
Global Awakening: I created the system

"When everyone believes a lie it becomes the truth" "When everyone is in a dream then it becomes reality" [Blue Star, year 20023] Like every other day on the blue start, the sky was blue and the sun was shining. At least it should have been until it happened! Before anybody could react, the whole planet was infected by a burst of strange energy giving things both living and nonliving incredible abilities and characteristics. The Qin terracotta warriors came to life shouting that their emperor was about to descend Mona Lisa stepped out of her painting saying a new era had begun In the Vatican, an ancient tomb arose from the ground saying Jesus was about to rise once more Hitler's cap appeared giving a random German the ability to brainwash millions of lives All around the world, strange events started happening with historical and legendary items taking the lead And if that wasn't unexpected enough, they came! The Gods and Monsters who humans of the blue start only thought of as myths or legends began to descend Choosing various warriors and awakeners to carry their will These people were called divine warriors and stood out from the awakened Unexpectedly, a thousand years later the Blue star had produced hundreds of strongmen capable of kicking the moon and punching the stars. However, in the most unbelievable circumstances, the most powerful gods and awakeners gathered together to defeat one man Deceiver Ye Tian! Characterised by a signature joker mask, he was one awaker whose true abilities were never known Displaying an array of different powers on each occasion, he was dubbed the title 'Jack of all trades master of all" Unfortunately, under the combined attack of the powerhouses including Zeus, Odin, and the Dragon goddess Tiamat, there was no chance for him to survive Using his last means, he transports himself to the past planning to use his power properly and fix all regrets "With this power, the universe shall fall at my feet!" Deciding to abandon the humans who betrayed him, deciding to live for himself Ye Tian devices a means to force all lives to work for him without ever revealing his identity Using his power he created the one thing which would cause all life in the universe to yearn for Using his power, he created the one thing which could only be thought of as fiction even with the advent of global awakening Using this power, he creates the system! This is a story of how Ye Tian, the future lord of the multiverse, The biggest black hand behind the scenes, The source of the extraordinary, The only God, The father of Evil Gods, and The master of the system is born! ------------------------------------------------ discord server: https://discord.gg/Up35G9Hzzk

Ghost_Worker · Fantasy
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177 Chs


"I know"

Hearing this, the clown couldn't help but be stunned for a moment

Obviously, he wasn't expecting such a straightforward answer.

"Hey wait a minute, is that all your going to say?"

"Aren't you going to introduce yourself? You do know it's impolite if you don't" said the clown

Looking at the mysterious person in front of him, although he didn't want to admit it but judging from his aura alone, the clown knew he wasn't an opponent

But then again, who is he?

He is the immortal clown, a magician with the world as his props.

How could he be intimidated by a mere person who is afraid to state his name?

Thinking of this, the clown decided to test his strength

If finds out the mysterious person is too strong, then he'll just run away with his immortality

After all even a bullet couldn't kill him, much less a man in a coat and cowl over his head.

So with this in mind, the clown began to act

"So no answer hunh, then I guess I'll just have to teach you some manners"

"And you that, I have the perfect trick up my sleeves"

Saying this, the clown stretched I'm his hand into his sleeve, through which he pulled out a huge gun which normally would have been impossible to hide there

However, both the crowd and the mysterious man didn't react as much as they already expected this fight to be nothing ordinary

So him pulling out a gun half his body size from within his sleeve just about fit that criterion

Fortunately, it seemed the mysterious man also had a whole card as he claimed his hands before murmuring a word

"Field expansion!"

As he said this, a dark sphere began to enlarge out of nowhere with him at the center until it completely engulfed both him and the clown

However, thanks to that, what happened next was completely isolated from the audience leaving them on their toes hoping for the clown to loose

Soon complete silence was all that permeated the venue as both the audience members on those on the live broadcast held their breath as the watched the dark dome intently for changes.

Luckily, they wouldn't have to wait long as within the dome, the fight could be said to have ended as soon as it started.


[Dome interior]

At this time within the some, different from the fierce battle that the outside world thought would happen,

Both sides were currently sitting cross-legged opposite each other chatting casualy

"Immortal clown huh, nice name"

"You too mysterious man"

Saying this, the both of them looked at each the before laughing

However, after a quick second the mysterious man expression suddenly turned serious as he faced the clown

"But clown, why did you kill Ma Hongjun? That wasn't part of the plan"

"And the master only said to watch Lin Yue and we shouldn't interfere with her too much"

"Could it be that you want to make the master angry?"

Looking at the clown, although the mysterious man said all this calmly

But judging from his body moments, the clown could tell that if he said just one thing wrong then he might actually get into trouble

Fortunately, the clown seemed to have expected this and faced the mysterious man very calmly

Taking out a glass of wine out of thin air, he drank for a bit before talking

"Relax a bit, although I know that's how the master created you but it wouldn't hurt once in a while"

"First off, as for why I killed Ma Hongjun, remember the master already said he doesn't like him"

"And his life or death doesn't affect the script"

"The master is the scriptwriter of destiny, do you really think my small actions could affect his great plans?"

"As for the matter regarding Lin Yue, the master is the one that told me to"

"If you don't believe, you can ask him once we get back"

Hearing the words of the clown, the mysterious man immediately lowered his fighting stance

As for why he believed the clown's words so quickly, just kidding he knew that it was impossible to go against the master's will from the start

However, just looking at the clown who was having fun on stage, the mysterious man felt he had to give him a warning not to get carried away

After all, this is both their first missions being given to them by their master

And in order not to mess it up, the mysterious man felt it was up to him to keep the clown in check

So listening to the clown's words, the mysterious man didn't argue rather he directly changed the topic

Now the end of the current act of the script was nearing, meaning it was time for his scene

Thinking of this, after taking a quick glance at the clown who was still drinking his wine nonchalantly the mysterious man suddenly spoke

"Clown, are you ready?"

"It's time to end this, the master should be waiting for us by how "

Standing up from his seating position, the mysterious man once again entered a fighting position

Seeing this, the clown also threw away his wine glass as her to entered a fighting position

Taking a look in each others eyes, both of them had a serious expression as neither of them were willing to loose

"Hey clown!"

Readying his fists, the mysterious man called out to the clown one more time as he began to get ready to act

"What!" answered the clown

Winding his hand in a fan motion, the clown telled back as he began to load up his own punch

"Please don't die!"

Saying this, mysteries man lunged at the clown fist first

And the clown hearing this didn't reply, as he just laughed angrily as he released his arm sending a rubber-like punch towards the mysterious man


With a loud bang, the two punches met making both within and outside the some tremble from their amazing strength.