
Chapter 3

Wolf and Yuri come back to the mansion and had wide eyes seeing Rock standing in front of them at the entrance of the backdoor of the mansion.

"Hey papa" says Yuri shit scared to see his father stand 7' tall in front of them.

"Where you go?" Asks Rock in his thick Russian accent.

"We just went out for a walk" says Wolf.

"In dark? This not good. I don't like. I don't like you go out. And I don't like you lie" says Rock and both Wolf and Yuri turn to see one of the guard come behind them.

They both were followed by a guard.

"Yuriy, skazhi mne pravdu i posmeyesh' mne vrat'. (Yuri, tell me the truth and dare you lie to me)" says Rock in Russian.

"Papa, on khotel posmotret' staryy kottedzh, i ya prosto poyekhala k nemu. YA obeshchayu bol'she nikogda ne idti tuda. ya poshel tol'ko potomu, chto ne khotel, chtoby on ukhodil odin I teryalsya. ya klyanus'.

(papa, he wanted to see the old cottage and I just went with him. I promise to never go there again. I only went cause I didn't want him to go alone and get lost. I swear.)" Says, Yuri.

"Yeah, whatever he asid," says the wolf.

"You both not to go there again. Or I will break your leg. Crack" says Rock.

Wolf creases his eyebrows and says "you can't touch me leave alone break my leg. My dad will kill you if you hurt me"

"Dude" calls Yuri scared as hell.

"I break your leg. Leg get better. Boss does not kill me" says Rock and holds Wolf's shirt in a fist and lifts him a little making him stand on his tippy toys and continues "I kill you in one punch. Then the boss angry and kill me too. But first I kill you. No one goes there to that place, understand?" And lets Wolf go.

Yuri holds Wolf before he would fall down.

"Now go to the room, now," says Rock and Yuri run out of the mansion to his house. But Wolf still stands there in his place and starts crying.

"I want to make dad proud of me and still end up doing stupid stuff. Dad will hate me now?" Fake cried, Wolf.

"Don't cry. Be a man" says Rock.

"But I am just a boy. Dad will hate me. It's better you kill me" cried, Wolf.

"Fine. I no tell the boss. Now go to your room and stop crying" says Rock and Wolf looks up at Rock and says "promise?"

"Promise," says Rock.

Wolf wipes his tears away and hugs Rock and says "you are the best" and walks away smirking.

Rock, of course, wouldn't lie to Lucifer.

Rock instructed the guards to lock the gates with huge chains so that no one could go in there and Lucifer agreed.


Luciano was sleeping below the stars on the roof of the stable and looking at the picture in his hand.

It was a picture taken a few years back of him kissing Emerald's cheek in a wedding.

He smiled and remembered the day.

Emerald was looking up at him like he was a very scary boy and pouting.

"What's your name?" Asked Luciano, when he was 12 years old looking down at Emerald.

"Emerald," said Emerald at the urge of crying.

"Don't scare her?" said Zyain, Zeeshan Khan's son.

Zeeshan was also into the illegal businesses but he hid it behind many legal businesses.

Luciano and Zyain were born on the same day and were growing up to be good friends.

Zyain approached them with Sana, his sister.

He looks at Emerald and smiles and says "go play with Sana, Emerald"

Emerald nods and holds Sana's hand and walks away.

Emerald looks back at Luciano and sees him looking at her.

Emerald looks at Sana and says "why is he scary?"

"He is a very nice guy if you get to know him. He is like my brother" said Sana.

"I don't want to know him he is scary. I like Zyain, he is cute" said Emerald and walks away with Sana.

"She has the most beautiful blue eyes," said Luciano.

"So? many girls have blue eyes in America" said Zyain.

"Her's were a beautiful blue," said Luciano.

"She is a very sweet girl. If you didn't scare her, you would know her" said Zyain.

"I didn't do anything. I was just looking at her eyes" said Luciano.

"You looking at someone scares people," said Zain and laughed and pulled him to their fathers.

Luciano had a sad face that day. He was the sweetest guy but everyone was scared of him first because he was Lucifer's son and looked like him. And secondly because of his bad temper. Luciano didn't like when someone got scared of him like the blue ocean eyes girl.

Luciano did gain a little friendship with Emerald over the years.

He even got into trouble for leaving to America without Lucifer's knowledge to help Emerald from being bullied.

Lucifer had killed the guard who went with Luciano to America and had put Luciano in the basement cell without food for a week. And after a week Lucifer sent Luciano to leave with the guards and stable boys as his punishment.

Luciano stayed with the stable boys for two years and when Lucifer called back to stay in the mansion he denied.

"Living in the open space outside in nature and living the most basic life is very peaceful. I want to continue living in the stables" said Luciano.

"Do you want to stay there because you are angry at me for punishing you in the first place?" Asked Lucifer.

"No, dad. I know you can never do anything which is not good for me. I just want to stay there till I can. The peaceful sleep that I get after a hard day's work cannot be compared to the sleep I get in the luxurious room with silk covers" said Luciano.

Lucifer smiled and said "I would be happy at anything my sons are happy with"

"Just putting out there. I like Luciano's room in the mansion better than mine and it would make me very happy" said Wolf.

"Stay in your room. Luciano is temporarily staying in the stables. He will come back" said Heena.

"What are you his right-hand man that you cover him all the time?" Said wolf.

"I am his well-wisher and of course have his back especially from you," said Heena.

Wolf rolled his eyes on Heena and looked away.

Luciano was still lost in Emerald's though and then looks at the time in his watch.

"It must be Emerald's sleeping time. She must be in her room" he says and removes his phone and calls Emerald.

Emerald came from a very wealthy and powerful large family in America. The Devonte family.

But not even the most wealthy family could come close to what Lucifer was. No one would mess with The Lucifer Violante'. Lucifer did have a good relationship with Devonte family and highly respected Elisio and Sabrina Devonte. Who were Emerald's grandparents?

This good relationship was the reason both families would attend large family functions of each other. And that's where Luciano met Emerald for the first time.

Luciano dials Emerald's number and she picks it after a few rings.

"Hello," says Emerald in her sweet voice and that's all it took for Luciano to smile wide.

"Hello, Smeraldo. How are you?" Asks Luciano.

"I am fine. How are you, Luciano? Is your arm still hurting from last time?" Asks Emerald.

Luciano turns to his side and says "I am fine Smeraldo. And you remembered about my pain. You are so caring."

"Aanhann," she says and giggles.

"Tell me about your day Emerald," says Luciano.

"I woke up in the morning. Went to school. Don't know what the teacher was teaching in science class cause I watching the bird in its nest outside. I coloured a whole page of the drawing. Wanted to colour more but the teacher said I can colour only one page so when I came back home I coloured one page in the book I have at home. Dad and grandpa were quarrelling over Xavi's fighting with a boy in his school. Then... Hmm. I had lunch and dinner and milk and cake too. And I played with Bella too. Now I am in my room getting ready to sleep. That's my day" says, Emerald.

"Hmm.. nice. Tell me more" says Luciano.

"That's all I did today," she says and yawns.

"Are you sleepy?" Asks Luciano.

"Aanhann. But I can talk till I sleep" says Emerald.

"You are so sweet, Emerald. I am building a surprise for you. When we marry we will stay in that place" says Luciano.

"We will marry?" Asks Emerald.

"Yes. Remember we talked about this. When we grow up. We will marry eachother and live happily ever after" says Luciano.

"In a palace?" Asks Emerald.

Luciano sits up and creases his eyebrows and asks "you want a palace, Emerald?"

"I am a princess Luciano and I can only marry a prince," says, Emerald.

Luciano smiles and says "okay then. I'll become prince that you deserve"

"Hmm... "Says Emerald and Luciano knew she had fallen asleep.

"Good night Smeraldo" says Luciano and cuts the call.

He thought about what Emerald said and said to himself "she is a princess and I can't be a stable boy for her. I have to become a prince she wants"