
God-level battle maniac

After a war of cosmic scale breaks out on Earth Eric is sent to hell, and then heaven, and then some other afterlife, all the while beating the hit out of anyone and everyone. Just watch as he starts to break every known rule for shits and giggles.

Black_rabbit24x · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
34 Chs

Devils interest

Currently, Eric is in his combat class. In the first few weeks, Eric proved to be way too strong to spar with the other students after he accidentally broke both arms, a leg, the jaw, and several ribs of his sparing partner. Since then he had been training with the coach as he was the only one in this class who could give him a serious fight as he was at foundation-building stage 9. And even with his ludicrous power-ups Eric still couldn't beat him. "what the hell happened between last week and now, even though there has been a slight increase in your skill level that shouldn't be enough to close the gap between you and me by this much."

Most demons treated Eric pretty decently considering he was a human, mostly because he could beat them half to death. "I reached foundation building last night, that and some other small changes." wiping off his sweat with a towel the coach just laughed and said, "I thought you got a little stronger, and I guess the other changes have to do with the way you look, considering that the rest of the class was asking who the new student was even though there is none." that's right, the coach was blind.

"Although, I can't lie your aura is completely different, if I didn't just watch you use at least three killer moves against me I would think there was a new kid." Eric just said, "Not my fault the rest of the class is that bad I have to spar with their teacher to get at least a half-decent fight, also not my fault that you are the only one I can practice properly with."

"That last one is kind of your fault, not like everyone can go around changing their flesh and soul to be better at fighting." hearing a voice he didn't recognize Eric snapped around to see someone standing right behind him, 'oh fuck, I couldn't even tell he was there, how long was he there anyway?' "headmaster." turning back around he saw his coach bowing, for context he had yet to see this man so much as say good morning to his students.

Looking back at the 'headmaster' he about Eric's height which wasn't tall or short for a demon. He was waiting for a three-piece red suit with a black tie and a wooden cane. He also had very slight horns and skin with a slight red hue, but the most surprising part was the two black feathery wings behind him. "are you going to keep starting or are you going to say hi?" looking at their face Eric just said, "if I where to, and this is just a question, punch you in the face, would I get in trouble?"

Pausing for a moment the headmaster, Lucifer himself broke out into laughter as he pulled out a handkerchief from his coat pocket to wipe away his tears, "Diablo and you would get along so well. Do you know how many times he has tried to fight me just so he could do that? I've lost count at this point, to be honest."

Putting away the handkerchief, he continued to talk. "I don't believe I have introduced myself, I am the headmaster of this academe, Lucifer, the sin of pride." "we'll I'm the owner of a cat on earth, Eric, just a guy." breaking out into laughter again Lucifer said "If anyone else heard you, the man that sold his own fate, the man that has not only changed his entire race but made a new own in the process, the man that not only killed the defendants of the seven deadly sins but also stole those very sins from their souls. Call them self, just a guy, I think they would have an aneurysm."

Pausing for a second Eric said, "Huh, I did so that didn't I? Anyway, what do you want with me? Revenge for your dead decedent? turn me into a slave? study me? All of the above?"

"Oh please, I don't want to do any of that, I came here to ask you to join the war on heaven, considering when god found out about you his first order to the seven virtues was 'I want him, dead or alive', I think you're pretty valuable. And my dependent was useless anyway, he couldn't even kill a normal hell cat, you walk out into the forest and the first thing you do is hunt one down for fun."

"that's cool and all but what do I get out of this?" looking around Eric realized that he had long left the classroom, currently he was inside a finely decorated office that he assumed was in the clock tower, considering that the clock face was begin the headmaster. Chuckling Lucifer said "You really are fit for the title of the sin of greed, that and the other six. By working with me and joining the war on Heaven you will gain access to my entire collection of knowledge, training from Diablo, the leader of hell's army and sin of wrath, and your little girlfriend, Nyx was it? Will be given the academy's full support in any and every one of her endeavors."

"neat, I'm in." sighing Lucifer just said, "If anyone else were to have this chance they would practically die of happiness, but your only response is 'neat', I almost felt sorry for Diablo, almost. Starting now you will be given complete access to the library, including the higher floors that even senior students can't reach, and once you are content with what you have learned you will be trained by Diablo until the time for war is here."

To which the ever-enthusiastic Eric replied, "Neat." before walking out and to the library while satan himself just sat in his chair and sighed as he said, "god, why didn't you add coffee to hell?"

After a quick walk, Eric reached the library before walking in and to the librarian before asking "So do I need a pass or anything?" to which he was given a pass as the librarian said, "If you don't have that when you go into the upper floors, you will die."

Hearing this Eric just used his new favorite catchphrase "neat." before trying out a spell, it was a combination of the spell, scan, and his skill, appraisal. All it would do is record all the information that something stored, be it a book, soul, or some random carvings, and store them in a 'memory library' so that one of his sub-minds could study it. Walking over to a random table with a random book he tried it out, and within about half an hour he had scanned the entire library and had a total of five sub-minds studying his new-found knowledge.

Big brain Eric.

Can't wait to see him either rizz up, or kill the seven virtues, haven't decided yet.

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