
Genshin Impact: Reincarnated as Summoner

Kazuki Mifune is a programmer who finds himself in the world of Genshin Impact, summoned by a Goddess. With her power, he is able to summon characters from games and anime to join his mercenary band, "The Peaceful Tree." As they traverse Inazuma City, they come across challenges that require them to use their wit and strength. Together, they experience every moment of this new life while helping others along the way. Join Kazuki's journey and discover the Summoning System as you explore the depths of Genshin Impact.

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14 Chs

Brightcrown Canyon Battle 2

Kazuki's voice cut through the chaos, rallying his companions in the face of the overwhelming horde of hilichurls. The urgency in his tone mirrored the gravity of the situation, pushing them to stay focused and steadfast.

"Lumine, Gray, maintain your positions and hold the line!" Kazuki commanded, his voice carrying the weight of authority. "Amber, provide ranged support and target their leaders! Souei, disrupt their formations from within!"

Lumine nodded, her grip tightening on her sword as she stood firm against the incoming onslaught. Gray conjured barriers to protect their flanks, his icy constructs bolstered by the growing threat. Amber adjusted her aim, drawing her bow with practised precision, her arrows finding their way to the hilichurl commanders.

Souei, ever the phantom lurking in the shadows, silently slipped behind enemy lines, striking with swift and lethal precision. His actions sowed confusion and discord among the hilichurls, their coordinated attack beginning to falter.

Kazuki's keen eyes scanned the battlefield as the battle unfolded, analyzing the enemy's movements and seeking out weaknesses. He quickly adjusted his strategies, issuing timely commands to his comrades.

"Lumine, press forward! Create openings in their ranks!" Kazuki called out, his voice carrying a mix of authority and encouragement. "Gray, unleash Ice arrows to disrupt their formations! Amber, focus your fire on the hilichurls flanking us! Souei, continue to pick off their leaders!"

As his companions executed their assigned tasks with unwavering determination, Kazuki kept a watchful eye on their collective effort. He provided guidance and support, acknowledging their successes and offering constructive criticism where necessary.

"Lumine, watch your right flank! Gray, bolster Lumine's defence with your ice shields!" Kazuki's voice cut through the chaos, ensuring no detail went unnoticed. "Amber, conserve your arrows for their shielded units! Souei, target the spellcasters and disrupt their incantations!"

His sharp observations and tactical prowess enabled the team to counter the Hilichurls' coordinated assault. With each command and adjustment, their unity and coordination grew stronger, turning the tide of the battle in their favour.

The companions fought with unwavering resolve, their movements synchronized and their attacks complementing one another. Kazuki's critical eye allowed him to spot and correct minor missteps, pushing each team member to perform at their best.

"Amber, focus on their archers! Cut off their ranged support!" Kazuki shouted, his voice carrying a note of urgency. "Lumine, seize the opportunity and strike at their weakened frontlines! Gray, unleash your most powerful ice magic and freeze their commanders in place! Souei, eliminate any remaining threats!" The party continued to struggle, but the sheer amount of enemies was taking a toll on their stamina. They are prone to mistakes because of exhaustion. In a desperate situation, Kazuki shouts loudly, " Souei, use that now!"

Souei, recognizing the urgency in Kazuki's voice, swiftly carried out his captain's command. With precision and stealth, he unleashed a specialized smoke bomb, enveloping the area in a dense cloud of obscurity. The hilichurls, disoriented by the sudden veil of darkness, stumbled and faltered, their attacks becoming wild and uncoordinated.

Seizing this momentary advantage, Kazuki swiftly assessed the situation and barked concise orders. "Lumine, protect Amber and Paimon! Gray, fortify our defence with your ice barriers! I'll take the offensive and provide cover fire! We will retreat!"

As Kazuki commanded to retreat, the abyss mage noticed it, "As if I let you escape easily!"

The sinister voice of the abyss mage reverberated through the battlefield, filled with malice and determination. With a wicked grin, The Abyss Mage conjured dark tendrils of energy that snaked through the air, targeting the retreating companions.

His senses heightened by the imminent danger, Kazuki swiftly adjusted his plan. "Lumine, protect our rear! Gray, reinforce our defence! Amber, unleash your most powerful shots! Souei, find an opening and strike!" he commanded, his voice cutting through the chaos.

With unwavering resolve, Lumine positioned herself at the rear, deflecting the incoming dark tendrils with her swift swordplay. Gray, summoning his ice magic once again, erected formidable barriers that shielded the companions from the abyss mage's onslaught.

Joying her inner strength, Amber notched her bow with a resolute expression. Drawing back the string with precision, she unleashed a barrage of arrows imbued with fiery power. The projectiles streaked through the air, their flames licking at the darkness surrounding them, forcing the abyss mage to momentarily retreat.

Taking advantage of the distraction caused by Amber's assault, Souei, with his stealth and agility, darted forward with lightning speed. He launched a swift and precise attack, targeting the abyss mage's vulnerable points, causing him to recoil in pain.

"You force me to use my ultimate move!"

The sinister voice of the abyss mage resonated with a mix of frustration and anger. The Abyss Mage's wicked grin widened as he channelled dark energy, gathering it into a concentrated form that pulsated with ominous power.

Kazuki, his eyes narrowing as he assessed the situation, recognized the gravity of the abyss mage's words. "Stay vigilant, everyone! Prepare for his ultimate move!" he warned his companions, his voice resolute and unwavering.

Lumine, ever-ready to protect her allies, positioned herself in front of the group, her sword at the ready. Her stance exuded confidence and determination, serving as a shield against the impending onslaught.

With a quick incantation, Gray strengthened the ice barriers surrounding the group, fortifying their defences. The shimmering walls of ice glowed with an inner power, prepared to withstand the full force of the abyss mage's ultimate move.

Amber, drawing on her inner strength, steadied her bow and focused her energy. She nocked an arrow infused with her most potent elemental power, ready to unleash it with precision and devastating force when the time came.

Souei, his eyes gleaming with intensity, prepared himself for the crucial moment. He maintained a heightened awareness, seeking the perfect opportunity to strike and disrupt the abyss mage's ultimate move.

With a final flourish, the abyss mage unleashed his ultimate move. Dark energy surged in a torrent, swirling and twisting in a malevolent display of power. The ground quaked beneath their feet as the wave of darkness rushed towards them.

In the desperate situation the party was in, a reassuring voice reverberated through the canyon. It belonged to a girl in a knight's uniform, Artoria. With unwavering resolve, she stepped forward, her presence radiating strength and determination. "Everyone, stand behind me," she commanded, her voice resonating with authority.

A brilliant light enveloped her figure as the companions quickly took their positions behind Artoria. The air crackled with power as she drew her legendary Excalibur from its scabbard. The sword gleamed with a divine radiance, its blade pulsating with immense energy.

"Ex..." Artoria raised Excalibur high above her head with a resolute gaze, channelling her unwavering spirit and the strength of all who stood beside her. A surge of raw power surged, causing reality's very fabric to tremble. "...calibur!"

In one swift motion, Artoria swung Excalibur down with tremendous force, releasing a torrential wave of light that tore through the darkness. The brilliance of Excalibur's Noble Phantasm illuminated the entire battlefield, pushing back the abyss mage's ultimate move.

The clash between the abyss mage's darkness and Artoria's luminous attack created a cataclysmic explosion reverberating throughout the canyon. The shockwave rippled through the air, dispersing the lingering darkness and scattering the remaining hilichurls.

As the dust settled and the echoes of the explosion faded, the companions beheld the triumphant sight before them. Artoria stood tall and unyielding, her form illuminated by the remnants of Excalibur's power. The abyss mage, weakened and defeated, could only watch in disbelief as his plans crumbled.

Kazuki's voice filled with gratitude as he turned towards Artoria, acknowledging her timely arrival. "Artoria, your arrival couldn't have come at a more crucial moment," he expressed, his voice reflecting his relief and appreciation.

Artoria nodded, her regal presence radiating a sense of purpose. "As you instructed yesterday, I rushed here after the appointment with Jean," she explained, her tone steady and focused.

The abyss mage, seething with anger and frustration, shouted in defiance, "This shame, I will remember it!" With a wave of his hand, he created a swirling portal and retreated, disappearing into the depths of the abyss.

With the immediate threat vanquished, Kazuki quickly gathered the party, ensuring they were accounted for. Paimon, ever the helpful companion, distributed healing potions to mend their wounds, providing much-needed relief and rejuvenation.

After a few minutes of regaining their strength, Jean, the respected leader of the knights, arrived with a squad of skilled warriors. Jean looked slightly apologetic as he surveyed the aftermath of the battle. "I think I arrived too late," she admitted, a tinge of regret.

Amber's eyes brightened at the sight of Jean. "Jean!" she greeted with genuine warmth and relief.

Kazuki thanked Jean, "We got it sorted out, but your help was invaluable."

Jean nodded, a mixture of pride and concern in his expression. "You all fought valiantly. I apologize for not reaching you sooner. We'll remain vigilant to ensure the safety of Mondstadt."

With their spirits lifted by Jean's presence and the arrival of reinforcements, the party took a moment to regroup and share their experiences from the intense battle.