
God-level battle maniac


Black_rabbit24x · Fantasy
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34 Chs


Taking a deep breath Eric activated the refining formation as he started the first stage, forming the heart. First, he gathered the energy cells and began to fuse them into the shell before taking the flesh golem core and vampire blood to form its basic foundation to build off, after that came the ghoul king's heart and banshee eyes along with other miscellanies items for stabilization before finally adding the wrath king soul as the finishing touch as he began the final refining so that it was a perfect as possible.

Once this was all done he was left with a gray beating heart with black with with the occasional spot of deep red. Once again activating the refining formation, this time with the sacrificial formation and a third formation that would assist Nyx in stabilizing his soul he took his hand and plunged it into his chest as he pulled out his own heart and began to fuse it with the phylactery as his body back to slowly rot as his vitality was used to fuel the process, with only a little of his body left he used the rest to start the process of forming his new body, normally at this stage, a dishes souls would go from 'living' to 'dead' as the soul has nothing to keep it stable.

This was the difference between them and Eric as he had Nyx, a high-level necromance assisted by a high-level formation. But this was en enough as little by little his soul would degrade. This was where the souls he had stored came in, as his soul would degrade he would burn the stored souls to keep his own alive.

While in the outside world the heart ever so slowly began to grow out into a full body, in Eric's soul it was a complete shit show. for every part of his soul he fixed another would break, like trying to put out a fire with a shot glass. As more and more souls were burnt up Eric started to doubt if he would be able to last long enough for his new body to properly form as it felt like years had gone past inside his soul but in fact, it had only been a few hours.

As the last of his souls started to burn and die out and just as he was about to give up he felt a connection, it was faint and weak but it was enough. With renewed vigor, he continued to burn his last few souls in a desperate dash to last long enough to make it, for every soul he burnt he got another second, and for every second the connection grew stronger. As the last soul burnt Eric made a choice, he began to burn his soul to keep it going. Like using parts of a flooding boat to fix its own ever-forming holes he burnt his own soul to keep it going, and just as he was about to fully burn out his soul, he opened his eyes.

Realizing that he had opened the eyes of his new body he wanted to sit up, but as soon as he did a shocking pain shot through his entire body, as he passed out. Seeing this Nyx ran over, not caring that she was covered in sweat from the strain of keeping his soul intact. Putting her head on his bare chest she heard his heart, a weak and chaotic thump, at first it was slow but as time went on it became deeper and more stable. Picking him up, not caring that he was naked she walked him over to his oven bed and laid him down before using her spiritual sight, something she said from when she was a wraith, to look at his soul, and there she saw it, small and weak like a filtering ember was his soul. But like his heartbeat, it slowly grew from a weak ember into a blazing inferno so bright she had to look away.

Finally, when she looked back his soul had returned to normal as he reopened his eyes and slowly sat up, "We'll I'm never doing that again, that fucking hurt." as he said this a black and red two-piece suit with purple accents formed around him as he sat up and looked into the mirror to check out his new body.

Similar to before he was still 6'10 with black hair but it was now down to about his neck, he still had slight fangs and a well-chiseled body with abs that you could grate cheese on. But that was about where the similarity ended, his skin was in between healthy white and deathly pale while his beard had gone from well-shaven to messy stumble and his eyes were completely black with light blue pupils. All in all, he went from a dilf cross-Playboy aesthetic to a lazy but handsome detective aesthetic.

As he tied up his hair he looked over at his status.

{name: Eric

Gifts:Potential, adaptation, 7-sins(incomplete)

Realm: foundation building 1/9

Class: battle maniac

Titles: fateless, battle maniac, one who cheats death, lich, master of Nyx,

Powers: Soul Fire lv2, Tree of Flesh lv2, Custom Physique v5,


Enhanced cognition v2, puppet control lv9, appraisal v2, skill system v2, scholer, perfected energy system v2, formation collection,

Energy: demonic/mana

Equipment: soul of the wild, weapon of living flesh





Constitution: 2,500

Ep: 100,000 (100%)}

There had been some major changes, firstly were classes and titles, these were things you gained when you reached foundation building and were considered the real start, classes gave you a boost based on what the case was, for instance, swordsmen gained a boost with swords, mage with magic and so on. Looking at his class with Appraisal v2, he learned that {battle maniac} was about as bullshit as he was, it basically gave him the bonus of the class of anyone that he killed, and titles were just 'accomplishments'.

Secondly, life/trade skills were fused with his magic and combat system to form the skill system which was just a collection of all the 'active skills' he had that he could use at any time, formation collection was the same but for formations. Thirdly was the increase in the level of puppet mastery and the fusion of multi-minded into enhanced cognition, this was due to the spike in his soul power after reaching foundation building, lastly was the massive increase in his stats, which was partly due to his increase in rank and partly due to the complete reconstruction of his body.

Now on to the important stuff, if his plan had worked, and checking his body it looked like it had seeing as his heart was beating. Normally it wouldn't considering that his body was 'dead'. The reason he was 'breathing' and his heart was beating was because his heart was basically a nuclear reactor now. His 'breathing' was bringing in new energy for his heart and its 'beating' was producing completely insane amounts of energy, to the point that he couldn't store it all, so the excess would go into building his foundation. By this point, he had already completed the island and was starting on the buildings.

I plan for this to be the last major power-up for a while... Maybe.

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