
Harem king.

"In a distant realm, a young college student undergoes an extraordinary reincarnation. He awakens in a mysterious world steeped in magic and swords, reminiscent of a bygone era. Now living the life of royalty, he harbours grand dreams of amassing the largest harem the realm has ever seen. However, his path is fraught with challenges and uncertainties. Will he truly succeed in turning his extravagant dreams into reality?"

AugustDHeart · Fantasi
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19 Chs

Chapter: 8 Anomaly

Arthur, along with his loyal companions Maria, Anya, Momo, and Vianola, had embarked on a journey that spanned weeks. Their escape from the oppressive rule of the treacherous first prince of Hellberg had led them far from their homeland. Finding a temporary sanctuary in a small village, they knew their respite there was limited. With heavy hearts, Arthur rallied his comrades, setting them on a course toward the foreign kingdom of Helheim, a realm inhabited by the enigmatic demon race.

Their journey had been an arduous one, fraught with trials and perils. Yet, it was their unwavering strength, determination, and the bonds of their unbreakable friendship that had seen them through every challenge.

Now, as the massive gates of Helheim's city loomed ahead, Arthur couldn't help but feel a surge of relief. Their destination was finally within reach.

"We should seek out an inn," he suggested to his companions, turning to face them. "We've been on the road for far too long and could use some well-deserved rest."

Maria nodded, her eyes filled with agreement. "Indeed. And while we're there, we can gather information about the current state of affairs in the kingdom."

Anya, who had been relatively quiet until now, chimed in with enthusiasm, "I can't wait to explore the city! I've heard so much about Helheim, and now we get to see it for ourselves."

Momo added her consent, saying, "Having a proper base of operations will be invaluable as we plan our next steps."

Vianola, the skilled elf magic shop owner of the group, offered a warm smile. "I look forward to replenishing my magical supplies. Finding the necessary ingredients has been a challenge on the road."

Together, they made their way through the bustling streets of the city, their tired eyes absorbing the vibrant sights and sounds of their new surroundings. Exhaustion weighed heavily on them, yet the prospect of the adventures awaiting them in this foreign land filled their hearts with excitement.

After a brief stroll through the lively streets, the group discovered an inn that appeared clean and well-maintained. Upon entering, they approached the reception desk, where a friendly demon greeted them.

"Welcome to the Wandering Traveler Inn," the demon said, offering a warm smile. "Do you have a reservation?"

Arthur shook his head. "No, we don't. But we'd like to book three rooms for the night."

The demon nodded in understanding. "Certainly. We have plenty of rooms available. How many nights will you be staying?"

"Our plans are still uncertain." Arthur replied. "So we would like to stay here until we are ready to leave."

The demon completed the necessary paperwork. "Very well. The cost will be 1 gold piece per night."

Arthur produced the gold coins from his pocket and handed them over to the demon, who counted them carefully. "Thank you," the demon said, handing them keys. "Your rooms are on the second floor, down the hallway to the right."

Expressing their gratitude, the group ascended to their rooms. As they settled in, Arthur couldn't help but feel a wave of relief wash over him. They had finally reached their destination, and for the first time in weeks, they could afford a moment of respite and regrouping.

However, he was well aware that their journey was far from over. Challenges still lay ahead, and he knew he needed to be strong for the sake of his comrades. Nevertheless, for now, he was grateful for the shelter over their heads and the comfort of their beds.

As Arthur excused himself and entered his room, a sense of excitement and pride surged within him. The rewards he had earned from reaching the 9th star of the magician sanctuary were at the forefront of his mind. He had tirelessly toiled and triumphed over numerous trials, and now he had the chance to reap the fruits of his efforts.

Sitting down on the bed, he began to take out each reward from the magical pouch and inspect them one by one. First was the rare and enchanted 9th-star magician staff, pulsating with potent magical energies. The staff was a conduit for channeling and amplifying one's magical abilities, promising more potent and precise spells. As he held it, he could sense the latent power within.

Next, he carefully unfolded the 9th-star magician robes, an emblem of the esteemed status he had achieved. The robes were exquisitely crafted, adorned with intricate patterns and symbols woven into the fabric. Furthermore, they possessed magical properties that enhanced the wearer's magical prowess and offered additional protection. Arthur eagerly anticipated donning these robes and proudly displaying his newfound status.

Then, there was the 9th-star magician's tome, a repository of ancient spells and knowledge accessible only to those of this prestigious star. The tome held the promise of boundless magical insights and secrets. Arthur's hunger for knowledge burned bright, and he couldn't wait to immerse himself in its pages, uncovering its mysteries.

He turned his attention to the magical amulet, designed to bolster the wearer's magical abilities and safeguard against harm. The amulet resonated with potent magical energies, infusing Arthur with newfound vigor as he placed it around his neck.

Among his rewards was a set of enchanted 9th-star magician's tools, each a finely crafted instrument designed to enhance the precision and potency of his magical practices. These tools encompassed a variety of mystical implements, from wands to athames, from crystals to more esoteric artifacts. All were imbued with enchantments that promised to elevate Arthur's magic to new heights. He arranged them with care on a nearby table, a palpable sense of anticipation coursing through him at the prospect of employing them.

Then, there was the 9th-star magician's workshop encompassed within a small ring, a place of boundless potential for magical experimentation and study. This meticulously equipped space was designed to facilitate research and development of spells and arcane techniques. Arthur could hardly wait to embark on his next magical project within its enchanting confines.

The teleportation magic formula, however, stood as one of the most practical rewards. It offered the convenience of instantaneous travel to any corner of the magician sanctuary, initiated by drawing and uttering a specific geometry and command. Finally, visualizing the intended destination. This remarkable magic held the promise of streamlined mobility, saving invaluable time and effort.

As he sat there, surrounded by this treasure trove of rewards, gratitude welled up within Arthur. It was a testament to the arduous journey he had undertaken, a journey filled with challenges, dangers, and unwavering determination. Each of these rewards bore testament to his triumph over adversity.

The exhaustion from their long journey finally took its toll on Arthur. Unbeknownst to him, he drifted into a deep, restful slumber.

The following day, the sound of a gentle knock roused Arthur and his companions from their peaceful repose. Having enjoyed a restorative night's sleep, they felt invigorated and ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

After attending to their morning routines and regrouping, they convened in the inn's inviting dining room for a hearty breakfast. As they savored their meal, they deliberated over their next course of action.

"Now that we're here in Helheim, what's our next move?" inquired Vianola, her voice carrying a note of curiosity as she sipped her tea.

Arthur contemplated for a moment. "I believe our immediate priority should be to gather as much information as possible about the current state of affairs in the kingdom. We need to be well-informed before we can formulate any comprehensive plans."

Momo nodded in agreement. "I concur. I'll form a network of contacts in the city to gather information."

Anya, her youthful enthusiasm undiminished, eagerly offered, "Can I help too?"

Arthur responded with an affectionate smile. "Absolutely, Anya. You can assist Maria with her work. And Vianola, your connections with the merchants might yield leads or opportunities worth pursuing."

Vianola nodded, her determination evident. "I'll do my utmost. It's gratifying to have a purpose once more after our extended travels."

Their current location was a charming town within the kingdom, known for its warm hospitality and a bustling market frequented by merchants hailing from various corners of the world. Set amidst rolling hills and forests, it offered a tranquil respite for travelers seeking solace and reprieve from their journey. The town's appeal lay in its peaceful ambiance and the wide array of conveniences it provided, making it an ideal starting point for Arthur and his companions as they embarked on their quest in this new land.

Meanwhile, shrouded in veils of mystery and darkness, a clandestine group moved in silence through the alleys and avenues of Alfheim, the kingdom of the elves. Their countenances remained concealed beneath hooded cloaks, and each member bore mastery in both magic and combat, poised to eliminate any obstacle that might obstruct their path. Their mission was unequivocal: to amass the five keys requisite for unlocking the seal sealing  the plutonium—an enigmatic power long forgotten and sealed away after the holy war.

But their objective extended far beyond amassing these keys merely for the sake of power. No, they sought something far more sinister. It was an elusive secret buried alongside the vestiges of the holy war, a revelation that, if unveiled, would herald the cataclysmic end of their world. Leading this enigmatic assembly was the Dark Mage, a shadowy figure whose true identity remained concealed, and who had struck a sinister pact with a potent devil. In exchange for his forbidden desires—whether power, esoteric knowledge, or any malevolent whim—the Dark Mage had pledged to release the devil entity upon the world.

The group moved with uncanny celerity and precision, wresting the key from the grasp of the magic shop owner in Hellberg with ruthless efficiency. Yet, they remained aware that they were not unseen. The other realms—Niflheim, the realm of dwarves; Helheim, domain of demons; Midgard, the realm of humans, also referred to as Hellberg after the name of the first hero who had partaken in the holy war; and Asgard, the sacred kingdom—all had been placed on high alert, vigilant for any traces of the group's nefarious presence.

As they traversed from realm to realm, the weight of the world's scrutiny bore down upon them. Nevertheless, they remained undeterred, propelled by an insatiable thirst for power and the knowledge that awaited them at their journey's terminus. Dangers lay ahead, and they harbored no illusions about the perils they would confront. But to them, the ultimate prize eclipsed all else. They remained steadfast in their pursuit, heedless of the destruction they sowed and the lives they disrupted. Their singular focus was the reward that awaited them, regardless of the cost.

Back in Oakdale, Arthur and his companions embarked on a leisurely exploration of the town. Oakdale, a picturesque hamlet, enchanted them with its tranquil atmosphere, and they reveled in the charm of its serene streets and captivating vistas. As they strolled down Maple Avenue, their attention was piqued by the gathering crowd around one of the shops. Intrigued, they resolved to investigate.

Drawing closer, they discerned the source of fascination—a puppet show, enacted by a street performer. The puppets, intricately crafted and meticulously detailed, conveyed the history and culture of the Helheim kingdom. The performer wielded an array of techniques, breathing life into the marionettes. Their movements were graceful and fluid, captivating the audience with their lifelike demeanor. With the subtlest of gestures, the performer commanded the puppets, imbuing them with an illusion of vitality. It was an awe-inspiring testament to the performer's skill and artistry.

As they watched, the group became enraptured by the tales and legends portrayed. The puppets wove a tapestry that depicted the frost-laden tundras of the north, where the air was crisp and the winds bitingly cold. They portrayed the scorching deserts of the south, where the relentless sun blazed from an azure sky. And they brought to life the bustling metropolis of the capital city, replete with towering skyscrapers and bustling thoroughfares.

The puppets further animated the grandeur of the royal palace, resplendent with soaring spires and gilded rooftops. The palace's majestic splendor was ensconced within expansive gardens and parks, drawing tourists and locals alike. Smaller cities and towns, each with its unique character and culture, also found representation in the puppetry. Bustling port cities, replete with vibrant harbors and a diverse amalgam of merchants and traders, were portrayed. Serene hamlets nestled amidst the rolling countryside, where life flowed at a gentler pace, also graced the performance.

Continuing with their narrative, the puppets unfurled stories and legends from the annals of Helheim's history and culture. Tales of valiant knights and noble demons intertwined with sagas of mythical creatures and age-old curses. The audience responded with thunderous applause and jubilant cheers, as the puppets transformed these narratives into vibrant realities.

As the puppet show reached its conclusion, Arthur and his companions found themselves reluctant to depart. They had savored every moment of the performance, extracting not only entertainment but also invaluable insights into the history and culture of the Helheim kingdom.

However, all good things must inevitably draw to a close, and the street performer began dismantling the intricate marionettes, preparing for his next engagement. Arthur and his companions graciously contributed to the performer's earnings, expressing their gratitude for the captivating spectacle and the wealth of knowledge they had acquired.

The remainder of the day saw Arthur and his comrades meandering through the picturesque town of Oakdale. They sought to glean as much information as possible about the kingdom's current state of affairs while familiarizing themselves with the locale. Engaging with the locals, they inquired about any news or rumors circulating within the kingdom.

"I heard there are tidings concerning the demon king and queen, Is it true?" Arthur inquired of a shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper nodded affirmatively. "Indeed, I've also caught whispers of discord within the royal family. Rumors abound of a power struggle taking root."

Arthur's brow furrowed. "That's disconcerting. Do you know any further insights?"

The shopkeeper shook his head regretfully. "I fear not. These are but rumors and conjectures for now. However, it would be wise to remain vigilant and informed."

As they traversed the town, they also paid visits to various shops and stalls, scouring through stacks of books and scrolls in search of information pertaining to the kingdom's history and politics.

Simultaneously, they reveled in the town's atmosphere, indulging in souvenir shopping and sampling local delicacies. They marveled at the town's enchanting architecture and charming streets.

"Maria, look at this jewelry stall! The pieces are simply exquisite," exclaimed Anya, her eyes gleaming as she perused a display of glistening rings and necklaces.

Maria beamed. "Indeed, they're absolutely stunning. You should definitely pick something for yourself, Anya. You've earned it after all the effort you've put into your magical studies."

Arthur nodded in agreement. "Absolutely, Anya. Treat yourself; you deserve it."

Anya's face lit up with delight at the encouragement. She selected a beautiful silver necklace adorned with a sparkling gemstone. As she made her purchase, Momo caught Arthur's attention and discreetly gestured toward a nearby shop.

"Arthur, I think we should check out that shop," Momo whispered. "I've found that the owner is well-connected and might have some valuable information for us."

Arthur nodded and followed Momo into the shop, which was brimming with an assortment of magical artifacts and items. They approached the counter, where a mysterious masked demon was assisting another customer.

"Excuse me," Arthur said, drawing the attention of the masked demon shopkeeper. "We were hoping that you might be able to assist us. We are newcomers to this kingdom and we would like to learn and be informed about the current state of affairs within the kingdom."

The masked demon regarded them thoughtfully, his eyes shrouded behind the mask. "I may possess some knowledge that could be of assistance to you. However, please be aware that information carries a price, and I must exercise caution in selecting those with whom I share it."

Arthur nodded understandingly. "We comprehend the value of information and are prepared to compensate you accordingly for any insights you can provide."

A subtle smile crept across the masked demon's face. "In that case, I may have a few pertinent morsels to offer. But first, let us discuss the terms of our arrangement."

As the negotiation unfolded, Arthur's heart quickened with anticipation. They were drawing nearer to unraveling the mysteries of the kingdom, and he was resolute in his determination to uncover the truth.

Throughout the day, Arthur couldn't help but notice the transformation in his companions. Their smiles, laughter, and radiant expressions were a stark contrast to the burdens they had carried for so long. Witnessing their newfound happiness filled him with joy.

However, beneath the veneer of mirth, a sense of perplexity and uncertainty lingered in Arthur's mind. The enigma of his reincarnation into this world, retaining the memories of his previous life, continued to perplex him. He grappled with the question of which life was superior, despite both being marred by their own trials and tribulations.

"Your Majesty, is something amiss?" Maria detected his distant countenance and extended a comforting hand to his shoulder. "You have been quiet throughout the day. Is there something troubling you?"

"Hehe, nothing is amiss. I am content. I am merely savoring the tranquility after such a long journey."

"Indeed, it is a relief to experience this serenity. Let us hope it will endure."

As the sun descended below the horizon and the town's luminous nocturnal lights began to twinkle, Arthur and his companions returned to their inn, weary yet content with their progress. They had amassed a wealth of knowledge and fostered valuable alliances, strengthening their belief that they were advancing in the right direction.

After a hearty supper, they retired to their chambers, yearning for rest after a day filled with adventure and discovery. As sleep overcame him, Arthur contemplated the impending dawn with anticipation.

The following morning, they congregated in the inn's common area to strategize.

Seated at the head of the table, Arthur furrowed his brow in contemplation. "We must formulate a plan to secure an audience with the king and present our plea. We need his support to dethrone Francis and avert a looming war. Time is of the essence."

Maria concurred, her gaze resolute. "Indeed, time is not on our side. Yet, how do we secure an audience with the king? He is a busy sovereign, and we are outsiders."

Anya interjected with enthusiasm. "Perhaps we can leverage our connections. Vianola mentioned her connection with the merchants that have influence within the palace ; she might assist us in securing that audience."

Momo chimed in, his expression thoughtful. "A sound idea. Furthermore, we could employ our skills and talents to gain recognition. By proving ourselves valuable, we may pique the king's interest."

Arthur nodded emphatically. "I concur. We must exert every effort to capture the king's attention and present our case persuasively. Our intent must be manifest: we act not solely for personal gain, but for the betterment of the kingdom and in pursuit of justice for my late fiancée."

The group nodded in unison, embarking on the task of devising a plan to gain an audience with the king and plead their cause. They understood that it would not be without its challenges, yet their determination remained unwavering.

With the plan laid out, Arthur and his party proceeded to execute it. Arthur and Momo decided to visit the adventurers' guild, seeking quests that would both provide remuneration and bolster their reputation. Meanwhile, Maria and Anya remained at the inn, offering assistance to the innkeeper and ingratiating themselves with the locals by treating people with injuries and illness with Maria's medicinal knowledge and practice while gathering additional information.

Momo expressed his excitement with a grin. "Can you believe we're finally taking action? We have an opportunity to make a difference and seek justice for Miss Ellie."

Arthur affirmed his determination, his gaze resolute. "I shall not rest until Francis is held accountable and the kingdoms are at peace. I hope we can find a way to make the king comprehend our cause and extend his assistance."

Upon reaching the guild, they were greeted by a bustling atmosphere. Adventurers of diverse backgrounds congregated, sharing stories and laughter as they awaited their next quests. Arthur and Momo navigated the commotion, making their way to the registration desk where a friendly demon awaited their approach.

"Welcome to the Oakdale Adventures guild," greeted a demoness with voluptuous curves and a warm smile. "It's been a while since I saw new faces. How may I help you?"

Arthur turns his head left and right, scanning the area at the mention of new faces. As if he was being wary of catching attention of rookie bullliers and swindlers.

Arthur responded, alerted. "Yes, we would like to become adventurers and do some quests."

Demoness suggested with an awkward smile. "If you haven't joined the adventure guild yet and wish to become adventurers, you have to join our adventures guild, kindly complete these forms and provide proper identification. Once registered, you will be assigned a series of small tests to determine your ranks and you will receive your adventurer ID with your respective rank and. Once you receive your rank you can take on a quest with respect to your rank and below."

Arthur and Momo promptly filled out the requisite forms and furnished their identification. After a brief review, the demoness approved their registration, demoness took them adventures' guild training ground and gave a series of tests, testing their strength, agility, magic capacity. Soon the test was over and both of them had aced their test and were assigned A rank.

"Here's your adventurer ID and once again,Welcome to the guild," she reiterated, her voice friendly. "You'll discover an array of quests posted on the board over there. Simply peruse and see if anything captures your interest. Best of luck, and may your adventures prove fruitful."

With gratitude, Arthur and Momo expressed their thanks and proceeded to the quest board. There, they sifted through the listings, in search of a challenge that would offer both a test of their abilities and a source of income.

Momo directed Arthur's attention to a posting for a monster hunting quest. "This one pays well, and it's not too far from here. What do you think?"

Arthur nodded in agreement. "A suitable choice. Accepting it may bring us one step closer to our objectives."

Amidst their quest selection, they noticed Vianola's absence. They pondered her whereabouts and whether she had achieved progress in her own endeavors. They remained hopeful that she would rejoin them soon, as her skills and connections could be invaluable.

As they journeyed, Momo experienced a peculiar blend of excitement and unease. These emotions had been simmering within her for some time, yet their origin remained elusive.

With every step, these sentiments intensified. Momo found herself engaging in odd behaviors, like playing with her hair or blushing at the slightest remark. The mystery of their cause weighed on her mind, causing her growing concern.

"Is everything alright, Momo?" Arthur inquired, noticing her unusual demeanor. "You appear somewhat preoccupied lately."

Momo attempted to dismiss her disquiet. "I'm uncertain. I simply feel...strange, I suppose. I cannot articulate it."

A furrow creased Arthur's brow. "If you ever wish to discuss it, I am here to listen. We share our burdens, and I wish to ensure your well-being."

Momo expressed her gratitude for his concern. She trusted Arthur but felt unprepared to confront her enigmatic emotions. She harbored hope that they would dissipate or that she would discern their source in due time.

As they continued their quest, Momo endeavored to relegate these perplexing emotions to the background, concentrating on their mission. Regardless of her attempts, she sensed that something was shifting within her, an alteration for which she was unprepared.

Reaching the appointed location for their monster hunting quest, a dense forest at the town's outskirts, Arthur and Momo were tasked with vanquishing a pack of marauding wolves that had been terrorizing local farmers and causing mayhem in the vicinity.

"Let us commence," Arthur declared, unsheathing his sword. "Our objective is to locate and eliminate the wolves before they inflict further damage."

Momo concurred, brandishing a pair of throwing knives. "Indeed. We must proceed with caution. These wolves are known for their aggression and cunning. We cannot afford to lower our guard."

They ventured into the forest, tracing the trail of destruction left by the wolves. They moved stealthily, ever watchful for any sign of their adversaries.

Amidst their pursuit, they marveled at the forest's natural splendor. Towering trees swayed gracefully, their leaves rustling in the breeze. The air was pure and invigorating, and birdsong filled the woodland with melody.

Despite the serene surroundings, they remained vigilant, cognizant of lurking danger. Their senses were finely tuned, ready to respond to any potential threat.

As they neared the wolves' lair, they discerned the creatures growling and quarreling amongst themselves. They acknowledged the necessity of caution and the importance of seizing the element of surprise.

Arthur signaled to Momo, and the duo advanced stealthily, endeavoring to gain a clearer view of their quarry. Peering into the lair, they counted six formidable wolves, their fur disheveled, their eyes gleaming with hunger.

"These wolves seem unusually robust," Arthur observed, a perplexed expression forming on his face. "I wonder if there is an underlying anomaly here."

Momo nodded, her resolve unyielding as she focused on their mission. "We shall uncover the truth soon. Let us eliminate these creatures and secure our reward."

Arthur concurred with a thoughtful expression. "Indeed. These wolves are proving to be formidable adversaries. We must exercise extra caution and effort in this encounter."

With her fists clenched in determination, Momo's thoughts raced. "I am up for the challenge. I have confronted even tougher foes in the past. We must remain concentrated and collaborate effectively."

The pair launched into action with unwavering determination. Arthur employed his sword with precision, striking at the wolves, while Momo utilized her throwing knives and martial arts expertise to incapacitate their adversaries.

Despite their relentless efforts, the wolves displayed remarkable resilience and aggression. They fought with unwavering determination, making it challenging for Arthur and Momo to gain the upper hand.

Arthur, his brow furrowed in determination, commented amidst the heated battle, "These wolves are proving to be more formidable than anticipated. We must not lower our guard."

Momo, agile and poised, nimbly evaded a wolf's assault. "Agreed! Together, we shall vanquish these adversaries."

The confrontation raged on, the clamor of clashing weapons and the snarls of the wolves echoing through the forest. Arthur and Momo fought with indomitable resolve, their sights set on victory.

Just as it appeared the wolves were beginning to weaken, one of them unleashed a thunderous howl, summoning reinforcements from its pack. Arthur and Momo found themselves encircled by a relentless horde of snarling wolves, an unexpected turn of events that tested their mettle.

"We cannot allow them to seize the advantage!" Arthur bellowed, his sword flashing deftly. "We must quell them swiftly!"

Momo, her knives a blur as she fought off the encroaching wolves, echoed his sentiment. "We are close to victory! Just a bit longer!"

In the end, they stood triumphant, victorious over the defeated wolves. Arthur and Momo, weary yet proud, made their way back to the guild to claim the quest clear reward along with the monsters' parts. And notify the guild about anomalies seen in the monsters.

As they approached the adventurer's guild, the evidence of their recent battle was evident in the stains of wolf blood that clung to their clothing and weapons. The receptionist, a friendly face accustomed to such sights, greeted them with a warm smile and accepted the monsters' parts as proof of their successful completion of the quest.

"You've done truly remarkable work," she praised as she tallied their reward. "Those troublesome wolves had been a nuisance to the locals for far too long. We're genuinely grateful that you could rid us of that menace."

Arthur nodded in gratitude, but his thoughts lingered on the unsettling strength of the wolves they had encountered. It was as though there was something more to this tale than met the eye.

"Pardon me," Arthur inquired, turning toward the receptionist. "I require an audience with the guildmaster. Could you arrange that for me?"

The receptionist's curiosity was piqued, but she complied with his request. "Of course, I'll inform him that you're here. In the meantime, feel free to wait in the guild hall."

Expressing his thanks, Arthur turned to Momo. "I'll catch up with you later. There's something I need to discuss with the guildmaster."

Momo, discerning the seriousness in Arthur's gaze, nodded in understanding. "I'll return back then, you know where to look for me when you need me."

Arthur watched as Momo exited the guild and then took a seat in the guild hall, preparing for his conversation with the guildmaster.

During his wait, Vianola entered the guild hall. As she entered her gaze picked up a familiar face in the crowd and made her way to the table where Arthur had sat and took a seat across from him, surprising him with her presence.

"Where have you been?" Arthur inquired, his astonishment evident.

"I was attending to some personal matters and gathering information," Vianola replied. "My apologies for being disconnected."

Arthur dismissed her apology with a wave. "No matter. So, what brings you to the guild? I thought you had gone to meet the nobles and merchants."

Vianola offered a slight smile. "I'm here to discuss something with the guildmaster. There have been some unusual rumors recently."

Arthur arched an eyebrow, intrigued. "Really? It's quite a coincidence. I, too, am waiting for the guildmaster to discuss a peculiar anomaly I encountered. There were a couple of wolves in the outskirts that were acting strangely from normal. I wonder what's happening.But what's the matter you wish to address with him?"

Vianola nodded. "If your anomaly coincides with my rumors then, it may involve you as well. Since you possess considerable strength, and we may need all the help we can get, I think it's appropriate to share the information. However, let's wait for the guildmaster to arrive before delving into the details."

Arthur nodded, and the two of them sat in anticipation, awaiting the arrival of the guildmaster. After some time, the guildmaster finally entered the guild reception area. The receptionist promptly led him to the table where Arthur and Vianola were seated.

The guildmaster, an imposing figure with a commanding presence, settled into his seat with a stern expression. His tall, muscular frame and rugged features gave him an air of authority. Despite his formidable appearance, he was known for his sense of justice and compassionate heart, always placing the welfare of the guild and the people it served above all else.

Arthur and Vianola exchanged a brief glance before Vianola began. "Guildmaster, I have come to report something of great urgency, not only to the kingdom but potentially to the entire continent. And it seems Arthur has encountered anomalies which I strongly believe are somehow connected to the rumors and information on me. A great threat might be looming around us and someone or something is behind this."

The guildmaster listened attentively, his demeanor growing even more serious as Vianola spoke. "I see," he responded. "Could you elaborate on this threat and anomaly that you believe is emerging?"

Vianola paused briefly, choosing her words carefully. "Guildmaster, we suspect that a formidable dark magic is at play here. I encountered a group of dark wizards in the forest, and I believe they are connected to the anomaly Arthur had come to report to you."

The guildmaster's eyes widened in shock. "Dark wizards? Are you absolutely certain? If your claims prove true, this is a grave matter indeed. I shall initiate an investigation; I will dispatch a team right now. However, be mindful that your words carry weight. If this turns out to be some kind of prank or jest, you will bear the responsibility."

Arthur and Vianola swallowed nervously, well aware of the gravity of their words. They nodded in acknowledgment as the guildmaster fixed them with a stern gaze.

With his declaration made, the guildmaster departed, leaving Arthur and Vianola alone at the table. Vianola leaned closer to Arthur and spoke in a hushed tone. " I think we should ensure we're not mistaken before approaching the guildmaster next time we meet him."

Arthur nodded, sharing her concerns. "I agree. We need to make sure we have enough evidence to support our information and build a solid case before meeting with the guildmaster ever again. We don't want to incite an unwarranted monster."

In agreement, Vianola bid farewell and left the guild hall, leaving Arthur in the midst of the guild's bustling activity. He realized the importance of proceeding with caution in his investigation. Gathering his resolve, he took a deep breath and set out to confirm the Vianola news and to investigate the anomaly.

Rest of the day, Arthur ventures around the city investigating the anomaly and the following day, Arthur ventures into the forest, determined to find the lead on the anomaly, in search for the source of the dark wizards. He traversed the woods for an entire day, scanning for any signs of the dark wizards or their activities. Despite his efforts, he found no traces of their presence.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Arthur couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration and disappointment. However, he refused to yield. Deciding to quit for the day and reunite with his companions teleporting back to the inn.

Upon his arrival, he found his teammates gathered around a dinner table, their surprise evident as they saw him return earlier than expected. Arthur took a seat and recounted their recent adventures, experience and the quest they had undertaken. He expressed his unease regarding the increasing number of unusual monster appearances and his intention to investigate further and be unavailable for a while starting the following day.

His teammates listened intently, understanding the gravity of the situation. After dinner, Arthur retired to his room, pondering the disappointments of the day. Lying in bed, he contemplated a new approach to draw the dark magicians out of hiding.

With a renewed determination, Arthur woke early the next morning. He was resolute in his quest to uncover the truth behind the anomaly and halt the dark wizards' grip on the land. Realizing the need for a fresh strategy, he resolved to study the creatures affected by the anomaly.

This time, instead of actively searching for the dark wizards, Arthur focused on the peculiar monsters spawned by the anomaly. He believed that studying these creatures might unveil the answers he sought.

After indulging several hours in his workshop doing experiments, he finally came out and delved deeper into the forest, Arthur noted the eerie transformation of the environment. Twisted, gnarled trees and agonized plant life surrounded him. His sense of being on the right track intensified.

Continuing his exploration, he stumbled upon a concealed cave entrance. Without hesitation, he ventured inside, shrouded in an unsettling silence. The cave's damp darkness was pierced only by a faint, mysterious glow from deeper within. Strange symbols and runes adorned the walls, in an unfamiliar script that unsettled him.

Deeper into the cave, the faint light grew stronger, accompanied by the distant murmur of voices and the sound of machinery. As Arthur ventured further, the voices became more distinct.

"The subject is prepared for the next stage of the experiment," one voice declared.

"Excellent, we shall commence the infusion shortly," responded another.

With every step, Arthur grew closer to the heart of the scene. He remained stealthy, concealed behind rocky outcrops, capturing every word exchanged by the shadowy figures within.

"Their mutations appear to be stabilizing," observed a voice.

"Yes, it seems we are making progress," replied another.

As Arthur inched closer, he reached a large chamber, a place of awe and dread. Bizarre machines and arcane equipment filled the chamber, and at its center, a colossal glass container held a wretched, twisted creature—the result of relentless experimentation. The monster writhed in agony, its very essence corrupted by the dark magic.

Within the chamber, black-robed magicians labored tirelessly, administering drugs and elixirs to the tormented being. Arthur was stunned, realizing that this chamber held the source of the anomaly and proof of the existence of  the dark wizards plaguing the kingdom.

Cautiously, he observed, hidden in the shadows, listening to every detail and every uttered word. Arthur knew he needed incontrovertible evidence before taking any action.


Black Magician 1 spoke in hushed tones, his voice brimming with sinister excitement. "The new potion we've devised is performing marvelously on the monsters. Their strength and power are increasing beyond our wildest expectations."

Black Magician 2, however, interjected with a note of concern. "True, but we've encountered a significant issue. During testing, the creatures are becoming increasingly difficult to control, at times bordering on impossible. The cause remains elusive, and it's hindering our progress."

Black Magician 3, ever pragmatic, voiced the urgency of the situation. "We must ascertain the root of this problem promptly and rectify it. The last thing we desire is for these beasts to turn against us."

Black Magician 3 continued, their sinister intentions laid bare. "Indeed, with the aid of the new drugs we are formulating, we aim to gain absolute control over them. Once achieved, we can use them as army or weapons of mass destruction. Keke! "

Black Magician 1 concurred, enthusiasm in his voice. "Precisely. And with the newly devised spell, we can amplify their power even further."

Black Magician 3, however, sounded a note of caution. "But we must exercise great care. The last thing we need is for the kingdoms or guilds to uncover our secrets."

Black Magician 1 reassured them. "Worry not; we've taken meticulous precautions. Our laboratories remain concealed within the depths of the forest, impenetrable and hidden from prying eyes."

Listening intently, Arthur meticulously absorbed every detail. He understood the significance of the information he was gathering, the key to thwarting the dark wizards' malevolent intentions. Furthermore, he secretly recorded their conversation using an Amber crystal, a damning piece of evidence to his and Vianola claims..

As he continued to eavesdrop, Arthur noticed one of the black magicians break away from the group to tend to one of the monsters. This presented an opportunity he couldn't ignore. With utmost stealth, he unsheathed his sword and closed in on the remaining two black magicians. Seizing the element of surprise, he struck swiftly and decapitated two of them, leaving just one survivor.

The lone black magician, startled by the screams of their fallen comrades, turned to confront Arthur with a mixture of fury and fear. "Who are you? How did you discover this location?" he demanded, his voice trembling with anger and anxiety.

Arthur's demeanor remained unflinching, his response curt. "That's not your concern."

Unable to contain his rage, the black magician raised his hands, unleashing a potent torrent of dark magic at Arthur. However, Arthur's reflexes were keen, and he effortlessly dodged each onslaught. The black magician persisted with his attacks, but Arthur consistently outmaneuvered him.

Growing increasingly desperate, the black magician was forced to retreat until he found himself cornered against the cave wall. "Stay away!" he shouted, summoning one final blast of dark magic toward Arthur.

Unfazed, Arthur raised his hand, countering the dark magic with a force of his own. Binding the black magician's hands and lifting him into the air, Arthur demonstrated his magical prowess, rendering the black magician helpless and suspended before him.

Trembling with fear, the black magician quivered as Arthur approached. "You won't kill me, will you?" he stammered.

Arthur's response was chillingly composed. "Whether you live or not depends on you. I need answers, and I will obtain it through any means necessary."

With a cold, unyielding gaze, Arthur made his intentions clear. "If you wish to survive, you'll answer everything I need to know. And you'll do it now."

Faced with no alternative, the black magician answered every question he was asked, unraveling the full extent of the dark wizards' nefarious plots and the whereabouts of their clandestine laboratories.

As the black magician's disclosures drew to a close, Arthur grappled with the grim reality of the dark wizards' ambitions. Their schemes extended far beyond his initial understanding, encompassing a vast network of laboratories across the kingdom. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily upon him.

Overwhelmed by anger and disgust, Arthur recognized the magnitude of the task ahead. He needed to dismantle every one of the dark wizards' laboratories, but he also knew it would be an arduous undertaking. Standing amidst the cavern's eerie ambiance, he contemplated his next moves.

The black magician, watching Arthur with terror-stricken eyes, sought mercy. "Will you spare me?" he pleaded, his voice quaking.

However, Arthur remained silent, lost in thought as he grappled with the unsettling revelations. Then, something within him shifted. He turned to the black magician, a sinister smile creeping across his face. "Kuku!  After what I've heard, there's no way I can let you live. I can't risk being discovered."

The black magician begged for mercy, but his pleas fell on deaf ears. Arthur raised his sword, and with a single, decisive stroke, severed the black magician's head. It was a ruthless act, devoid of compassion, but Arthur knew it was a necessity. He couldn't afford the dark wizards unmasking his identity and coming after him.

Exiting the cave, Arthur made his way back to the guild hall, burdened with the weight of his newfound knowledge and the daunting task ahead. He understood that he needed to gather his companions and prepare for the worst-case scenario.

Upon his return to the guild, Arthur found it curiously devoid of the guildmaster's presence. He scoured every corner of the establishment, yet there was no sign of the guildmaster. Irritation welled up within him, and he muttered to himself, "This is becoming quite the ordeal. Where on earth could he be?"

As Arthur descended the staircase within the guild, he was accosted by the somber murmurs of fellow adventurers discussing a tragic demise of an adventurer on a quest. His heart quickened, for he knew the perils that accompanied a life of adventure, yet the news of a fallen comrade struck a disquieting chord within him.

Seeking solace, Arthur found refuge in the guild's bar, where he ordered a drink. He silently observed the hushed conversation among the adventurers, each word weighing heavily on his mind as they delved into the grim details of their quest and the loss of their companion.

One of the adventurers recounted, "It was an Inhuman. He ambushed us and struck down our friend before we could react. The scene was nothing short of gruesome, and we barely escaped with our lives intact."

Another adventurer chimed in with deep concern, "These Inhumans are growing increasingly bold and dangerous. Our response must be swift before the situation deteriorates beyond control."

Arthur listened attentively, his thoughts racing as he absorbed the gravity of the situation. The dark wizards were indeed a formidable threat, and their menace needed to be addressed urgently. He resolved to speak with the guildmaster as soon as possible and assemble a team to confront the dark wizards.

Having concluded his drink, Arthur departed the guild in pursuit of the other laboratories and dark wizards. His journey led him across various regions of the kingdom, marked by battles against formidable monsters that served as opportunities to hone his martial and magical prowess.

During his travels, he dedicated significant hours to research within his workshop, He delved into ancient texts and conducted experiments with potions and spells, further augmenting his abilities.

One fateful day, while traversing a mountainous route, Arthur encountered a group of knights locked in combat against grotesque foes resembling the undead. At first glance, it appeared as though the knights were engaged in battle against ordinary people, but closer inspection revealed these were ghouls and zombies.

A disconcerting notion dawned on Arthur: rumors Vianola had mentioned, dark wizards dabbling in dark magic, necromancy and raising an undead army might not be unfounded. He understood the urgency of the situation and committed himself to putting an end to this dark practice.

"Perhaps this could be an opportunity to gain the attention of the kingdom," Arthur mused inwardly.

Approaching the knights, Arthur offered his assistance, a powerful mage willing to aid their cause. Grateful for the support, the knights welcomed his expertise. Together, they waged a fierce battle against the hordes of undead. Combining Arthur's potent spells with the knights' expert swordsmanship, they triumphed over the abominations.

Post-victory, the knights expressed their gratitude to Arthur, and one of them opened the door to their coach. A lady, concealed beneath layers of clothing and a veil, emerged, holding a fan. She approached Arthur and offered her thanks.

Arthur was intrigued by the lady's mysterious presence and inquired, "you praise me too much, It wasn't worth mentioning. But, may I know who I am speaking to?"

With a cryptic smile, the lady replied, "Although my identity remains a secret, you can call me Astrid. I genuinely appreciate your aid in vanquishing these loathsome creatures. You shall be handsomely rewarded."

Arthur found himself captivated by the enigmatic lady and her cryptic words. He yearned to learn more about her and her intentions but recognized the inopportune moment for such inquiries. He thanked Astrid for her kind words and offered his willingness to assist her in the future.

The lady smiled once more and said, "I trust you will honor your commitment, Arthur. I would like to know more about you but we are in a bit of a hurry. So, until we meet again, although I have a feeling it will be a lot sooner than expected."

Arthur observed in surprise in the face of mention of his name as Astrid and the knights reentered their coach and departed. He sensed that this encounter was but the beginning of a more profound connection and understood the necessity of readiness for whatever lay ahead. Continuing his journey, he was unwavering in his resolve to thwart the dark wizards and their malevolent experiments.

As he strode forward, he affirmed to himself, "I will not rest until I've eradicated these dark wizards and their entire organization. I shall unearth the source of this malevolence before it takes root and obliterate it, no matter the cost."

The appearance of undead and ghouls in remote, uninhabited mountainous terrain raised Arthur's suspicions to a new level. He detected a fleeting presence and a watchful gaze upon him. It vanished as quickly as it had appeared, but Arthur knew he was on the right trail.

A sly smile formed on his lips as he thought, "Found you!" With unwavering determination, Arthur pursued the elusive presence, tracing the magical residue left in its wake, eager to uncover yet another of the dark wizards' secretive laboratories.

Arthur relentlessly followed the magical trail for hours, his own magic attuned to the elusive presence he had sensed earlier. With each step, the trail grew more pronounced, promising that he was drawing nearer to his target.

Navigating through the densely wooded terrain, he stumbled upon a clearing that harbored an ominous sight. In the heart of the clearing stood a formidable structure, constructed from ominous, twisted stone. Its very presence exuded an aura of malevolence that sent shivers down Arthur's spine.

This foreboding edifice was undoubtedly the laboratory he had been relentlessly seeking. He approached it with cautious trepidation, keenly alert to any potential dangers. The eerie sounds of unsettling experiments and maniacal laughter emanated from within, intensifying his resolve.

Knowing he must maintain the element of surprise, Arthur circled the building, seeking ingress. Ultimately, he discovered a discrete rear entrance, which he opened soundlessly before slipping inside.

The interior proved even more unsettling than the exterior. Obsidian symbols adorned the walls, bathed in an otherworldly gloom. Unearthly creatures were imprisoned within cages, subjected to grotesque experiments, twisted and mutated by the dark magic wielded by their captors.

Delving deeper into the laboratory, Arthur entered a chamber housing not only creatures and monsters but also imprisoned humans and diverse species. A wave of revulsion washed over him at the pitiable sight of their suffering. He knew that he could no longer tolerate this abomination and began inspecting the cages for signs of life.

Many of the captives appeared malnourished and frail, their eyes filled with fear and despair. With time running out, Arthur resolved to act swiftly, unsheathing his sword as he ventured further into the laboratory. The dire plight of these souls compelled him to bring an end to the dark wizards' malevolent experiments.

As he continued, he encountered additional dark wizards, their expressions shifting from surprise to futile resistance as they sought to halt his advance. However, Arthur's formidable prowess rendered them powerless, their challenges easily overcome.

Finally, Arthur reached the heart of the laboratory, where he confronted the leader of the dark wizards. This malevolent sorcerer, the mastermind behind the twisted experiments, emitted a chilling, maniacal laughter as Arthur drew near.

"Who dares intrude upon this sanctum?" the sorcerer demanded, his voice dripping with rage and fear.

Arthur remained silent, raising his sword as he prepared for the inevitable confrontation. He understood the enormity of this battle and the need to extinguish the dark wizards' malevolent designs.

The sorcerer sneered, "You believe you can best me? I am the master of dark magic, a force beyond the reach of mortals!"

Arthur recognized the sorcerer's formidable power but was undeterred. He charged forward, engaging in a furious clash of magical prowess and swordsmanship. The battle raged on, an exchange of relentless attacks and parries, each combatant striving for dominance.

Ultimately, with a final surge of energy, Arthur delivered a decisive strike with his sword, vanquishing the sorcerer and ending his reign of darkness.

As the leader fell, the laboratory began to crumble and collapse, its malevolent secrets and experiments consumed by the inevitable descent into ruin. Arthur recognized the need for haste, hastening to liberate the imprisoned captives before making a daring escape.

Once safely outside, he witnessed the laboratory's demise, its sinister machinations reduced to rubble. He breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he had thwarted the dark wizards' evil experiments.

Days passed, and the news of a destroyed laboratory finally reached an enigmatic mysterious group. Somewhere in a dark room, deep within the shadows, where the enigmatic mysterious group convened around a circular table. Ten cloaked figures shrouded in darkness gathered, their identities concealed beneath veiled hoods.

Amidst a discussion concerning interference with their experiments and the destruction of their laboratories, one member voiced their concerns. "We face a predicament," they stated, "reports have reached us of intruders disrupting our experiments and dismantling our laboratories."

Another added, "Indeed, it appears that way. We must address this swiftly and efficiently before our true objectives are uncovered."

Addressing the group's leader, a member sought guidance, asking, "What shall we do, leader?"

The leader leaned forward, their eyes gleaming with resolve within the dim chamber. They listened to the members' concerns before delivering a measured response. "Our work must persist, but we must expedite our efforts and maintain a low profile. We shall endeavor to divert their attention, concealing our true intentions from prying eyes."

The group members nodded in unison, fully aware of the gravity of their situation. They understood that swift and covert action was paramount, and that they must not permit any obstacles to obstruct their path.

The leader rose, signifying the end of their gathering. "Our objectives remain unchanged," he declared. "However, we must exercise caution. Avoid capture at all costs. The consequences are well-known to you all. Remember, maintain a step ahead of our adversaries. This concludes today's session."

The group members disbanded, prepared to execute their leader's orders and advance their search for the plutonium keys. They were acutely aware that their success hinged upon their capacity for discretion and their ability to outsmart their unidentified adversary.


Name: Elyssa

Age: 19

Weight: 55 kg

Height: 165 cm

Constellation: Sagittarius

Personality: Adventurous, curious, brave, loyal, optimistic

Likes: Exploring new places, learning new things, meeting new people, helping others, fighting for justice

Dislikes: Being confined, following rules, being bored, being lied to, being betrayed

Dreams: To find out the truth about her past and her identity, to become a legendary hero, to see the world

Relationship: Single, Friend with Vianola, Maria and Anya

Skills: Swordsmanship, archery, magic, stealth, survival

Jobs: Bounty hunter, adventurer, mercenary

Special Trait: Has a rare ability to manipulate magic traces

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