. You can wait at Fleur's place for a response if you like, I'm sure she would appreciate how pretty you are.' He said and the owl preened, giving him an Of course she would expression.

Not for the first time, Harry wondered quite how intelligent Hedwig truly was.

With a smile, Harry watched as his owl flew out the window and disappeared into the afternoon sky. He let out a breath before moving to the bed, lying down to work on his Occlumency until it got dark.

The next morning Harry woke in his new bed, disoriented at first, not knowing where he was. But then the memories of the previous day came to him. He glanced outside to see the sky still dark, his watch didn't work since the second task and there were no clocks in the room.

He had had a long-time training with Godric in his mindscape, so he had assumed a full night had passed in the real world, but the house was silent around him.

Groaning to himself Harry rolled out of bed and moved on silent feet across the hall to the bathroom, Sirius had given him a full tour of the house after they'd had dinner the night before.

After Harry had gotten ready, he'd moved down to the kitchen, tempted by the smells as Dobby levitated a large plate of food to a spot for Harry, cutlery following behind the plate.

'Great Master Harry Potter sir is awake early. So, Dobby must ensure he is fed and ready for the day.' Dobby greeted as the little elf clicked his fingers and Harry watched in fascinated horror as a glass of orange juice flew toward him, only to slow and land without spilling a drop near his plate.

'Dobby, you didn't have to do all this. Shouldn't you be sleeping?' Harry asked.

Dobby froze, his eyes widening.

'Did Dobby upset the Great Master Harry Potter sir? I is so sorry.' Dobby cried, wringing his ears and looking for something to hit his head against.

Harry leapt from his seat and knelt beside Dobby.

'Dobby, I forbid you to punish yourself.' He barked and Dobby froze, his eyes watering.

'Dobby, you are my friend. You did nothing wrong, in fact you did everything right. I'm sorry that I don't understand House-Elves as much as I should. I don't want to upset you by saying something stupid.' Harry admitted, his green eyes meeting Dobby's blue.

Dobby's lip quivered, then the little creature nodded.

'Great Master Harry Potter sir is the greatest master…' the little elf paused before nodding to himself.

'Great Master Harry Potter sir should go back to eating. Dobby has much work to do and will make his great master proud.' Dobby said with a small smile, before it turned into a grin.

'and perhaps even teach him about House-Elves once chores are done.'

As Harry was finishing his breakfast, Sirius arrived in the kitchen, letting out a great yawn.

'Something smells amazing.' He said before he froze, seeing Dobby cooking up a storm in the kitchen and Harry sitting at the bench with the last of his bacon and eggs.

'Morning Sirius. Dobby has decided that we need to be looked after, which I'm pretty sure he's right about. I mean I was planning on maybe some toast depending on what I could scrounge up.' Harry began before taking a drink of his juice.

'But, well. Dobby has made sure we eat properly, which is probably more for you than for me.' He finished as he eyed Sirius' skeletal appearance.

'Hey pup, you're almost as bad as I am, and you've been at school eating Hogwarts food all year.' Sirius scowled, then turned and gave a suspicious glance at Dobby.

'Dobby, have you included any potions with breakfast?' Sirius asked and Dobby froze, only for a moment.

Harry looked between the two in confusion.

'What am I missing?' Harry asked the elf and ex-con.

Dobby turned, his gaze rivetted on the floor.

'Dobby retrieved a series of potions from Madame Pomphrey at Hogwarts at request of the Headmaster. The potions were to make you both strong.' Dobby admitted, shame in his tone.

Harry sighed and noticed Sirius watching the house-elf with suspicion.

'Dobby, can I ask you to inform us when you are doing or want to do something for us out of the ordinary like this? I don't have a problem with it. But not telling us makes me a bit nervous. Can you do that Dobby?' Harry asked, watching as the little elf nodded.

'Dobby, you are still my friend and I know you are trying to look after me. But remember when you tried to save my life with a bludger? Please just let me know before you try to do anything like that, please?' he continued, and Dobby nodded before disappearing with a crack.

'Harry…' Sirius started, before he stopped and sat next to Harry at the kitchen bench and taking a bite of his breakfast.

'Harry, I know you won't want to hear this, but House-Elves need to be given clear instructions. They're not human and they don't think like we do. If you give them leeway with their instructions, they tend to act in strange ways.' He trailed off, taking another bite.

'Do I want to know what you meant by saving your life with a bludger?' Sirius asked and Harry let out a bark-like laugh.

'Oh, yeah that was in my second year. Dobby was trying to warn me about Lucius Malfoy's plan to open the Chamber of Secrets using Voldemort's diary. But the problem was, he couldn't actually tell me anything of use. So he tried to get me away from Hogwarts, by any means necessary.' Harry paused, then shook his head.

'Okay Sirius, I see your point. Dobby isn't human and thinks differently than we do, it made perfect sense to him to save my life by inflicting maiming injuries that would force me out of Hogwarts.' Harry grimaced.

He paused as an owl pecked on the window in the kitchen, wanting to get in.

'Harry, there is money on the windowsill, pay the bird would you?' Sirius said as Harry got up to let in the bird who dropped a copy of the Daily Prophet on the bench after Harry gave it a few knuts.

The owl flew away as Harry moved back to his seat, opening the paper to see the front page with a story on the ongoing Inferi menace.

'What's there?' Sirius asked as he worked to devour his food.

Harry skimmed through the article and sighed.

'It's just going through the Inferi Menace that is sweeping the world. Asking what the Ministry is doing about it. They also talk about the three wraith sightings and a trail of victims left behind, drained of their magic.' Harry explained, then a thoughtful expression crossed his face.

'Sirius, what can you tell me about wraiths? Everyone keeps saying wraiths, but I haven't come across them in any books so far.' He asked, causing Sirius to sigh and push his empty plate away before turning to face him.

'Okay Harry, Dementors are a type of wraith, a minor wraith.' The ex-con explained, waiting for Harry to follow.

Harry watched Sirius in concern. Dementors were a minor wraith?

Sirius gave Harry a grim smile.

'Yes, they are considered minor wraiths. Voldemort, from what you've described, has been a wraith the past fourteen years.'

Harry froze.

'These three wraiths in the prophet are the ones who escaped from Tartarus.' Harry breathed.

'I believe so young one. We must begin preparations.' Godric's voice echoed in his mind.

Sirius shook himself.

'Enough of this pup, it's time we start our training.' He said with a wide grin.

Suddenly, Harry wasn't sure it was a good idea to involve Sirius.