
Haikyuu: The Ace

STATUS:- HIATUS Starting in pretty cliche, a man dies and meets gods and reincarnates in Haikyuu verse. He will have no superhuman abilities and over-the-top wishes but will be a very strong player. Hope you like my story. Disclaimer- Haikyuu belongs to Furudate Haruichi.

SwordGod007 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

Training Camp

The Next Day...

At the gym, everyone has gathered around and looked towards their new coach who is standing in front of them.

"After observing your yesterday's match, I can say one thing. Except for a few players like Daichi, Kenshin, Nishinoya, and Kageyama all of you are bad at receiving. And there is only one way to improve, practice, practice, and practice.

For the next 10 days before your match with Nekoma, you will do an extra hour of practice. And for that Takeda sensei had already informed the school authorities", Coach Ukai said while looking towards his students.

For the next few days, Coach Ukai has hammered the basics as much as possible. For receiving powerful serves, Coach Ukai has asked Kenshin and Kageyama to serve the two receivers who will try to receive on the other side.

It served as training for both servers as well as receivers. Well, it was difficult for Kageyama and Kenshin to serve for long but they turn that into a competition as well with the winner being the last man standing.

In the end, Kenshin won easily. But everyone got to see the rare smug look of victory on Kenshin's face.

[Kageyama is told to be a machine with huge stamina. But Kenshin has one of the best physiques as a gift from God and he has trained it seriously from his childhood.]

The team also practiced back attack with Asahi, Tanaka, and Kenshin.

First Day of Training Camp....

"Now, the next 3 days will be hell for you guys. We will add extra sets of exercise in the morning and evening as you will all be staying in School. Now let's get it started", Coach Ukai said.


"Shut up and practice", Coach Ukai shouted.

In the accommodation area, Ennoshita, Kinoshita, Narita, Yamaguchi, Kenshin and Tsukishima were sitting in their futons while waiting for their turn to bathe.

"Man, Hinata sure has endless stamina. I am tired", Kinoshita said while laughing.

"I am dead tired. It kind of feels like Coach Ukai[current Coach's grandfather] have come back", Ennoshita laughed a bit.

After saying that Ennoshita, Kinoshita, and Narita have a sullen expression.

"What happened?", Yamaguchi asked in a panicky voice. Tsukishima and Kenshin looked at the trio.

After that, they started narrating their story of how they quit. And how they call themselves "Quitter of 2nd years".

"Isn't it all right that you came back as soon as possible?", Kenshin looked at them and asked.

"But we quit, we are mentally weak", Ennoshita said with difficulty. Narita and Kinoshita agreed.

"What do you think of Asahi san?", Kenshin looked at them and asked.

The trio was out of words. Kenshin looked at them and said, "Asahi san left coming for more than a month and it required few people's help to make him come back. I am not saying it's anything good or bad. But you three came by on your own.

Don't sell yourself short. If you truly regret what you have done then you should train more than others. Saying we are weak and leaving is an easy way but sticking to it till the end is hard. Sorry, If I may sound rude."

The trio looked at each other and started laughing

"You sure talk like an old man"

"Man you sure are mature"

"Sage Kenshin"

Tsukishima looked at Kenshin and said, "You sure are a nice guy. I thought elite like Kageyama and you should be more intense and arrogant."

Kenshin looked at Tsukishima for some time and nodded. After that, they started talking with Kenshin talking when someone asks him anything.


Coach Ukai and Takeda Sensei were watching all the students practicing really hard with a smile on their faces.

"They sure are lively, both in practice and during breaks", Takeda said.

"Yeah, I saw Kageyama running early in the morning", said Coach Ukai.

"Ah, Hinata Kun and Kenshin Kun do that too. Hinata Kun said it's because there is no mountain path here." Takeda said while laughing.

"Mountain path?", Coach Ukai asked.

"Apparently Hinata Kun goes to school from Yukigaoka to Karasuno every day since his Junior High time", Takeda explained.

"Ohh, so that explains his huge stamina. And what's Kenshin's story", Coach Ukai asked. Trying to know more about his students.

"Kenshin Kun said he is running large distances since his childhood. And he increases running distance and speed when he gets used to it", Takeda said with a smile.

"Ohh, so how much he is running now", Coach Ukai asked curiously.

"Kenshin Kun said his target is about 15km under an hour but he is barely able to complete them", Takeda said.

"What? 15 km under an hour and that too everyday. Is he planning to break the Marathon world record in the future or what", Coach Ukai asked in a shocked voice.

"I don't know. But that was what he said. So Ukai Kun, what sort of team is Nekoma.", Takeda asked.

Coach Ukai pondered for a bit and said, "I don't know about the current team but Nekoma in the past used to be a team specialized in defense, a team completely opposite of ours. You will get tired of hitting but they will keep sending those ball back. They are like cats, they are flexible."

"Then isn't it very difficult for us to win", Takeda asked making a worried face.

"I don't know. I know they are going to be a difficult opponent for us but I want to see the effectiveness of Hinata and Kageyama. And I want to see how Kenshin's powerful spike and serve will fare against a team with solid defense. But one thing is sure, we will grow stronger", Coach Ukai said with a smile.


Karasuno's team is divided into two teams with Narita being the umpire of the match.

Sugawara got under the ball and set it for Kenshin who did a small run up and spiked the ball with full force. Asahi, Tsukishima, and Kageyama were there to block but Kenshin's spike point was higher than their blocking point.

And umpire whistled signaling Kenshin's team victory.

During the break, Tanaka looked at Kenshin and said, "Oye Kenshin, it feels like your spike point is getting higher and higher. At this rate, blockers can't even get the ball."

"Nationals have scary blockers. I have heard in High School nationals, there are at least a few players with heights of more than 2 meters. Though I have other ways to defeat them.", Kenshin answered.

Kenshin's answer shocked the majority as almost all except Nishinoya haven't been to Nationals.

"Yeah, I remember. Even though we were very strong in my 3rd year of Junior High we were defeated by some powerhouse school in Semi-Final", Nishinoya said with a frustrated face.

"It's amazing that you guys had reached Semi-Finals in Nationals", Sugawara said with a smile.

"Although it is amazing, junior High competitions are less competitive than High Schools where competition is cutthroat", Kenshin said with a plain tone.

"Let's go. We have to defeat the opponent before us that is Nekoma in the coming practice match before we can dream about going to Nationals", Daichi said while encouraging others to not slack off.

A/N- I have said that I will not upload anymore due to exams but I couldn't just focus on studying and decided to write a bit. But I ended up writing a chapter completely. So, this is a bonus chapter for today. The next release will be on the 28th. Be sure to leave comments and review this fanfic.