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God_Of_Brutality · Filem
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210 Chs

Chapter 122: Age Of Leviathan Part 4

A few days had passed since Arias's battle with SHIELD and the avengers. The battle had shown the world just how capable he was. Since then the mutant community grew more confident.

Some saw him as a a very dangerous threat while others saw him as a hero. Views would vary depending on which side of the spectrum someone stood.

Arias was currently seated in his futuristic like office looking at a hovering screen in front of him.

"Zero, play the voice message" He instructed and a file immediately loaded and began to play.

[Good day Mr. Adriel, I have been observing your work for quite a bit and all I can say is I'm truly a fan. Our interests align in that we believe mutants should be the ones on top and humans below us. So I wish to form an alliance to make that dream come into fruition even faster. I'll be waiting for your reply *click*] the voice message ended and the hovering screen vanished from in front of Arias.

"This Magneto is really ambitious..." Arias commented while sighing.

"It sounds like he just wants to take over the world and is using excuses to justify himself. Don't you agree Raven?" Hovering a bit further away from Arias at the center of the office, Kara voiced in a none too pleased tone.

"Doesn't matter. Master can end him on a whim" Raven who was hovering across from Kara replied while still keeping her eyes shut.

Kara's group had also finished their task rather quickly thanks to her and had returned early. Not wanting to waste an opportunity, she asked to continue training with Arias as he was around more for the time, Raven wasn't about to lose either so she too joined the sessions.

Arias would create mental scenarios for each of them to overcome while they basked in the energy that filled his office.

"You've both already completed your scenarios and managed to stay in this room till now... you're growing more adept mentally and physically. Good" Arias praised as he stood from his seat and began walking over to them.

Upon reaching them, he gestured them to come closer with his hand and the two immediately complied. Hovering slowly towards him before stopping just a few inches away from him.

"The rate at which you're both growing is something that can't simply be overlooked. So my students...is there anything you want as a reward?" Arias held out his hands and caressed both of them on their cheek as he asked in a domineering tone.

Both Kara and Raven held their heads down as looking into Arias's eyes was something no one did recklessly. His eyes had a way of making people feel immense pressure, such that they couldn't even properly speak. Just like everyone around him grew stronger, so did he.

His presence alone could make one feel as if they're heart were under pressure and their lungs without air.

He never withdrew this effect when around his people because if they couldn't even stand beside him when he's being himself then they were simply too weak to stand by his side in general.

"I...want to train with you more often as a reward" Kara answered with little hesitation. In terms of sheer dedication to growing stronger, nobody surpassed her work ethic.

"A simple enough request. And you Raven?" Arias turned his gaze to Raven and asked.

"Training with you more is also fine with me...just privately..." Raven replied slowly and in her usual tone. Her answer cause Kara to widen her eyes in surprise.

'I should've asked for the same...' Kara thought to herself while biting her lower lip and furrowing her brows.

"Alright. I'll be sure to train you both more, for now let's end training here. I have someone to meet..." Arias declared before his figure vanished from the room.

"What was that all about?" Immediately Arias left, Kara turned to Raven and questioned her.

"I don't know what you mean." Raven shrugged and returned to hovering cross legged with her eyes closed.

"Privately?" Kara questioned once more with her brows still furrowed.

"Yes. I can concentrate better that way." Raven replied without showing any emotion while Kara still stared at her with narrowed eyes.

Meanwhile in a location unknown, a large hall was filled with many well dressed figures seated on luxurious seats with flags representing their nation's in front of them.

"I welcome you all for finding the time to attend this conference. I'd also like to-"

"Could you skip the formalities and just get to the point of why we're all here! You said we could resolve the plague that is Leviathan. That is the only reason my nation is here!" A chubby Middle Aged man complained as he slammed his fist onto the table.

"Haha, you Koreans are so very impatient." Mocked another middle aged man seated not too far.

"Order please. We're here to quell a common threat, not fight amongst ourselves!" The host loudly declared and the figures seated nodded in agreement.

"That is easier said than done no? Those avengers you Americans are so proud of along with SHIELD were decimated completely by a single man. Russia refuses to participate in a plan that no yield results. We'd be better off allying with them." An intimidating yet beautiful looking woman declared in a confident tone whilst others near her simply looked on.

When the more power nations made a comment, one of the minor ones didn't easily comment unless...

"If we let them be the entire economy as we know it will become a mess. I agree we mustn't act rashly but the longer we hold this off the worse it will be for not only China but all major trading nations." This time a slim beautiful woman stood up and commented causing yet more people to nod.

"I understand your concerns but I assure you our plan carries no risk for you all. Now shall we finally begin the discussions...." The host declared with a malicious smile.

The meeting conference carried on for what seemed like hours. When it finally ended, all the important figures who had attended exited the building and went towards their respective vehicles which in turn took them to the airport where private jets and helicopters awaited them.

In one such private jet, the Russian representative was casually making her way to her seat when she saw a man already seated on it. On his lap was the Chinese representative that had attended the conference.

"Mr. Adriel...I didn't expect to see you so soon." The Russian woman commented with a heavy accent before walking towards the man infront of her and taking a seat on his other lap.

"I had some free time. Now, why don't you fill me in on just how the world wants to deal with me..." Arias ordered with a small on his face.

(edited by Kenshi)

A/N: As Usual give stones for continued release and mass release on Friday should we reach 1k stones.

