
Gaming In The Underworld

I pulled an Elvis… not in a cool ‘I have an amazing singing voice and I’m suave as fuck’ kind of way. No sir not me. I pulled an Elvis in the most embarrassing of ways. I somehow died while sitting on a toilet dropping the fattest deuce. Now I’ve got letters floating in front of me telling me I died. That’s not why I’m angry though, I’m not even mad at the embarrassing way I died I’m mad at the fact that ‘You Died’ was in Comic Sans. Fucking Comic Sans! *All recognisable characters belong to their respective owners. I only own the OCs* *Status: Complete

Vargr_the_Skald · Filem
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14 Chs

Rise of the Lycans Part Two

I'm not a jealous man, vindictive, yes. But jealousy was something I was not familiar with. At least up until Selene came back looking like she had just cried her eyes out while talking about how she had run into her old family and in turn her old lover. 


"It's as if nothing changed, they all look the same as the day I lost them." She sighed after finally drying off her tears. 


I didn't reply, I was lost in my own thoughts. Selene's family being around wasn't too hard to believe. I had the suspicion that Viktor turned her shortly after killing his own daughter in the original timeline after all. The man was a sick bastard and I didn't put it past him. The urge to level the entire place with a blast of power grew with every passing moment. There was a ringing in my ears that grew louder and louder before eventually fading away when Selene shook my shoulder pulling me from whatever trance I had fallen into. 


"Blake? What's wrong? You stared off into the distance and the ground started to shake." 


I shook my head. "Don't worry love, I was just lost in my own anger for a bit." 




"The thought that Viktor may target your family here makes me want to end him now before he has the chance to do anything more." 


"We need to plan Blake. As strong as we are we will still be outnumbered." 


"I'm immortal Selene, I can't die, even if I get stabbed through the heart I will live on." 


"But these people aren't… while you're attacking Viktor what's to say that he won't sneak people around you and attack them? We need to be careful about this and make sure we destroy them before they can cause any more damage to this world."


"Fine." I grumbled. 


She had a point, while I was confident in my own skills I also knew that sometimes I got too into the moment and things would happen around me that I had no control over.


"What is it? Something is bothering you, I can tell." 


"I don't trust Marton. Something about him seems off." 


"Blake, I've told you already. I know him, he's just as he was in my past, like I remember him to be. He's kept my sister happy after the version of me in this world disappeared and that's all that matters." 


"You don't think that's odd?" 


"No, why would I?" 


"Nevermind, I just have a gut feeling about him. I trust you though." 


Selene hummed while looking at me inquisitively. "Raze and I were planning to return to that village so that we can work on relations between the people and the Lycans. Maybe we can work out some sort of a deal with them." 


"That would provide the Lycans a more permanent home. As well as giving the people there better protection from rogue werewolves and Viktor's people." 


"That's what I was thinking. It won't be that hard to create a fortified perimeter around the village. Especially with help from my family and the Lycans."


"All good plans, what of your family… how are they dealing? Have you told them who you are yet?" 


Before she could answer, a Lycan I had never seen in the camp before came riding up to where Selene and I sat. He jumped off his horse, at first glance he looked alright but I had been in this life long enough to know when someone was frightened.


"What is it?" I asked the man. 


"A message sir…" The Lycan gasped out between breaths. "From the vampires." 


"What vampires? Was it Viktor?" Selene asked while standing up. 


"No, a man and a woman. Said his name was Markus. He had a message for Balthazar. He wasn't to meet sir." 


"Alright, where do they wish to meet?" 


"The ruins above the fortress sir. At sundown today." 


"I'll be there, get some rest. You've earned it." 


The man nodded and grabbed the reins of his horse before walking away. I turned to Selene and met her frown. 


"What?" I asked. 


"You're going? You know it may very well be a trap." 


"Yes, and even if it was, I doubt they could do much to me. Besides, I doubt it's a trap. Markus isn't batshit insane in this world. At least, not yet. If things go to plan then I may be able to get him to turn on Viktor." 


"That still leave you very close to Viktor's seat of power." 


"I'll be fine Selene. I promise." 


She glared at me. "I am not raising our child alone, stop acting like you can't be killed. Nothing is truly immortal Blake." 


Her voice was cold, almost angry. "I'll be careful, you have my word." I tried to pull her into a hug but she snatched her arm away and stomped off. 


I was left standing alone, puzzled at what had just happened. I wanted to blame it on hormones and her shifting mood due to the pregnancy. Yet I knew that she was right. Even if I couldn't die there were still ways in which I could potentially be trapped just like William. I felt an irrational anger creeping into my head. Gamer's Mind slapped it away before I could register why I got angry. 

Shrugging I made my way over to the makeshift stables that the Lycans had built and grabbed the horse that had slowly become mine since I rode it back to camp. The stallion had a beautiful black coat and a singular white spot on its head. I had taken to calling the horse Hex Mark because of it. 


I summoned an apple with my blessing and offered it to Hex Mark who ate it in one chomp. I gave his coat a few brushes with my hand before mounting the saddle and riding off out of camp. There were a lot of things I didn't question. I chalked most of these up to mechanics of the game or just flat out blind luck. How would a Lycan discover that Markus wants to meet? I don't remember Lucian setting up anything that would allow the Lycans to be that far out of the camp's perimeter. This gave me a great opportunity to get Markus to defect though. And I was an opportunist if anything. After all, when life gives you lemons… you make orange juice and leave everyone wondering how the fuck you did it. 


The sun was still well away from setting, the vampires would all still be asleep. I tied Hex Mark off at a nearby stone formation and looked up at where the ruins were. A sudden observation made me mull over some things. What if my 'home world' is an alternate universe? My name should have been a give away, if not that. Then there was the whole fact that I was allowed to even do anything that changed the timeline. This effectively made the world an alternate reality if it wasn't one already. 


In a brilliant flash of fire I appeared five hundred feet up in the ruins. I didn't want to waste time looking for a path up nor did I want to shift and climb my way up. I glanced around and noted that the ruins were Roman in origin. I wondered why I had never noticed it before, the stone pillars should have been a dead giveaway. 


I heard steps behind me and turned to face Markus who emerged from the shadows like a typical vampire. He had a hood pulled over his head and he looked as if he had gone through a month long bender, not that I knew what a month long bender felt like. Markus didn't lower his hood, the sun was still up. He did however, unbuckle his sword and set it off to the side as a sign of peace. I nodded at this action and mirrored the same. Even if he was an elder vampire I was still much stronger than he was. I could easily rip him to shreds if he became a threat. 


"Balthazar, I'm glad you accepted my offer to meet." 


"How did you find a Lycan to bring me that message?" 


"Believe it or not, you didn't free every single one of them. There were still a few that were elsewhere during your prison break." 


"I see… and will Amelia be joining us or does she plan or lurk in the shadows with that crossbow aimed at my head all day?" 


I heard a muffled curse before Amelia also joined Markus from her perch atop a ruined wall. Markus looked surprised that I had detected Amelia. He also looked a bit fearful at what I would do. 


"Relax Marky, I won't incinerate the both of you for being cautious. I am curious though… what would you have done had I been hostile?" 


"I would have attacked you, giving Markus time to escape." 


It was Amelia that replied, I observed her and smiled at her loyalty to Markus. It seemed that she was honorable here in this alternate world too. Markus on the other hand, he seemed like he still could make logical decisions. Probably because he hadn't lost his mind just yet or maybe it was because he still held hope of freeing his brother. I didn't really know, another sad detail in the extended world. 


"I admire your bravery, for that I would have given you an honorable death had we been enemies. But we aren't, so let's get to the point shall we?" 


"Aye, I wish to ask for your help to free my brother." 


"I figured that's what you'd ask. What's in it for me though?" 


Markus looked puzzled. "He is your family too no? You are a Corvinus." 


"Yes, but I have never heard of the both of you." I lied easily. "My father has never mentioned your names, even in passing." 


Markus frowned. "That is a shame then, but nevertheless you are family. Family is what's most important and I ask not as a lord, but as family. Please help me free my brother." 


'Humble, he's always only cared for his brother and by extension his family… I wonder why their mortal brother is never mentioned in detail?' 


"Do you know the location of his prison?" 


He shook his head. "I have stolen the key from Viktor. I fear it is missing a piece. And I know not of William's prison. Viktor had a mortal build the place my brother is held in."


"Fortunately for you I know of this prison… unfortunately we will need that other half of the key." 


"We will retrieve it, I have a feeling it is what Viktor wears around his neck." 


"A good observation. Once you have it, meet me here again a fortnight from today. We will go free William together." 


Markus offered me his hand. Grasping his forearm I gave it a shake before grabbing my sword and stepping back to flame travel to Hex Mark. I could have done any other form of teleportation but I found that the bright flames were more theatrical and gave the impression of power. It also helped me make a point that I was immune to fire. 


Mounting my horse I began to ride back to the camp, I had one foot in the door in terms of convincing Markus to be a turncoat. Amelia was a bonus, she seemed more loyal to Markus than Viktor. Maybe the two had a thing going on, it wasn't too far fetched. I remembered her having a son in the movies. I think his name was Dave or David, something along those lines. He played an important role in the two movies that didn't do too well. Still was an interesting character though. Made me wonder about my own child, would she grow up normally up to a certain age or would either Selene or I have to activate her powers. Would she have her own powers? Would she inherit my powers? That was still a ways off so I shelved the questions for a later date before slowing Hex Mark down to a canter and dismounting once I reached the camp. The wall had progressed nicely. It was made out of logs and wooden nails. It would still hold against basic attacks and offered some protection against the elements. In the clearing semi permanent housing was being set up. 


Lucian was helping put up a gate of sorts with a few other Lycans. After dismounting Hex Mark I handed the reins to a Lycan who came to take him back to the area they had set up for the captured horses. I approached Lucian and greeted the man. 


"How goes the fortifications?" 


"Excellent, we've reinforced the eastern and western walls with some mud and we've plotted out a escape route should we be attacked and the non-combatants are forced to flee." 


"Any word from Raze on the status of negotiating with the village?" 


"He should be on their way back now with Selene. Listen… I wanted to thank you for giving Sonja the ability to walk in the sun like your mate. This makes life much easier for me and her." 


"I told her, and now I'll tell you. Think nothing of it Lucian. You two deserve it, also it's the least I could do. In my time you gave me the means to become what I am today."


"What do you mean?"


"You gave me the lycanthropy virus… I didn't ask that version of you but I'm sure it was yours." 


"I see, tha- doesn't that make you my progeny?" 


"Fucking hell, now that I think about it… yeah." 


Lucian laughs, "Just don't let Sonja know… she thought you were our child after all. Who knows how she might react if she realizes that in a small way you are." 


"Does it even work that way for Lycans?" 


"I don't know, it's not dissimilar to vampires and their progeny. Why wouldn't it be the same for Lycans?" 


"So it wouldn't be weird for me to call you and Sonja Mum and Dad?" 


"Please don't." 


"Noted." I chuckled at his disturbed look. "I'll go wait for Selene and Raze. Give me a holler if you need me for anything." 


Lucian nodded before returning to whatever he was doing. Making my way over to the dirt path that led to the village I took a seat on a rock and opened my system. I was in the midst of leveling up by the look of things. I also had points to distribute. 


I was shocked to see that for each level gained I still got 5 stat points to distribute. I was curious as to why my MP and SP hadn't risen to reflect the stats they were tied to and why I still had a VIT stat when I didn't have a 'health bar' anymore. I shrugged before evenly distributing my points. 

Name: Blake Corvin

Race: Hybrid Title: Champion of the Gods

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral 

Level: 449 Next Level: 98,952/100,000 Xp

HP: nul

MP: 1,500,000/1,500,000 (100,000 per sec)

SP: 1,500,000/1,500,000 (100,000 per sec) 

(200% when transformed)

STR: 670 DMG: 31,500, per hit ( STR/2 x 100 )

DEX: 640

VIT: 640

END: 640

INT: 640

WIS: 640

Luck: 120


Stat Points Available: 0

My stat recovery rate was also astronomical, practically letting me recover my full stats in fifteen seconds flat. I wasn't complaining though. My system already nerfed me so that I didn't recover stat points while I was using certain skills. I had a sneaking suspicion that the Fates would update my system and things would change as soon as I got back to my timeline. 


I looked up to the horizon and frowned. The sun was now drifting lower on the horizon and the village group still had not returned. Alarm bells rang in my head and I stood before making my way back into the camp to find Lucian. I found the Lycan leader sitting by a pile of logs about to start a fire. 


"Lucian, something is wrong. They should have been back by now." 


He looked around and frowned. "You're right, things have gone too smoothly for Viktor to not have done something in retaliation. What do you want to do?" 


"I'll go to the village to check on them, make sure the people here are ready to move should anything happen." 


"I'll send a few men with you, if there was an attack you'll need help." 


"No, you've got women and children in this camp. They need the protection much more than I do. I'll be back, keep your head on a swivel." 


He nodded, I put my sword back on my hip and made my way out of the camp. The nagging feeling I had that something was wrong grew as I made my way towards the village. I put in a burst of speed and ran as fast as I could while still maintaining my human form. The black smoke rising in the horizon made my heart drop. I pushed Gamer's Mind to the max and burst into a pillar of fire. 

[Scene Break]

Selene knew something was off, the rational part of her mind screamed at her. Pleaded for her to notice but something was preventing her from doing so. Even that morning when Blake had told her that he would go off to meet Markus and most likely, Amelia. She had snapped at him, despite knowing that he was powerful enough to wipe the floor with the entire vampire population. A foul darkness had worked its way into her mind and was influencing her to behave like a petulant child.


She was now sitting with her family in their modestly sized home listening as they talked about mundane things. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. Something was wrong, screams sounded in the village. Before she could jump to her feet something heavy and cold connected with the back of her head causing her vision to go black. Just before she lost consciousness she heard her mother scream and her father shout as her attacker rushed forward. 


Raze was walking through the village when he saw Marton slip sneakily through a door. Suspicion flew through his mind. 


'Why would he need to sneak around in the village.' 


Just as the thought left his mind there was a commotion in the house followed by shouting. He growled and rushed toward shoving the door open. Inside Marton stood over Selene's unconscious form with a silver mace in his hand. The man was sneering at Kristof and Katalin as they stood in front of Cecilia and her twin daughters. Marton seemed too entirely focused on the people before him and failed to notice the Lycan behind him. 


"Why Marton?" 


"Why? Because my Lord told me to do so… and I can finally take the woman I want." He replied. 


"You would betray your own family?" 


"Family? I have no family here, just future slaves once my Lord turns me." 


"I don't know what Viktor promised you but he will not keep his word." 


"What do you know Kristof, you served him once before but now you collude with beasts. Viktor's enemies, it is not I who is the traitor here." 


"Beasts, they were our neighbors once. Viktor took them as slaves to serve his whims." 


"I tire of this…" 


Marton stepped forward to carry out his attack but Raze made his presence known. He stormed forward and threw the mortal man into a wall with a crash. Marton grunted in pain as he slammed into a wall before sliding down dazed at the sudden attack. 


"Go! Take your family, warn the village folk." 


"And go where, all we have is in this patch of land?"


"Kristof he's right, Viktor must be planning an attack tonight. We must leave." 


The elder man frowned, seemingly contemplating his options. With a sigh he nodded before moving over to pick Selene up from the floor and carrying her in his arms with surprising strength. 


"Go to the forest, seek out our camp. Ask for Lucian and tell him Raze sent you. I'll deal with Marton." 


The man nodded in thanks before leading his family out the door. Raze looked at Marton's stirring form. He growled, the man should not have survived that throw. The impact should have shattered his bones. Something else was at play here. The man eventually stood and shook his head as if clearing a haze. 


"You'll pay for that Lycan." 


"So you know what I am and yet you still seek to fight me mortal?" 


"It matters not, I will kill you now and finsih what I came here to do."


No further words were exchanged, Marton rushed forward with speed no mortal should have. Fighting his momentary shock Raze let backwards as the mace that the man wielded hissed through the air his head once occupied. 


'He isn't a normal man then.' Raze surmised. 


Raze tore off his tunic and brought his rage forward, willing his body to change. His muscles stretched and tore as his bones shifted to his new form. Taking his Lycan form he rushed at the man who blocked a swipe from his claws with his silver mace. Raze's skin sizzled as it made contact with the metal haft. Marton retaliated by kicking him in his chest pushing him back. The large Lycan momentarily focused outside where he heard the villagers running for the woods, it seemed that Kristof had warned the rest of the mortals and they were now making their escape. He snarled as he charged back at Marton. The man smashed his mace into the rushing werewolf's chest like a bat sending the Lycan flying into the hearth knocking coals out on the wooden floor. 


Growling, Raze got back on his feet as his healing began to repair the damage the silver had done to his skin. Marton smirked at him, twirling the heavy weapon in his hand effortlessly. Raze attacked once more, slashing wildly at the man as they fought. The coals that had gotten knocked onto a woolen rug caught the dry fabric on fire. Smoke filled the house in minutes as the two continued to fight. 


Raze felt concern as he fought on, Marton was not only keeping up with his speed but also slowly starting to overpower him. He was pushed back with another kick before he felt the silver weapon impact his side, sending him flying through the wall and crashing on the dirt outside. He tried to get up but felt the mace impact the side of his head causing his vision to flicker. He was knocked onto his back by a solid kick. Marton stood over him with the mace on his shoulder. A sinister grin found its way on to the man's face as he looked down at the fallen Lycan. 


"It was a good fight but alas, I must carry out my lord's orders." 


Raze could only watch as Marton raised the mace high before swinging it down hard. Raze roared in pain as the mace crushed his chest. The mace went up again before slamming down painfully and Raze knew no more. 

[Scene Break]

I appeared just behind the tree line, the second I reached the village I could sense that something had happened. Only a single home was up in flames thankfully, outside the home a lone figure stood over a mass of fur repeatedly swinging a mace. From where I stood I could smell the Lycans blood. The figure was chuckling darkly as he continued to crush the remains of the Lycan. The scent of the fallen wolf made its way to my nose and I growled. It was Raze, further observation revealed that the village was empty. Its former occupants had apparently retreated through the woods. I didn't recognize the man who killed Raze but I knew he wasn't wholly normal. No human could have fought a Lycan fully transformed. I drew my sword as I stepped forward, gaining the man's attention. 


"Good, another beast to kill." The man said as he turned. 


The man was covered in Raze's blood, a deranged look in his eyes. I cast Observe on the man and frowned at what I learned. 

Marton Lvl. 87

Race: Human

HP: 20,000/20,000

SP: 100,000/100,000

Allegiance: Viktor

Status: Possessed

Bio: Marton has always held an unhealthy obsession with Selene. When she disappeared he settled for the next best thing, her sister. He is loyal to Viktor who promised him immortality in exchange for spying on Selene's family after they had completed his fortress prison for William. Marton is currently possessed by a foreign entity. 

Possession wasn't the craziest thing I've come across, but it was new. While I had been observing the man he had been monologuing, almost like a typical villain. I had him beat in terms of strength and stats alone but seeing that he had defeated a Lycan like Raze made me err on the side of caution. I couldn't afford to underestimate the man. Especially with his status of being possessed. There was no telling what was controlling him if he was even being controlled in the first place. Considering Selene's attachment to him due to her past also held my hand in vaporizing the man outright. The man continued to speak, mouthing off stereotypical lines like 'you'll rue the day…', 'I am above you…', and other condescending lines. Rolling my eyes I activated my time manipulation skill and froze time. Walking forward slowly I made my mind up. While the man was frozen I picked up a large wooden fragment and drove it through his eye and into his skull before stepping back a few feet and releasing my hood on time. 


Marton screamed and I raised my eyebrow in shock at the fact that somehow the man survived the large sliver of wood I had driven through his skull. 


"What is this sorcery!" He roared as his hands tore at the wood. 


Making a mental note to be more thorough in the future when encountering possessed people I willed my sword to burst into flames before cutting the man's head clean off his neck before he could recover from his angry tirade. Martin's head hit the ground followed by his body. No blood left his wounds. His face was frozen in a look of anger and shock. I nudged the head with my booted foot and leapt back when golden dust erupted from the head and corpse. There was an agonized scream before the golden dust exploded, I raised a barrier of fire to shield myself from the concussive force. Once I was sure that it was safe I dissipated the wall of flames and looked around. 


The ground where the body once lay was scorched, I glanced over to Raze's body and sighed. The loss of the large Lycan was regrettable. Though I didn't know him here, I knew he was a decent man based on what I knew of him back in my own reality. I set the Lycans body ablaze with fire, reducing it to ashes before using a blast of wind to scatter the ashes in the wind. 


I made my way to the forest and shifted back to my wolf form after shedding my clothes. I followed the scent of humans, eventually I found myself back to the camp where Lucian was directing the newly arrived villagers. He saw me approach before nodding at me. I changed back to my human form picking up my clothes that I had carried in my mouth while I was in my wolf form. I really needed to find some sort of skill that would allow me to keep my clothes on while transformed in any form. Carrying clothes in my mouth was starting to get annoying. I met Lucian by one of the many houses that had been built in the time we had occupied the clearing. 


"What happened?" He asked worriedly. 


"Raze is dead… a villager working as some sort of spy for Viktor got him." 


Lucian's face darkened at the news of the loss of his friend. The Lycan closed his eyes while taking a few calming breaths. He opened them again and nodded. 


"Did he die well at least?" 


"He fought the spy, there's more to it but it's best saved for a smaller audience. Get Sonja, I'll go search for Selene. She wasn't with Raze. I can only hope that she's with her family and they're all here. Meet me in the woods behind the camp, we'll speak there." 


"Selene was here, I saw her being carried by her father. She's in your tent with her family." Lucian said before leaving to look for his mate. I sighed tiredly through my mouth and glanced around at the camp. 


We'd need to fortify this location more now that the village was no longer an option of moving to. I remembered something from the movie about a large cave full of first generation werewolves. Noting that for later I made my way to my tent that was set up a bit out of the way from everyone else. Pushing the flaps aside I walked in meeting several sets of eyes. Discreetly casting Observe I found out that this was Selene's family. Her two nieces glanced at me fearfully behind their mothers legs. 


"Who are you?" Asked Kristof. 


"Not your enemy, I'll tell you once Selene is awake."


"I fear she may never wake." Said Selene's sister. 


Fear crept into my heart before it was suffocated by Gamer's Mind. Selene's still form drew my attention, her head was bandaged rather crudely but she was still alive, that much was certain. She should have recovered by now, her healing should have seen whatever injuries she had. 


"What happened, I may be able to help." 


The family hesitated at first before Katalin stepped forward and took my hand in hers. 


"I can tell my daughter means something to you. Please, help her. Marton, he- he struck her with a weapon. We've staunch the bleeding as much as we could but she still remains unresponsive." 


Frowning, I squeezed the woman's hand reassuringly and glanced at Selene. I cast Observe on her and my frown deepened. 

Selene Lvl. 409

Race: Corvinus Strain Vampire (620 Years Old)

HP: 7,321/3,000,000

SP: 200,000/200,000

MP: 0/10,000

Allegiance: Blake Corvin

Affection: 100

Status: Death Dealer, Life Mate (Poisoned)

Bio: Selene was sired by Viktor after he murdered her entire family upon their completion of his fortress. He spared her due to her likeness to his daughter, Sonja. Selene has avenged her family by striking the killing blow on Viktor. Her goals realized she now seeks to build a life with Blake Corvin, her life mate. 

Her 'character sheet' had changed again since I last saw it. The most concerning at the moment was the 'Poisoned' status effect. Being a vampire it shouldn't have been possible in the first place. Then again I remembered in one of the movies where she had been drugged by the Eastern Coven's head of security. I closed my eyes and cursed, opening them again. I prayed that my healing skills were enough before getting closer and setting a hand gently on her forehead. I felt the draw on my MP as I channeled healing flames from my hand to Selene's body. Her family gasped while I continued to cover her entire body with the fire, her family watched in shock as Selene remained unaffected by the flickering green flames. 


I growled as nothing seemed to happen for a moment, gritting my teeth. I poured more of my MP into the skill causing the flames to turn a brilliant shade of gold. The bandages burned away, the blood matting her hair faded into her skin. I released my magic as Selene gasped, her eyes shot open and she jumped from the cot. I slumped down to the ground as her family rushed around me and pulled her into their arms. A quick glance at my stats told me that I had nearly exhausted my whole MP reserves healing her. When she eventually broke away from her family I was getting up and brushing off the dirt from my pants when she jumped into my arms. I held her tightly, I felt warm tears hit my shoulder as she silently wept. Softly running my hands through her hair she let out a sigh before pulling away. 


"I'm sorry…" I started. 


She looked at me questioningly, "What for? You haven't done anything, my family is safe, they told me you healed me." 


"Marton, he did this to you. I had to kill him, he had already killed Raze. Something tells me that he would have gone after everyone else had I not been there." 


"Y- You killed Marton?" Her voice was low, her eyes glinted dangerously. 


"Selene, he killed Raze. They were standing by what I assume was your home. I assume he would have killed your family had Raze not been there." 


For a moment I saw her eyes flash with gold before turning their iridescent blue. I felt her fist connect with my jaw before I could even see her move. Her sister and mother gasped in shock. Her father stepped forward as if to say something, he reached out to grab her shoulder but she shrugged it off. Her eyes met mine as I straightened up. 


"You 'assumed', you 'Assumed'! You murdered Marton, someone I cared about. You killed my sister's husband, the father of my nieces. Go! Leave, I cannot stand your presence." 


Frowning at her outburst I glanced at her parents, her father reached out to her again. 


"Selene, He's-" 


"LEAVE!" She screamed while lashing out. 


Pain flared on my face when I felt her sharp nails slashed across my face. The vision on the right side of my face went dark. This was unnatural behavior, I recalled the flash of gold in her eyes. A memory tickled my mind, Selene screamed again pulling me from my thoughts. She rushed at me with fury clear on her features. I flashed away in a pillar of flames just missing the moment Lucian and Sonja walked into the tent. 

[Scene Break]

Selene huffed in anger, her rage making her see red as Blake disappeared in a burst of fire. Her mind screamed at her to chase after him, to apologize for lashing out. She swatted the thoughts away and turned to face her family. She was about to apologize for Marton's death but her words froze when she saw her sister and mother crying. Her father had a look of disbelief on his face. She felt like a scolded child with the looks her mother and father sent her way. Her nieces had hidden behind Cecilia refusing to look her way. 


"What happened?" Lucian was the first to break the silence. 


"I drove away a-" 


"Be quiet child." Her father interrupted her before she could speak. 


"I- what, he- Blake murdered Marton. I made him leave." 


The words sounded wrong, it left a foul taste in her mouth. Her father sighed behind her while her mother ushered her sister and her nieces out of the tent. Selene looked around at the people left in the tent. Her heart was beating out of her chest, the voice in her head returned with a vengeance. Stumbling over to the bed she took a seat as the voices continued to berate her. 


"Selene, do you know who attacked you?" 


"I- No, I don't. Why are we here father?" 


"Marton, he struck you in the back of the head with a mace." 


'What?! No! Marton would never…' 


"But, he wouldn't, Cecilia, his daughters. He's family, why would he attack me?" 


Kristof and Lucian exchanged looks before Lucian and Sonja took a step outside of the tent. She wanted to ask where they were going but her fathers glare grounded her. 


"He was working for Viktor, that wasn't all though."


She sat still as her father explained what had transpired while she had been knocked unconscious. The fight left her replaced with dread and regret as what she had done. Memories briefly flashed through her mind. Her father continued to explain how Raze had come in and saved them just as Marton was about to attack. They had escaped the village with everyone else and made their way over to the camp. Her wound had been treated as best as it could but she had remained unconscious. Then Blake arrived and healed her with fire. She sat and listened to her father finish his explanation, Selene felt her eyes blur as her cheeks dampened. 


'Blake. Oh, what have I done?' 


She didn't know where the anger came from, it had suddenly exploded from her when she had heard him say that he had killed Marton. Instead of hearing him out she had lashed out and wounded him. All before practically condemning him and chasing him away. The tears stung her eyes as she silently cried. Her father stood from where had sat during his explanation. He put a hand on her shoulder before stepping out of the tent leaving her alone with her guilt. 

[Scene Break]

I felt the blood running down my face from my ruined eye, bitter tears leaked from my one remaining eye as I glanced at the forest below me. I had flamed out of the tent and deep into the forest after Selene's outburst. Part of me knew that it wasn't really Selene speaking. The golden flash in her eyes was evidence enough of something influencing her. Yet the tears still came as I stood perched on the mountain I had scaled while flaming around the forest. I had found the den of the werewolves, I patiently waited as my wounds slowly recovered. I was concerned that it was permanent seeing that I had implanted the world breaking eyes replacing my own. Even if they still took on my normal eye color instead of the freaky purple ringed look I was worried that due to them not being my original eyes that I was going to be blind for the duration of my stay in this alternate world. Those fears ebbed away when my vision slowly returned, albeit a little hazy at first. 


Once I felt my vision normalize I blinked a few times testing the functionality of my eye before pushing a bit of MP into them. There was a brief itch before I felt them shift and my vision sharpened. I could practically see each and every leaf on the trees far below me in the dying light. Reaching out a hand I focused on one of the eyes' abilities. A shockwave of pure energy blasted from my hand causing large boulders to fly towards the forest.


'They still work… that's good. It'll help when I deal with these werewolves.' I mused as I let my eyes return to their normal hue. 


The large rocks crashed against the trees eliciting howls from inside the mountain. Nodding when I was satisfied with my healed ocular powers I flamed to the ruins above Viktor's fortress. I needed to get Markus and Amelia out before Viktor could move against Lucian; it was only a matter of time after all. Pushing out my senses I felt for the signatures of people in the castle. It seemed that they were preparing to move out. The sun was slowly setting over the horizon, Viktor must have been waiting for his little spy to report back. Hearing nothing, Viktor most likely decided to attack anyway to kill everyone in the village. 


Spotting a lone guard leaving the fortress to patrol the wall I silently teleported behind him before wrenching the vampire's head back and sinking my fangs into the man's throat. Sifting through the Death Dealers memories I found out that they were in fact attacking once the sun set. This was confirmed when the Death Dealers rode out of the keep on horses in full armor. I had already dragged the vampire's body into the darkness before donning the armor. I watched as Viktor led the charge out of the castle walls. Not sensing Markus or Amelia I made my way into the keep while keeping an eye out for guards and patrols. 


I quickly activated my stealth skill and made my way unchallenged through the castle to where I felt Markus' 'aura'. The vampire was pacing around an office of sorts, slipping into the room I made my presence known and fought a smirk as the supposed powerful elder vampire startled. 


"How did you get in here? How are- never mind what is it?" 


"Ready to go get your brother?" 


"What?! Now?!" 


"Now is as good a time as any. Where's Amelia?" 


"She's in the training room." 


"Go get her, we're leaving in a few minutes." 


Markus left the room in a blur of speed. While he left to go collect his fellow Elder I thought about what I should do when we got to the prison fortress. I could flame all three of us there no problem, the problem was opening the prison. They had the bigger half of the key but not the pendant half. In the hectic time that I had been here I had forgotten where I had left it. I knew there was a version of the pendant in this world. But that version just rode off to go harass innocent villagers and I wasn't feeling like chasing after it. I didn't remember if it was in my inventory or in a bag somewhere. It wasn't on me and I didn't exactly want to go back to the camp just yet to see if Selene had it. 


'I could always just blowtorch my way through the steel. I doubt it's enchanted.' I thought to myself. 


The two Elders returned moments later, both carrying satchels. I looked at the two and pointed out their bags. 


"What are those?" 


"Supplies for the journey?" Replied Amelia. 


"I'll teleport us over there, you won't need those." 


"Telu port… what does that word mean?" 


'Duh that word probably hasn't even been invented yet.' 


"It's a way of traveling great distances in the blink of an eye." 


Markus shrugged before tossing the bag out of the window of the room we were in. I hadn't even noticed that there was an open window there before then. 


'I'm starting to get too relaxed, maybe I should start focusing on my surroundings more.' 


Hera would have had a snarky reply had she been able to speak to me. Speaking of the errant goddess, I missed her company. Even if I did hate sentient Gamer Systems. 


'Does she even count as a system?' I mentally shrugged. 'Wonder if she's been influencing me somehow. It's oddly convenient that gave her the name Hera. Stupid manipulative omnipotent beings.' 


I felt like she was smirking at me smugly from Olympus or wherever the hell she was. I made a mental note to give her a piece of my mind when I eventually came around to her world. I pulled back from my own thoughts and looked at the two Elder vampires who I had subconsciously frozen in time. Amelia was in the middle of rolling her eyes at Markus who, much to my own surprise, had a look of amusement from throwing a bag full of what might have been bottles of blood. 


'I guess the big scary Corvinus heir does have a sense of humor.' 


Unfreezing time I glanced at the two again, Amelia was about to get rid of her bag as well but I raised a hand stopping her. Feeling rather hungry all of a sudden I reached out to her and she responded by taking an opaque bottle from the bag and handing it to me. Uncorking the bottle with my teeth I took a sniff of the contents and raised an eyebrow. It was blood, and somehow still warm without having spoiled. I drank the whole bottle relishing the tangy flavor of the red liquid. Markus and Amelia shared a glance before taking a bottle each and doing the same. 


"Here's to freedom." I raised my empty bottle. 


"Freedom." They enthusiastically mirrored. 


Grinning at Markus I chucked the bottle over my shoulder and out of the window. Returning the sentiment Markus smiled as he hurled the bottle out of the window. Amelia rolled her eyes again and mumbled something under her breath that sounded a lot like 'men'. 


"You two ready?" 


They nodded, without further delay I grabbed them both by the shoulder and activated my skill. We appeared at the shore by the gates to the fortress prison. Markus looked around while Amelia heaved a bit grasping her knees. 


"Yeah, sorry about that. I should have warned you. The flames won't harm you but instantaneously traveling through space does a number on the body." 


"I'll be fine…" Amelia groaned. 


'It's true then, teleportation has different effects on everyone.' 


"This is where William has been kept?" 


"Ah, yes. Viktor had it built by mortals while the three of you and your merry band of edgy warriors chased William around the country." 


"Merry band of what?" 


"Never mind that, ready to go?" I directed the last part at Amelia who now had her hands on her hips while glaring at me. 


"No thanks to you." 


"Whatever… let's go then." I started walking towards the large doors while Markus and Amelia trailed behind closely. 


Turns out if I channeled fire through my sword directly in a certain way, I could practically Oui-Gon Jinn my way through any material, and seeing that Markus and Amelia had both apparently forgotten their half of the key as well it was a fortunate discovery.


Markus and Amelia followed me through the winding halls cautiously stepping over the molten rock puddles I left in my wake. Eventually we made it to the coup de gras, the prison room. Where the giant coffin-like prison to the second Corvinus brother was kept. I found it hilarious that Viktor spent all that time, effort, and money to build a big empty fortress that held one person. The prison wasn't even that secure. I was pretty sure that the metal was regular metal and William was basically only trapped due to the fact that he was in such a confined space that he couldn't build up enough momentum to break out. Markus growled at the sight of the large iron maiden structure. 


"Viktor will pay for how he has treated my brother. This I swear on our family name." 


"I did not know this was how a progenitor of a species was kept. It sickens me but at the same time I understand his reasoning behind it."


"Amelia! You couldn't possibly be agreeing with Viktor's actions could you?" 


"No, I don't agree with how your brother has been imprisoned but I do agree that he needed to be locked away. Had he been allowed to run free there would be many more casualties and Lycans running around." 


"He's my brother!" Markus exclaimed.


"Exactly so! If you ever got him in control he would only listen to you. Even then he would still be no more than a beast lost in his own mind." She retorted. 


I froze time again, I wondered if giving William my blood would solve this issue. He would effectively become a Hybrid. Though I wondered if he would regain his human form or his sanity for that matter. Throwing caution to the wind I unfroze time and called the attention of the two Elders before they could continue bickering. 


"If you two are quite finished I'm going to free William. Do me a favor and restrain him." 


"He is quite stronger than us." Said Markus. 


"He's also been starving for a few decades." 


"Just prevent him from getting out of this room." 


"Very well, we will do our part, just don't forget yours." 


Markus and Amelia separated and each took a defensive position on either end of the room. It wasn't a very large room, probably the same size as my old apartment in Brooklyn. Markus nodded to me from the entrance I had created while Amelia was on the other end of the room ready to support Markus. I drew my sword again, having put it back in its sheath when we entered the room and let eldritch green flames coat the blade. Focusing a bit more the flames turned from green to a blinding bluish white. Approaching the steel coffin I made quick work of the large chains and hinges keeping the thing closed. 


The 'doors' of the iron maiden slowly fell away with a loud CLANG and the albino werewolf slowly stepped out after unfolding its long muscly arms from its chest where they were crossed. I could sense Markus' intentions to rush forward to his brother but I stopped him with a glare. William growled when he noticed us, his eyes held no intelligent light. Letting out a roar that shook the room I frowned. Using my water manipulation skill I thrust a hand out at the first werewolf and felt my power blanket him. William let out another roar and fought against my hold. 


"William! It's me, your brother, listen to me!" Called out Markus. 


William showed no sign of having heard his brother. I felt more MP drain as I pushed more power into my Skill. Finally I felt my power take hold over the blood flowing in his body. William let out a growl as I made him fall to his knees. When I was sure that my control was absolute and unchallenged I beckoned for Markus and Amelia to join my side. They rushed over and looked fearfully at me. 


"What was that?" Markus asked. 


"I simply took control of the blood in his body and made him kneel." I said nonchalantly. 


"Blood magic…" Whispered Amelia. 


"Sure, let's go with that." 


"But, you're like us, I can feel it," Amelia was looking at me appraisingly. "I have never known a vampire to hold such power." 


"Let's just go with I'm special for now."


Amelia frowned, Markus looked pensive. "Perhaps it's a trait in the Corvinus Blood, our family is old." 


"We're getting sidetracked. Markus try to reach your brother. I'll step in should you not succeed." 


Markus nodded before stepping forward and grabbing hold of William's head. The vampire stared into the werewolf's eyes and began to speak. 


"Brother, it's me. Give me a sign. I know you are still in there." 


William growled, his eyes still remained feral. I could feel the drain on my MP fluctuate before returning back to a steady drain. I knew that if my hold on Williams body hadn't been powerful that the wolf would have lashed out. The thought of being clawed brought my mind back to Selene and her slashing my eye out earlier. I didn't know how 'life mates' worked in general. I was, however, sure that the fact that supposed life partners connected via supernatural means didn't lash out at each other. That only confirmed in my mind that the golden glint in her eyes was a sign that she was being manipulated by some unseen forces. Which brought about the question, 'how'. We were far from the influence of beings that could do so. At least I hoped we were. The vampire and werewolf viruses in the Underworld series weren't truly supernatural. More or less it was a mutated form of rabies mixed with a mutated plague all held by some mysterious genetic condition. It was the sort of science that gave me migraines if I thought about it too hard. 


When I came out of my thoughts Markus was still trying to speak to William to no avail. Amelia almost looked like she was expecting the wolf to break free from my hood and bite Markus' head off. After a few more attempts I called out to Markus. 


"I don't see this going anywhere and I'd rather get out of this damp room as soon as I can so let me try my way." 


Markus straightened out and turned to me, the man looked disheartened. I put my free hand on his shoulder reassuringly. 


"Don't worry, he'll be fine. Now take a step back. He might break free." 


Markus retreated back by the door Amelia close behind him. Turning my attention back to William I clenched my fist and the wolf fell on his hands with a whine. I saw Markus almost jump forward before being held back by Amelia. The man truly did care for his brother, perhaps I won't have to slaughter him. As I recall the quest I had been given didn't mention anything about killing either brother. Plus having the two brothers on my side would help when we finally dealt with Viktor. Making up my mind I rotated my wrist and William mirrored my hands movement. The albino wolf was now hovering a foot or so off the ground angrily snapping at my heels. Ignoring him I raised my free hand and bit into my own wrist opening up a wound. Raising a clenched fist over Williams mouth I allowed a few drops of my blood to fall into the werewolf's snarling mouth. A notification popped up almost instantly. 


Turn William Corvinus into a Hybrid?



I was thankful that there was a confirmation screen. I wasn't too confident in the whole 'blood willingly given' aspect of my ability to turn others into hybrids. It was too open ended, especially if I willingly gave a vial of blood to someone and another person got a hold of that vial. Confirming my selection I took a step back as Williams body seized before beginning to convulse. Sensing the werewolf's resistance in being held by my power disappear I let him drop to the floor after deactivating my Skill. Markus ran to his brother's side but was pulled back again by Amelia. I looked at her and nodded in thanks. I watched, fascinated as William began to morph before my own eyes. The fur fell away revealing human skin. The sounds of flesh and bone shifting filled the room as William shrunk and began to retake his human form. I wasn't surprised that William was a splitting image of Markus. They were supposed to be twins after all. They had many similar features but also certain differences could be made. While Markus had coppery red hair William had a darker brown. Where Markus constantly had the glowing blue vampire eyes, William had the glowing golden red. Both brothers had long hair that fell past their shoulders, aristocratic facial features, and distinctive noses. 


William finally let out one last shudder before he lay still. Moments later he sat up with a gasp while shivering and looking around fearfully. His eyes found Markus and lit up in recognition. 




Amelia finally released Markus who ran to his brother's side. The vampire took off his cloak and threw it over his brother's naked form. Pulling William to his feet Markus embraced his brother. The moment was heart felt, I could feel their bond through my blessing from the Hearth Goddess. They exchanged a few words and I tuned them out while I contemplated my future plans. Viktor was definitely going down, there was no question about it. From my rough estimates we had close to several dozen fighting men with the Lycans and the villagers that joined us. If Lucian or I could get the feral werewolves to join, their numbers would put our total count close to two hundred. Viktor had more men, I figured the old warlord probably had close to a thousand Death Dealers spread out  in the fortress and his own personal war parties. The odds weren't balanced at all but Lycans had an advantage of being able to step out into the sun. If we attacked during the day Viktor's soldiers wouldn't be as strong. I turned my attention back to the Corvinus brothers. 


"So I have you to thank for returning my humanity back to me?" Asked William as he stepped towards me. 


His voice was hoarse, years of not being able to speak had done significant damage to his speech. The newly freed Corvinus brother looked at me as if measuring my worth. 


"Markus tells me you're a Corvinus, you certainly smell like one." 


I raised an eyebrow, "Oh? What does a Corvinus smell like, if I may ask?" 


"Like death, and blood." 


'Fucking hell that's and edgy answer. I guess he's sort of right though.' 


"Are you familiar with our father?" William continued. 


"Not that I can recall. My own father is not known to me. I remember very little of my childhood." I replied.


"My brother also tells me that you wish to bring down Viktor." 


"This is true, he has been allowed to fester like an infected wound for too long." 


"While I don't know him personally I know that he imprisoned me in the darkness for years. I also desire my pound of flesh for what he has done. I owe you a debt for returning my sanity and you are family, we will stand with you." 


Amelia and Markus nodded in agreement. I didn't know what it was, whether it was being called family, acknowledgment, or just a bond formed through the desire for revenge but I felt elated. 


"As you said, we are family. Perhaps the last of the Corvinus line. You need not fight to repay me. Should you so wish you may flee this place and seek a peaceful life with your brother." 


"Not before I tear out Viktor's spine." William growled, eyes glowing like coals. 


I smirked, "Let's get started then."


I gave the trio a brief explanation of my plans, as well as informed them what I had done to 'heal' William. Needless to say they were shocked about my Hybrid status. I also informed them that Alexander Corvinus was in fact still alive and hiding in the shadows. Markus and William agreed to go see him after we had dealt with Viktor. While the three spoke about what they could do I reached out with my mind and was shocked to find that I could feel everyone that I had turned. I could feel Sonja miles away back in the camp and William not too far off in the room. I could also faintly feel my connection to Selene though it felt different, possibly due to the fact that she was my mate and that I hadn't technically turned her into a hybrid myself. A few minutes later Markus and Amelia approached me while William set off to look for better clothes. 


"We want you to give us the same gift you gave William." 


I glanced at the two sets of determined eyes. It would be beneficial to have two more vampires that could walk in the day. Markus was loyal to his brother, and in turn I guess he was also loyal to me. Amelia's loyalties were questionable. 


"I will not betray you, I only wish for the power to free myself from Viktor's influence. He grows more brash and arrogant through the years, those are not the qualities of a good leader for our people." She said as of having read my mind. 


"Do you understand what you're asking for?" 


"Yes, and I would rather be bound to you rather than a tyrant." She replied. 


I turned to Markus who shrugged. "You freed William, I wish to be able to travel with him to see our father. I also miss viewing the sun from our Villa." 


"You have a Villa?" 


"Our, as in the Corvinus Villa. Our father had it built as a secret home for him and our mother."


'The more you know…' 


"Very well." I said. 


Raising my arm both vampires took a mouthful of blood before backing away. I confirmed the two notifications that popped up and watched as the two froze for a moment before they looked back towards me. I could tell that they must have caught glimpses of my memories. From the blush on Amelia's face I could guess what they both saw. My mind had been focused on Selene for a few minutes now. Markus coughed awkwardly as Amelia looked away still flushed. 


"Right, so what now?" He asked. 


"We wait for William to return then I'll take us back to our camp." 


He gave me a look of agreement before stepping away to look around the room. Amelia looked at me as if she wanted to say something. 


"I- is she your mate?" She asked quietly. 


"Selene, that's her name, and yes. She's my mate." 


"How do you know?" 


"You'll have to elaborate." 


"How do you know if you've found your mate?" 


'Has she not met David's father yet?' "It's a feeling deep in your gut, it's difficult to explain. I guess the closest thing to compare it to is a feeling of completion, wholeness even. Do you feel this was about someone?" 


She got a far away look in her eyes before a small smile found its way on her lips. 


"A man I met in Bohemia after I founded a coven there. I haven't seen him in many years." 


While I didn't know that she founded a coven it wasn't too unbelievable, each elder did have a seat of power. Viktor's was supposedly the fortress we were in but he seemed to prefer staying in Corvinus Castle which was Markus' domain. Amelia's kingdom must have been the coven in the newer Underworld movies.


"After this is over, you should go and find him." 


"I plan to, will I be able to give him the same gift you have to us?" 


"I am fairly certain that you can, though I would err on the side of caution in your new day walking capability. Many would seek to exploit your power." 


"Then I shall take him and go into the mortal world. I grow weary of this life. All the fighting and death, it weighs heavily on me. 


'I had figured she was more of a diplomat than a fighter. I guess I was right.' "Then do so, I also plan to fade from the public view once I get the chance." 


Amelia nodded before excusing herself to think. The others had not returned yet, so I took to exploring the abandoned fortress, I could still feel everyone close by so they had not run off. I discovered a few hidden rooms filled with chests. Inside were an assortment of odds and ends. Some rooms had weapon racks filled with rusted blades. Others were bare and full of cobwebs. It was strange that Viktor had the place built only to not use it himself. 


'He must have moved out to Markus' castle years ago. Still doesn't explain why though.' 


Half an hour later everyone met me by the front of the fortress seemingly satisfied with the things they had gone to do. William was now wearing a set of clothes that looked a bit dirty but still relatively whole. The moon was high up in the sky now. I gave everyone a once over before speaking. 


"Everyone grab hold of me tight, I will be taking us to the camp." 


William looked at me puzzled but followed along with Markus and Amelia who put a hand on my shoulders. I felt William grab onto my cloak. 


"Take a deep breath and hold it," I added. "It will help with the feeling." 


Before anyone could ask I activated my skill and in a brilliant flash of fire we disappeared into the night leaving a smoldering patch of grass where we once stood. 


Amelia fared a bit better this time only stumbling a bit before releasing my shoulder. Markus was unaffected but couldn't prevent William from crashing into him from behind. The two fell onto the ground with matching grunts before jumping to their feet. The camp had grown significantly since I left. The villagers had put up temporary tents and more trees had been cleared. 


Lucian came to greet us while warily looking at Markus and Amelia. The two vampires turned hybrids raised their hands in a sign of nonaggression while William looked around taking in the scents. He must have been able to tell that many in the camp were Lycans from the excited glint in his eyes. Clasping arms with Lucian I introduced everyone much to Lucian's shock at William's new appearance. I gave him a brief explanation as to what transpired before looking at the three that had arrived with me. 


"Anyone willing to fight Viktor is welcome to this camp. So long as you do not betray us." 


"You have nothing to fear from my brother and I, we only wish to exact revenge on Viktor." Markus said. 


"Nor I, no harm will come to anyone here. This I can promise." Added Amelia. 


Lucian nodded, "Good, let me introduce you three to everyone then. I'm sure they'll be glad to meet a few vampires who don't want to slaughter them." 


As he walked away he turned over his shoulder and called back to me. "Selene's with her family, I spoke with her earlier. She wishes to say a few things to you." 


"Thanks." I waved at him before walking deeper into the growing camp. 


I hoped that the Lycans and villagers didn't attack my new 'progeny'. Seeing that they were now more curious than cautious I felt confident that they would still be alive come morning. I finally found my way back to my tent where another tent had been set up not too far off. A small campfire had been set up while a group of figures were huddled around it. A pot of what smelled like stew was bubbling away. As I approached a figure looked up from the group before standing quickly and running to me. Selene was in my arms crushing me in a hug before I could make it all the way. I could tell she was crying again while I held her. She kept muttering apologies while she buried her head in the crook of my neck. Pushing her away slightly I took my first look at her since she had taken out my eye. 


Selene refused to meet my gaze so I lifted her chin and wiped away a few remaining tears. Her face was a bit flushed and her eyes swollen from crying. She must have been crying a lot for her healing to not have dealt with the swelling already. I took her hand and led her back to my tent before closing the flap and turning back to face her. She opened her mouth again to apologize but I stopped her. 


"Listen, you don't need to apologize. I know you didn't mean to attack me." 


"Blake, I said some terrible things to you. I- I hurt you." 


"Selene look at me. Do I look hurt to you?" 


She shook her head. "Then what is there to apologize for? You were not in control of your actions. I'm fairly confident that someone has been manipulating your mind." 


Her eyes widened in alarm. "I- I have been feeling strange lately. Like a prisoner in my own body." 


"Then it is confirmed, you didn't hurt me. Who ever is fucking with your head is."


"I still attacked you… you're my mate. How can you be so calm about this?" 


"Believe me, I am worried. I have some working theories as to how to prevent this from happening again." 


"How?" She asked. 


"What? No greeting, no kiss? Just straight to business?" 


She chuckled before giving me the smile I had come to adore. Our lips met and a weight that I didn't realize had been on my shoulders was lifted. When we parted she was still smiling as I held both her hands. 


"Nothing is confirmed yet but I think I have a solution." 


"What is it? I don't want to ever be in a position where I can hurt you again." 


"I will turn you into a hybrid." 


"Am I not already a hybrid? I have tasted your blood." 


'Now that I think of it, she has drunk a fair amount of my blood. I wonder why she isn't a hybrid like me or why I haven't gotten that notification for her yet.' 


"I think there's a procedure to it. I'm not certain why you haven't already turned…"


"If that is all there is to it then let's get it over with already… I don't want whoever is influencing my mind to do so any further." 


"I'm not sure if it will change some things in you…"


"Blake, just do it. Please, knowingly hurting you again is something I do not wish for." 


I pulled her into a close embrace while my hands slid onto her hips. I felt her shiver slightly as my breath tickled her neck. Giving her a quick kiss on her shoulder I bared my neck to her. I focused on turning her into a hybrid as her fangs sank into my skin. I felt my arousal spike as Selene  licked the wound. I saw the familiar screen pop up and smiled. It had worked, selecting the 'yes' option I pulled away and felt the bond between us grow stronger. She looked at her hands briefly before looking back at me. A wide smile found its way on her lips. 


"It worked, I no longer feel whatever has been intruding on my mind."  


"Good, now can I go meet your pare- umph." 


She was on me before I could finish my sentence. Her lips hungrily attacked mine as she tore at my clothes. Shedding my shirt before it could be damaged and fumbled on the belt that held my sword. Selene let out an animalistic growl and ripped the belt away sending the broken buckle flying. My sword clattered to the ground as she shoved me onto the bed we shared in my tent. Her eyes had changed colors. Whereas before they had been an iridescent blue, they now matched mine when I was in my wolf form. She slipped out of her clothes and pounced on me while ripping away my pants. Kicking off my boots I returned her kisses. Pushing me back down onto my back her eyes met mine and she licked her lip. 


[Lemon Ahead]


She grabbed hold of my erect cock giving it a few playful strokes. Leaning forward she smiled as she guided it to her slick entrance. My hands grabbed onto her hips hard as she leaned back impaling herself on my member. She let out a long drawn out moan as I filled her depths. Selene started grinding herself down on my cock her eyes still locked onto mine. I grit my teeth at the painfully slow pace she set and tried to thrust up into her but her hands held me in place. 


"No, I'm in charge tonight. You just lay back and enjoy the ride." She breathed out as she rolled her hips. 


I sat up before she could push me back down again and captured her lips. My hands wrapped around her and held her close as she started grinding her hips back and forth causing my tool to stir up her warm tunnel. She let out a delightful moan as she orgasmed soaking the furs beneath us. Selene threw her head back as she continued to ride me. Seeing her perfect breasts on full display I pinched one of her pink nipples hard while sucking on another. Her hands gripped onto my shoulder as she screamed out in pleasure. I reached up and muffled her scream with a hand over her mouth. Her eyes fluttered open meeting mine. 


"Keep it down," I grunted as she rose up slightly before slamming herself down. "The whole camp will hear us." 


"Then let them." She growled as she shoved me back down onto my back again. 


She began to bounce up and down hard while keeping me pushed down with surprising new strength. The sound of skin slapping on skin grew louder as she slammed herself down again before grinding small circles with her hips. I fought a groan as I felt her inner muscles clamp down on my cock as she orgasmed again. My hands grasped her ass tightly as she started bouncing again. Getting tired of her pace I pulled her down and wrapped my arms around her. She yelped in surprise before letting out a moan as I began thrusting my hips up hard. I continued to roughly fuck her as her moans grew louder. I muffled her with a kiss, one that she returned with fervor. 


The wet SHLICK SHLICK SHLICK of my cock slamming into her was drowned out by the sounds of our hips colliding together. Her cunt fluttered around me as she orgasmed for the third time while letting out a breathy moan. I quickly pulled out before pushing her down onto her stomach and spreading her ass. Her hand reached out in alarm when I poked her puckered hole before she groaned out as I slid back into her hot box with a snap of my hips. I lifted her hips a little before continuing to rut into her roughly drawing out more moans from my mate. I sheathed myself in her, piercing her cervix while I nipped at her ear. My hand wrapped around her throat preventing her from crying out in pleasure. I started to pummel her womb roughly as I whispered into her ear. 


"You've been naughty Selene. I think it's time I punished you."


"Y-yes. Mmm… fuck. I've been bad… give me my punishment." 


Growling I roughly pulled her up onto her hands and knees while still remaining balls deep inside her. She let out a cry of pleasure as I slapped her ass hard making her jiggle as I thrust roughly into her. My hand around her hip gripped tightly enough to where I was sure it would still be bruised in the morning. Slapping her ass again she let out another cry as I set an almost fevered pace. I pulled out and she let out a groan of disappointment before letting out a gasp as I prodded her asshole again. 


"No, Blake not that ho-" 


Her scream was muffled as I shoved her head down roughly on the bed. I spat on her back door before pushing the head of my cock inside. She let out a grunt of pain as I thrust another three inches into her bowels. She was unbelievably tight and I let her back up while remaining still to let her get used to my size. Her panting evened out and she looked back at me accusingly. She opened her mouth to say something but I pushed the rest of my cock into her asshole before she could. Her eyes widened in shock, her mouth open in a silent scream. I released her hips and grabbed onto her shoulders. Leaning forward I whispered in her ear again.


"This is your punishment, Let's hope that you can still walk tomorrow." 


I began to slowly pull out before thrusting back in roughly. She muffled her own moans as I began to pick up speed. Grabbing a handful of her silky black hair I pulled her head back as I pounded into her ass. After a few more thrusts I felt her nearly collapse beneath me as her hole tightened around me. Selene rode out her fourth orgasm of the night as I continued to fuck her silly. I was nearing my own climax, sensing that I was close she began to throw her hips back meeting my thrusts half way. Letting out a grunt I shoved my cock all the way into her ass before exploding and filling her guts with my cum. She let out a cry of pleasure as she orgasmed again from me filling her bowels with my seed. Pulling my cock out with a loud pop I fell onto my side.


[Lemon End]


Our breathing heavy we lay side by side. I pulled her close and she sighed contentedly as she snuggled into my arms. 


"I think make up sex just might be the best kind of sex." 


"I'll have to disagree on that." She whispered while tracing circles on my chest. 


"Oh? You think otherwise?" 


She hummed as her hand slid down and wrapped around my slowly hardening member. I looked over to her and found that her eyes were still alight with hunger. She licked her lips. 


"Let me show you."


We didn't get much sleep that night.