
Force Users in MHA

The life of a boy and a girl born into the world of My Hero Academia with a strong connection to the Force. Will they live in the light or fall into the dark or perhaps they will be balanced as all things should be. I wrote this cause I felt like writing a story about a power couple. This is my second go at writing a Fan-fic so give it a read if it sounds interesting. I don't own anything in this Fan-fic but my own characters, that means I also don't own anything My Hero Academia related.

a_BMO · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
26 Chs


[A/N: I decided to release an extra chapter since my story was recommended on Fresh Stories by Webnovel hope you like it.]

"Hey, your set was awesome! How long have you been playing bass?" Airi said as we walked up to Jiro.

"Wha, uh pretty much since I was little both my parents are musicians, but honestly I should be saying that to you guys your set was amazing"

"Awhh you're so sweet by the way my name's Asahi Airi this statue over here is Y-"

"Hahh I can introduce myself, thanks for the compliment my name's Yuki Akira you're a sick bassist"

"I see Asahi-san, Yuki-San My name's Kyoka Jiro"

"No need for honorifics you can just call me Airi"

"Same just call me Akira"

"I see in that case just call me Jiro"

"Ok!" Airi instantly agreed.

"Will do" I said nodding my head and then asked,

"So how old are you? you look about our age."

"I turned 13 in August"

"Wow, so we're all the same age what a coincidence!" Airi said genuinely surprised.

"So how about this you're an amazing bassist, I'm an amazing drummer, and Aki here is an amazing guitarist how about we come together to make an amazing band?"

"A band huh but you forgot Akira is also an amazing singer"

"Oh, so you think Aki's a good singer too huh"

"You could probably be a better singer than me if you gave it a shot," I told her honestly.

"Let's leave that aside for now… I guess I wouldn't be opposed to joining your band" she pretty much whispered while pressing the tips of her earphone jacks together.

"YAY, I already know we're gonna be good friends."

"I agree welcome to The Modal Nodes please take care of us"

"Uh I think you mean Airi-chan and the Modal Nodes" Airi interjected.

"We are NOT calling it that," I said giving her a head chop.

"You guys seem close how long have you known each other" Jiro asked after watching our Manzai

"I've been stuck with her even in my past life," I said somewhat seriously

"Haha what's that" she laughed seeming to enjoy my 'joke'

As we were messing around I felt someone approach from behind.

"Excuse me if I could borrow some of your time" Turning around I was faced with a tall thin man who seemed to be in his thirties.

"No problem what can I help you with?"

"I'm Sato Daiki the manager here and I just wanted to say that it would be a pleasure to have you perform here in the future your music has a maturity that is rarely seen in one's so young"

"Thank you for the compliment my name is Yuki Akira this is Asahi Airi and Kyoka Jiro, just to be clear are you offering us a gig?" I asked slightly optimistic.

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm doing, here is my card give me a call make sure you give enough of a heads up so we can make room for you on the schedule," he said with a smile.

"Thank you very much Sato-san"

"Here is my card I'm looking forward to hearing you play," he said handing each of us a card before turning around and walking away.

"Holy shit! Did we just get a gig at our first performance?" Airi asked in disbelief.

"Wait that was your first performance??" Jiro asked with equal amounts of disbelief.

"Yep, aren't we amazing?"

"Y-yeah" Jiro said not expecting her unabashed self-praise.

"Now that we have a gig where should we practice?" I asked

"Hmm we could probably do it at my house my parents have a home studio" suggested Jiro

"Sounds good to me!" Airi agreed immediately

"Yeah, that works for me too," I said not seeing any problems

"Then it's set let's all exchange numbers" After we exchanged numbers we said our goodbyes. Walking away I overheard Jiro and her parents talking.

"I can't believe our daughter is in her first band, they grow up so fast."

"Tou-san it's not that big of a deal"

Returning to our own parents they were simply ecstatic when they heard we got permission to play here in the future.

A month or so passed and me and Airi found ourselves on the train to Jiro's house. Once we arrived after greeting her parents, we were quickly led to her studio.

"So, what are working on today?" Jiro asked as we walked in

"Actually, I wrote a song but it's more suited for a girl to sing, we both know that Airi can't sing so that leaves you."


"What do you mean I can't sing? I pity you that you can't find solace in my beautiful voice"

"Like I was saying, what do you think?"

"I don't know…"

"Actually, it's not a bad idea when it comes to singing, you're a close second to me"

"Yeah, there's no reason to be shy I've heard your voice before when you thought we weren't paying attention it's better than mine"

"Uh ok I can give it a try lemme see the song"

"Yay I can't wait"

"Ok here you go it's a love song called Hydra"


"Just give it a shot we can prerecord the piano part if we ever decide to perform it live"

"Alright" Once we were ready to start Airi did the countdown.

"A 1, a 2, a 1, 2, 3, 4" As soon as the countdown ended Jiro began to sing.

"Even if we're to come to ruin please don't loathe me.

Hey, even the fragments that still remain in this hand belong to you.

Even if I were to lose just about everything. I would still have something to give to you. Be it even my future or even my very life…"

Hearing Jiro's voice I could easily see how it could be described as sexy in the future. It had a slight huskiness to it that was pleasant to the ears. When the song was over Jiro turned to look at us her face carrying a faint blush.

"That was great!!" Airi praised wholeheartedly.

"Nice job," I said giving her a high five.

"T-thanks you two," she said pressing the tips of her earphone jacks together

Time passed and we continued to hang out and practice sometimes performing gigs and sometimes just going out to have fun. But I never lost sight of my real goal and continued to train in the ways of the force.

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