
Harry Potter and the Ebony throne

Voldemort's rebirth at the end of the Triwizard Tournament triggered something bigger than he intended. Long dead spirits escape the underworld and threaten the world. Harry is joined by the spirit of Godric Gryffindor and other heroes of the past to stop their ancient foes. Starts at the end of Fourth Year. Harry/Fleur.

HadrianPeverell24 · Book&Literature
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5 Chs


'What the hell happened?' Harry raged as he stood in his mindscape in front of Godric. The two stood in an open grassy field as far as the eye could see.

Godric rubbed the back of his head with one hand, a sheepish expression on his face.

'I am sorry young one, I had forgotten to mention that the first ritual undertaken, regardless of what it is will always leave you unconscious as your body learns to adjust to the new magical frameworks present in it.'

Harry glared at the founder; fists clenched at his side before he took a deep breath to calm himself.

'Are there any other side effects that you may have neglected to inform me of? Shorter lifespan? Inability to have children? Anything that could be construed as a negative?'

'Well…' Godric started, pausing at Harry's glare.

'You likely won't be in that hospital wing as much as you're used to?' the taller man said with a grin.

Harry growled low in his throat before using his budding Occlumency skills to calm himself.

'Anything else?'

Godric was silent for a few seconds before sighing.

'No, nothing negative from the rituals I will guide you through. There are other rituals that have significant side effects, though the benefits from those will be far greater.'

Harry stared at the man before letting out a breath, his shoulders slumping as he released his anger.

'Okay, but please, in the future let me know of anything else that could be important before I blindly follow your instructions. Please?' Harry asked with a small grin, Godric responded with a beaming smile.

'Of course, my heir. Now, we will continue working on Occlumency. Once you have mastered that, we will start on training you up in combat.' Godric grinned as he directed Harry to sit down on the grass.

Harry woke on the hard, cold marble floor of the ritual room inside the Hall of Bravery. He blinked, struggling to remember where he was. Then the ritual he performed the night before entered his mind, followed by his time with Godric in his mindscape.

Letting out a breath, Harry pushed himself to his feet not feeling any different from the ritual. He had assumed that the ritual wouldn't have been noticeable in the mindscape but figured he would have noticed some changes at least.

With a sigh, Harry stretched his neck to either side until a loud satisfying crack echoed through the silent room.

Sleeping on the cold floor was a bad idea.

He made his way into the bedroom, his bedroom, and saw the writing desk had a sheet of parchment and a quill on it. Harry sat at the desk and wrote a letter to Sirius, detailing what Dumbledore had told him, about Sirius' potential upcoming freedom and the events of the third task. He told Sirius everything he could think of, without mentioning Godric, but telling him that there was important stuff to tell him in person.

'Dobby.' Harry called, smiling as the small creature appeared with a sharp crack and a wide grin at being called by Harry.

'Yes, great Master Harry Potter sir? How can Dobby help you?'

Harry smiles, holding the letter in his hands.

'Dobby, can you please deliver this directly to my Godfather? Then wait for a response. I'm sorry to ask you to do this, it's just that I need it to him sooner rather than later.' Harry said, feeling bad for asking a house-elf to act like an owl.

'Of course, Dobby can deliver an important letter for great Master Harry Potter. Dobby is happy to help.' Dobby beamed before taking the letter and disappearing with a sharp crack.

Harry sighed.

'Godric, are all house-elves so eager to please?' he asked, feeling exhausted just from his short interaction with the brightly coloured elf.

'No young one, not all. I believe that one worships you, which explains his eagerness.' Godric replied in amusement.

Harry showered, getting changed into another set of clothes from Godric's, now his, wardrobe. As he left the wardrobe, he saw a letter on his writing desk, a reply from Sirius.


Dumbledore flooed me last night, telling me much the same thing as you did in your letter.

It's amazing that you got through that horrible tournament, even more impressive is escaping that madman, especially with your friends' body.

I'm very proud of you Harry, your parents would be too.

Dumbledore also told me how your Defence professor was an undercover Death Eater. How did he not know? He had three damn Death Eaters in the school and he only knew of two of them.

Anyway, according to Dumbledore they are holding a special session of the Wizengamot today to have a trial for Junior, with Veritaserum. So, with any luck, I'll be a free man by the end of the day. But we both know how good the Ministry is with getting things done.

In any case, I am preparing my family's home so you can stay here with me, if you still want to escape from the Dursleys that is. The house isn't in great condition, but it's liveable and I intend to give you some pointers over the summer to give you the best chance against the next time that madman decides to come after you.

Anyway Pup, I'll see you soon.

Harry grinned, reading the letter through twice more before leaving it on the desk and left the Hall of Bravery. He made his way to the Gryffindor tower, transfiguring his outer robe into a basic black robe, like his school robe. He hoped he would avoid any attention for as long as possible.

Upon arriving at the common room, it was empty. Harry looked on the wall and saw it was too early for the students to be up, so he hurried to his dorm and put on his school robe over his dragonhide outfit, tucking his more stylish outer robe in his trunk.

Now dressed like a normal student, Harry strolled downstairs and lounged on the couch in front of the fire, waiting for his friends to make their way down.

Hermione was the first one down the stairs, half asleep. Harry grinned as he watched her walk toward him without seeing him, she looked up to see him just before she sat down and squealed, leaping at him and wrapping him in a tight hug.

'Harry, we were worried when you didn't come last night. I thought you were being released for dinner?' she asked, bouncing in her spot as if she had a hundred other questions to ask, which she likely did.

'She decided to keep me there a little longer in the end.' He lied with a sigh, hating that he did.

He just couldn't think of a good way to tell her he found Godric Gryffindor's secret room on the way back to the Great Hall and performed a ritual that left him unconscious afterward.

'Harry are you okay?' she asked, worry in her eyes. He still noticed the almost bouncing she was doing, but it was obvious she was trying to hide it.

'Young one, you should tell her how you're feeling. It will help.' Godric added and Harry sighed before leaning back on the couch, sinking into its depth.

'I feel horrible Hermione. Everything that happened with Cedric, not being able to help him. If I had taken the Cup myself, he would still be here.' He paused, stopping Hermione from replying with a raised hand.

'I know Hermione, I've thought long and hard about it and I know that logically, it's not my fault and that there was nothing I could have done to stop it. But that doesn't stop me from feeling guilty. I feel horrible about it but at the same time I know there's nothing I could have done.'

Harry paused, silently thanking Godric for teaching him Occlumency, it was difficult going through those memories, with the attached emotions. He was nowhere near done, had barely even started, but at least he was working on it.

He sighed, rubbing his hands over his eyes and into his hair.

'It's really hard Hermione. I'm working through everything and I know I need to keep working at it. I can't just hide away anymore.' He paused and saw her confused expression, her head cocked as she watched him.

'Every year we've been here, horrible things have come looking for me. I've always been on the back foot, never been able stop whatever was going to happen before it did. But not any more Hermione, I'm not going to let Voldemort win, I will stop him and anyone else who tries to hurt innocent people.'

He stopped, breathing hard as he realised his voice had risen, attracting a few odd looks as other students moved past them on their way to breakfast.

'Oi, Harry mate, where were you last night?' Ron's tired voice came down from the boy's staircase as a yawning Ron plopped down onto the couch with them.

Harry shared a glance with Hermione before standing up.

'Ron? Coming for breakfast?' Harry asked as he and Hermione walked to the door, quickly overtaken by Ron as he leapt from the couch and seeming to run down for breakfast.

Harry and Hermione chuckled as they followed their red-headed friend out of the common room.

As Harry sat at the Gryffindor table finishing his eggs, Hermione, who sat next to him, leaned closer to whisper in his ear.

'Harry, the other schools are going home today, we'll be heading home tomorrow on the express. What are your plans for the rest of the day?' she asked, her voice low as she tried to keep Ron from overhearing.

Harry gave her a grin.

'Wanting to stop Ron from making a fool of himself in front of the other Champions?' he whispered back, his eyes twinkling. She sighed, knowing she was caught. She nodded before leaning closer again.

'Both the other schools will be leaving after lunch. We were told last night at dinner. It seems Fleur was disappointed you didn't come down, she kept looking over here with a sad look on her face.' She said, raising an eyebrow at him.

'Is there something going on that you haven't told me about?' she continued and laughed softly at the red tinge colouring Harry's cheeks.

'I doubt it Hermione, yes I think she's stunning, but I don't think she thinks of me like that. I'm a bit younger than her.' He muttered, only for her smile to grow smug.

'I knew it. Besides, who cares about a few years? My mum is five years older than my dad, they're fine.' She said before placing a hand on his shoulder and giving it a squeeze.

'You should go outside. Maybe you'll be able to say goodbye, to either of them. I know that Viktor was looking for you over the last few days as well.' Hermione said, gesturing towards the great doors the led out of the hall.

'You're right, I do want to give them both a good send off. It's the least I can do after crashing their tournament and then winning it.' He gave her a grin before pushing his plate away from him and standing.

He glanced around to his friends around him with a soft smile.

'I'll see you guys later, just going for a walk.'

Ron spluttered for a moment before moving to stand, only to stop as Hermione's hand darted out to grasp his wrist, shaking her head and pulling him back down to the table.

Harry sent Hermione a small nod before walking toward the great doors, overhearing Ron asking Hermione what was going on with his mouth full of half chewed food. Harry didn't need to look to know Hermione wore an expression of disgust as she saw the red head eat.

Once outside the castle, Harry made his way down to the lake, standing on a slight rise to give a picturesque view of the black lake, the Durmstrang ship off to the side a few hundred feet away.

He stood and stared at the lake where during the second task a large floating viewing area had been created. There was no sign the construction had ever been there as small ripples crossed the surface of the lake, caused by the giant squid playing near the waters edge a few hundred feet in the opposite direction to the Durmstrang ship.

'Fancy seeing you 'ere 'Arry.' Fleur's voice came from behind him, he could almost hear the smile in her voice and couldn't keep his own smile from his face.

'Fleur, won't you join me? It's not often that I take the time to take in the view. By the time I return to my relatives, it's too late.' He said, turning to give her a soft smile as she joined him on the hill overlooking the lake.

As she stood beside him, he couldn't help but admire her. The way she stood made her seem powerful, like a bastion against the sea, standing tall amidst the roiling tides to the real world. She met his eye with a small smile.

'I thought you were taking in the view 'Arry?' she asked, with a smirk and a raised eyebrow.

'I am. Just now it's a different one.' He looked away, back toward the lake, missing the light blush on her cheeks.

'So, what will you do when you leave? This was your final year wasn't it?' he asked, unsure how he felt about the situation.

'Oh, I 'ave 'ad to postpone my NEWTs until mid-next year. Hogwarts did not offer two of my subjects and I did not want to 'ave to 'ire a tutor for them. So, Madame Maxime 'as agreed to keep me on for the first 'alf of next year so I can complete my studies and achieve my NEWTs.' She said, her musical voice soft as she spoke.

'That sounds great. Your sister Gabrielle is in her third-year next year, isn't she? It'll be great for you to spend more time with her, surely?' Harry said, assuming Gabrielle was only a year or two younger than him, though she was much smaller than even he was.

The beaming smile Fleur gave him was infectious, he couldn't help the smile that grew on his face as she turned back to the lake.

'Oui, you are right 'Arry. She will be in her third-year next year. It will be her hardest year at Beauxbatons, so I am glad I will be with her.' She said, a small frown on her perfect features.

'Hardest? What do you mean? What happens in your third-year at Beauxbatons?' he asked, worry in his voice.

Fleur jumped slightly, before covering her concerned expression with a smile.

'Oh, do not worry 'Arry. I will explain it over the summer, you will be sending me letters will you not?' she asked, though Harry got the strong feeling that it was more a demand.

'If you would like me to, then I would love to keep in contact with you over the summer. It's a pity that we only really got to know each other toward the end of the year.' He said, his eyes on the lake still.

'Yes 'Arry, I would enjoy keeping in contact with you over the summer. I 'ope you do not find the idea a chore?' she asked, again Harry had the feeling that there was a hidden meaning to her words, but he wasn't sure what it was at this time.

'Not at all. I suppose that I just was wondering why. I mean, I'm not that special, why would you want to remain friends with me?' Harry said, only to be spun around, Fleur's hand on his shoulder, forcing him to meet her sapphire eyes, a fierce determination burning in them.

'Non 'Arry, I wish that you would not think this way. Why would I not want to keep in contact? You have proven to be the winner of this Triwizard tournament. You are not the leetle boy that I first mistook you as.' She admitted, her voice filled with an emotion Harry couldn't place, indignance perhaps?

Harry let out a sigh.

'I'm sorry Fleur, my emotions are kind of all over the place lately. With everything that's happened I guess I have been falling back on old habits I picked up from my relatives.' He paused, before forcing a smile on his face.

'You said some of your classes weren't offered here, what were they?' he asked, she scowled at his abrupt change in topic before a soft smile lit her face.

'Do not think you have escaped 'Arry, but I will follow along for now. The classes I will continue next year at Beauxbatons will be Warding and Enchanting. Both classes will 'elp me to become a curse breaker, before I finally settle down as an Enchanter of the finest items in the world.' She said, pride glowing in her face and he gave her a wide grin.

'So, you know what you want to do after school then? That's great. There are some ideas I have about what I want to do, but really? I want to travel, to see the world. I've never been out of England, except for Hogwarts.' He said, a faraway look on his face as he stared out at the mountains in the distance.

Fleur smiled at him and gave him a soft bump with her shoulder.

'I'm sure you will see the world 'Arry. I do 'ope that France will be on your list? There are many places I can show you.' She gave him a small smile that he returned.

'I think it will be the first place I visit. But-' he sighed before his gaze fell to his feet.

'But what 'Arry?' she asked, her hand resting on his shoulder as her brilliant sapphire eyes met his.

'It won't be for a long time. I have a lot to do before then, and not just school.' He muttered the last part, but she still heard it.

'What is there apart from school?' she asked, before she paled.

'Non.' She breathed.

'Yeah, Voldemort is back and judging by my entire life until now, he won't rest until he kills me. Which means I need to prepare. Which won't leave me much time for holidays, as much as I would love to see you in France.' He sighed before he forced another smile on his face.

'Though if you wanted to finish your study at Hogwarts next year, I'd be happy to use the Triwizard winnings on some tutors for you?' he asked with a smirk.

Harry watched as Fleur cocked her head at him, a smile on her lips, almost predatory again before it disappeared.

''Arry!' Gabrielle called from behind them and they both spun to see the girl, looking like a miniature Fleur.

Gabrielle threw herself into his arms and held him tight before chatting at him in French. Harry looked at Fleur in desperation and she rolled her eyes.

'Gabby, he doesn't understand French.' She explained in what Harry assumed was French and Gabrielle's face fell at the reminder. Harry couldn't just let her be sad, so he knelt down to Gabrielle's level before looking to Fleur.

'Can you translate?' he asked and grinned at her beaming smile.

He met Gabrielle's eyes and gave her a smile, his hands on her shoulders.

'Gabrielle, I am sorry that I cannot speak your language. But your sister has told me I must send her letters over the summer. So, I think I will send some to you as well, if you like?' he started, noticing that Fleur was translating a few seconds behind him. He noticed a look of awe in the younger girls' eyes as she listened to her sister translating.

'I think I'll try to learn French so I can send letters to the both of you that you will be able to understand. Though maybe give me some time to learn, it may take a while.' He paused to wait for Fleur to catch up. He saw tears welling up in the young Veela's eyes as she watched him.

'I would like for us to become friends, not just because of what happened in the lake, or that I also want to stay friends with Fleur. But because from what I've seen so far, and what Fleur has told me, you are a good person and I could always have more friends.' He finished with a smile and as soon as Fleur caught up, Gabrielle leapt into his arms hugging him tight, speaking so fast all he could do was look at Fleur who wore a grin.

Gabrielle let him go before Fleur said something else to her in French that caused the young girl to turn to her sister, her hands on her hips and glare at Fleur. Gabrielle stomped her foot and with one last hug for Harry, left the two alone.

'Uh, Fleur, what was that last thing you said to her?' he asked, uncertain whether he wanted to hear it.

She grinned.

'Nothing for you to worry about just yet. I'll tell you another time.' She said, her smile wide before it fell.

Harry turned to see Madame Maxime standing beside their large carriage with her hands on her hips.

'Time to go then?' Harry asked with a sigh.

Fleur leant in and kissed both his cheeks before giving him a tight hug, leaving his cheeks flushed.

'Yes, 'Arry, I expect your letter soon.' She said before she left him standing on the hill by himself, watching as she rushed to her carriage, under Madame Maxime's close gaze. The smell of lavender fading after she left.

A minute later, the carriage took off, within minutes it was only a speck on the horizon.

A hand clapping him on his shoulder made him jump. He spun to see Viktor Krum wearing a solemn expression as he met Harry's gaze.

'I am sorry for my actions in the third task. I am ashamed to have been a part of it. Cedric was a strong opponent.' Viktor paused, a heavy frown on his face.

Harry smiled at the Durmstrang champion. Putting his hand on the other boy's shoulder.

'Viktor, it's okay. Your actions in the third task were not your own. To my understanding, there are few who can resist the Imperious curse.' He paused, squeezing the older student's shoulder.

'I will make sure that Cedric is avenged. I will not stop until Voldemort is put down, for good this time.' Harry declared, bringing a savage grin to Viktor's face.

'When you take the fight to that monster, let me know, I will join you in this.' Viktor said.

Harry smiled at the Quidditch star.

'I will. Thank you, Viktor.' He said as Viktor released his hold on Harry and left him to stand alone on his hill once more, watching as the Bulgarian Champion walked aboard his ship and within minutes, the ship had disappeared beneath the waves.

Harry sighed, sad to see the end of the Triwizard Tournament, it had been horrible for the most part, but seeing his newest friends leave left an odd feeling inside him. In his heart, he hoped he would have the chance to see them again.

'Harry?' came Hermione's voice from behind him.

Harry wore a soft smile as he turned to face his oldest friends. Ron and Hermione stood a few metres away, both wearing nervous expressions.

'What are you doing out here Harry, mate?' Ron asked, an odd expression on his face.

Harry couldn't help the small grin on his face as he noticed how much he had changed since the graveyard. His perspective and priorities had changed in the few days since Voldemort's return.

'Oh, nothing Ron. Just fostering international relations.' He replied with a grin.

Ron scoffed.

'Oh, sure you are Harry, that's what you're trying with Fleur. But mate, she's so much older than we- ouch!' he stopped, rubbing his side as Hermione elbowed it.

'Ouch, Hermione, that hurt. When did your elbow get so sharp?' Ron whined, rubbing his side.

Harry grinned at his friends, glad to see some things hadn't changed.

That night, Harry sat at the Gryffindor table in the great hall, trying not to watch as Ron inhaled his third plate of food. He watched the green tinge to Hermione's face as she couldn't help but stare at their red-haired friend as he ate more than the two of them combined.

The food disappeared as Dumbledore stood at the head table. Ron sulked as the piece of chicken he had been eating disappeared right out of his hands.

'Students, this is our last evening before we return to our homes for the summer.' The Headmaster began, his arms wide as he held the attention of the hall.

'At the end of the Triwizard Tournament, an event took place, one that rumours have been spreading not just through this school, but the entire wizarding world. Rumours that I will try to clarify.' He paused; the entire hall was silent as they watch the aged wizard with bated breath.

'At the conclusion of the Triwizard Tournament, both Cedric Diggory and Harry Potter tied for first place, taking the cup together in a show of solidarity. However, the cup was a trap, taking the two to a graveyard in Little Hangleton where the Dark Lord Voldemort returned to life via a dark ritual.' He paused again and Harry couldn't help but notice the rapt attention the old man held.

'Cedric was killed before the ritual began and Harry Potter escaped from the graveyard and brought Cedric's body back with him.' Dumbledore paused, letting the information sink in before he continued.

'But Voldemort was not the only thing that came back that night. As you have seen in the Daily Prophet, Inferi have been sighted all around not just the UK but the world. Dark times have arrived, but all is not lost. Hogwarts will remain and will always be here to help you should you need it.'

Harry noticed the worried expressions on many students faces as they stared at the Headmaster. But then, why wouldn't they be worried? Albus Dumbledore just told them that the most feared Dark Lord in the world has returned, and the Inferi were running amok. They should be afraid.

'Hope and courage will help us through this dark time, and we must always choose to do what is right, rather than easy.' With that, the Headmaster sat down on his throne-like chair and leaned over to whisper to Professor McGonagall.

Harry sighed, knowing he would have a busy night ahead of him with Godric once he fell asleep. With that thought it mind he stood and walked back to the Gryffindor common room and up to his dorms, opting for an early night.