
Harry Potter and the Ebony throne

Voldemort's rebirth at the end of the Triwizard Tournament triggered something bigger than he intended. Long dead spirits escape the underworld and threaten the world. Harry is joined by the spirit of Godric Gryffindor and other heroes of the past to stop their ancient foes. Starts at the end of Fourth Year. Harry/Fleur.

HadrianPeverell24 · Book&Literature
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A Strong Start

The basement of twelve Grimmauld place was lit from a series of bright spells. Jets of scarlet, of yellow and cerulean flashed across the room from Harry's wand, punctuated his shouts.

On the other side of the room, Sirius stood, batting away Harry's spells as if they were of no consequence.

Harry narrowed his eyes at Sirius' smirk and fired disarming hexes, leg locker jinxes even a few bludgeoning hexes. But it was approaching ten minutes of constant spell-casting and Harry felt his eyes growing heavy from all the magic he had been using, the drain on himself was more than he had expected.

Sirius had yet to fire a single spell, content to just bat away Harry's spells.

Harry knew he was on his last legs, so he focussed his magic, his mind on one final spell. He channelled the anger he felt over not being better, of failing Cedric, his fear of losing his friends the next time trouble found him.

He forced all his emotion into a single spell.

'Expelliarmus!' he called, the spell flew out his wand with the force of a cannon, forcing his hand back from the recoil.

Harry felt a searing heat in his wand hand, and he dropped it. The wand clattering on the ground, smoking while he held his burnt hand against his chest. It was already an angry red.

Harry saw Sirius shield the spell; a glowing golden shield that shattered as his spell crashed into it. Sirius wore a calculating glint in his eye, followed by a wide grin as the man saw Harry drop to his knees beside his wand, still too hot to touch.

Harry's gaze was locked on his smoking wand.

'Sirius, what happened?' he asked, worry in his voice.

Sirius barked a laugh, his eyes sparkling.

'Oh, nothing to worry about pup. But it was something cool.' The ex-con said, a wide grin on his face.

'What do you mean?' Harry asked, taking deep breaths, trying to hold off the heaviness of his eyelids.

'That last spell of yours is stronger than anything your dad ever sent my way. He could never beat my shield, well, not with one spell.' Sirius strode to Harry and plopped himself on the floor in front of his Godson, his legs crossed.

'I'm very proud of you pup, we've got some work to do so we can get you ready for everything, but you've got a solid grounding. Especially considering you've only had one good defence teacher, not including a Death Eater.' He paused, rubbing his goatee in consideration.

Harry was still staring at his wand, his non burnt hand reaching out to touch it, only to shy away from the heat still coming off it.

'But Sirius, why is my wand still too hot?'

'That's because you forced too much magic through it at once. I'll be showing you how to be more efficient with your spell-casting in the next few days, this was just to see where you were at.' Sirius said with a smile before standing, pulling Harry to his feet.

'Now pup, let's get that burn looked at and have a quick break while your wand cools down.' Sirius put a hand on Harry's shoulder leading him out of the basement.

The basement reverted to its previous configuration as the two left up the stairs. Stone tables came up out from the stone floors and before Sirius left the room, he waved his wand and potions equipment flew onto the stone tables from cupboards and drawers throughout the room. As the two made their way up the stairs, the room had transformed from an open, warded duelling chamber into a bright professional looking potions laboratory.

Harry scowled at the plate of breads and cheeses Dobby placed in front of him as he plopped down onto the bench beside Sirius who dug into his meal.

'Harry, you did well down there. I'm sure that there's no other kid your age who could take you.' Sirius said between mouthfuls, then let out a moan as he ate another piece of fresh bread.

'Dobby, this is amazing.' He added to a blushing Dobby who continued his work in the kitchen.

'Sirius, I don't want to be good for my age. I need to be better than the most powerful wizards and witches in history. I need to beat Voldemort and Salazar bloody Slytherin, and who knows who else.' Harry growled, his frustration giving way to despair.

'Even the greatest started somewhere young one.' Godric intoned before going quiet once more.

Harry nodded, taking a breath to calm himself.

'Sirius, how can I get better?'

'We will train in magic every morning until you drop from exhaustion. This will improve your magical core which is already way stronger than mine was at your age.' Sirius paused, smiling at Harry.

'This magical training will condition your magic to being used, it will help to make your spell-casting more efficient so you can get more spells out before you tire.' He paused, dipping the bread into a small bowl of olive oil, a shudder going through him as he ate it.

'Dobby, seriously, this is amazing.' He added before turning back to Harry.

'Harry, uh, can Godric hear us?' Sirius asked, seeing Harry's nod and raised eyebrow he continued.

'If I can presume to give a suggestion to Godric Gryffindor, uh, I think if the two of you work on Occlumency and your spell repertoire and any other secrets you want to give him.' Sirius asked.

'I think you made a wise choice with telling him young one, he is quick and understands priorities.' Godric said and Harry could feel approval coming from the spirit.

'He says it sounds like a good idea Sirius, but then what will we be doing?' Harry asked, cocking his head to the side.

Sirius grinned.

'Well in the mornings we'll be working on increasing your magical skill, efficiency, developing your core. But in the afternoons, Moony will work on your physical ability. Making you work out and get stronger, faster, fitter.' Sirius beamed and Harry groaned.

'Well, I suppose I have high goals, I can't expect anything less than that.' Harry said, before noticing a mischievous grin on his Godfathers face.

'What?' Harry deadpanned.

'Well, can Godric take over your body in normal circumstances, or only in emergencies?' Sirius asked.

'I'm pretty sure I can give him control whenever I like, why?' Harry sent Sirius a suspicious glance as he set to work on his bread and dips.

'Can I duel Godric? For training purposes of course.'

Harry felt Godric's amusement flow through his body and couldn't help a slight smirk from showing on his face.

'I am happy to do so young one, for entertainment purposes of course.' Godric chuckled.

Harry grinned at Sirius before finishing his last piece of bread.

'Yes, I'd like to see my body beat you into the ground Sirius.' Harry smirked at Sirius who returned it.

The two made their way back down to the basement and it transformed back into a duelling room with a wave of Sirius' wand. Harry picked up his wand from the ground, now cool to the touch.

'Ready young one?' Godric's voice echoed through his mind and Harry nodded, a smirk on his face.

Then Harry felt a curious shift in his body. He could still hear, smell and see everything but he no longer controlled it. Harry tried to move his limbs which he knew were there, but it was like he was disconnected from his body.

Sirius wore a wide grin as he smirked at Harry, or rather Godric controlling Harry's body.

'Are we ready to go?' the Lord Black asked, twirling his wand in his hand.

Harry felt his body raise his wand toward Sirius and watched in awe as he fired countless spells without words or wand motions, it was a steady stream of spells and Harry had no idea what any of them were.

He watched in fascination as Sirius leapt across the room, ducking and dodging, rolling and shielding. It was obvious that Sirius was being overwhelmed after only seconds.

Twenty seconds later, Sirius lay bound in chains, petrified and stunned in front of Harry who felt control of his body return to him as Godric receded in his mind with a soft mental chuckle.

Harry knelt next to Sirius.

'Finite Incantatem.' He murmured and the spells on his godfather faded.

'Ennervate.' He continued and Sirius blinked in surprise before a beaming grin covered his face.

Harry helped the man stand and Sirius beamed further.

'Harry, that was so cool. I still can't believe that I fought a Hogwarts founder.' Sirius said with a wide grin.

Harry grinned back at Sirius.

'Young one, you still have a long way to go before your body can handle the spells, I want you to use.' Godric's dry voice invaded his mind.

Sirius caught Harry's confused expression.

'What's wrong pup?'

Harry frowned and cocked his head at Sirius before translating from Godric.

Sirius' face lit up.

Sirius stared into Harry's eyes, but Harry knew that Sirius was trying to look at Godric.

'Do you mean Battle Magic?' Sirius asked, Harry blinked in surprise.

Harry felt Godric's chuckle in his mind and continued translating.

'Yes Sirius, Godric does mean Battle Magic. He'll teach it to me once my body and magic are strong enough for it.' Harry translated before sighing.

'Being a translator is hard.' He groaned.

Over the next week of the summer holidays, Harry spend his waking hours training with Sirius and Remus or taking a break from training on the couch getting to know them better. They talked about their times in Hogwarts, stories of James and Lily getting together to Sirius' escapades with various ladies. The two marauders discussed their favourite pranks they had played on the teachers and students of Hogwarts.

The two men also got a first-hand account of all of Harry's adventures in Hogwarts, from the Philosopher's Stone, the Chamber of Secrets, a joint retelling of his third year with all three of their experiences and every event between.

Harry struggled to begin the tale of his fourth year, the memory of Cedric still too close in his mind.

Harry was surprised when Sirius and Remus both began telling Harry about the Order of the Phoenix, a vigilante group led by Dumbledore in the last war. They told him about all the friends they had lost during the war.

Harry wasn't surprised when the two tried to omit the traitorous marauder from their stories, but at times they couldn't and the expressions of hatred on their faces when the name of Peter Pettigrew was said aloud made a shiver run up Harry spine.

After hearing their tales of loss, Harry couldn't hold back the story of his fourth year, and he went into as much detail as he could, starting at the Quidditch world cup and his nightmares about Voldemort. He explained Ron's betrayal and his being chosen as a champion, causing much of the school to turn on him.

With a laugh, Harry told the two men about being interrogated by the headmasters and officials of the tournament, about Fleur's dismissal of him and Viktor's ambivalence. He discussed the tasks and how he had felt during them, how he had honestly believed the second task was a life and death situation for the hostages. With a blush he told the two marauders about Fleur's actions after saving her sister from the lake.

He had received a great deal of teasing for his blush. But what else could he do? She was a gorgeous young woman.

After the first week of his holidays, Harry felt as though it was the best holiday of his life. He was spending time with his Godfather and honorary uncle. He was having fun learning about their lives and that of his parents and he was being productive with his time.

Harry knew that he was being pushed to the limits of his body and magic, he finished each day exhausted, but he felt happy with everything that he achieved each day.

In his mindscape, Godric had been pushing him to develop his Occlumency far beyond what Sirius and Remus could achieve. But he had been putting at least ten hours of work into it while his body slept every night. Godric was also teaching him various spells, many of which had been lost between his time and the present.

Harry taught many of these spells to Sirius and Remus, making the week into a strange boot camp for the three of them.

When Harry wasn't training with or hanging out with the remaining marauders or Godric. He tried to keep in contact with his friends. He had gotten nothing from Ron, and Hermione had sent a few letters before she left to go on a holiday with her parents.

But what he looked forward to, were his letters from Fleur. Her reply to his first somewhat awkward letter set the standard for the rest of their letters.

Harry had reread it more times than he could remember, waiting for her next letter.

Dear Harry,

First, I would like to once again extend my sincere condolences for Cedric. I know he was a friend of yours, and while I also grieve for his loss, I cannot say I fully understand what you are going through. However, I am here for you, I will do what I can to help you through this.

Next, I would like to thank you once more for saving my sister Gabriele from the lake in the second task. It shames me that I didn't thank you properly in person, I am ashamed to admit that my indecision held me back.

I would like to thank you for getting me out of the maze, it seems that the maze was far more dangerous than any of us first believed and I am glad to have made it through, even though it means I lost the tournament. I am thankful to be alive and for that I have you to thank.

Now, I would like to get to know you Harry Potter. I know all the rumours spread through your school and the papers. But I don't care about them, I want to know you, not the Boy-Who-Lived.

I will begin, my name is Fleur Isabelle Delacour and I am seventeen years old. In the next school year, I will return to Beauxbatons for six months while I continue my studies for my elective classes that Hogwarts could not provide. I will then complete my NEWTs.

I have always dreamed of being an Enchanter like my mother, but to do that I will have to gain experience in curse breaking and disenchanting. Which means I will probably work for Gringotts, whether in France or England I do not know.

Though I have an idea, it is still too early to know.

My mother, Apolline Delacour is an Enchantress of national renown. She works with some of the greatest enchanted items in France and is very much sought after for her skills.

My father, Dominique Delacour is the French Ambassador at the English Ministry of Magic and holds some sway in both governments.

My sister, Gabrielle Delacour will be in her third year when she returns to Beauxbatons. She is very fond of you, even before your heroics in the second task. I think she has wanted to marry you for most of her life.

While I joke at Gabrielle's adoration of you. I cannot say that I was always immune to the dreams of a young girl. At one time I dreamed of meeting the great Boy-Who-Lived. But real life has a habit of tearing down dreams.

My time at Beauxbatons was not as idyllic as I would have liked. My heritage makes growing up in a school very difficult.

While I was always at the top of my class, I had no friends after my third year.

They all left me.

How much do you know of Veela? I will assume the bare essentials. Veela stop growing between eleven and fifteen years of age. So, in my third and fourth years, the other girls didn't want to spend time with a leetle girl while they were trying to find boyfriends and act like adults.

In my fifth year, my Veela heritage came to the fore and within six months I was more mature than any other girl in the school, my allure was out of control and there were many occasions where it got me in trouble with boys who wanted what I would not give them and from girls whose boyfriends left them to be with me, unable to resist the effects of the allure.

I of course sent them away, but from then onward instead of being ignored by the school, half of the school wanted to get in my pants and the other wanted to murder me for stealing their boyfriends.

None of the boys wanted to know me. They simply wanted to sate their lust.

That is why I was so surprised that my allure had little effect on you. Did you have any exposure to Veela before you met me?

That is one of many reasons why I would like to know the real Harry Potter, the man I have seen do amazing things. Not the boy from the stories.

It is said in Veela society that humans unaffected by the allure are rare to the point of non-existent. So few Veela are married, most can never find a partner unaffected by the allure.

I am sorry for the long letter; I hope that I didn't throw too much information at you. But I felt that you should know. I hope you will be comfortable to ask me any questions, about anything.

With love,
