
Harem king.

"In a distant realm, a young college student undergoes an extraordinary reincarnation. He awakens in a mysterious world steeped in magic and swords, reminiscent of a bygone era. Now living the life of royalty, he harbours grand dreams of amassing the largest harem the realm has ever seen. However, his path is fraught with challenges and uncertainties. Will he truly succeed in turning his extravagant dreams into reality?"

AugustDHeart · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Chapter: 7 New Start!

"Hey, are you all ready to go?" Arthur inquired, turning towards the group with a faint smile.

"Yes, my lord!"

"Yes, big brother."

Arthur turned his attention to Maria and Vianola, awaiting their responses.

"Yes, we're ready," Maria affirmed with a nod.

"We're prepared to face whatever challenges come our way and defeat the first prince.." Vianola added, her expression resolute.

"Alright then, let's go. We'll face whatever comes together, as a team," Arthur responded with a renewed sense of hope, a warm smile gracing his face.

With their commitment reaffirmed, the group set off on their journey, ready to rebuild their lives, grow stronger and gather allies to face off against francis.. Despite the sorrow and uncertainty that lay behind them, they found solace in the knowledge that they had one another to lean on, knowing that together, they could overcome any obstacle.

Yesterday morning when I woke up, everyone had downcast faces. The mood was gloomy and tense. Well, I wasn't one to talk, but I was feeling much better than before. I am sad she isn't with me anymore, and all I can do is mourn her death. But I decided not to let her sacrifice go to waste and to avenge her and get back what was mine. With that, I also thought to cheer them up and lift the mood a little. I am glad they are better than yesterday. I know what they have been through, but we can't stay moping around forever. We are weak, we are powerless; something has to change to get what belongs to us.

"What are you pondering so deeply, your majesty?" Vianola inquired.

"Ah! Oh, nothing important. Also, you can drop the formalities' I am just a regular person, as you all are now. I am no longer worthy of that title."

Vianola expressed her disagreement. "What are you saying, your majesty? No matter what happens, you will always be a person of honor to us. You are by no means unworthy of that title. A person's worthiness and status aren't defined by their position or possessions, but rather by what they have done. You have achieved more than enough to be considered worthy. Isn't that right, Maria?"

Maria wholeheartedly concurred. "Yes, your majesty. No matter what or where you will be, you will always be our majesty without a single doubt. We will follow in your footsteps to our last breath."

Arthur was deeply moved by their words. "Thank you. Thank you so much. I am truly grateful that you all are with me. I promise I won't let you down ever again."

They continued their journey towards Helheim, moving southeast on foot due to their depleted finances after taking care of Arthur and Momo. 

Throughout their travels, they encountered forests, hills, and mountains, facing dangers and monsters at every turn. They took turns protecting each other, forming a protective formation with Arthur and Momo taking point at times, and Vianola leading at others. This rotation continued as they ventured towards their destination.

Whether they camped at night or rested during the day, Arthur remained committed to his training with Anya, while Vianola coached Momo. Maria contributed to their well-being by preparing nutritious meals after their training sessions. Their journey proceeded smoothly, marked by unwavering camaraderie and shared experiences, until they unexpectedly reached a dead end.

"Eh? It's a dead end. Did we take the wrong turn?" Arthur inquired, puzzled.

"No, it's the right path. I'm sure of it. It wasn't like this before," Vianola responded.

"Then what happened? How long has it been since you traveled through here?" Arthur probed.

"It hasn't been long, maybe around 100 years, and I don't know what happened."

Arthur let out a sarcastic chuckle. "Are you kidding me? 100 years is more than enough time for any change. I forgot that elves have a different perception of time."

"Ah, I'm sorry," Vianola apologized.

"Ah, no it's okay. I wasn't blaming you and it's not your fault if something changes which is totally out of your control. I should have been more cautious from the start. Anyway, if this is the right path as you say, then how are we going to climb this massive wal—"

Arthur approached the wall, touched it, and passed through it into a large enclosed space with white stone tiles covering the floor. In the center of the space stood a colossal statue.




The group's attention turned back to Vianola.

"What?! I didn't do anything," Vianola protested.

"Never mind that; we need to go after him," Momo urged, pointing at the wall.

"Are you crazy? We don't know what's behind this, and you want us to jump in there without knowing anything?" Vianola objected forcefully.

"So what? Do you want to leave him there all by himself? I won't let that happen while I'm still here. I don't care what's behind it; I'm going in either way," Momo declared resolutely.

"Wait, listen to what I'm saying—" Vianola attempted to reason, but Momo was adamant.

"I don't want to, and don't you dare try to stop me."

Maria intervened, diffusing the tense situation. "Stop it, both of you. This is no time to be bickering with each other. Instead, think of a way to get him out."

"Boo!" Arthur suddenly appeared, peeking his head out of the wall in an attempt to startle Momo.

"Eeek!" Momo screamed, leaping back in surprise.

"Kekeke!" Arthur couldn't contain his laughter.

"What did you do that for? Do you know how worried we were, and you're messing around?" Momo chastised him.

"You guys are way too uptight, so I decided to lighten the mood. Anyway, you guys should come here and check this out."

Hesitant, Momo and Vianola passed through the wall without knowing what lay beyond. Maria and Anya, however, remained behind.

"Come on, Maria. It's safe, so don't worry. You too, Anya."

Maria extended her hand, and Anya hesitated at first. Then, summoning her courage, she closed her eyes, taking a leap of faith as she ran through the wall. Maria, in turn, followed suit.

Arthur, having witnessed their passage, couldn't help but tease Maria.

"Oh, come on! You don't need to hesitate so much. You can rely on me for once."

Arthur playfully grabbed Maria's hands and pulled her into the wall. The sudden Arthur's action startled Maria, causing her heart to skip a beat. Her face flushed with a deep blush as she tried to contain her emotions, but her scream of surprise still slipped out.


"Cut Rs 50 for her overreacting, Momo," Arthur quipped, bringing humor to the moment.

"Hm?" Momo tilted her head in confusion.

"Hehe! Never mind. Anyway, take a look at this place. Who knew there was such a hidden place here?" Vianola remarked.

"Yeah, but what is this place, and what was that thing we passed through that looked like a wall, an illusion?" Momo inquired curiously.

"No, I don't think that was an illusion. Why would anyone put up an illusion in the middle of nowhere? It was probably either some kind of portal or dimensional wall created due to the overlapping of two dimensions. We might find out more if we explore this place," Vianola replied confidently.

"She's not wrong. This place looks like some kind of dungeon I used to play in games back on Earth," Arthur added.

"Dungeon?" "Game?" "Earth?" Momo, Anya, and Vianola questioned curiously.

Ah! I spoke out loud. Well It's something that used to be a lot popular in my old world. As you already know, I am not the same person inside. I reincarnated into this body when I died in my world. So, yeah you won't understand even if i tell you guys in detail but just understand it as a source of entertainment. Hehe" Arthur chuckled, trying to brush it off.

"Tell us more that sounds really fun thing to do—"

"Ah, never mind. Anyway, we should find out what this place is and remove it before anyone gets hurt."

"Umm." "Yes," Vianola and Momo agreed.

Phew! Safe. If i didn't change the topic they would have asked all sorts of things.

As they moved closer to the center of the room, the statue in the middle began to move, startling everyone. The statue was a towering figure, crafted from shimmering metallic material. It seemed to pulsate with energy, its eyes emitting a fiery, bright light. Adorned with intricate symbols and markings, it hinted at its magical nature. The statue stood on a pedestal in the room's center, its arms crossed over its chest, guarding the dungeon against intruders. As the group approached the statue, they felt a sense of awe and reverence, understanding they were in the presence of something ancient and powerful.

"Who dares to trespass into the master's Sanctuary? Leave at once or prepare for the consequences—"

"Like hell we do!" Momo leaped towards the statue to attack but was blocked by a barrier and fell back. "Owie!"

"Momo, are you okay?" Arthur rushed to her side to help her up.

"Yeah, I'm fine. But what are we going to do about this barrier?"

"Hmm... This barrier is formed by a mage of the seventh star or higher. It won't be broken with just anything," Vianola assessed.

"Really? Let me try!" Arthur rolled up his sleeves and confidently stepped forward. "Step back, everyone; this is going to be dangerous."

Arthur halted a few feet from the barrier, joining his hands and chanting an incantation he had learned during his training with Vianola. As he completed his chant, a golden bow materialized in his hand.

Aiming the bow at the barrier, he pulled the string, summoning an arrow. Arthur applied buffs to himself, added attribute magic to the arrow, and released the string. The arrow streaked through the air, slicing through it like butter and breaking the sound barrier as it hit the barrier protecting the statue with a powerful explosion.


"Cough! Cough! Did it work?"

"Do you really think your puny magic will work on my barrier?" the statue spoke boastfully. "Now, if you are done with your chit-chat and puny magic, I have something to say."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Like I was saying, if you are not going to leave now, prepare for the consequences. You can't leave until you clear all the floors in this Sanctuary. My master is looking for a worthy successor to pass on his knowledge, inheritance, and legacy. This place has been jumping from dimension to dimension looking for that worthy successor. Many have tried, but none have succeeded. Will you be the one who will succeed? So, what is your answer, puny human?"

"His 'puny' words are getting on my nerves." Arthur clenched his fist and teeth, struggling to control his anger. "But what should I do? Momo and Vianola will be fine, but what about Maria and Anya? Sigh! What a pain."

Vianola and Momo quickly sensed Arthur's concerns.

"Don't worry,  We'll figure something out. We always do. Plus, we're not alone. We have each other and Vianola here to help us," Momo reassured him.

"Momo is right. We've faced tougher challenges before, and we've always come out on top. We can do this. But we need to work together and come up with a plan," Vianola nodded in agreement.

"You're right. I'm just worried about Maria and Anya. They're not exactly... prepared for this kind of thing." Arthur took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

"We'll make sure they're safe," Vianola reassured him. "But first, we need to figure out how to get past this barrier and clear the floors of this Sanctuary. Any ideas?"

Hmm... This is a great chance to gain some experience and power up, for me and for others. I'd be an idiot to let go of this opportunity. But I am worried about the two of them. I can't leave them here all alone either. After a period of thought, Arthur raised his head and stepped forward. 

"Alright, we will give it a try."

"We? I think you misunderstood something; only one person can enter the sanctuary at a time."

Arthur looked towards them, and they understood his gaze. "Don't worry about us; we will be fine here and look after them. We'll wait here for you."

Arthur smiled and replied, "Thanks, thank you guys so much." He then turned his attention back to the statue and said, "I am ready."

"If you are ready, answer four of my riddles to open a path to the first floor," the statue instructed.

"Okay, hit me!" Arthur responded confidently.

"You can swallow me, but I can consume you too. What am I?" the statue presented its first riddle.

Arthur pondered for a moment and then replied, "Pride."

"Clap! Clap! Correct! Now, the next one: It dances and skips, it's read in the eyes but it cheats with the hips. If it meets its match it's easily caught, but it's worth nothing if it is bought. What is it?"

Arthur didn't hesitate and promptly answered, "Heart."

"Wooo! Clap! Clap! Nice. That's correct," the statue applauded. It continued, "I last forever, and you might have too much or too little of me, either way, you will run out of me eventually. What am I?"

Arthur thought for a moment but ultimately answered, "MONEY?"

"Eh ah! Wrong! It's time. It will be there forever whether you exist or not. Sometimes you are short on it, or sometimes it feels like it will never run out, but eventually, it will run out."

"Tch! The thing I despise most," Arthur muttered.

"Now, the final riddle: What begins but has no end, yet ends all that begins?"

Arthur went silent as he contemplated the final riddle. The statue urged him, "We don't have all day; if you don't know, then say it."

"Damn it! Just sit quietly for a minute. Don't rush me," Arthur retorted before delving into deep thought. After a moment, he suddenly exclaimed, "That's it! The answer is death. It is the end of all beginnings but once it begins, it has no end."

"Ting! Ting! Ting! You get full marks for that. Since you answered 3 out of 4 riddles correctly, you may proceed to the first floor. Good luck!"

As Arthur answered the final riddle correctly, the statue opened the door to the first floor, and the barrier surrounding it disappeared. The statue retracted into the ground, vanishing into a pitch-black hole. The path was now clear for Arthur to proceed.

As he entered the first floor, torches lining the walls illuminated one by one, revealing the interior. Arthur found himself holding a piece of paper with information about the first floor.

"The first floor of the sanctuary is a place of pride, where someone must prove their worth and bravery by overcoming a series of challenges and puzzles designed to test their mettle," he read aloud.

"Well, this is interesting. I'm quite good at puzzles, and I like challenges. This is going to be a piece of cake," Arthur confidently declared.

With determination, Arthur embarked on the first floor, his eyes scanning the room for any clues or hints that might help him solve the puzzles ahead. The challenges on this floor tested his strength, speed, and agility, and he approached each one with unwavering determination.

Despite the increasingly difficult puzzles and traps he encountered, Arthur remained undaunted. He was determined to prove his worth and earn his place in the sanctuary. Each challenge was met with a cool head and steady hands, as he used all his wits and cunning to overcome the obstacles in his path.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Arthur reached the end of the first floor. He emerged from the dark corridors, triumphant, a sense of pride and accomplishment welling up within him. He knew he had earned his first victory and was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As he made his way to the second floor, Arthur couldn't help but wonder what other trials and tribulations awaited him.

The second floor of the sanctuary was a place of heart, where heroes had to confront their innermost fears and desires and find the strength to overcome them. As Arthur entered the floor, he immediately felt the weight of his own fears and doubts pressing down on him. He knew he had to find a way to push past them if he hoped to succeed.

The challenges on this floor were designed to test Arthur's resolve and determination, forcing him to confront the things he feared most. He navigated a series of mental and emotional obstacles, using his courage and strength of will to overcome them.

As he progressed, Arthur faced increasingly difficult challenges, each one designed to push him to his limits. But he was determined to succeed and refused to let his fears get the best of him. He confronted each challenge head-on, using all his courage and determination to overcome them.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Arthur reached the end of the second floor. He emerged from the dark corridors, triumphant once again, a sense of strength and accomplishment welling up within him. He knew he had conquered his inner demons and proven his worth.

"Damn! Why did I have to go through all this? I'm already starting to regret this. The first one wasn't as hard as I thought, but what's with the sudden increase in difficulty? Well, it doesn't matter anymore. Although I didn't want to relive my past life again and don't want to ever again, after conquering my inner demons and darkness, I kinda feel some sense of accomplishment. Well then, let's see what's next for me," Arthur mused, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead in the sanctuary.

As Arthur makes his way to the third floor of the sanctuary, a sense of excitement and anticipation fills him. He knows that each floor has presented its unique challenges, and he is eager to see what awaits him next.

Upon entering the third floor, Arthur finds himself facing trials that push the boundaries of his abilities in unexpected ways. The challenges here are designed to test his adaptability and quick thinking, leading him through a complex labyrinth of ever-changing puzzles and traps.

One of the initial challenges is the Time Loop, a room trapped in an endless cycle. In this room, anyone who enters is forced to relive the same few minutes repeatedly. Arthur relies on his knowledge of time and his problem-solving skills to break free from this temporal prison, finding a way to escape.

As he progresses, the third floor's challenges intensify. In the Time Freeze, Arthur must navigate through a room where time stands still, dodging traps and obstacles while everything else remains frozen. He uses his strength and speed to outmaneuver these static threats.

The Time Warp introduces a new level of complexity, as Arthur confronts temporal rifts and anomalies. The flow of time constantly shifts and warps in this room, requiring him to apply his understanding of time and space to traverse the ever-changing landscape safely.

The Time Paradox presents a mental and intellectual challenge as Arthur tackles paradoxes that threaten to unravel the very fabric of time itself. He employs quick thinking and problem-solving skills to resolve these paradoxes and maintain the stability of reality.

Finally, Arthur faces the Time Trial, the ultimate challenge on the third floor. This trial features a series of rooms connected by temporal rifts, each one altering the flow of time differently. Arthur combines his knowledge of time and space to navigate through these shifting dimensions and emerge victorious.

"Phew! That was something else," Arthur reflects, a sense of accomplishment in his voice. "It's been quite a while since I had to rack my brain like that, not to mention all the shifting and warping. With all those temporal shifts, I have no idea how long I've been here; it felt like an eternity. I wonder how they are doing up there. Well, let's just get this finished quickly and return to them. Three down, one more to go."

As Arthur progresses to the fourth floor of the sanctuary, he encounters challenges that test his will to survive and confront death itself. This floor is a series of deadly traps and challenges that demand his utmost determination and survival instincts.

One of the initial challenges is the Tomb of the Cursed, a chamber filled with ancient tombs and cursed relics capable of reanimating the dead. Arthur navigates this room, retrieving the relics without falling victim to the resurrected horrors.

The Necropolis presents a different set of challenges as Arthur explores haunted streets and abandoned buildings teeming with vengeful spirits. He relies on his wit and cunning to evade the restless ghosts that haunt the city.

The Crypt of Despair is perhaps the most emotionally taxing challenge, requiring Arthur to confront his deepest fears and doubts head-on. His inner strength and determination are put to the test as he overcomes the psychological challenges within the crypt.

The Charnel House presents a gruesome challenge, where Arthur relies on his senses and intuition to navigate a labyrinth of bones and corpses. He maintains his composure, focusing on the task at hand to survive this macabre ordeal.

Finally, Arthur faces the Deathmatch, the ultimate trial of the fourth floor. This battle involves confronting the deadliest opponents the sanctuary can offer.

As he exits the arena, a bright light greets him, and the sun's warmth touches his face. In front of him lies a clear blue sky and a combat arena, with an opponent waiting.

Entering the arena, Arthur is immediately confronted by a formidable swordsman. The swordsman wields a razor-sharp blade with deadly precision. Arthur understands that he must maintain his focus and guard at all times.

The swordsman charges at him, their blades clashing in a flurry of strikes. Arthur parries and dodges, utilizing his training and experience to anticipate the swordsman's moves and respond with precise counterattacks. The sound of steel meeting steel fills the arena as the two warriors engage in a high-stakes duel.

"You're not bad," the swordsman acknowledges, sweat glistening on his brow as he continues to spar. "But you're no match for me!"

Arthur grunts with effort, parrying another strike, his muscles straining. He knows that he must remain focused and find a way to turn the tide of the battle in his favor. With determination, he feints left, then swiftly ducks and pivots right, delivering a powerful strike.

The swordsman collapses to the ground, his blade clattering beside him. Arthur stands victorious, his chest heaving as he catches his breath.

"I knew I had this in the bag," Arthur thinks to himself, a surge of pride and accomplishment swelling within him. "Now who's next?"

As the next opponent, a formidable mage, steps onto the arena, Arthur prepares for the upcoming battle. The mage, with his commanding presence and powerful spells, presents a daunting challenge. Yet, Arthur is ready to confront this new adversary head-on, relying on his training and instincts to face the magical onslaught that awaits him.

As Arthur makes his way to the third floor of the sanctuary, a sense of excitement and anticipation fills him. He knows that each floor has presented its unique challenges, and he is eager to see what awaits him next.

Upon entering the third floor, Arthur finds himself facing trials that push the boundaries of his abilities in unexpected ways. The challenges here are designed to test his adaptability and quick thinking, leading him through a complex labyrinth of ever-changing puzzles and traps.

One of the initial challenges is the Time Loop, a room trapped in an endless cycle. In this room, anyone who enters is forced to relive the same few minutes repeatedly. Arthur relies on his knowledge of time and his problem-solving skills to break free from this temporal prison, finding a way to escape.

As he progresses, the third floor's challenges intensify. In the Time Freeze, Arthur must navigate through a room where time stands still, dodging traps and obstacles while everything else remains frozen. He uses his strength and speed to outmaneuver these static threats.

The Time Warp introduces a new level of complexity, as Arthur confronts temporal rifts and anomalies. The flow of time constantly shifts and warps in this room, requiring him to apply his understanding of time and space to traverse the ever-changing landscape safely.

The Time Paradox presents a mental and intellectual challenge as Arthur tackles paradoxes that threaten to unravel the very fabric of time itself. He employs quick thinking and problem-solving skills to resolve these paradoxes and maintain the stability of reality.

Finally, Arthur faces the Time Trial, the ultimate challenge on the third floor. This trial features a series of rooms connected by temporal rifts, each one altering the flow of time differently. Arthur combines his knowledge of time and space to navigate through these shifting dimensions and emerge victorious.

"Phew! That was something else," Arthur reflects, a sense of accomplishment in his voice. "It's been quite a while since I had to rack my brain like that, not to mention all the shifting and warping. With all those temporal shifts, I have no idea how long I've been here; it felt like an eternity. I wonder how they are doing up there. Well, let's just get this finished quickly and return to them. Three down, one more to go."

As Arthur progresses to the fourth floor of the sanctuary, he encounters challenges that test his will to survive and confront death itself. This floor is a series of deadly traps and challenges that demand his utmost determination and survival instincts.

One of the initial challenges is the Tomb of the Cursed, a chamber filled with ancient tombs and cursed relics capable of reanimating the dead. Arthur navigates this room, retrieving the relics without falling victim to the resurrected horrors.

The Necropolis presents a different set of challenges as Arthur explores haunted streets and abandoned buildings teeming with vengeful spirits. He relies on his wit and cunning to evade the restless ghosts that haunt the city.

The Crypt of Despair is perhaps the most emotionally taxing challenge, requiring Arthur to confront his deepest fears and doubts head-on. His inner strength and determination are put to the test as he overcomes the psychological challenges within the crypt.

The Charnel House presents a gruesome challenge, where Arthur relies on his senses and intuition to navigate a labyrinth of bones and corpses. He maintains his composure, focusing on the task at hand to survive this macabre ordeal.

Finally, Arthur faces the Deathmatch, the ultimate trial of the fourth floor. This battle involves confronting the deadliest opponents the sanctuary can offer.

As he exits the arena, a bright light greets him, and the sun's warmth touches his face. In front of him lies a clear blue sky and a combat arena, with an opponent waiting.

Entering the arena, Arthur is immediately confronted by a formidable swordsman. The swordsman wields a razor-sharp blade with deadly precision. Arthur understands that he must maintain his focus and guard at all times.

The swordsman charges at him, their blades clashing in a flurry of strikes. Arthur parries and dodges, utilizing his training and experience to anticipate the swordsman's moves and respond with precise counterattacks. The sound of steel meeting steel fills the arena as the two warriors engage in a high-stakes duel.

"You're not bad," the swordsman acknowledges, sweat glistening on his brow as he continues to spar. "But you're no match for me!"

Arthur grunts with effort, parrying another strike, his muscles straining. He knows that he must remain focused and find a way to turn the tide of the battle in his favor. With determination, he feints left, then swiftly ducks and pivots right, delivering a powerful strike.

The swordsman collapses to the ground, his blade clattering beside him. Arthur stands victorious, his chest heaving as he catches his breath.

"I knew I had this in the bag," Arthur thinks to himself, a surge of pride and accomplishment swelling within him. "Now who's next?"

As the next opponent, a formidable mage, steps onto the arena, Arthur prepares for the upcoming battle. The mage, with his commanding presence and powerful spells, presents a daunting challenge. Yet, Arthur is ready to confront this new adversary head-on, relying on his training and instincts to face the magical onslaught that awaits him.

The mage standing before Arthur is an imposing figure, with his tall stature, long white hair, and piercing blue eyes. He's adorned in shimmering robes of deep blue, and his staff gleams with silver enchantments. It's clear that this mage is no ordinary opponent, possessing formidable magical abilities.

As the mage raises his staff and begins to channel a spell, Arthur senses the raw power building in the air around him. He knows he has mere moments to respond before the mage unleashes a devastating magical assault. With a deep breath, Arthur prepares himself for the imminent clash.

Just as the mage releases his spell, Arthur darts to the side with lightning speed, narrowly evading the powerful blast of energy that hurtles toward him. He feels the searing heat of the spell graze past him, knowing that he has only a split-second to launch a counterattack.

Summoning all his agility and combat prowess, Arthur charges forward, his sword flashing through the air. The mage attempts to react but finds Arthur's movements too swift. With a mighty blow, Arthur lands a powerful strike that sends the mage staggering backward.

However, the mage quickly regains his composure, and the arena becomes a battleground of spells and steel. The mage hurls arcane bolts, summons mystical barriers, and manipulates the very elements in his relentless assault. Arthur, equally determined, uses his shield to deflect the magical onslaught and his sword to parry the mage's attacks.

The battle rages on, each combatant testing the limits of their abilities. Arcane energy crackles through the air as the two warriors exchange blows and spells, filling the arena with a dazzling display of magical and martial prowess.

"You're not like any opponent I've faced before," the mage admits, his voice strained as he continues to duel with Arthur.

"And you're no pushover either," Arthur retorts, his determination unwavering.

As minutes turn to hours, both combatants begin to show signs of fatigue. But Arthur, drawing upon his inner reserves, launches a final, determined assault. With a swift, decisive strike, he disarms the mage, sending his staff flying across the arena.

The mage, now defenseless, yields, acknowledging Arthur's victory. He kneels before Arthur, a sign of respect for his opponent's skill and tenacity.

As the mage concedes defeat, a sense of pride swells within Arthur. He has triumphed over yet another formidable opponent within the sanctuary's fourth floor.

"Two down, two more to go," Arthur thinks to himself, a newfound sense of confidence filling him. He knows that the sanctuary's challenges have pushed him to his limits, but he remains resolute in his determination to succeed. With a final glance at the defeated mage, he prepares to face the next challenge that awaits him on this floor.

Arthur takes a step back as he assesses the colossal foe that stands before him. The ogre's massive form casts a daunting shadow across the arena, and its sheer size and power are unlike anything he has encountered within the sanctuary.

As the ogre raises its warhammer and lumbers toward him, Arthur knows that he must rely on more than just his speed and skill. This battle will require strategy, cunning, and every ounce of strength he can muster.

With a swift motion, the ogre swings its warhammer at Arthur, the massive weapon whistling through the air with terrifying force. Arthur narrowly dodges the attack, feeling the shockwave of the impact ripple through the arena floor.

He knows that he cannot hope to overpower the ogre in a direct confrontation. Instead, he must use his agility and wit to outmaneuver his colossal adversary. He darts around the ogre, launching quick strikes and then retreating before the massive warhammer can strike back.

The battle rages on, the ogre's brute strength clashing with Arthur's agility and precision. Each step and strike is a calculated risk, and Arthur knows that a single mistake could cost him dearly.

As the fight continues, Arthur spots an opportunity. The ogre overextends in a powerful swing, leaving itself momentarily vulnerable. Arthur seizes the moment, darting forward and delivering a flurry of precise strikes to the ogre's exposed side.

With a deafening roar of pain, the ogre staggers backward, dropping its warhammer and clutching its wounded side. Arthur knows that this is his chance. With all the strength he can muster, he delivers a final, devastating blow that sends the ogre crashing to the ground.

The arena falls silent as the dust settles, and Arthur stands victorious over his colossal opponent. The ogre, defeated and wounded, concedes defeat with a nod of its head.

As Arthur catches his breath, he knows that this was by far the toughest battle he has faced within the sanctuary. But he also knows that he is one step closer to completing the challenges and proving his worth.

With his determination unwavering, Arthur readies himself for the fourth and final fight that awaits him on this floor. He knows that the sanctuary has pushed him to his limits, but he is more determined than ever to emerge victorious and claim the knowledge and legacy that awaits him.

Arthur takes a deep breath and steadies himself. He knows that he must be ready for anything, and that he cannot let this opponent intimidate him. He draws his weapon and steps forward to meet the ogre, his eyes fixed on the beast's.

Arthur circles the ogre warily, trying to find an opening in the beast's defenses. The ogre swings the warhammer in wide arcs, trying to catch Arthur off guard and crush him with a single blow. But Arthur is too quick and too agile, dancing around the ogre's attacks and looking for an opportunity to strike.

As the fight wears on, Arthur feels his energy starting to flag. He is bruised and battered, his muscles aching and his lungs burning. His physical attacks are not having much effect on the ogre, and he knows that he must resort to using his magic if he hopes to win.

With a surge of mana, Arthur unleashes a blast of fire at the ogre. The beast roars in pain and stumbles back.

"Ha! What kind of coward fights with magic, human?" 

The ogre taunts as it swings the warhammer in wide arcs, trying to catch Arthur off guard and crush him with a single blow.

"You are no match for me! I will crush you like the weakling you are!"

"You talk too much, ogre," Arthur says with a grim smile, raising his hand and gathering his mana. "Time to shut you up."

With a fierce cry, Arthur unleashes a powerful spell, a bolt of lightning that slams into the ogre and sends it stumbling back. The ogre roars in pain and anger, its skin sizzling and its muscles twitching. But Arthur is not finished yet. He follows up with a series of quick, precise spells, each one finding its mark and weakening the ogre's defenses.

The ogre stumbles and falters, its strength and endurance finally starting to give out. Arthur sees his chance and takes it, launching a final, devastating spell that sends the ogre crashing to the ground. The beast lies there, defeated, its body convulsing and its eyes rolling back in its head.

"That's what I call a magic show," Arthur says with a grin, panting and sweating but still standing strong. "You should have known better than to mess with all mighty harem king, ogre." Arthur turns his head left and right if anyone is listening ." Phoo! Thankfully no one's here to see me, otherwise they might have misunderstood me for a weirdo or chuunibyou."

As Arthur stands victorious over the defeated ogre, he takes a moment to catch his breath and gather his strength. He knows that he is not yet finished, and that the final opponent of the Deathmatch is yet to come.

Suddenly, the shadows at the edge of the arena seem to shift and swirl, forming a shadowy figure that seems to move with the fluidity and grace of a cat. The figure's features are hidden in darkness, but its eyes seem to glow with an otherworldly light. It seems to radiate an aura of power and danger, and Arthur knows that this final opponent will be the most formidable of all.

As Arthur faces off against the final opponent, a shadowy figure whose moves seem impossible to predict and whose attacks seem to come from nowhere, he knows that he is in for the fight of his life. He is bruised and battered from his previous battles, and his stamina was already flagged. But he is determined to emerge victorious, no matter what it takes.

"Come on, is that all you've got?" Arthur taunts the final opponent, hoping to unnerve it with his bravado. "I've faced tougher foes than you in my sleep!"

The final opponent circles him, moving with the fluidity and grace of a cat. Its attacks seem to come from all directions, and Arthur uses all of his quick thinking and agility to evade them. He tries to catch the opponent off guard with quick jabs and feints, but the shadowy figure seems to anticipate his every move.

"You are a worthy opponent," the final opponent says, its voice a low, rasping growl. "But you are no match for me. I am the embodiment of death itself, and you are nothing more than a mortal man."

As the fight wears on, Arthur realizes that he is not going to be able to defeat the final opponent through sheer strength and skill alone. He is going to have to use every trick and tactic at his disposal. With a surge of desperation, he reaches deep within himself and summons the last of his magic that he has left.

"I may be a mortal man," Arthur says, his voice filled with determination. "But I am not without my own tricks and powers. Watch and learn, shadow. You are about to see what I'm truly capable of."

The last of his magic courses through him, giving him a burst of strength and energy. He uses it to unleash a series of powerful spells, blasting the final opponent with bolts of lightning and blaze of fire. The shadowy figure stumbles and falls, and Arthur takes the opportunity to deliver a final, decisive blow.

But the final opponent is not finished yet. It rises to its feet and attacks again, moving with even greater speed and ferocity. Arthur is starting to feel his magic power run out, and he knows that he is not going to be able to sustain his spells for much longer. He must find a way to finish this fight, and fast.

"I won't give up, not now," Arthur says through gritted teeth. "I've come too far to let you defeat me. I'll see this through to the end, no matter what it takes."

With a surge of adrenaline, Arthur unleashes one final, desperate attack. He calls upon every ounce of strength and determination that he has left, using his magic to deliver a devastating blow to the final opponent. The shadowy figure falls to the ground, defeated. Soon he starts to disappear in front of Arthur's eyes but before he completely disappears he leaves him with few words.

"You have proven your worth, mortal," the final opponent says, its voice a faint whisper. "You have earned your place in the sanctuary. But remember, death is always watching, and it will come for you in the end."

"I'll face that challenge when it comes," Arthur says, his voice filled with determination. "For now, I'll enjoy my victory. I've earned it."

"It's finally over," Arthur says, panting and exhausted. "I've won."

With a sense of accomplishment and pride, Arthur makes his way out of the arena. As Arthur makes his way out of the arena and towards the fifth floor, he can't help but think back to his past. He remembers the day that his fiancé, Ellie, was killed by the hands of the first prince, Francis. He remembers the sense of helplessness and weakness that he felt, knowing that he was unable to protect the woman he loved.

In the months since Ellie's death, Arthur has vowed to become stronger, to become the kind of man who can protect those he cares about. He has thrown himself into his training, pushing himself to the limits and beyond in order to become the best magician he can be and regain his place.

And now, as he stands at the threshold of the fifth floor, he knows that he has finally achieved his goal. He has proven himself to be a skilled and formidable fighter, able to overcome any challenge that the sanctuary throws at him.

But even as he takes pride in his achievements, Arthur can't help but feel a sense of regret. He wishes that he could have been there to protect Ellie, to prevent her from coming to harm. He knows that he can never turn back time, but he can't help but wonder what might have been.

As he pushes these thoughts aside and steps through the threshold of the fifth floor, Arthur knows that he must focus on the present.

As Arthur stepped through the threshold of the fifth floor, he was met with a scene that left him speechless. The chamber was vast, the walls adorned with intricate carvings and symbols that seemed to shimmer and pulse with a life of their own. Books, scrolls, and other ancient artifacts lined the shelves, their leather bindings and golden script seeming to glow with a faint, otherworldly light.

Arthur couldn't believe his eyes. This was the place he had been striving for, the place where he would finally be rewarded for all of his hard work and determination. He had gone through so much to get here, braving countless challenges and facing down unimaginable dangers. And now, finally, he had arrived.

As Arthur stood in the magnificent chamber of the sanctuary's fifth floor, his senses were overwhelmed by the sights and sounds that surrounded him. The room pulsed with an otherworldly energy, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the place he had reached.

Suddenly, a flicker of light caught his attention, and a holographic image materialized before him. It was a figure hooded and robed, its visage obscured in a shimmering glow. A sense of reverence washed over Arthur as he recognized the figure as a ninth-star magician, a being of immense power and wisdom.

"Welcome, chosen one," the figure intoned, its voice carrying a weight of centuries of knowledge and experience.

Arthur's heart raced. The ninth-star magicians were legendary, their mastery over magic unparalleled. To stand before one of them and be acknowledged as the chosen one was a dream beyond his wildest imagination.

The hologram presented Arthur with a display of his earned rewards: the arcane secrets, the ancient wisdom, the inheritance of unparalleled magical power, and the legacy of the ninth-star magician. It was a bounty of knowledge and power that left Arthur overwhelmed.

As the hologram faded away, Arthur found himself alone once more in the chamber. He looked around, absorbing the aura of this extraordinary place. He had achieved the impossible. He had ascended to the fifth floor and become a ninth-star magician, a guardian of magical wisdom and power.

In that moment of reflection, Arthur realized the incredible journey he had undertaken. He had faced insurmountable challenges, confronted formidable adversaries, and navigated treacherous trials. Yet, it had all led him here, to this pinnacle of magical mastery.

As Arthur made his way back to the sanctuary's entrance, a sense of accomplishment and pride filled him. The path had been long and arduous, but his unwavering determination had led him to become a ninth-star magician.

Waiting eagerly at the entrance were his friends, Maria, Momo, and Vianola. Their faces lit up with joy as they saw him approach, and their warm embraces conveyed their relief and happiness.

"Arthur, you did it!" Maria exclaimed, her eyes brimming with tears of joy. "We were so worried about you."

Arthur returned her hug, feeling the genuine warmth of their friendship. "I made it," he replied, his voice filled with pride. "I'm a ninth-star magician now."

Momo and Vianola joined in the celebration, their disbelief transformed into elation. "You're incredible, Arthur!" Momo exclaimed.

Vianola nodded enthusiastically. "We always knew you had it in you, but this... it's beyond amazing."

Amid the laughter and camaraderie, Arthur reflected on his journey. He had ventured through countless trials, encountered endless dangers, and triumphed over insurmountable odds. And now, reunited with his steadfast friends, he was prepared to face the uncertain future with unwavering resolve.

As they stood together, Arthur knew that he had found his true home. The challenges he had conquered had not only tested his mettle but also strengthened the bonds of friendship. With his friends by his side, he was ready to embrace whatever destiny awaited him, armed with the knowledge, power, and legacy of a ninth-star magician.

  Name: Maria

Age: 25

Weight: 62 Kg

Height: 5'6"


Personality: Kind-hearted, modest, and empathetic

Likes: music, tending to gardens, reading, helping others

Dislikes: Dishonesty, violence, modern influences

Dreams:  peaceful life, staying by her majesty side

Relationship: Close friends with Momo and Vianola, servant master relation with Arthur and Ellie, has secret crush on Arthur

Skills: Herbology, cooking, crafting, etiquette

Jobs: Castle maid, gardener, Arthur personal maid

Special Trait: uncanny ability to soothe distressed animals, have some medicinal knowledge.

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