
Galactic Technological Library (Reupload)

What if all the knowledge in the universe could be accessed by anyone, for a price of course, through a single, grand library? What if it's sole purpose was dedicated to collecting and, with the help of Fu Yan, the college student turned Librarian, distributing it to others? No one knows, though a daunting goal in an infinity universe, to be sure. Follow our newest Librarian on a journey through the stars, and even here at home on Earth, through hardships and success alike. Nothing comes easy, or free, so be prepared to pay up front, with a planet or two. Synopsis by Alterious (Synopsis event winner) Art Helper: King Of Mortals join discord server:https://discord.gg/NxmfjFz

sakakoi · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
170 Chs


Thanks to all those who supported me while I was away. I am trying to get back to this so I hope that you will continue to support me. As I said before, unless I am dead, I won't drop this novel. Please leave a comment.


Seeing Nir in front of him, Fu Yan gave a slight nod as his gaze wandered around to see the changes while he was away. 

Seeing the noticeable changes, Fu Yan seemed pleased and gave Nir a signal to follow him as he started to walk towards the office that Hikkin had prepared for him when he came here. 

Entering the office, he was greeted by Qing who seemed to have improved a lot as Fu Yan could sense emotions from her usual way of talking.