
Genshin Impact: Reincarnated as Summoner

Kazuki Mifune is a programmer who finds himself in the world of Genshin Impact, summoned by a Goddess. With her power, he is able to summon characters from games and anime to join his mercenary band, "The Peaceful Tree." As they traverse Inazuma City, they come across challenges that require them to use their wit and strength. Together, they experience every moment of this new life while helping others along the way. Join Kazuki's journey and discover the Summoning System as you explore the depths of Genshin Impact.

Overskull · Video Games
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14 Chs

After the Battle

The aftermath of the gruelling battle brought a well-deserved respite for the weary companions. They tended to their wounds and sought solace in the tranquillity of the camp set by the knights, appreciating the silence that followed the clash of steel and the cacophony of magic.

Gathered around the crackling campfire, basking in its cosy warmth, Kazuki finally spoke up, breaking the tranquil silence. "You know, folks, we really showed 'em what we're made of," he said, a touch of weariness and pride in his voice. "Our teamwork was solid, and we never backed down. We owned that battle, no doubt about it! But let's not forget, we can't get too cocky. We need to stay focused and keep pushing forward."

Lumine nodded in agreement, her gaze distant yet filled with resolve. "You are right. We must learn from our mistakes," She added, a hint of self-reflection in her tone. "I let my enthusiasm get the better of me, leading to unnecessary risks. I apologize for any burden I may have caused."

Amber, always quick to offer reassurance, chimed in. "No need to apologize, Lumine! We all had our moments of vulnerability. What matters is that we supported each other and fought as a team. We're stronger together."

Gray, his normally reserved demeanour softening, joined the conversation. "Indeed," he said, a faint smile gracing his lips. "Our synergy on the battlefield was undeniable. Each of us played a crucial role, and it was our collective effort that led to our victory."

Just as the conversation began to settle, a new voice joined the chorus. Jean, who had arrived with reinforcements during the battle. She approached the group, her armour glinting in the firelight. "Kazuki, I must commend you and your companions for your valour," she said, her voice carrying a note of admiration. "Your skill and dedication are truly remarkable."

With a grateful nod, Kazuki expressed his appreciation for Jean's words. "Jean, your arrival couldn't have come at a more opportune moment. Your presence and the support of your knights have made the task of tidying up much easier. We're especially grateful for your help in setting up the tent. You've lightened our burden, and we owe you a great debt of gratitude."

Jean's response was laced with a hint of embarrassment, her voice tinged with regret. "I can't help but feel ashamed that we arrived too late. It's disheartening to think the battle had already concluded when we finally reached you. We wanted to be here to support you from the beginning."

Kazuki's gaze softened, understanding the weight of Jean's words. He stepped closer to her, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Jean, there's no need for you to carry that burden. You and your knights have always been a pillar of support for us. We appreciate your dedication and the sacrifices you make to protect Mondstadt. Today, despite the timing, your presence still makes a difference. We're a team, and together we'll continue to safeguard this city."

Jean's expression softened as she absorbed Kazuki's words. She mustered a smile, gratitude shining in her eyes. "Thank you, Kazuki. Your understanding means a lot to me. We'll do everything we can to assist you and ensure the safety of Mondstadt."

Jean's eyes scanned the group, her curiosity piqued. Her gaze fell upon Souei, and she approached him with a friendly smile. "I couldn't help but notice your unique presence," she said, her voice filled with genuine curiosity. "Are you an Oni from Inazuma, by any chance?"

With Kazuki's support, Souei began to provide glimpses into the unique aspects of oni life in Inazuma. His words were measured and delivered with a reserved tone, showcasing his thoughtful selection.

"Inazuma is home to our oni village, nestled deep within the mountains," Souei started, his gaze steady and focused. "In this secluded place, the embrace of nature carries immense significance. We revere the delicate balance and harmony within the natural world, and it is our solemn duty to safeguard and preserve it."

Continuing with a sense of solemnity, Souei elaborated, "Our customs and traditions are intricately woven into this profound connection to nature. We find solace and derive strength from the tranquil forests and majestic mountains that envelop us."

Jean nodded, fully engrossed in Souei's explanation. "It sounds like a truly profound way of life to be so attuned to the world around you," she remarked, her curiosity evident in her voice.

Souei nodded in acknowledgement, his demeanour remaining reserved. "Indeed, it is a path that demands discipline and introspection. We undergo rigorous physical and mental training as we strive to master our skills. Becoming an oni requires unwavering perseverance and a constant commitment to self-reflection."

As Souei shared his insights, Kazuki couldn't help but observe how he seamlessly blended his experiences from the ogre village within the Tensura world into his explanation. Kazuki silently pondered, "It seems Souei didn't require further assistance. However, I hope Jean's understanding of oni life doesn't become too accurate, especially if she encounters that particular individual—I believe she might be disappointed."

The conversation extended into the night, transcending a mere exchange of information. It evolved into a profound exploration of cultural diversity, fostering mutual respect and intellectual curiosity between Jean and Souei.

As the night wore on, the other party members retreated to their tents, their minds brimming with newfound insights and the promise of future adventures. The bonds they shared were forged in battles and nurtured through meaningful conversations and the shared pursuit of knowledge.

As Kazuki's gaze lingered upon the star-studded sky, he felt deeply grateful for their connections and the vast world that awaited them beyond the horizon. He recognized that their journey was not only about vanquishing enemies but also fostering understanding, empathy, and unity among diverse cultures.

Unbeknownst to Kazuki, Artoria, curious about his pensive state, approached him with a graceful stride. The campfire's glow accentuated her regal presence, and a flicker of intrigue sparkled in her eyes. Kazuki turned to face her, a mix of surprise and delight on his face.

"Kazuki, may I join you?" Artoria asked, her voice carrying a hint of anticipation.

"Of course, Artoria. I'd be honoured to have your company." Kazuki smiled warmly, welcoming her presence.

The two found themselves a secluded spot away from the rest of the group, where they could converse freely beneath the gentle embrace of the night sky. The crackling of the fire provided a comforting soundtrack to their conversation.

As they sat side by side, the moon casting a soft glow upon their faces, a quiet calmness enveloped them. Kazuki couldn't help but notice the elegance in Artoria's every movement, her aura radiating strength and nobility. His heart fluttered with a newfound appreciation for her, and he felt a magnetic pull towards her presence.

Artoria, her eyes reflecting the starry sky above, broke the silence. "Kazuki, I have found myself captivated by your unwavering determination and the bond you share with your companions. It is a testament to your leadership."

Kazuki's cheeks flushed slightly, his gaze meeting Artoria's. "Thank you, Artoria. Your own valour and prowess in battle inspire me as well. I feel deeply connected with you as if our destinies are intertwined."

Silence passed between them, the air filled with unspoken emotions. Artoria's hand brushed against Kazuki's, a subtle gesture that sent a thrill coursing through his veins. Their eyes locked, and time seemed to momentarily stand still.

As the silence threatened to stretch on, Artoria's senses heightened, her instincts urging her to be on guard. The sound of a twig snapping in the distance drew their attention, causing both Kazuki and Artoria to instinctively prepare for any potential danger lurking in the darkness. However, before they could fully assess the situation, Lumine's voice pierced through the tension, interrupting their cautious vigilance.

Caught off guard, Artoria's initial response was defensiveness, quickly masking her internal shame. "Oh, no, not at all!" she hurriedly replied, attempting to downplay any notion of intrusion.

Lumine, taken aback by Artoria's sudden outburst and the palpable tension in the air, visibly tensed up in response. Sensing the unease, Artoria immediately realized the impact of her reaction and hastily apologized. "I'm sorry," she murmured, regret colouring her voice.

Still slightly taken aback, Lumine managed to compose herself and offered a reassuring response. "No problem."

Recognizing the situation's awkwardness, Kazuki took the opportunity to bridge the gap and introduce Artoria to Lumine. "It seems you two haven't had the chance to meet yet. Lumine, this is Artoria, my Vice-Captain and honorary Knight of Favonius. And Artoria, this is Lumine, our new friend."

Artoria and Lumine exchanged polite greetings almost simultaneously, their shared smile momentarily easing the tension that had previously enveloped the group. It was a small moment of relief amid the awkwardness, a glimmer of connection that helped to restore a sense of normalcy.

Curiosity piqued, Kazuki turned his attention to Lumine, inquiring why she was there. "What's wrong, Lumine?"

Lumine paused for a moment, gathering her thoughts before responding. "Ah... Jean asked me to find you," she explained, her voice carrying a mix of concern and urgency.

The trio hurriedly returned to the camp, urgency hanging in the air after Lumine's urgent call. As they reached the gathering, they found the rest of the group deep in a serious discussion. Jean, her eyes lighting up upon Kazuki's arrival, acknowledged him, signalling the start of the meeting.

"Kazuki, you're back just in time," Jean greeted him, a mixture of relief and concern evident in her voice. "We have an important matter to address."

Kazuki nodded, taking his place among the group. He surveyed the determined expressions of his companions, sensing the weight of the situation that hung heavy in the air.

Amber, her enthusiasm barely contained, leaned forward. "What's going on, Jean? Did something happen?"

Jean's gaze encompassed the entire group, her voice poised and composed. "We've received intel that the hilichurls in the region have been exhibiting peculiar behaviour. They've gathered at the entrance of the Stormterror's lair. I suspect the abyss mage you fought before is behind this orchestrated movement."

"Damn it, we shouldn't have let that bastard go!" Gray shouted angrily, his frustration evident in his voice.

Kazuki's stern expression conveyed his disapproval as he interjected, "Keep your language appropriate, Gray. We have ladies present."

Realizing his outburst, Gray immediately toned down his anger and nodded apologetically. "You're right, Kazuki. My apologies for the slip."

With her calm demeanour, Jean intervened to maintain the focus of the discussion. "Regardless of our past encounter, we must address this new development strategically. We need to assess the situation and devise a plan to deal with the hilichurls and the potential involvement of the abyss mage."

The group fell into a contemplative silence, each member deep in thought, their minds racing with possibilities and considerations. Clearly, the stakes were high, and their unity and coordination would be crucial in the upcoming challenges.

"Let our Peaceful Tree do the scouting, Jean," Kazuki suggested, his eyes focused and determined.

Jean considered Kazuki's proposal, recognizing the value of their reliable companion in gathering vital information. "That's a good idea, Kazuki. Your Peaceful Tree has proven to be an excellent helper in the past couple of weeks of your stay in Mondstadt. You guys can survey the area and provide detailed reports on the hilichurl activity and the presence of the abyss mage."

Amber chimed in with enthusiasm. "And I can accompany the Peaceful Tree to provide aerial support and ensure its safety. I can help fend off any potential threats with my archery skills."

Kazuki nodded appreciatively at Amber's offer but then gently declined. "I appreciate the offer, Amber, but let us handle this task ourselves. A smaller group will allow for better manoeuvrability. You, Lumine, and Paimon can return to Mondstadt with the rest of the Knights of Favonius."

Amber's expression fell slightly, disappointed by Kazuki's refusal, but she understood his reasoning. She offered a few words of encouragement before departing with the others, wishing the mercenary band good luck.

Paimon, who overheard the conversation about resting, fluttered over to Kazuki and tapped his shoulder. "Yo, Bossman, Paimon thinks you're a good guy."

Kazuki chuckled at the little fairy's comment. Experiencing the humorous interactions from the game firsthand was quite entertaining. "Well, Paimon, go ahead and enjoy a fancy dinner. Put it on my tab."

"Bossman! Paimon loves you!" Paimon exclaimed with glee before darting off to find a delicious meal.

After a restful night, Lumine, Paimon, and the remaining members of the Knights of Favonius bid farewell to the mercenary band. Once they had left, Gray couldn't help but remark on Kazuki's words from the previous night. "You just wanted to make them owe you a favour, right?"

Kazuki smirked mischievously at Gray's comment. "My, my, Gray, you know me so well."

Artoria, observing the playful banter between Kazuki and Gray, simply shook her head. "It's useless to reprimand him. Though Kazuki's methods may not always be honourable, he acts in the best interest of our mercenary band."

"Now, before we go. Let me check my system point. I think it's time for us to greet our newest member."