
Chapter 2

Lucifer was standing with his two sons Luciano and wolf and was watching a man laid down on the stone bed in the middle of the room in the basement. It was the main torture room amongst the many in this basement. His hands and legs were tied to the four corners of the bed and he was begging for his death.

Everyone knew Lucifer showed no mercy to his victims.

"What did he do?" Asks Lucifer.

"He stole the drugs from us and he has been doing that for past six months," says Luciano.

"What else?" Asks Lucifer.

"He also killed our men," says Wolf.

Lucifer signals his men and one of the men rips the shirt of the man and the other brings three rats in a bucket and turns the bucket upside down on that man's stomach with the rats inside the bucket.  Then one of the other men places red hot stones over the bucket.

Due to the heat from the stones, the bucket gets hot and the rats start scratching the man's stomach in order to escape from the heat.

The man screams and Lucifer watches his sons.

Wolf was a little disturbed as he had a crease on his forehead but Luciano didn't seem affected.

After a good 20 minutes when the man could be seen almost dying as the rats had started getting under his skin, Lucifer ordered to remove the rats and bucket from him.

Now laid man with his intestines showing.

"How do we finish him?" Asks Lucifer.

"C-cut his t-throat," said Wolf ready to leave this place.

"No. That's too easy" says Luciano and walks to the stones on fire and lifts two large stone with the help of a small shovel and puts those inside the man's open stomach. It only takes a few minutes of excruciating pain and leftover screams to finish the men off.

Wolf ran away to his room and puked all that was in his stomach.

Luciano simply walked out of the basement and Lucifer said: "wanna come back to the mansion or still enjoying the stable?"

"I like the stable. Spending time with the workers and helping them is really peaceful. And did you see the cottage plan I made?" Asked Luciano.

"Yes, it's very cosy. I say make it a bigger one not just a small only for one person kind of cottage" says Lucifer.

"I will. I like taking care of the horses, farming and building that cottage" says Luciano.

"I am happy that you are happy. And if you need any help use the men too. And don't skip your studies" says Lucifer and Luciano nods and leaves the mansion and walks to a stable at the estate.

All the kids in the mansion were homeschooled and trained in firearms and martial arts.

Luciano walks to the stable and sees Grigor grooming his horse.

Grigor and Luciano shared the same interest in horses, farming and building.

"Hey man," says Luciano and Grigor nod.

Luciano brings out his horse and grooms him too and after that, both Luciano and Grigor go for a ride around the estate.

They come back and leave their horses in their stables and walk to the place where Lucian plans to build the cottage.

"Dad says I should build it big and not just a small one," says Luciano.

"Bigger the better" says Grigor and both look at the open space in front of them.

The wood was bought in with the other supplies. Now all they had to do was start building.

They both stand and look at all the things.

"We need a little help. Like what to do and all" says Grigor.

"I want to do it all by myself," says Luciano.

"Yeah, sure. But where do we start?" Asks Grigor.

"How about you start from lunch," says Heena behind them with Yuri and Izna holding Wolf's hand.

Luciano and Grigor smile and help them take the baskets down from the golf cart they drove in.

"This is not enough," says Grigor looking at the food.

"I know it's not enough for you, you mountain. That whole basket over there is for you," says Heena.

"Stop calling me that. And I am still growing" says Grigor opening a big basket all for himself.

"WHAT? You are almost 6 feet. How much more do you want to grow?" Asks Heena.

"Have you seen my dad? He is almost 7 feet. I say I may reach his height" says Grigor.

"You are going to be a real mountain," says Heena and laughs.

Grigor smiles seeing Heena laugh.

"So what's with the whole building this thing all by yourself and I am sure you don't need our help with?" Asks Wolf.

"I want to build it for Emerald. After I marry her, we both will live here" says Luciano smiling.

"How old is she again?" Asks Yuri.

"She is 8 yrs 7 months," says Luciano and smiles.

"You want to build this for an 8 yr old? Do they allow child marriage?" Asks Wolf.

"I'll marry her the next day she turns 18. It's only 9 yrs, 5 months and 1 day more and I'll be 25 yrs by then." says Luciano.

"Seems like you got a plan. So what's my share to help you build this?" Asks Wolf.

"You want a share to help your brother?" Asks Heena.

"Yes, why would I put in so much of my time and not get anything out of this?" Says Wolf.

"I am building this for my Emerald and I won't share," says Luciano.

"Guess you don't need help too. And anyways you have a lot of time to build it. So good luck brother" says Wolf and stands up and so does Yuri.

"I am with Wolf. If I am not getting a share then there is no point helping either." Says Yuri.

"Come on Izna, let's go," says Wolf.

"But I want to help Luciano," says Izna.

"He is not gonna give you a share," says Wolf.

"It's okay. I still want to help" says Izna and smiles at Luciano.

Luciano smiles back and says "you are too small to help Izna. And I promise you can come to visit me and Emerald anytime you want even if you don't help"

"See? Now come on" says Wolf impatiently.

"No. I want to stay" says Izna and Wolf holds her hand and pulls he up and throws her on his shoulder.

"Leave her Wolf," says Heena.

"You want her to hurt herself in here with these big wood prices and machines?" Asks Wolf and Heena doesn't say anything.

Wolf had a way with people that made them agree to his demands.

"I didn't think so," says Wolf and walks away with Izna and Yuri.

"Yuri, hold her tight" says Wolf and drives away the golf cart.

"He is ...." Says Heena with anger and Grigor says "I know"

Izna was in tears when they reached the mansion. Wolf held her hand and took her in.

"Leave me Wolf" cries Izna.

Wolf stops walking and looks at her and says "why are so stubborn Izna? Why don't you listen to what I say?"

Listening to Wolf Izna starts crying louder.

Yuri looks at Wolf and shakes his head.

Wolf takes a deep breath and holds Izna and says "hey, I am sorry. Izna, please forgive me"

"You.. you.. always... always..scold" cries Izna.

"Why don't you just listen to me? I love you so much. You are my sweet little Izna" says Wolf and hugs her.

"You know what I think?" Starts Yuri and smirks and continues when Wolf and Izna look at him "you should build Izna one cottage too"

Izna stops crying and looks at Wolf.

"Would you like that?" Asks Wolf.

Izna smiles and says "if you build me one then it mean you love me like Luciano loves Emerald?"

"I love you more," says Wolf and Izna smiles and hugs him.

Wolf smiles at Yuri.

"Go freshen up and come to the game room," says Wolf.

"But what will I do there? You don't even let me play Xbox." Asks Izna.

"You can watch videos on my phone and I'll play. Just be close to me. Okay?" Says Wolf and Izna nods and walks away.

Wolf looks at Yuri and says "I can't build a cottage"

"You don't have to. There is one on the estate. No one goes there. I'll show you in the evening" says Yuri and Wolf nods.

In the evening after dinner when everyone goes to sleep. Yuri and wolf go out of the mansion and walk a mile and see an old cottage.

"How do you know about this place?" Asks Wolf.

"I like to know things," says Yuri and both enter an old cottage.

"All you have to do is clean it up. And do you want to see something interesting?" Says Yuri and Wolf say "always"

They both go down the basement and see a lot of torture devices.

"What is all this? They don't look like the torturing things found in the basement in the mansion." Asks Wolf.

"Don't know. Guess we have found out" says Yuri.

Wolf looks at the bed in the corner and says "whatever this is. Sure looks interesting"

What the kids had found was a BDSM room which Lucifer had made for Pari to make her submit to him when he had stolen her. He had kept her captive here till she escaped him after hitting him with chains.


The full story of Lucifer and Pari is available in Dreame app. And the story name is 'His stolen angel'.

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