
Gaming In The Underworld

I pulled an Elvis… not in a cool ‘I have an amazing singing voice and I’m suave as fuck’ kind of way. No sir not me. I pulled an Elvis in the most embarrassing of ways. I somehow died while sitting on a toilet dropping the fattest deuce. Now I’ve got letters floating in front of me telling me I died. That’s not why I’m angry though, I’m not even mad at the embarrassing way I died I’m mad at the fact that ‘You Died’ was in Comic Sans. Fucking Comic Sans! *All recognisable characters belong to their respective owners. I only own the OCs* *Status: Complete

Vargr_the_Skald · Movies
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Rise of the Lycans Part Three

The sun peeked out of the crack in my tent's flap streaming onto the bed directly into my face, waking me up with a groan. 


You have slept in your own bed. +20% to all experience gain. 

HP, MP, and SP restored 

All Negative Status Effects Cleared


I swiped the notification away mentally while taking a look at my surroundings. Selene was still cutely snoring lightly against my side. Her nude form was only covered by a silk blanket I had stolen from the vampire's castle. The previous night's activities flashed through my mind and I grinned. Selene was quite an intense lover when it came around to it. After snatching control away from her she had proceeded to whine until I let her have her way again. It only led to me taking back control after she had taken to teasing me. 


Turning into a hybrid had done strange things to her. Mainly giving her a more primal need to mark me as hers. If her biting me more than usual was any sign. I had also noticed that she had taken slightly more ethereal qualities. Her skin was fairer, her hair a touch darker, and her eyes now matched my own golden color when I was transformed. They weren't like the sickly gold they had flashed when she attacked me the previous day. Her eyes now held warmth and a possessiveness when she looked at me. I wondered if she had another form too. She had taken more blood from me than any other person I turned. I figured that I'd find out eventually as I continued to cuddle into her sleeping form. Moments later she let out a yawn as she woke up. She blushed lightly when she saw me smirking at her. 




"Nothing, just enjoying waking up next to you." 


"Sappy bastard." 


"Your sappy bastard." 


She hummed before untangling herself from me and stretching. Her breasts drew my attention, noticing her smiled invitingly only to pull away when I reached out to kiss her. 


"None of that now, we have things to do." 


"You tease, fine. Let's get dressed then. I'm sure your family will be thrilled to meet me after they heard our activities last night." 


A panicked look found it's way on her beautiful face. She quickly threw on a new set of clothes before dashing out of my tent. Chuckling to myself I swung my legs out of the bed I had crafted from wood and furs. I silently thanked the Fates for giving me my powers. I had used my abilities before falling asleep to clean the mess Selene and I had made. Once I was properly dressed I picked up my sword and ruined belt. Sighing I took the sword off the belt and walked out of my tent sword in hand. Looking around the camp I was thankful that no one was looking at me.


'Maybe they didn't hear us after all.'


My hopes were dashed when a grinning Lucian walked over to me, Sonja at his side refusing to directly look at me. 


"I take it that you two have made up?" He said with a smirk. 


"Laugh it up, how are our guests?" 


Lucian chuckled, "You mean after they heard your impressive performance or before?" 


I groaned, Sonja glared at Lucian before huffing and turning away. Lucian eventually composed himself enough. 


"Well, if you must know. William has agreed to help us convince the feral werewolves to join our cause. Markus wishes to help train some of the less experienced and Amelia has agreed to help out by providing us with valuable information about Viktor." 


"When do we go to the cave?" 


"Tonight if possible, Amelia says that Viktor will make camp to avoid the sun after a night of hunting." 


"Are we prepared? One day of training won't help the mortals fight Death Dealers." 


"The villagers are staying here, only the Lycans will attack Viktor's camp."


"That's a good idea, there will be a lot of women and children here left unprotected should every fighting man left. What about the location, where will Viktor be camped at." 


"That is yet to be discovered. Viktor's spy failed to report the destruction of the village nearby so more than likely they will be attacking there tonight."


"They haven't already attacked? I saw them ride out the night before."


"They attacked a village further south. Apparently the local lord failed to pay the tax." 


"By tax you mean human slaves…" 


Lucian frowned. "Aye, the village refused. We saw them pass the previous night, I had a few men trail Viktor's war party. They returned hours later reporting that the village had been slaughtered to the last." 


"Then they'll be on their way to the next village soon." 


"There's a high chance of that." 


"Good, then we will be ready." 


I excused myself before turning to look at the direction Selene had gone. I could faintly hear muffled voices speaking in their tent. 


'At least they're not fighting.' I thought to myself. 


Making my way over to the tent I waited patiently knowing that Selene would have felt me so close by. Not a minute later she pushed the flap of the tent away and looked at me with an unreadable expression on her face. 


"They want to speak with you…"


Nodding in understanding I followed her into the tent and looked around. Her parents sat together while her sister played with her children. I couldn't help but notice how similar Selene looked to her mother. Selene took a seat at a small table that had been set up and offered me the seat next to hers. Taking my place I looked at her parents who looked more embarrassed than angry. 


"So you are our daughters mate ?" The man said. 


"Kristof! We should introduce ourselves first." 


"Sorry my love, I fear that I got ahead of myself. Kristof Kovacks this is my wife Katalin, our first born Cecilia and her twin daughters." 


'So she does have a last name, I wonder why she never uses it.' 


"Well met," I greeted each of them with a small smile and a nod. "Balthazar Corvinus, though that is only a name I use here. My name is Blake Corvin, and yes. Selene is my mate. Though I guess in common terms I am her husband." 


"Was this formalized in any way?" Kristof asked. 


"Not through a church no, be are bound through blood." 


"I see, and what of the child she carries. Is it a legitimate child?" 


I glanced over at Selene who gave me a nod signaling that she trusted them. Deciding that I would trust them a bit as well, since I already gave them my real name. 


"Any children born through us will be legitimate, there will be no bastard children if I can help it. I had already planned on asking her to marry me once we returned." 


Selene looked just as surprised as her parents. "Marry me?" She wishepered. 


"Obviously… what? You thought I'd be satisfied with being your mate? No love, I plan on making you my wife both in name and in the bond we share." 


She nodded, the corners of her lips ticking up as she fought a smile. 


"Then there must be a celebration, I can not in good name allow such a union to take place without proper acknowledgement. You are a Corvinus after all, you are practically nobility." 


"Kristof, we are still in danger." Hissed Katalin. 


"I agree with that sentiment Katalin, though I would think that one might of merriment wouldn't hurt." 


Selene's mother frowned before sniffing lightly, she looked at Selene and Cecilia. 


"Then we women will go and speak with the bride about the ins and outs of marriage. Selene, let us go dear. Cecilia you're coming too, let us leave them men to their chest thumping and bragging." 


Selene was dragged away by her mother and sister while Kristof gave me a genuine grin. Thumping me on the back he led me out of the tent and into the camp. 


"Do I have your blessing to marry your daughter?" 


"Aye lad, though from the sounds coming from your tent the other night I don't think I have much of a choice." 


I would have blouses in embarrassment had Gamer's Mind not squashed my building shame. Kristof laughed and led me over to where Lucian was speaking with William and Markus. The three looked over and greeted us with smiles that I found mildly disturbing on the Corvinus brothers faces.


"Come, let us celebrate this night for it may be the last we have of peace." Lucian said. 


"I assure you we don't need to, I think we're better off preparing for the attack." I grumbled.


"None of that, you're one of us, we need to celebrate your union." William said with a grin. 


"Fine, what are we doing then?" 


"We hunt, obviously. There are deer further in the woods that we can bring back to camp for a small feast." Lucian responded. 


"What of the ferals?" 


"We will deal with that after the feasting and drinking is done."


"You know I could just summon food right?" 


"Where's the fun in that, we need to bond through the hunting of game." 


I sighed, there was no getting out of this it seemed. "Lead the way." 

[Scene Break]

Selene nervously fidgeted with the dress she had been shoved in by her mother after they had spoken about Blake. Even with all her power and might, a single glare from her mother had been enough to make her feel as if she was a child once again.


"Selene? Are you alright?" Her sister asked. 


She looked over to Cecilia and smiled brightly. She hadn't seen her sister in centuries, but now here she was again. Even if she was from another world it brought her great joy in seeing her family once again. 


"I'm alright, just worried about what our mother has planned." 


"Come now, you can't truly be that worried. You know mother, she only wishes for the best." 


"I know…" She sighed. "How are the twins, I'm sorry I missed their birth." She said changing the subject. 


Cecilia looked at her two six year old daughters playing with the other children in the camp. 


"They've grown quite a bit, though I am saddened that they will never know why their father has disappeared." She said with a sad smile. 


"I'm sorry… Marton, he- I never would have thought that of him." 


"I know sister, he changed a lot after you disappeared." 


"I'm sorry…" 


"Enough of that, tell me of your husband. What is he like?" Cecilia asked, trying to brighten the dark mood that had settled between the two. 


Selene smiled welcoming the change of direction. Cecilia observed her younger sister carefully. Watching as the tenseness seemed to evaporate off of her shoulders. She could see the clear sign of affection that Selene held for Blake. 


"He found me when I was completely lost in my own hatred and need for revenge. Well, more like I found him, I practically tackled him after all…"


Cecilia continued to listen as her sister recounted her story of meeting the man. She smiled when her sister mentioned the times they shared and how simply thinking of Blake made Selene unconsciously play with her hair. Selene, of course, didn't notice that she had been twirling a strand of her own hair while talking about her mate. She continued to give details on their relationship, leaving out certain things. She didn't know how her family would react if they found out that she was from an alternate reality and not just from the future. She could already tell that her family suspected something along those lines. 


Her tale came to a close when her mother returned with a flustered Sonja who gave Selene a pleading look. It seemed that her mother had gotten Sonja to join their little 'hen party'. Blake had told her that Sonja was carrying Lucian's child. She wondered if her mother somehow already squeezed that information from Sonja. 


"It seems we have another future mother in our midst." Her mother said with a smile. 


'So she has… I wonder if it's some sort of secret ability she has?' 


Cecilia jumped to her feet and pulled Sonja down to a seat next to her. "That's wonderful news."


Her mother continued to smile, "Motherhood in itself, is both a blessing and a curse." 


"How so mother?" Selene asked. 


The smile that never left her mothers face told her that this would be a long conversation. She couldn't help but feel like she had just unknowingly walked into a trap. 

[Scene Break]

'Three hybrids and a Lycan walk into a forest… sounds like the start of a terrible joke.' 


The brothers led the way as we made our trek further into the dense forest. Lucian had been cracking jokes the whole way while William seemed to be concealing his amusement. Markus was silent but I knew the damn 'Elder' was also amused by my current predicament. 


"Honestly, I'm not sure how she's able to walk with how you were making her scream the other night." 


"Lucian, for fucks sake we're hunting here, you're scaring off the animals." 


"How many times did you have a go at it? By my count you stopped around the fortieth time." The Lycan continued on ignoring me. "With how many times you two coupled I'm more surprised she isn't with child yet." 


"Who says she isn't?" I muttered. 


The trio stopped, "What?" This time it was Markus who broke the silence.


Sighing, I decided that I may as well tell them seeing as to the fact that Selene's family already knew. "She's already carrying my child. We found out weeks ago." 


"This is wonderful news, cousin." William grinned. 


"Cousin?" I asked. 


"Well, seeing as to how we're related or at least you're one of our descendants I figured it would be a fitting title."


"How do you figure, I could be your uncle for all you know."


"While that may be true, I feel as if we are older than you." 


"You can tell how old people are by sense?" I tried to keep the disbelief from my voice. I knew I was younger than them, that didn't mean I wouldn't try and mess with them a bit.


"More of an instinct really, it's easy to see that you're powerful even without knowing about the strange abilities you possess. You carry yourself with confidence and just a small bit of arrogance." 


'Arrogance? Well, I guess I do get a tiny bit cocky.'


"Even with all that, you still have a youthful air about you. Nothing bad, you just radiate a sense of being carefree." 


"I see some truth in that, I freely admit that if I could I would be satisfied with fading into obscurity with my mate." 


"Why don't you?" Lucian asked. 


"It would just be tortuously dull. I'd grow restless and would more than likely seek out to antagonize people just so that I could have a bit of excitement in my life."


"At least you're mature enough to admit that. Immortality has its downsides. Living for so long tends to drive people spare." 


"You don't need to tell me that, I can only imagine what living thousands of years feels like." 


"Never mind that, we found the tracks again. That wild boar is here somewhere." William said in a hushed whisper. 


Everyone dropped down in a crouch, we held no doubt between us that we could all wrestle a wild boar to the ground to take back to the camp. There was a rustling in the bushes to our right, Markus disappeared in a blur. Lucian pounced at the bush and William let out a grin as he charged at the direction of squealing. 


Nearly several hours later we each carried a mix of wild game we had hunted in the woods. William offered to carry the large boar we had captured. Markus had a deer sling over his shoulder while Lucian had half a dozen pheasants tied off in a bundle. I was dragging a brown bear behind me in a sled we had made out of saplings and bits of rope. The boars squealing had drawn the attention of the bear which chased out a deer followed by the pheasants which flapped about in a panic when I strangled the bear. Overall it had been a good hunt. 


When we got back to the camp the women still hadn't returned from wherever they had gone. Amelia had also mysteriously vanished and I grinned at the thought of the others dragging the vampire elder away for 'girl talk'. We handed off the animal to a couple volunteers to prepare. Their eyes bulged at the sight of the massive bear I had caught. I made a request for them to skin it as best they could so that I could have a bitchin' bear skin coat. Ever since I had been a kid I had always wanted a poofy fur coat. The animal rights activists would probably froth at the mouth at the mere sight of the thing once I brought it back. 


Back… the thought of returning home was strange for me. This camp had almost become a second home to me. I found a sort of peace in the impromptu camping trip. I would go as far as to say that I would miss it. I had completed a majority of the tasks set out by the quest. All that was left was kicking Viktor's ass then the system would drag me and whoever I was holding back with me to my own timeline. In my own musings I realized that I hadn't been using my Feast perk as much as I should have. With the impending fight with Viktor I estimated the levels I would gain to be astronomical. Shelving those thoughts for later I glanced over to the Corvinus brothers as they laughed while speaking with Lucian and a few Lycans. It was strange seeing two people that had been enemies before I had ultimately killed them acting so… human. Markus caught my eye and motioned with his head. Nodding in understanding I followed him as he excused himself from the merry gathering. 


"Balthazar, I wish to give you something." 


"You don't need to give me anything Markus." 


"No, it is only right that I do. It is your birthright and seeing that I have no wish to carry on the Corvinus name it falls to you to carry on our name." 


I was confused as to what he meant until he pulled out an ornate ring from a chain I hadn't noticed him wearing. Handing the ring to me I examined it carefully. It was a combination of gold and silver with a large sapphire centerpiece. The Corvinus crest was superimposed over the stone. Smaller rubies dotted the sides of the ring. On one side was another Corvinus crest and on the other was the image of a burning eagle. On the inside of the band was a Latin inscription 'Sanguis et Ignis'. 'Blood and Fire', what a strange motto, from what I knew it didn't exist in the real world. I wondered if it was some sort of amalgamation. I recognized the burning eagle crest, it was pretty popular during the Roman times. My mind wandered back to the motto, it felt like I was missing something. Unless it was some wacky Game of Thrones reference I didn't get it. 


"That has been in our family for generations, my father gave it to me when I took his place as the head of the family. At least, I was the head of the family until I became what I am today." 


'The more you learn…' "I appreciate the gesture Markus, but what am I supposed to do with this? I know very little of lordships and high society." 


Markus shrugged, "I cannot say, wear it, or don't. It matters little. Should you choose to wear it, wear it with pride and bring our name back from the edge of oblivion. I know my father is still alive, but he clearly is content with remaining in obscurity. Neither I nor my brother are fit to carry the name. We have caused too much chaos and are unfit to reclaim our ancestral home." 


'The fuck? What ancestral home, last I remembered there was only Castle Corvinus.' 


"What ancestral home? Is Castle Corvinus not your seat of power?" 


He gave me a sad smile, "It is, but that was built long after we had already been driven away from our true home. Alas, this is a long tale and I fear we may miss the celebration." 


Seeing that Markus wasn't going to elaborate any further I nodded and watched as he returned to the now blazing bonfire. I glanced at the ring one more time before shrugging and putting it on my finger. My eyes narrowed at it when it fit my ring finger perfectly. That was too convenient, the damn Fates were up to something but I couldn't do much about it. Putting it in the back of my mind I saw Selene walking towards me with a smile on her face. She had changed into a light dress and had a small crown of flowers on her head. I gave her a brief hug when she reached me and gave her another once over. 


"Looks like you had fun." 


"Aside from the dress you mean?" 


"You look gorgeous in it, I don't see why you hate dresses so much." 


"You're a bit biased on that subject, but I'll accept your compliment." 


"True, I'd think you make a burlap sack look like the epitome of beauty." 


Selene laughed… she actually laughed openly before giving me a chaste kiss. I could practically sense the love in the gaze she gave me and I smiled. We walked towards the gathering crowd hand in hand, not a care in the world. 

[Scene Break]

The jovial mood lasted longer than I had expected. Selene and I retreated to our tent before the sun began to peek over the horizon sharing a night filled with passion. When we woke up the next day the fires had burned down to embers and the camp was silent. Everyone had their fill of celebration and feasting in anticipation of the fight we would be facing once the sun set again. I swung myself out of bed and looked over to Selene who was putting on the last few pieces of her armor. She had gotten out of bed before I did to speak with her family before we left to track down Viktor's camp.


"This is it, we're riding off today." I said with a sigh.




"Hardly, more anxious to get this over with so we can go home."


She paused for a moment, I could tell that she hadn't been thinking about this particular moment. She would be leaving her family again. Outside of our tent I could hear people beginning to wake up and make their preparations. It wouldn't be long before the rest of the camp was up and about.


"We could always bring them with us." I offered. 


Selene frowned, "No, I can't take them away from here. This is their home, I have made my peace with it." 


"Are you sure?" 


She stood up and walked over to me, kissing me she nodded. 


"Yes, I'm sure. Now get dressed, you still have one more thing to do." 


I chuckled as she pushed me away gently. I put on a fresh set of clothes and belted on my sword before looking at her one more time. 


"Be safe yeah? I'll be right behind you once I've combined the feral werewolves to join the fight." 


"You be safe, I'll be fine, this is nothing we haven't handled before."


Giving her a smile I kissed her one last time before heading out of our tent. The camp was bustling with activity, people putting on scavenged armor or distributing supplies. I met with Lucian at the edge of the woods, he seemed a bit anxious. 


"Are you sure you don't need me to come along with you?"


"You're the leader of this merry band of misfits, I can get a bunch of scruffy mutts to listen to me. Just play it safe and don't Viktor goad anyone into making any rash decisions."


"Scruffy mutts?" Lucian sputtered. 


I chuckled, "Tell me it isn't true?" 


"Just get going, we're riding off in a few hours. I'll save you a few vampires." Lucian grinned. 


"Take care friend." 


He nodded before walking away, I watched his retreating form before flaming away to the cave. I could still feel all the feral werewolves in the cave. Thankfully they hadn't disappeared in the night, I had almost worried that they would somehow move to a different cave with the presence of so many people on the borders of their territory. Shrugging I took off my sword belt and left it at the entrance of the cave. Deciding that it would be far better to be in my Lycan form just in case the wild werewolves attacked me for looking human I took off my clothes too. One shift later I lumbered into the dark cave in my large Lycan form and sniffed around. My eyes adjusted to the darkness and I took in the massive rocky terrain. Hundreds of werewolves were looking my way, none of them seemed to care much about my arrival. 


'Can't really communicate with them, and I don't think they'll even… fuck it. Might as well try.' 


I reached out with my mind and felt for the wild werewolves around me. Their thoughts were a mess, they had been stuck in their forms for years. Many had been werewolves for centuries. Their thoughts basically came out in garbled words. 


'Stranger' 'New' 'Hungry', were a few different thoughts that I could make out. I felt the air shift as a large werewolf jumped from a perch high above me. I took a step back and looked at the wolf in front of me. 


'Who are you?' 


The voice was clearly a woman's, I looked at the wolf for a moment wondering if she was some sort of alpha. Seeing no harm in it I decided to give her my alias. 


'Balthazar Corvinus, I have come to seek help.' 


Angry emotions crashed into my mind, almost making me stagger with their intensity. The werewolf standing before me growled and bared her teeth at me. 


'You carry the name of the man who cursed us all, I shall tear your entrails from your body.' 


Ignoring her threat I continued to speak. 'I have come for your aid in eliminating the vampire threat.' 


'YOU are the threat!' Growled the wolf. 


'I am not the enemy, I seek to destroy those who would enslave you.' 


The wolf seemed to ponder for a bit before growling at me. I didn't want to fight them all, much less kill them. It wasn't really their fault they were stuck like this. The power I could absorb from them wouldn't be worth it if I had to murder a bunch of innocent people. From what I could sense, a lot of them didn't even leave the cave. They hunted in the forest for animals and didn't go out of their way to attack humans. 


'None may lead us except for a true alpha.' The werewolf growled. Her voice echoed in my head.


I mentally groaned, this was going to take a while. I really didn't want to waste time fighting, but if I had no choice in the matter and if got me the loyalty of the werewolves then so be it. The werewolf roared and charged. A snarl bubbles out of my mouth and I intercepted the attacking wolf. I felt her claws slash into my side drawing blood. Roaring at her I swatted her across the face with my larger hand sending her sprawling. She was back on her feet in the blink of an eye. Launching herself through the air I felt her fangs sink into my shoulder before I grabbed her by the throat throwing her at a rocky outcrop. A yelp of pain came from her as she crunched into the wall. She was slower getting up and I saw my opening. Running fast I slammed into the wobbly werewolf and took her to the ground. Her growl turned into a whimper as my teeth found their way around her throat. I felt my fangs break her skin and the fight left her body. 


'Do you yield?' I communicated mentally. 


'I yield.'


Squeezing her throat a little I finally backed away as she struggled to her feet. She looked at me as warily as a werewolf could before speaking in my head again. 


'What is your command?' 


Mentally sighing I shifted to my human form. 


"We can start with names, I gave you mine but you are yet to give me yours." 


'I have long forgotten my name, if you wish you can grant me one.' 


"Very well, your name from this day forth will be Alruna." 


The second the name left my mouth I felt a drain in my MP. There was a blinding flash of light and I looked away. When I turned back my eyes widened at what I saw. In the place of the werewolf was a tall woman with flowing red hair that reached the small of her back. She looked down at her very naked body in surprise. A notification popped up in the corner of my vision and I groaned when I read it. 

Familiar System Unlocked


Alruna added as Familiar

I knew this was going to cause a headache, I glanced at the still naked woman. Curious, I cast Observe on her as she continued to explore her newly regained body. 

Alruna Lvl. 175

Race: Werewolf (Familiar)

HP: 47,710/50,000

SP: 2,097/50,000

MP: 10,000/10,000

Obedience: 90

Status: Familiar of Blake Corvin

Bio: Alruna was one of the first to be turned into a 'wild werewolf' by William Corvinus' rampage. She was once the simple daughter of the town's Ealdorman. She has been trapped as a werewolf for over 700 years. After being given a name by Blake Corvin she has become his familiar. 

Yet another surprise it seemed, I almost wanted to throttle Hera for not informing me of this function in the system. Then again I should have expected something like this. It was a common trope that once given a name a magical beast would become a familiar. Though I didn't know how it applied to me since I technically wasn't a wizard or a witch. The werewolf species in this universe weren't even really 'magical' in nature though I figured 'mutated rabies' was as close as it would get. Alruna having a human form made communication easier, it also saved me from having to turn her into a hybrid. I didn't want too many superpowered beings running around even if they were sired and obedient to me.


"What- my voice… I-" 


"Look you must have some questions, I will answer them as best as I can but not now. Do I have your allegiance?" 


Alruna looked at me completely ignorant of the fact that she was still naked. I could see the reverence in her eyes as she spoke. I prayed to whoever was listening that I didn't just unwittingly start a cult of some kind. 


"We will do what you ask… my lord." She bowed low. 


'Damn it.' 

[Scene Break]

As it turns out, since Alruna had been the undisputed leader of the feral werewolves they had all gained their human forms back. Though, with the fact that I did not have a second set of clothes nor the amount needed to clothe all of them, they all turned back into their werewolf forms. We were now running through the forest as one massive werewolf pack with me at the front running next to Alruna. I had my sword and clothes secured in my clawed hands as we made our way through the forest. Tracking where the Lycans had gone was relatively easy, especially with hundreds of werewolves. We eventually found the Lycans locked in combat with Death Dealers. The Lycans had seemingly caught the vampires unaware and had taken down a fair amount before the vampires had dug in and launched a counterattack. We crested the small hill overlooking the battle and I shifted back into my human form while slipping into my clothes. I turned to look at Alruna who stood at my side. I could see the excitement of getting to sate her bloodlust in her eyes. 


"Alruna we're going to flank the vampires, have a contingency break off and shatter the enemies defensive line. You will be able to identify who's on our side by their smell." 


Alruna turned her large werewolf head to face me and gave me what amounted to a nod in her werewolf form. She let out an ear splitting howl that drew the attention of the fighters in the distance. A loud cheer was returned when the Lycans realized that help had arrived. The werewolves around me charged into the battle with blinding speed. I grinned when I saw the Death Dealers falter at the sight of hundreds of werewolves bearing down on them. Drawing my sword I ignited it with eldritch green flames and thrust the blade up into the sky. Thunder boomed as clouds began to gather. I felt the drain in my power when I summoned the largest storm I could, dropping a quarter of my MP into the Skill. Lighting struck the Death Dealers formation scattering a few of them. A bolt of lightning struck my sword and with a shout I used the bolt to teleport to the front lines. 


I was immediately surrounded by flashing blades and dying men. I made my way over to where I could feel Selene fighting. The thrill of battle thrummed through my veins as I cut down vampires one after the other until I finally made it to Selene's side. She was covered in blood though I could smell that none of it was hers. Her sword danced through the air as she fought three Death Dealers. I jumped behind her and partied a stab before countering with my own attack that sent the vampires head flying into the sea of enemies. 


"Took you long enough." She shouted between attacks. 


"Got distracted. I'm here now though." I returned. 


Grabbing her by the hand we switched positions as she deflected a crossbow bolt that was headed for my chest. I began fighting the two remaining vampires she had been dueling after decapitating their companion. Blocking a slash I thrust my hand out and sent a blast of fire at the vampire causing him to light up like a pile of dry sticks. The Death Dealer screeched before collapsing to the muddy ground with the smell of burnt flesh. 


"How's the battle going?" I called out to Selene as I swatted away a sword. 


"The Death Dealers are holding, we need to push them back." Came her reply. 


'Oh I'll push them back.' I thought with an evil grin. 'Time for a show.' 


Deflecting a few more crossbow bolts I activated my skill and stabbed my sword into the ground with a shout. Activating 'Falling Star' a ripple of power exploded out of me staggering the Death Dealers as I directed the beam of pure energy at them. The air roared as hundreds of vampires were instantly vaporized by the powerful Skill. Selene gaped at the sheer destruction in front of me. 


"Lead with that next time." 


"Where's the fun in that?" I returned. 


She rolled her eyes but hissed when she saw Viktor making his way through the vampire ranks while cutting down Lycans. Viktor wielded twin swords that cut deadly paths through the air. Before he could reach Selene and I Markus and William appeared, barrelling through the vampire ranks. Markus caught Viktor by surprise, throwing the vampire at a group of his men. The fighting had nearly come to a standstill as the vampires watched Viktor get manhandled by Markus. Jumping to his feet Viktor hissed angrily at Markus who couldn't look more furious. 


"You would betray your own kind?!" Shouted Viktor. 


Instead of gracing Viktor with a reply Markus slashed at the vampire with a clawed hand causing Viktor to jump back. William had taken his albino werewolf form and tore a stray vampire in half. Moments later Sonja and Amelia joined looking a bit more roughed up. 


"No more of your men need to die Viktor. We can end this right now, you and I." Markus said with an even tone. 


Even if he didn't shout it I knew that people around us had heard his statement. The fight had pretty much come to a halt as the faction's leaders stood face to face. Viktor sneered at Markus. 


"You dare challenge me? The first and strongest vampire." 


Markus scoffed, "You forget yourself in your delusions Viktor. I made you what you are." 


A few Death Dealers began to murmur, it seemed that Viktor had been telling everyone he was the first vampire. Not that it wasn't true, he was the first one Markus turned. But he wasn't even close to being the 'first' vampire. Nor was he the strongest for that matter. 


"I don't need to honor your challenge. You are beneath me." Viktor spat. 


I rolled my eyes at the man, even when confronted by the truth he chose to spew nonsense. William made his way next to Markus, pushing over any vampire unfortunate enough to be standing in his way. 


"I see you've brought your animal with you. Did you finally manage to control your beast?" 


William shifted back to his human form and sneered at Viktor who had a look of shock in his face. 


"I'm no simple animal vampire. My form and sanity has been restored." 


"IMPOSSIBLE!!!" Viktor screamed. 


Amelia turned to the surrounding vampires, "You need not fight. This is between Viktor and those he has wronged." 


The Death Dealers shuffled uncontrollably, there was a shout from deep in their ranks. 


"Why should we listen to you traitor! Come on men, fight. We outnumber the-" 


He never got to finish his sentence before exploding in a shower of gore. The vampires jumped back in fright as I raised my blood stained sword pointing at them. 


"Anyone else feel like they have something to say? No? That's good then, are you going to accept the duel Viktor or are we going to go back to trying to disembowel each other." 


"Do not speak to me abomination!" Viktor growled. 


I let out a tired sigh, "Look, you can either fight or I can go ahead and slaughter all of your men." 


"You do not have th-" 


I snapped my fingers and sighed again, I didn't want to lose any more people when I had the power to end it quickly. It was clear that the Death Dealers wouldn't easily give up and I was running out of patience with Viktor. Using my chronomancy I froze time and looked around. By my estimate there were around 5-7 hundred Death Dealers left. They had taken a heavy blow to their once massive numbers. I hefted my sword and made my way around decapitating vampires and making sure that the ones that had fallen were actually dead. It took me nearly an hour of walking around but I eventually finished my task. Making my way back over to Selene's side I resumed time and watched in grim satisfaction as the remaining vampires crumpled to the ground like puppets with their strings cut. Viktor was the only one left. He looked around in abject horror as what was once his army turned into burning corpses. His eyes flew to me and the fury reignited. 


"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!" He roared. 


"I sped things along. Markus, William, he's yours." 


The Corvinus brothers shook themselves from their stupor and grinned. The remaining fighters from our camps saw that the battle was won and began to gather their dead. Lucian gave me a nod of appreciation before helping the Lycans move the fallen fighters from the battlefield. Those that stayed formed a semicircle around Viktor and the brothers. I glanced over to Selene who met my gaze. 


"Do you want to take a shot at Viktor? I know you didn't get to have your revenge last time." 


"No, I'm more than satisfied with watching him get torn to pieces by William." 


"Fair point, are you injured?"


She shook her head, "Just scrapes and bruises that are already healing." 


I looked over at her a bit, her armor had been scratched and dented in a few different places. The clothes beneath were torn and a bit bloody. Her sword still dripped blood which she cleared with a flick of her wrist. I did the same with mine before we both sheathed out swords and turned our attention back to Viktor who was now glowering at Markus who had a mask of calm on his face. Markus smirked at Viktor before speaking. 


"While I have every right to seek justice on you for what you have done to me and mine, I believe my brother William would be a more than proper individual to pass on your judgment Viktor. What say you William?" 


"You are right brother, this scum had me imprisoned for two hundred years. I would love nothing more than to tear his head from his shoulders." 


Viktor was doing an amazing impression of a tomato. I wouldn't have been surprised if he would have had steam coming out of his ears. While everyone else was busy observing the byplay between the ancient vampires and albino wolf I looked back to the battlefield. All the friendly corpses had been taken away to be given proper burial. I glanced at the many mangled broken bodies laying strewn about the bloodstained ground. The stench of death clung heavily in the air. I selected the Feast skill and activated it, watching as a wave of light that only I could see spread across the battlefield. Bodies of dead enemies that I had killed began to glow before bursting into motes of light. The small orbs of light shot towards me and disappeared. Hearing a notification pop up I opened it mentally while discreetly glancing at it. 

1,784 Enemies Devoured 


All Items Sent to Inventory


Levels Absorbed 


New Skill Unlocked 


New Race Unlocked

'Why does that New Race Unlocked feel so foreboding?' 


Deciding to ignore that particular can of worms for now I dismissed the notifications with a thought and cursed at the fact that I still couldn't access my inventory. However I could access my stats and with the amount of dead enemies I had absorbed it was bound to be a large step up in levels. I was also excited to see what kind of skill I had unlocked with the absorption of hundreds of vampires. 

I looked back over to Viktor who was now once again hurling verbal insults at the Corvinus brothers. 


'They'll be busy for a bit, let's see my stats.' I mentally called out.  




Name: Blake Corvin

Race: Hybrid Title: Champion of the Gods

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral 

Level: 1000 (MAX) Next Level: 0/0 (XP overflow held)

HP: nul

MP: 1,500,000/1,500,000 (100,000 per sec)

SP: 1,500,000/1,500,000 (100,000 per sec) 

(200% when transformed)

STR: 630 DMG: 31,500, per hit ( STR/2 x 100 )

DEX: 600

VIT: 600

END: 600

INT: 600

WIS: 600

Luck: 120


Stat Points Available: 2,230




I nearly choked on my own tongue when I saw my new level. I fought the urge to cackle maniacally at how absurdly powerful I could become with how many stat points I had to distribute. As per usual I distributed it all evenly in my six different stat categories and grinned at the jump in my stat pools. Dismissing the status screen I pulled up my skills tab and scrolled to my newest Skill. 


Subjugation: (Active) Lvl. 1 (0%)

Due to the amount of enemies you have defeated you have gained the ability to bend a target's will to that of your own. The target is compelled to obey your every command. WARNING: Will not work on targets of higher levels than you.

(Cost: Varies on Target Level. The stronger they are the more MP it will take.) 


The possibilities were endless with this new Skill, though it did take the fun out of most things so I decided that I wouldn't use it as much unless I needed to get someone out of the way without harming them. I figured level 1000 was strong enough to face most things spare the gods themselves. I wondered if I could get Subjugation to work on gods if I got it to a high enough level. Mentally shrugging I closed all the screens and looked up just in time to see William motioning for me to come over. It seemed that he had finished his argument with Viktor. I took Selene's hand as we walked over together. Viktor was nearly shaking in fury but he was surrounded by powerful foes. One wrong move and he would be eviscerated before he could blink. 


"Balthazar, I now present you with a gift for your wife." The grin on William's face was telling. 


"Are you sure? You have as much right to kill him as we do." Selene said evenly. 


"We have taken our pound of flesh, it is your turn." It was Markus that spoke this time. 


Their words registered for the first time. They had meant it quite literally. I looked at Viktor and chuckled. I hadn't noticed at first but he was missing both his ears. Beside me Selene nodded in understanding. There was a flash of silver as she flicked her sword. Viktor's arm fell on the ground with a wet thump. The vampire screamed in pain at the loss of his limb. He swayed in the spot he was standing in looking ready to collapse so I reached out with my water control skills and held his shaking body up while also staunching the bleeding from the stump that used to be his arm. 


"Lucian, I think it's your turn now." 


Lucian and Sonja were standing in front of the screaming Viktor in a blur of movement. There was a silent exchange between the two before Lucian wordlessly took a sword that Viktor had dropped. 


"You would have killed your own daughter just to spite me. For that, I curse you." Whispered Lucian. 


Viktor thrashed in his invisible bonds as another one of his limbs were severed. His remaining arm fell to the muddied ground. Sonja looked conflicted as she stepped forward, he was her father, yet he also condemned her to death for a made up rule. 


"Mother would hate what you've become." She hissed. 


A look spread across Viktor's face, he glanced at his daughter and for a moment I could see a flash of realization before it was replaced by shock. Viktor let out an ungodly wail as Sonja plunged her hand into his chest. The crunching of bones being broken reverberated across the silent field.


"For your crimes…"  Sonja whispered in his ears before tearing her hand back. "I sentence you to die." 


Blood sprayed from the gaping hole in his chest, Viktor remained hovering in the air. A look of shock locked on his face. Sonja dropped the bleeding organ she had ripped from his chest on the floor. Tears welled in her eyes as she was pulled into Lucian's arms. The Corvinus brothers glanced at me and nodded. They stepped off to wait with the rest of our rag tag army. I released my power and Viktor's body collapsed on the ground in a boneless heap. A twitch of a finger later and all that remained of the once feared warlord was reduced to ashes. 


Selene looked pensive when I joined her side, gently raising her head by lifting her chin. I looked into her eyes and found that they had returned to their hazel color and had an air of contemplation. 


"What's on your mind?" 


"It's nothing." She sighed. 


It didn't take a genius to know that it definitely wasn't 'nothing'. I had been around long enough to know that when a woman said 'it's nothing', that there was definitely something bothering them. 


"Selene, you can tell me. What's wrong love?" 


She sighed, "That just felt anticlimactic." 


I blinked at her, once, twice, then a final time before a booming laugh escaped my lips. She glared at me with no heat. 


"Well obviously, what? Did you think we'd give him time to monologue before having a one on one duel that would lead to him being stabbed through the head with a sword. We'd think he was dead only for him to be rescued by some vampire that we failed to notice before he is placed in a mysterious box that looks like a hibernation chamber while he looks on hatefully, probably thinking about how he will wrestle control from the other elders in the future." 


"T-that's oddly specific." Selene stared at me. "Are you saying that's what would have happened originally?" 


I hummed but didn't answer her question. Instead I gave her my best smile before planting a kiss on her lips. Her eyes widened in surprise before a mischievous smile graced her lips.


"We have an hour, let's give our goodbyes." 


She shook her head. "No, let's go back to camp, I want to take a bath." 


"As you wish." I grinned. 


taking her hand I flamed us away before anyone else could notice. We arrived back to camp where only a few women and children remained wandering about. We were scarcely noticed as we slipped into our tent. The large wooden tub was dry as a bone, a flick of my wrist later and it was full of warm water. I shed my clothes before stepping into the steaming water. Letting out a content sigh I glanced over to Selene who had also gotten out of her clothes. She gave me a demure smile as she sensually slid into the tub with me. Some water overflowed over the edge of the tub as Selene moved until she was in a comfortable position. 


I gently caressed her shoulders as I washed the dirt and blood off of her. The water in the tub remained clean despite all the grime I washed off of our skin. I surmised that this was a hidden aspect of my blessing. Once we were cleaned Selene and I sat in the warm water relaxing against each other as we thought about everything we had done in the world.


"We've certainly made waves in this world." 


"Had this been the actual past to our world we would have changed a lot of things. I'm not sure if we would have even met."


"That gives me a headache just thinking about it."


"Time travel often does that, I'm just glad that you got to meet your parents one last time. Are you sure you don't want to take them with us?" 


She sighed, "Like you said, this isn't truly our past. This is theirs. I can't rip them away from their home."


A thought crossed my mind, I knew my eyes had a particular ability that let me revive the dead. 


"Would you like to see them again when we return?" 


"What? Blake… I thought I said-" 


"Hear me out. If… let's say, I could bring them back to life. Would you like that?" 


She remained quiet, moments passed and she leaned back into my chest. 


"No, that would be the same as dragging them away from their life here. My parents are gone, I've made my peace with that. Besides, I have you and our child now. You're my family now." 


I hummed as my hands snaked around her. I gently placed a hand over her stomach. Closing my eyes I pushed my senses and felt the faintest traces of life growing in her. Smiling, I opened my eyes again and held her close. 


"Have I ever told you about how much I love you?" 


"Yes, but I like hearing you say it." She sighed. 


Selene wiggled her butt against me and I bit back a groan as I felt myself get aroused. I grabbed onto her hips to keep her still. 


"What?" She whispered, her own lust clear on her voice. 


"We're due to return in less than an hour, do you remember the last time?" 


"Fine…" She grumbled. 


Chuckling, I rested my head on her shoulder and continued holding her close. There was a chime and a notification popped up in the corner of my vision. Enlarging it I let out another sigh. 


World Jump Initiated 


Returning to Home World in:



"We've got six minutes or less, let's get dressed, love." 


Selene nodded silently as we reluctantly got out of the tub. She threw on a clean dress with a simple pattern before glancing down at her sword. Shrugging, she picked it up and looked over to me. I had put on a pair of dark trousers and a plain baggy shirt. Putting on our boots I glanced around one last time before remembering something. I grinned at Selene before flashing out of the tent and reappearing with a large bundle of fur. 


"Really?" She said with a hint of amusement. 


"What? It's my first kill, and I want a fur coat." 


She shook her head with a small smile on her lips. I stepped forwards just as the countdown drew to a close. Holding Selene tightly against my chest the world around us fell away and in a flash of gray light we found ourselves back in the hotel room we had left at the start of our journey. 


Selene immediately threw herself into the bed and let out a groan of satisfaction. Smiling at her antics I jumped in with her. I hadn't realized how much I missed laying in an actual bed that wasn't made out of branches and furs. Selene didn't even bother trying to hide the giggle that left her mouth as she rolled around on the bed. The jubilant mood soon turned lustful when she seized the opportunity to straddle me. Words didn't need to be exchanged as she frantically tore at my clothes before slipping out of her dress. Her lips crashed onto mine as she pulled me into a heated kiss. 


We lay side by side hours later, our lust for each other satiated. She groaned lightly as she dragged herself out of bed and into the bathroom. I heard the shower start running and I shook my head in amusement. Deciding that joining her would lead to us fucking a whole day away I called out to Hera. 


Welcome back Blake, I see you've been very productive with the time you spent in the other world


'It's good to be back, Hera. How are things on your end?' 


The enemies draw closer, you are nearly strong enough to face the dangers of my world. You have but a little more time to make your preparations. Once your business is concluded in this world you will be able to travel the worlds freely


'I've hit another level cap Hera, I remember having moved past the need for a level cap.' 


You have reached the peak Blake, at least the peak of your abilities as you are now. Level 1000 is no laughing matter, you are the strongest in your world at the moment 


'Then what do I need to do to get stronger?' 


Evolve, that is the only way. You must transcend your limits and become… more


'I never wanted this power, you know. I just wanted a peaceful life. I never wanted to be a hero.' 


While that may be true, you also know that you would have eventually grown tired of that. You may not be a hero outright, but you seek out to do the right thing


'Bullshit, I'm greedy. I only do heroic things so that I can have the life I want free from idiots that would threaten my life.' 


Once again this is true, but can you honestly say that you don't enjoy what you've done so far


'Fine, I'll admit. I have been having fun running around doing things I would have never done in my past life.' 


There, now you're starting to get it. Now take a look at your stats. I think you'll find that there have been some changes you might like


'What have you done?' 


Nothing bad 


Fighting the urge to scoff I pulled up my stats mentally and scanned the screen.




Name: Blake Corvin

Race: Hybrid 

Title: Champion of the Gods

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral 

Level: 1000 (MAX) Next Level: 0/0 (XP overflow held)

HP: nul

MP: 5,000,000/5,000,000 (200,000 per sec)

SP:  5,000,000/5,000,000(200,000 per sec) 

(200% when transformed)

STR: 1001 DMG: 50,050, per hit ( STR/2 x 100 )

DEX: 971

VIT: 971

END: 971

INT: 971

WIS: 971

Luck: 120




'Liberation' (Main Quest)



Rescue Lucian: Complete

Rescue Sonja: Complete 

Free the Lycan Captives: Complete

Defeat Viktor: Complete


Optional Objectives:


Gain the Corvinus Brothers Allegiance: Complete

Save the Human Village: Complete

Eliminate the Death Dealers: Complete



1,000,000 Experience Points

+3 Mythic Gacha Coins

Bonus Rewards:

Corvinus Lordship

Random Perk (Limitless)




Quest: 'Liberation' Completed


Rewards Distributed


World: 'Rise of the Lycans (2009) AU Unlocked


Perk Awarded




The amount of news displayed was baffling, Selene was still showering so I decided to continue reading the rest of the notifications. I pulled up my perk list and grinned at the new perk I had acquired. 



Through your efforts you have broken through your limits. For each level gained you get a permanent boost in your six basic stats. 


The implications were astounding, I could potentially gain limitless power through leveling up alone. I called out to Hera a singular question in my mind. 


'Hera? How am I going to level up more if I've reached the level cap?' 


Were you not listening Blake? Check your race change menu, you'll find your answers there 


'Calm yourself woman, damn. I'm just asking questions.' 


I had the feeling that she scoffed before my system shifted and a new screen was displayed in front of me. I read through it before opening the options tab. 


New Race Unlocked




I fought a giggle at the edgy new 'race' I had unlocked before selecting it to read its description. 



Through the absorption of over a thousand souls you have gained the ability to ascend to the ranks of a Demonlord. This position grants you dominion over certain aspects of the world. Contrary to popular belief you are not a demon, therefore you will lack any weakness to holy attacks. 


'Hera, what the fuck does this mean?' 


It means you can eventually reach godhood 


'Well, shit…'

Being a bit of a history nerd this chapter was fun to write. There was a real person named Matthias Corvinus. He was the King of Bohemia in the mid to late 14th century. He also had connections to Wallacia and in turn the legends around Dracula. It’s a bit of a rabbit hole if you read into it. The Duchy of Bohemia’s royal coat of arms was a burning eagle which I have included here as a little Easter egg. I couldn’t really find a family motto so I decided to create a fictional motto based on the Bohemian Premyslid Empire (another rabbit hole) which was “Burn as One”. Most interpretations of the motto summarise it to mean “one blood, one family” so in short it was all just one big Vin Diesel ‘Family’ Easter egg. It’s an interesting rabbit hole to follow if you have the time to do so.

Vargr_the_Skaldcreators' thoughts