
Global Awakening: I created the system

"When everyone believes a lie it becomes the truth" "When everyone is in a dream then it becomes reality" [Blue Star, year 20023] Like every other day on the blue start, the sky was blue and the sun was shining. At least it should have been until it happened! Before anybody could react, the whole planet was infected by a burst of strange energy giving things both living and nonliving incredible abilities and characteristics. The Qin terracotta warriors came to life shouting that their emperor was about to descend Mona Lisa stepped out of her painting saying a new era had begun In the Vatican, an ancient tomb arose from the ground saying Jesus was about to rise once more Hitler's cap appeared giving a random German the ability to brainwash millions of lives All around the world, strange events started happening with historical and legendary items taking the lead And if that wasn't unexpected enough, they came! The Gods and Monsters who humans of the blue start only thought of as myths or legends began to descend Choosing various warriors and awakeners to carry their will These people were called divine warriors and stood out from the awakened Unexpectedly, a thousand years later the Blue star had produced hundreds of strongmen capable of kicking the moon and punching the stars. However, in the most unbelievable circumstances, the most powerful gods and awakeners gathered together to defeat one man Deceiver Ye Tian! Characterised by a signature joker mask, he was one awaker whose true abilities were never known Displaying an array of different powers on each occasion, he was dubbed the title 'Jack of all trades master of all" Unfortunately, under the combined attack of the powerhouses including Zeus, Odin, and the Dragon goddess Tiamat, there was no chance for him to survive Using his last means, he transports himself to the past planning to use his power properly and fix all regrets "With this power, the universe shall fall at my feet!" Deciding to abandon the humans who betrayed him, deciding to live for himself Ye Tian devices a means to force all lives to work for him without ever revealing his identity Using his power he created the one thing which would cause all life in the universe to yearn for Using his power, he created the one thing which could only be thought of as fiction even with the advent of global awakening Using this power, he creates the system! This is a story of how Ye Tian, the future lord of the multiverse, The biggest black hand behind the scenes, The source of the extraordinary, The only God, The father of Evil Gods, and The master of the system is born! ------------------------------------------------ discord server: https://discord.gg/Up35G9Hzzk

Ghost_Worker · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
177 Chs


"Oh? Are you guys trying to interrupt my show?"

Watching the guards suddenly rush towards the stage, the clown couldn't help but feel annoyed as he felt they had robbed him of his spotlight

"No no no, that can't do"

"It seems I'll have to take care of these guys if I want my trick to be successful"

Still talking into the microphone, the clown decided to eliminate all the incoming guards obviously not putting them in his eyes

However, before he could make a move, something unexpected happened


With a loud sound, a bullet hole appeared right in the middle of his forehead interrupting his words

It turns out that among the guards, snipers were present and with the city lord's orders, they directly eliminated him not wanting to cause any more panic

And it seemed to have worked, as looking at the figure standing motionless with a bullet hole in his head, the audience who had been frightened just now suddenly kept quiet.

"Is he dead?"

"Did this madman really come here just to lose his life?"

In the crowd, Lin Yue who had been the most frightened out of everyone else couldn't help but be speechless at the current turn of events

She couldn't believe, that after all that talk and madness, everything would just end so simply

In fact, not only her thought that way, as her live broadcast which had broken through one million viewers couldn't believe it

( buggyDclown: amazing! City lord is the best, I can't believe that Madman lost so quickly

ZenYuanzi231: haha serves him right, how dare he threaten our goddess!

ZenYuanzi231: goddess mighty!

RaringDog64: goddess mighty!

LaoLan: goddess mighty!)

Sending a barrage of messages, the whole atmosphere seemed to be a whole lighter as the cause of the chaos seemed to be out

At least that was the case until a certain message caught everyone's attention

( TheObserver001: you guys wait a minute, don't you think something is weird?

TheObserver001: first off, although the bullet went through his head, why is there no blood?

TheObserver001: and second off, why is his body still standing and hasn't fallen to the ground? Logically speaking just the impact of the bullet is enough to knock him to the ground.

Yet why isn't it the case here? )

Upon reading the observer's words, the viewers who had already begun to relax suddenly became tense again"

However, it wasn't until a shrill cream sounded from the front of the audience that everyone realized that just maybe things weren't over

"Impossible! How is this possible!"

"Monster! Monster!"

"Everyone run! It's a monster!"

And like a chain of dominos, with the first scream, more and more audience members began to scream and scream

And Lin Yue while still fearful, out of curiosity turned her eyes to the stage to see what was happening

Unfortunately, what she saw next could help but make her pupils dilate as she couldn't believe her eyes

Under her fearful gaze, Lin Yue saw the clown who was meant to be dead slowly stretch his arms as the hole in his head slowly closed

"Haha nice one you guys, it turns out you all liked my first trick so much you decide to try it with me"

"Unfortunately, that wouldn't work on me, after all

I'm the immortal clown"

"Meaning my life can't disappear, however, you guys I'm not so sure"

Saying the last part, the crowd seems to hear some anger in the clowns' voice, obviously not happy that he shot just now

Unfortunately, there was nothing anyone could do as they including the guards were still stunned by what just happened

Hearing the clown once again speak, though shocking they had no choice but to believe that this clown was still alive

But even with all that, it was the clowns words that truly shocked everyone

"Well then, since you like it so much, then I'll just have to show you the trick once again"

Saying this, the clown threw out eight cards, each precisely slicing off the head of a guard



"Help me!!!"

All of a sudden, wails of despair sounded throughout the whole venue making all those watching it at home feel shivers down their spine

Even the city lord, who was angry a few seconds ago suddenly kept quiet as the expression on his face remain solemn

"Hahaha, why aren't you guys clapping? Isn't this what you wanted!"

"Now clap before I decide to make you the assistant for my next trick"

Looking at the scared crowd, the clown felt their despair and shivered in joy as he commanded an applause

Sadly his joy didn't last long, as just as he was about to continue to relish in this feeling of being in control, a discordant voice suddenly sounded gaining his attention

"That's enough clown, get down from the stage before I make you get down"

Dressed In a full-blown black coat and a black cowl mask on his head, another figure had appeared under the stage at some point in time

And looking at the way he talked to the clown, there was no fear in his tone,

Rather the extreme nonchalance and coldness it contained made people suddenly think of something

*could it be that he is another monster?*

After all, only another monster wouldn't be afraid of a monster like the clown

However, if that was the case, where did they come from?

Even people as influential as the city lord were stunned by the appearance of the clown much less the mysterious man who just appeared

Unfortunately, neither of them paid any attempt to the crowd, for at this moment both of them as if sensing something locked eyes with each other

But after a few seconds, it was the clown who first broke the silence

"You're quite strong"

Looking at the man in front of him, the clown could feel a sense of pressure being emitted from him unlike the others in the audience

And the mysterious man, hearing the clown's words kept silent for a while before spitting out two words to reply to the clown

"I know"