

Alex is transported to the world of One Piece by the whim of the god of rewards and now he has to survive in one of his favorite animes where the story doesn't always follow the original plot. It's my own story in the world of pirates, but all rights to the story belong to the author of the original work, I don't own any rights to it, I just have fun writing in the world that Ichiro Oda created. This fan-fic is a story I write for fun and only 2 or 3 chapters will be updated on weekends.

Mauricio_Negrete · Komik
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15 Chs


[The cube test starts now. Find the colored cubes and you can start the mission. The one who completes the quest will receive the reward according to the color of the cube]

[The colors of the cubes from lowest to highest reward and difficulty are: white, blue, green, purple, red, silver, and gold]

[The cube test will be in effect for a week, after which time the cubes will disappear. Good luck to you all]

With the last message of the flaming screen, a huge flame shot into the sky and when it reached a certain height it exploded. A large amount of what looked like debris was separated from the explosion and headed for different parts of the world.

Everyone who witnessed the scene knew that these were the mission cubes and immediately began to assess where they would fall to go find them. Not only pirates and the navy were looking for them, but even common people joined in on the fun.

Alex wasn't negligent either and chased after some of the cubes that looked like they would fall nearby, but he wasn't the only one. Luffy and his crew were also after the cubes and Smoker and Tashigi didn't want to miss this opportunity either, especially since they knew how magical the rewards were.

Unexpectedly in Loguetown 3 cubes fell and even more unexpectedly, Smoker and the navy were going to one of them, Luffy and his crew to the other, but no one was going to the last one, and that surprised Alex.

This strange phenomenon confused him, to the point that he thought his Haki was failing, but after observing carefully, he realized that it was not that no one had noticed it, but rather, since it was much further away than the other two, they preferred to abandon it and prevented it for choosing the close ones.

Everyone's reasoning was simple, if they arrived faster you could take advantage of the opportunity, but since they all had the same idea now there was a pitched battle around the two cubes.

Smoker was far superior to all the others. As a captain of the navy and a logia-type fruit, it was easy for him to subdue all the other competitors and approach the cube that glowed white.

He was a bit nervous, but he still suppressed that feeling and touched the cube with his hand, and instantly the cube glowed brightly. By the time the glow disappeared, only the floating cube could be seen.

Tashigi was worried when she saw that Smoker had disappeared and anxiously ran to the cube to see what was happening and touched the cube as if looking for answers, but to her surprise, the cube shone again, and after a second Tashigi had disappeared.

Everyone present realized that the cube was not exclusive, as several could enter and they quickly ran towards the cube since they really weren't sure if there was a limit.

For that reason, many of those present still fought to get closer to the cube and when one of them managed to touch the cube, letters of flames appeared on it, similar to those on the screen.

[Maximum capacity of the cube completed 100/100]

Seeing the message, everyone present felt sorry for not being able to enter. On the other hand, in the cube that the straw hat crew followed, the situation was similar. Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji didn't mess around with their punches, cuts, and kicks, they defeated everyone present and entered the cube.

Alex on the other hand was in front of the cube that fell further away. There was no one there and if the others had seen it, they would be surprised because both the cube that Smoker entered and the one that Luffy entered were white, but the one in front of Alex was blue, which was a higher grade than the other two.

He wasted no time and immediately touched the cube and just like the other two cubes, a light flashed and the second Alex was gone. This situation happened on a global scale, to the point that the emperors of the sea, admirals of the navy, and even the world government were no exception.

In a short time, many cubes were found and the common denominator that occurred in the surroundings of the cube was that a strong battle occurred. For this reason, only the strong managed to enter the cubes and the weak could only remain outside with envy.

Since many people lost the right to enter the cube due to their weakness, they could only vent their frustration on the world chat, and thanks to that all the world could see how many cubes had been found and what colors.

At the marine headquarters, Sengoku, Tsuru, Zephyr, and Garp were meeting to discuss the event about which they still didn't know if it was a blessing or a curse, but they couldn't do anything.

What is the number of cubes that have appeared? (Sengoku)

According to the comments in the world chat, 253 cubes. 137 white, 58 blue, 31 green, 19 purple and 8 red. (Tsuru)

There are many, has anyone found silver and gold cubes? (Sengoku)

At least no one has written it in the world chat. (Tsuru)

What is the news about marines and pirates who have managed to get into a cube? (Sengoku)

Several of our marines have entered cubes, but mainly the white and blue ones, but… (Tsuru)

What's happening? (Zephyr)

Well, it was recorded that the red-haired Shanks was seen entering a red-colored cube. (Tsuru)

That is a problem. The rewards are far superior to those in the Navy. That bloody redhead and the bloody luck of him. (Garp)

We must intensify the search for red, silver, and gold cubes, if the pirates seize those cubes, we will have problems. I don't know what the rewards will be, but if something as simple as a fishing contest gave the winners such great things, I don't want to think about what these cubes will give. (Sengoku)

Even if you say that, how the hell are you going to look for them? (Garp)

With that question, the office fell silent, because the reality was that they had no way of looking for these cubes, only when they fell from the sky did those who were close to where they landed know where they were, but it was impossible that from the headquarters of the navy could identify where the cubes fell.

The same was true for most people, in fact, only those lucky enough to be close to where a cube fell were able to locate them. That included Shanks's crew, who found a red cube near where they were resting.

Everyone who had found a cube and made it inside had been transported to a different world, but depending on the color the world differed, as did the mission.

As soon as they entered the cube, a message appeared in the characteristic letters of flames that said what the mission was and warned them of the dangers, since losing one's life on this mission was the same as losing one's life in reality, and that alarmed many.

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