
chapter 1

Lucifer Violante.

The name is enough to bring a shiver down the spines of the biggest and most powerful people in the world.

His ruthlessness and merciless killings are enough to have gained him a reputation of the most heartless man on earth.

He is known to kill people in the most gruesome manner where the victims beg to die. Many have killed themselves before they would die a slow death in Lucifer's hands.

Lucifer became this powerful for his angel, Pari.

He wanted to be so powerful that no one could take away his angel from him. Angel that he stole from Zeeshan Khan, her husband.

Pari was married to Zeeshan for only a week when Lucifer stole her away from Zeeshan and made her his.

She truly was a perfect match for him as she would not be afraid to take a stand in front of the most feared man.

He loved how strong-minded she was and gave him a life he never thought he would ever have.

Lucifer was an orphan who was taken under Alessandro Russo to become his puppet and help him take over Italy. But Lucifer became more than he was assigned for. He now rules the world with his angel beside him.

He didn't know what family was until his angel gave him one.

She gave him 4 sons.

Luciano, the eldest who was now 17 yrs old and was growing up and getting training to takeover after Lucifer.

Wolf, the second son, 16 yrs was growing up to be manipulative and very smart.

Daemon, the third son was 15 yrs old and was obsessed with fire. He loved the fire and already had many burn marks. He would call them tattoos.

And fourth was Tex, he was 14yrs old and a charmer and was very interested in weaponry from a very young age. For a 14yr old his knives skills were very impressive.

Aman, Lucifer's right-hand man had two daughters Heena, 16 yrs and Izna 14 Yrs old.

Lucifer was in love with Izna and everyone could see she was his favourite as he would have her close to him always.

Rock, his bodyguard from Russia was married to Jenny who grew up with Lucifer and was his friend. They were blessed with two sons Grigor, 18 yr old and Yuri 17yrs old.

Luciano, Grigor and Heena were inseparable and did their training and studies together.

Yuri and Wolf were a team. A bad boy team. They did all kinds of mischief and would always blame on their elder brothers or someone else and lied with such confidence that anyone would believe that they were speaking the truth.

This was Lucifer's life and his family. Lucifer build this family, earned this family and planned to only make it stronger.

This family was build with trust and respect and not just with blood.

Lucifer after family dinner had some work and was in his study when he received a text from Pari.

'your appointment for massage is at 9:00 pm. Your masseuse will be waiting for you in your bedroom'

Lucifer smiles at the text and looks at his watch.

It was almost 9 and he couldn't wait to be massaged.

Lucifer loved role-playing and would want Pari to dress up in different costumes. And guess today she was a masseuse.

He walks in his room and sees it was dimly lit and candles everywhere.

There was soft music playing and Lucifer smiled wide seeing his Angel smiling at him standing beside the massage table.

"Welcome, sir. Ready for your message?" She asks.

"Yes please," says Lucifer and walks towards Pari.

"Remove your clothes and lay down on the table, sir," she says and giggles.

"I want full service. Remove my clothes, massage me, give a good release and bath me too" says Lucifer standing very close to Pari.

"What kind of release do you want?" Asks Pari biting her lip.

"The one I am addicted too," he says and whispers in her ear "where my dick is deep inside your aching core and I release myself and fill you up"

Pari moans and says "my services are all for you sir"

"Get started then," says Lucifer and Pari remove his clothes slowly.

She was moving her hands on his body while removing his clothes and Lucifer moans in satisfaction.

He sleeps on his stomach on the table butt naked.

"Aren't you gonna cover my butt?" He asks.

"Nope. I like the view" she says and he laughs.

She takes some oil in her hand and rubs it on his back. She moves her hand down to his butt and smiles and says "you have a cute butt, sir. Your wife is very lucky"

"I am the lucky one," says Lucifer and she smiles more and messages down her calves.

"Turn sir," says Pari and Lucifer turns.

Pari starts massaging with his legs and moves up.

She moves up to his thigh and skips his dick.

Lucifer laughs and says "you missed one place"

"Keeping the best for the last," says Pari and Lucifer moans.

She messages his abs and chest and up to his neck.

She stands over his head and looks at him looking at her without blinking.

He holds her neck from the back and bends her down to kiss him.

After she breaks the kiss she moves to his side and leans down to kiss him more.

"Ready for your body to body massage?" Asks Pari and Lucifer watch her remove her white cotton shirt and then her cotton pants.

He sits upon his elbow and watches her apply some oil on her chest and rub it. She massages her breasts and Lucifer gives her his famous sinister look which scares people but for Pari it was a complete turn on as she knew this beast of a man is surely going to devour her soon.

She walks to him and makes him sleep back down on the bed.

She climbs on him and straddles his waist.

She bends down chest to chest and moves up and down on him.

As she moves she starts kissing him.

The kiss gets heated up and Lucifer gets impatient.

"Ride me," he says.

"So soon. I still have my mouth on your dick message and then rubbing my pussy on your dick message" she says.

"Blow me in the shower. Ride me now. I want to be inside you" he says.

"As you say, sir," she says and moves down a little and holds his dick in between her boobs and moves them up and down. When his dick was covered with oil she moves up and rubs her pussy on his dick and Lucifer holds her waist.

"Stop teasing" he roars.

She knew he wanted to release so she slowly lowered herself down his length.

He holds her waist tight digging his nails deep into her fresh.

Pari hisses in pain and that only excites Lucifer.

She was used to Lucifer's strength and his roughness. His favourite was strangling and chocking.

Pari starts moving up and down on his length and to fasten the release he holds her neck and starts moving his hips too.

"My angel" calls Lucifer and pulls her down by her neck and kisses her while pounding inside her.

He tightens his grip on her neck and cums inside her.

He lets go of her neck and she breaths.

She lays on his chest and both pant heavily.

She sits up still straddling him and says "ready to take a bath, sir?"

"Not yet. Not done with you yet" he says and takes her two more times that night.

Pari was exhausted and instead of Pari bathing Lucifer. He had to bath her.

"You exhaust me," says Pari holding on to Lucifer in the hot shower.

"I'll take that as a compliment," says Lucifer.

"It is a compliment," says Pari and continues "did you like my services, sir?"

"Best massage of my life," says Lucifer and kisses her again.

They finish the shower and Lucifer dries Pari with a towel and dries her hair with a drier too.

"You are so nice to me," says Pari.

"You are my angel and I love you." He says and carried her to their bed.

She sleeps on his arms and moans.

"I love how warm you are," she says and snuggles in his arms.

Lucifer loved his life. He had everything he wanted. A big family with the love of his life in his arms.

He only prayed his this life would be a happy one and his sons grow up to what they are trained to be and be happy and alive.