
Harem king.

"In a distant realm, a young college student undergoes an extraordinary reincarnation. He awakens in a mysterious world steeped in magic and swords, reminiscent of a bygone era. Now living the life of royalty, he harbours grand dreams of amassing the largest harem the realm has ever seen. However, his path is fraught with challenges and uncertainties. Will he truly succeed in turning his extravagant dreams into reality?"

AugustDHeart · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Chapter: 9 Akatsuki

Arthur returned to the inn with a lingering sense of unease. The culmination of his recent perilous mission left him pondering what the future held. It didn't take long for his apprehensions to be validated.

Several days later, an unexpected visitor from the royal castle arrived at the inn, escorted by a retinue of guards. Tension rippled through the inn's patrons as uncertainty hung in the air. Arthur stepped forward, his hand instinctively resting on his sword's hilt, ready for any eventuality.

The messenger addressed him with a firm voice, inquiring, "Are you the one they call Arthur?"

Maintaining his composure, Arthur acknowledged, "Yes, that would be me. May I inquire about the purpose of your visit?"

The messenger's response was delivered with formality and gravity. "Arthur, we have come to bring you to the royal castle."

Arthur's comrades instinctively moved forward to shield him, misinterpreting the situation as a potential arrest. However, the guards accompanying the messenger swiftly quelled any hostilities, indicating they had no hostile intent.

"I apologize for my companions' reaction," Arthur offered with a courteous nod.

Resigned to his fate, Arthur accepted the messenger's summons and followed him to the royal castle. His mind buzzed with conjecture regarding the purpose of his summons.

Upon arrival at the castle, Arthur was led to the grandeur of the throne room, where he confronted the imposing figure of the Demon King, a ruler feared throughout the land. Seated on his imposing throne, the Demon King's penetrating gaze fixed upon Arthur.

"Arthur, you stand before me because I have heard intriguing tales of your deeds," the Demon King declared in a commanding tone. "Rumors speak of your valiant rescue of my daughter from the clutches of the Inhumans." 

Arthur was taken aback by the revelation. He had not expected to be summoned by the Demon King, much less for an act he considered a routine duty. His mind raced as he attempted to recollect the specific incident, but no such memories surfaced.

"I beg your pardon, your majesty," Arthur replied with a respectful bow. "I do not recall such an incident."

Amusement danced in the Demon King's eyes as he responded, "HAHAHA! Of course not. My daughter has always been mischievous and discreet about her Identity."

It dawned on Arthur, and he finally recollected an incident involving his rescue of a girl from undead creatures on a mountain. His recognition mirrored on his face as he inquired, "Could it be that the lady in question is her highness, Astrid?"

The Demon King confirmed Arthur's surprise with a nod, saying, "You are quite quick witted. Yes indeed, that was my daughter."

Arthur was flustered, considering the implications of his actions. He marveled at the unexpected turn of events, pondering the significance of having saved the Demon King's daughter.

"Your majesty,I humbly apologize for my any discretion towards her highness, I had no knowledge of her Identity. Besides, I acted merely out of duty, so you praise me too much, your majesty." Arthur replied, tempering his response to convey respect without arrogance.

The Demon King acknowledged Arthur's humility and made an offer that left him astounded. "It's alright. Be at ease. Regardless of your opinion, I would like to reward you. You may make a wish, and if it lies within my power, I shall grant it."

The magnitude of the Demon King's offer weighed heavily on Arthur. It was a pivotal moment, offering him the chance to manipulate events in his favor. Nevertheless, he had to tread cautiously, avoiding any appearance of desperation.

"Your majesty, I am deeply honored by your generosity," Arthur began, his words measured and deliberate. "However, I seek no material rewards. I am but a traveler, just passing by across the lands. My sole aspiration is to continue growing stronger and protect my people."

The Demon King, impressed by Arthur's humility and dedication, accepted his response with a nod. "Very well, Arthur. Your spirit embodies that of a true warrior, and I am proud to have you here as a guest. You have qualities that distinguish you, and I look forward to your future achievements."

"Yes, your majesty. I shall live up to your expectation."

Demon king leaned back and requested. "Then, I have something that might aid you in your aspiration. Currently we are dealing with so called inhumans as you might have guessed they are ghouls and undead and we call them that. One day, they suddenly started to appear in the kingdom and their numbers have been on the rise rather than slowing down despite how many we kill them. And we suspect that  there is a group of organizations called Akatsuki. I would like you to investigate and find out as much as possible about this group and capture one of the members of the group. So can you do it?"

"Yes, your majesty." Arthur responded confidently.

With that, the Demon King presented Arthur with all the information related to the mission and recent disturbances caused by a group known as the Akatsuki. And thus, Arthur was ready to investigate the group and capture one of the members of the Akatsuki for interrogation, and was promised the necessary resources and support if needed..

Arthur's surprise grew as the Demon King chose to entrust him with a crucial mission. He understood the significance of this opportunity, as it could pave the way for him to gain the Demon King's favor and earn trust to realize his ultimate goal of thwarting Francis.

Apprehending the gravity of the situation, Arthur prepared to embark on his mission, now bolstered by the resources and support of the Demon King's kingdom. He knew the road ahead was fraught with peril, but he remained determined to uncover the truth behind the Akatsuki and terminate their malevolent actions.

Upon his return to the inn, Arthur briefed his companions on the mission's nature. Their expressions mirrored the gravity of the task they faced. Vianola, inquired about the reasons behind Arthur's decision for this mission, emphasizing his lack of connection to the events at hand.

Arthur explained his reasoning, highlighting the potential to earn the Demon King's favor and secure support for his cause. He emphasized that the lives of millions hung in the balance.

Silence fell over the group as they contemplated Arthur's words. Eventually, Arthur informed them he would be going alone, urging them to stay at the inn and work on the things here until he returns. But no one was willing to accept it, Arthur kept emphasizing about the danger and risks of the mission, not wanting to lose anyone anymore than he already had until they were willing to accept it.

The following day arrived, and Arthur left the inn at first light, his destination set for the southwest of the kingdom, where the infamous Whispering Forest concealed the possible base of one of the Akatsuki members. As he reached the city gate, he was intercepted by a lady accompanied by two knights in resplendent armor, each brandishing a gleaming sword.

The lady approached him, her presence commanding attention. Arthur, always respectful toward women, offered his audience. She  introduced herself as Princess Astrid, the daughter of the Demon King.

Princess Astrid was a vision of elegance and grace, her hair was like a flame, burning brightly in the fading light. It cascaded over her shoulders, framing her face with a fiery glow cascading in luxurious waves and her eyes a mesmerizing shade of sapphire. She possessed an air of regal authority, heightened by her tall, slender frame. Adorned in an black Kimono contrasting with her vivid hair and creating a striking impression. She radiated royal charmthat left Arthur momentarily captivated. Her two knights, stalwart in their armor, flanked her with unwavering devotion. The presence of the princess was a striking departure from his expectations.

Despite the surprise, Arthur greeted her with respect, bowing his head in acknowledgment. "It is an honor to meet you once again, Princess Astrid."

The princess, in turn, bestowed a warm smile upon Arthur. "Huhu, so you found out huh. Likewise, Arthur. And I heard you were invited to the castle to meet my father and he requested to capture an Akatsuki member. Is that correct?"

Arthur confirmed her information with a nod. "Yes, that is the mission entrusted to me by his majesty."

With an air of determination, Princess Astrid expressed her wish to accompany him on his mission. Arthur rejected her wish. She tried to reject his rejection being persistent but it was futile as Arthur kept rejecting the rejection persistently.

Princess Astrid responded with a sigh, a disappointed expression. "Fine, as you wish. I understand the danger and risks. Hence I shall not push this matter and be a burden. But I have a condition."

Her fortitude and persistence resonated with someone Arthur once knew, assuaging his reservations. The princess then expressed a condition, her tone lighthearted. She sought to shed the formalities, emphasizing their shared age.

Arthur couldn't help but chuckle at the princess's request. He knew that she wasn't going to back down anytime soon like a certain someone, and that he won't be leaving in time. He replied, "Of course, your highness. I apologize for my discretion."

The princess nodded, "Then, it's settled. You may set out on your journey and return safe and sound."

Arthur set out on his journey toward the Whispering Forest. Arthur knew that it would not be easy, but he was determined to uncover the truth about the Akatsuki and put an end to their rampage. He also knew that this was his chance to earn the demon king's favor and pave the way for his ultimate goal of defeating Francis.

As evening descended he continued his trek, weariness settled in after a full day of walking. He wondered how far it was and how long it was going to take as he read the map. It had already been a couple of days since he left the city.

Arthur consulted the map and thought. It looks like it's not far now, I'll be there by tomorrow afternoon.

As he continued along the path, Arthur heard the sound of a nearby river and observed the sun setting. Recognizing the need for rest, he decided to halt his march and established his camp near the gently flowing waters. Arthur ventured to the river to fish, forest to gather dry wood for the campfire.

As night settled in, Arthur enjoyed a meal of freshly caught fish, looking at the starry skies in the darkest of night, reminiscing his memories about Ellie. As he remembers her words and nagging, Arthur couldn't help but respite and replenish his strength, preparing for the challenges that lay ahead. He knew that the next day would be decisive, and he was determined to be fully prepared.

Late into the night, Arthur wakes up covered in sweat from his usual nightmares ever since that day into the radiant full moon bathed night in silvery light, casting a shimmering reflection on the river's clear and steady flow. Despite his futility to fall asleep again only led it to be in vain. Annoyed, He got up and went by the river bank, Kneeling down by the water's edge to wash his face. Arthur hoped the cool splash would help keep him calm and alert. As he stared at his reflection on the water's surface, he mused, "in the end, I couldn't fall asleepI almost forgot what I looked like. It's been quite a while since I saw my own face. The moonlight is exceptionally bright tonight. I suppose it's a perfect opportunity for rigorous training.Then hopefully I'll be able to fall asleep again."

Standing by the riverbank, Arthur brandished his swords, the moonlight enhancing the elegance of his movements. He commenced with some basic warm-up exercises, his swords moving fluidly as he stretched his muscles.

To add resistance to his training, Arthur conjured magical weights and infused them into his clothing. As he honed his skills, the tranquil night embraced him with the symphony of the flowing river and the chorus of crickets. The serenity of the night aided his focus, allowing him to immerse himself fully in his training. Aware of the mission's inherent peril, he was committed to being prepared for any unforeseen challenges that lay ahead.

As he began to pick up the pace, sweat began to bead on his forehead. He could feel the weight of the magic infused in his clothes, adding extra resistance to his movements. But he pushed through the discomfort, determined to improve his skills.

His movements became faster and faster, his swords a blur as he swung them with precision and power. The sound of steel clashing against air filled the night air, echoing through the forest. Arthur's breathing grew labored, but he didn't stop. He was determined to push himself to the limit.

The night was alive with the sound of metal on air, his movements fluid, almost like a dance, as he gracefully dodged and parried imaginary attacks. Sweat dripped down his face, and his muscles screamed with exertion, the weights on his clothes adding to the difficulty of his training.

As he reached the climax of his training, he suddenly jumped into the air and flipped backward, landing in a crouched position with his swords pointed out in front of him. He held the pose for a moment, panting heavily before standing up and sheathing his swords.

The two fairies who were secretly observing couldn't help but stare in awe at Arthur's impressive display. They had never seen such skill and precision before, and they couldn't help but feel a little intimidated by the level of power Arthur possessed.

Arthur, noticing their presence, surprised gave a small chuckle and walked back to the camp as he was well aware that he can't approach them even if he wants to, unless they are willing to. As he lay down on his bedroll, he couldn't help but think to himself, "It's been a while since I've trained like this. I need to keep pushing myself to be stronger, for Ellie's sake." And with that thought, he fell into a deep sleep, ready for whatever the next day would bring.

Arthur woke up to the sound of birds chirping and the sun shining brightly in the sky. He stretched his arms and legs, feeling refreshed after a good night's sleep. As he got up and began to pack up his bedroll, he noticed that something smells sour and rotten"

Arthur raised an eyebrow, "What's this smell? It smells like something is rotting."

Arthur shrugged it off, thinking that probably some animal died nearby. As he walked around the camp, he couldn't help but notice that the smell was following wherever he went.

Arthur couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. He leaned in close to take a sniff, only to be met with the most unpleasant smell imaginable. His eyes widened in realization as he realized that he was the source of the smell. He quickly turned to the familiar and vivid sound that was trying to hide its laughter, "Hey, you two! Stop laughing, so what if I smell bad, and what are you still doing here? Aren't you guys supposed to be pretty secretive, legends and fairy tales?"

One of the fairy, still trying to hold back her laughter,came closer and  whispered in his ear, "You don't smell bad, you smell like shit."

Arthur's eyes widened in shock as he heard the word and realized that he had forgotten to take a bath after his training session the previous night. He quickly excused himself embarrassed and made his way to the river, determined to rid himself of the unpleasant odor. As he washed himself in the river, He made a mental note to always remember to take a bath after his training sessions, determined to never let something like this happen again.

Another fairy, tearing up from laughter added,"phew! That was a good laugh. Anyway we were amazed by your swordsmanship last night. We had never seen anything like it before. We had a great show and enjoyed it so we would like to thank you somehow."

"Thank me? I didn't do anything for you to thank me. It was my usual late night training and I never signed up to be someone's show. Thanks but no thanks. Now get going, else your fairy queen is gonna kick your ass."

"Hmph! You sure know a lot about us. And you weren't surprised to see us. I have never seen any human this arrogant and boastful. Let's go sis it was just a waste of time."

Haha! I was surprised alright because I already saw you last night. And I know how you guys operate. So I will get my fair share of payment for my show. Only stupid will act friendly towards you guys. Come follow me around and let me give you the best shows of your life for a while.

As he entered the Whispering Forest, Arthur could feel the tension in the air. The trees seemed to loom over him, casting a dark shadow over. His expressions were serious as he made his way deeper into the forest. The sound of twigs snapping underfoot and the rustling of leaves in the wind were the only sounds that could be heard.

As he walked, Arthur couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched. He kept his hand on the hilt of his sword, ready to strike at a moment's notice.

Suddenly, a loud growl echoed through the forest, surprising him and freezing in his tracks. "What was that?"

Arthur's eyes darted around, searching for the source of the noise. "Of course It's a monster, not surprised at all." he said, drawing his sword. "Guess, I am close now. Let's get this over with."

Arthur waited in silence, swords and magic at the ready. His hearts pounding not in fear but in excitement.

A giant bear emerged from the bushes, its eyes locked on him. It let out a deafening roar and charged toward him.

Arthur stepped forward, his sword at the ready. He swung it with all his might, and the bear let out a pained cry as it fell to the ground. But, something was off, Arthur knew that this can't be this easy, so he checked the corpse only to find, it was just an ordinary bear.

He continued to make his way deeper into the forest, encountering powerful mutant monsters. When he finally reached the center of the forest, everything became eerily quiet, with no rustling of trees, no chirping of birds, and no sounds of animals. Then the silence was shattered by a rumbling beneath the earth, growing closer and closer. Arthur sensed a massive magical power fluctuation and prepared himself for whatever was about to emerge.

As he waited, the rumbling grew louder and louder until finally, a giant minotaur emerged from the ground. It was unlike any minotaur they had ever seen, its horns glinting in the dim light, and its eyes glowing with uncontrollable rage. A deafening roar echoed from the creature's massive form, sending shivers down the spines of the group.

Arthur stepped forward, his magic sword gleaming with power in the dim forest. "Hohoho, look what we have here." he said to himself, "this is no ordinary minotaur."

The minotaur let out another deafening roar and lunged at Arthur, its massive hooves pounding the earth beneath it. Arthur swiftly dodged its attack and retaliated with a powerful strike from his enchanted sword. The clash of steel against the minotaur's thick hide sent sparks flying, marking the beginning of a fierce battle.

Amidst the battle's intensity, Arthur's thoughts drifted to the knights who once served him and had his back, now replaced by empty void space. He couldn't help but recall their names and the camaraderie they once shared. Despite their ultimate betrayal, a sense of gratitude lingered for their loyalty during their time together.

As the minotaur made another ferocious charge toward Arthur, his thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a realization. "What bullshit am I even spouting, I already have better comrades than before and are currently waiting for me to return." he mused.

Arthur refocused his attention on the battle at hand. With a powerful swing of his magic-infused sword, he met the minotaur head-on. The ground trembled beneath them as their weapons clashed, and the creature's roar reverberated through the forest.

"Fire Blast!!" Arthur shouted, and released a potent fire ball that struck the minotaur squarely in the chest. The beast staggered back, momentarily weakened.

Despite his valiant efforts, the minotaur seemed to grow stronger with each passing moment, its rage fueling its magic and making it nearly invincible.

Arthur, however, remained unwavering in his determination to end the battle. Summoning all his magical power and strength, his sword radiated with an intense brilliance. With a mighty swing, he struck the minotaur with all his might.

The minotaur let out a final, earth-shaking roar, its body convulsing before it collapsed to the ground. For a fleeting moment, he sighed with relief, believing victory was his. Yet, his triumph was short-lived, as the minotaur's eyes glowed with renewed determination, and its wounds miraculously began to heal.

Arthur recognized the dire situation he faced. The minotaur's regenerative abilities posed an extraordinary challenge. Engaging it in another duel, Arthur and the minotaur clashed with thunderous force, steel against flesh.

"Infinity wall!" Arthur cried out, swiftly, crafting a formidable magical barrier that enveloped the minotaur, entrapping it within. With the creature immobilized, Arthur drove his sword into its heart, putting an end to the relentless battle.

After the minotaur's defeat, Arthur found himself exhausted already, lying on the forest floor as he caught his breath. As he rested, he deliberated on his next course of action. I need to locate the base fast at this rate I'll be spent before the main fight," Arthur declared, "The Demon king mentioned that the previous reconnaissance party disappeared in this vicinity."

"Come to think of it, where the hell am I? I know I am getting close to the base because of the increase in activity of these monsters but the forest is so dense that I am unable to locate the base." Arthur determined, "but no matter the case I must press forward. I cannot afford to falter now."

With a moment's contemplation, Arthur came up with a solution. "I have an idea, why don't I erect a tower to gain an aerial view. From there, I may identify my location and potentially pinpoint the base's whereabouts."

Arthur raised the tower, elevating himself high above the forest's canopy. From this vantage point, the view was nothing short of breathtaking. A vast sea of trees stretched out before them, their green expanse seemingly endless, while a layer of fog lingered on the distant horizon. Above, the sun shone brightly in the azure sky, casting a warm glow over the landscape.

Arthur scanned the surroundings from his elevated position and noticed a peculiar area of the forest obscured by a violet-colored smog. Arthur chuckled and muttered to himself,"BINGO! Found ya bitch. Alright time for some action."

Jumped from the tower, Arthur heads toward the violet fog. Along the way, he pondered the discrepancy between his strength and theirs. "Since I came here, It feels strange," he thought to himself, "I am already a 9th star magician and I have recently broken through the fourth tier swordsmanship . So why is it that dealing with these mutants or any opponent is  tougher than it looks? It can't simply be that they are just stronger than me when I am already overpowered, well if not I think I am pretty close to it. Am I over confident? Or is there something wrong with me? Is it my stamina? Or  is there something I am doing wrong here? Like, am I using more than necessary energy and magic here? I am self taught so I don't know what's the cause here.There are too many unanswered questions, and it's frustrating."

As he drew nearer to the fog, the air grew dense and heavy, despite the bright sun overhead. An unexpected chill permeated the atmosphere, causing discomfort. Arthur voiced his discomfort, "Man, is the air getting thick? It's kinda stuffy here. Not to mention, it's getting chilly."

He continued his march the rest of the way in silence, with only the sounds of his footsteps and the forest's murmurs surrounding them. The whispers of the forest seemed to grow louder and more insistent, almost as if they were issuing a warning. Despite these unsettling signs, Arthur pressed on, knowing his mission to stop the Akatsuki and their plot was of paramount importance.

Upon reaching the heart of the violet fog, he encountered a vast cave entrance, guarded by two sentinels that looked like bats but had only two wings and one eyeball on patrol. Arthur halted and hid himself behind the nearby rock. He observed and assessed the surroundings for any other guards, confirming it was clear he quietly eliminated the sentinels while concealing himself behind the rock and firing small magic missiles .

After confirming their death, Arthur emerged from his concealment and entered the cave. The interior was dimly lit, and a faint, unpleasant odor lingered, growing stronger as they ventured deeper. It appeared to extend deep underground.

Arthur cast a simple light spell, illuminating his surroundings and allowing him to see the path ahead.

As he ventured further into the cave, the terrain gradually shifted. The cave's interior became more structured and sophisticated, with chambers and corridors lined with smooth, flat stones. The ceiling was equipped with enchanted lights, providing ample illumination. However, the unpleasant odors grew more intense as he delved deeper.

As he continued deeper into the cave, he encountered increasing numbers of dark magician guards. Their presence escalated, making it impossible to eliminate them without detection.

While navigating a narrow corridor, Arthur spotted a group of sentinels approaching from one direction and a cadre of dark magicians from another. Although he could take care of them he didn't want to waste his energy before the main event. Hence, He found himself trapped with no escape route. Time was running out, and a decision had to be made.

Arthur teleports himself back to the entrance. And mutters to himself. "It's far more highly guarded than I thought. Did they get wind of me coming? No it can't be unless there is a spy or traitor in the castle. Ugh! Why is it so troublesome? I didn't want to waste my strength on small fries, now do I really have to waste it? No, let's think of something. There must be a way." 

Arthur walks toward the nearby rock and sits there contemplating on what he should do now. He regrets not bringing Momo and Vianola. But He couldn't bring himself to put them in danger like Ellie no matter how skilled they are. And Unexpectedly an idea pops in his head.

He mutters to himself scoffing,"I am so stupid, Why didn't I think of that before."

This time, he again enters the cave and after a moment he reaches where he was before. Unlike before he takes caution and applies an invisibility spell on himself making him invisible and erasing all his presence.

Although It's magic consumption isn't that much, using it over a long period of time could be disadvantageous for me because I don't know what kind of monster is waiting for me at the end of this trail. I need to make this quick.

Arthur navigated the through labyrinthine chambers and winding tunnels,thinking to himself

Judging from this huge mana pressure, that guy must be somewhere in the central main chamber. This place is pretty complex and intricate so it's easy to get lost here, good thing I can scan and get the vague map of this place with magic. It's so convenient having magic, wish this was in my previous life.

After navigating quietly and undetected, he finally reached the source of huge mana, he encountered a colossal door adorned with the emblem of a black dragon. 

This has to be the place. 

Arthur dispels the invisibility spell and enters the room, he was greeted by a shocking sight. The moment he stepped inside, he found himself encircled by dark magicians in their crimson robes, their magic focused on him. In the heart of this assembly, a slow, rhythmic clapping resonated through the otherwise silent room.

A sense of danger engulfed Arthur as he instinctively reached for his sword hilt, but a voice cautioned, "Ah ah aah! I would think twice if I were you."

Arthur composed himself and replied, "So, you must be the person I'm looking for. Why are you hiding in the shadows?"

The figure in the shadows responded with a hint of humor, "Because we are 'dark' magicians, get it? Haha."

Arthur forced a chuckle but was interrupted, "You don't have to act, you know. I'm aware my sense of humor is lacking, but your acting is just as bad. Do you believe I'm unaware of your plans?"

Dark spikes were hurled towards Arthur but missed him by inches. Unfazed, he retorted, "Is that meant to be a threat? Or is your aim as poor as your humor?"

Undeterred, Arthur maintained his composure and inquired, "Since, I am still alive there must be something you want from me, let's hear what you have to say, but before that, could you at least provide your name? Referring to you as the 'shadow figure' growing tedious for him."

The figure revealed itself, emerging from the darkness. It stood tall and imposing, its pale visage framed by jet-black hair cascading to its shoulders. Clad in a crimson robe adorned with intricate dark magic patterns, the hood was thrown back to unveil an angular face with piercing green eyes. These eyes bore into Arthur with an air of authority and power. Its thin lips were drawn tight, suggesting a stern demeanor, and its bony fingers tapped restlessly on its arms. An aura of immense malevolence emanated from this figure, chilling the room.

Arthur's eyes widened in astonishment, and he exclaimed, "What... Who are you?"

The figure introduced itself, "My name is Ryuka."

Arthur continued the conversation, "So spit it out. What do you want and what are you plotting?"

Ryuka chuckled and clarified, "I don't want anything and it would be a lie if I said I am not plotting anything but I can't tell you because it's a secret but rather I am quite interested in you."

Arthur raised an eyebrow, pulling himself back. "What do you mean by 'I am interested in you'? I'm not interested in that sort of thing."

Ryuka sighed in exasperation, "No, not in that way. I mean more specifically I am interested in your magic and swordsmanship skills. I am curious as to how powerful a soldier you would be if I experimented on you."

Arthur posed a challenge, "So,you just want a lab rat huh, disgusting psycho. But I ain't interested, what are you going to do about it?"

Ryuka grew more serious, "Sigh!, then I guess I can't let you continue playing here anymore. I will give you two choices: surrender and become a lab rat, in which case I might consider sparing you or resist and face me and my wizards alone, but looking at it, I doubt you will get a chance for that. What's your decision?"

Arthur weighed his options and realized he needed time to formulate a plan. Activating his mental abilities, he sped up his thought processes exponentially. He went through every possible scenario in his head and only one had the solution. 

Let's see if this works. I'll play along and try to negotiate.

Arthur played along and asked, "Alright, I'll be your lab rat, but I have one condition. If I become the lab rat, you and your wizards must stop going after any humans, monsters or animals. In other words, I will be the last lab rat."

Ryuka raised an eyebrow, "Interesting. What makes you think I won't betray our agreement?"

Arthur smiled slyly, "Well, you see I have this thing called oath magic, that binds two person hearts and if you went against your word then it would make my job a lot easier wouldn't it, Mr. Akatsuki member Ryuka?"


  Name: Zalazar

Age: 300 (looks 30)

Weight: 80 kg

Height :6'1"

Constellation: Scorpio

Personality: Cunning, ambitious, charismatic

Likes: Power, wealth, loyalty, challenges

Dislikes: Weakness, betrayal, boredom

Dreams: To bring prosperity in the Hellheim

Relationship: Married, father

Skills: Shadow magic, swordsmanship, leadership

Jobs: King of the demon realm, master of the black throne

Special Trait: Horns that grow larger when he uses his magic

If you have made yourself up to here then Congratulations and thank you so much for reading. If you have found any loopholes or loose ends in the story. Please don't forget to leave a review.

AugustDHeartcreators' thoughts