
Eir To Fall

Finding an object in the snowy mountains that had called to you from a young age. Your life is changed and you are caught in a series of events from fighting along side the Avengers, to discovering with Thor that Odin wasn't exactly where he's supposed to be. - Having yourself bewitched by a Trickster is just what some may call part of the adventure. Set around Age Of Ultron, Ragnarok and much further beyond. ***** (This is a Y/N story)

Chocobell · Filem
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26 Chs

I'll Give You The Moon

You woke up, shielding your eyes from the blinding lights that shone from above. You lent up, seeing the room you were in, finding your back was aching from having slept on the metal bed.

"I see you're finally awake" A voice called. You turned seeing Fury on the other side of the glass door "How long are you going to keep me in here?" You asked.

"That depends. If you follow my conditions. I'll let you out right now.."

"And they are?"

"You wear restriction bracelets. 24 hours a day.. 7 days a week. No less, until I say otherwise. I'm not risking my men because you want to throw a tantrum."

You glared at him at the thought. "I decline"

"Then you stay in there then." He said, turning around to walk out of the area. Leaving you in silence.

In anger you got up, picking up a metal chair, throwing it across the room leading it to bounce off of the glass and roll to the floor. You sat down to the floor afterwards, sitting with your knees in your arms. Sulking like a teenager who didn't get their way.

Having sat there for what you assumed was hours. You began thinking over your past with Loki, it having becoming completely fresh in your mind, as if the scab had been picked on a gradually healing wound, when Fury once again returned to the area. You glanced your eyes at him.

"Have you changed your mind yet?" He asked.

You contemplated briefly how bad it could possibly be to have to wear them versus being able to sleep in a proper bed and actually eat, especially over sitting with only your thoughts. You also doubted he would actually keep them on for such a long period of time anyway, in which you finally came to an answer.

"I'll wear them.."

"Glad to hear it. I'll have someone bring them to you. In the meantime, gather your thoughts."

Not too long after, multiple men came into the area holding guns that looked more like tranquilizers than their usual shtick. You chuckled, shaking your head over the extent they went to when another entered carrying the restrictors. Punching in the codes, the doors opened and they all piled into the room surrounding you. Standing up in the center of them, you stuck out your wrists, allowing the restrictors to be slapped and fastened onto them. You were then allowed to leave. Though they still tailed you for a while with the tranquilizers before they finally let off by the time you reached your room. Which was already open.

When you stepped in, all the boxes were gone and everything had been put away and made to be in its place. Your sword had even turned up, being lent against an ottoman at the bottom of your bed. You were confused thinking over who did it, ruling Fury out instantly. Was it Thor? Or… you glanced at the door behind you, belonging to your neighbor. You walked over to it, about to knock onto it when you froze with your fist inches from the door. You retracted it, moving away when a voice called to you from your side.

"Were you looking for me?" Loki asked as he came down the corridor.

You darted your head to see him, your breath knocking out of you for a split second being startled "Loki… you scared me"

"My apologies.. but did you need anything?" He asked. You thought about his words for a moment, with him being as apologetic as your Loki had been when you first met him. It made your heart ache momentarily before he called your name. "Y/N…?" You snapped from your thoughts, replying.. "No.. urmm, wait.. no, yes…" he raised his brows waiting for you to decide as he came but a few feet away ".. Yes.. I did.. Did you do that..?" You finally asked, gesturing to your room.

"Oh… that. I may have done it..." He said, twiddling with his hands as he looked down to them, averting your eyes. "..I wanted to do something for you after what I did. I'm sure it doesn't make up for it. But, I hope you find it all to your liking.." he finished, looking back up to you.

"..Thank you" You replied, taking an unsteady breath when he looked at you. You looked away, when you saw you were still in front of his door, when you frantically shifted "Oh.. you probably want to go in there.." you smiled awkwardly, moving towards your own doorway. He simply watched you go into your room before preparing to go into his.

"Y/N" he called as his door was held partly open.

You were just about to close yours when you paused, hearing your name, looking at him. "Sleep well," he said softly.

"You too.." you replied as you closed your door completely. You stood there with your hands still pressed against it, feeling unusual, though you couldn't figure out why.

Retreating into your room, you grabbed your laptop, taking it over to your bed. Going through it you checked your messages and eventually your emails. Scanning through them it all seemed normal. Until you scrolled to a stop, seeing a familiar name. You clicked it to unveil the email:

'Hi Y/N, you never ended up contacting me. So I managed to grab your email off of some of our old colleagues. I hope that's not weird. Just hoping you're okay. Feel free to call if you still have my card! -- Danny

At first you thought it was odd. Until you started to think about the conversation you had with him. Reflecting on yourself, maybe you should check up on how everyone is coping. So you did, starting with the one you had already. Pulling out your phone, you scrolled finding his number, having saved it from when he handed you the card. You contemplated again to hit the call button, opting to do it anyway.

"Hello?" A male voice picked up.

"Hi.. Is this Danny?"

"Oh my god, Y/N? I can't believe you called. Its good to hear from you."

The conversation continued like any normal phone call. You even agreed to meet up with him so you could talk about things further in a few days. It felt nice to talk to somebody like this, even laughing from the familiarity of having a friend to talk to. It was late within the night when it ended. You washed up before tucking yourself into bed.

Over the next few days things were relatively quiet, and you hadn't seen much of the God of Mischief since you spent a lot of your time practicing your combat skills, seeing as your powers were off the clock. Eventually the day came for your meetup. Dressing up in casual clothes, suitable for winter in the middle of the day, you left your room with a satchel bag strapped over your shoulder. Walking down the corridor when you bumped into a familiar face.

"Where exactly do you think you're going?" Fury said as you approached him.

"Out.." you replied.

"I don't think so"

"Why can't I? I'm going out for only a few hours. I'm only going to be in the city and even then I can't even use my powers. So what's the problem?" You argued.

"Your temper is still the problem"

"Well I doubt I'll get any more riled up seeing a friend than I do standing here talking to you.."

At a distance behind, Loki was at his doorway wondering what the commotion was. He watched as you two argued, going round in circles.

"Fine, you can go. But if you're not back by Sun down you'll end up in isolation again." He snapped.

"Oh well thank you, dad" you replied, rolling your eyes barging past him and leaving the corridor.

"Why are you like that with her?" Loki asked Fury as he came out fully, walking leisurely down the corridor.

"Don't you start," he replied.

"I sincerely doubt you see her as a daughter you feel protective over.. so why?"

"She's a danger to everyone in this building and everyone outside of it. Strange has already done the math and if we don't keep an eye on her, she'll do worse than wipe out half the population." He hissed, glaring at the God.

"So you're just going to cage her up and hope for the best that she doesn't find out?"

"That's the plan, yes. Got a problem with that?"

"Oh heavens no…" he said, smirking and surrendering with his palms in the air. "I enjoy partaking in lies and manipulation. Its as if you forget who I am"

"Good" Fury responded before turning to leave. Leaving the God to watch, though his expression changed to that of a concerned one, before making his way back into his room.

You had made your way to the meeting point, being a cafe on the city outskirts. It was quaint and gave you a sense of normality as you walked through the doors. A bell ringing marking your arrival.

"Y/N!.." a chipper Danny called out to you, waving to you as he stood by a table letting you know where he was sitting. You waved slightly before making your way over and sitting opposite him, hanging your bag on the chair. "You look great," he said with a toothy smile on his face.

"Thank you, not so bad yourself. How have you been?"

"Good, good.. Where have you been hiding, I haven't seen you at your usual cafe in over a year."

"Oh, well I don't live around there anymore." You replied to him.

"That so? So where are you living now. Gotta be somewhere nice knowing you. You always had an eye for the finer things. Probably why you were always great at knowing where to dig." He chuckled.

You laughed feeling appreciated as you hesitated a reply "I… I moved around Brooklyn."

"Is that so.. anyway, what do you want to drink? Its on me"

"Are you sure?" You asked, having retrieved your wallet from your bag placing it on the table.

"Of course I'm sure, I'm just happy I could get you out here"

"Hm?" You looked at him confused.

"You know.. how I wanted to take you out for a drink."

"Ah, right. Well, I suppose I'll have y/c"

He left the table to order your drinks, soon returning with them. After that you continued to talk, it was pleasant and when you talked about the rest of the members from the exhibition, he explained that they were all doing well.

"You know I've built up quite the collection of artifacts back at my place."

"You have?" You replied.

"Perhaps you could take a look at them sometime. No one believes me that they're important finds, but maybe you know something they don't" he shrugged.

"Maybe.. some time perhaps" You said, not quite certain, but the thought intrigued you. Even though you were of Asgardian descent, you wondered what other items may have ended up on Earth.

After more conversing. It came to an end when you both left the cafe, walking to your car.

"Can I see you again?" He asked as you were about to get in.

"Erm.. I mean. Maybe. I'll have to check my schedule but I'll give you a call.." you replied.

"Do you mean that?"

"Yeah, I do." You smiled, getting into your car finally. Making your way back to the facility.

You approached your room, grabbing your card, opening the door instantly and collapsed onto your bed from exhaustion having driven so much when your phone pinged. You grabbed it seeing there was a message notification, opening it.


Had a great time seeing you. You left your wallet at the cafe. Do you want me to drop it off?

You messaged him back,

No, it's okay. I can pick it up tomorrow if you're free?


I'm out of town for a week from tomorrow. If you don't mind waiting I can give it to you after.. or now. It's up to you.


I can wait, I can always use my phone to pay if I get desperate. Thanks for letting me know though. Don't spend my change! *wink face*


No problem :)

You smiled, placing your phone to the bedside table and lent up to bunk down and wash up. Coming out of your en suite, your hair was damp and you wore a short silk nightgown as you walked barefoot across the hard floors. Patting your hair with a towel when there was a sudden knock at your door. You went over, opening it. Finding a tall man behind it "Loki.." You said, seeing him.

He was wearing casual clothes consisting of a grey button down shirt with the top buttons unfastened and black trousers. His feet, also bare. He eyed you momentarily not having expected you to be so dressed down. "..Loki?" You questioned, waiting for him to explain his sudden appearance.

"Ah, yes.. I need your help with something." He snapped back to your eyes, replying.

"With what?"

"Come with me.." he grabbed you by your free hand, pulling you along outside of your room causing you to drop the towel in the other. Propping your door open. He led you into his room, which was very simplistic in comparison to yours. There wasn't much decoration and most spaces aside from his book shelves lay bare. The walls were darker than yours too, seemingly matching his aesthetic of his usual Loki attire. He pulled you along until you were at a TV mounted above a modern fireplace. He sat you down on a dark green, three seat sofa facing it, as he stood grabbing the remote and pressing buttons.

"So what's the problem?"

"It won't work.." he replied, continuing to press buttons on the remote, the TV screen remaining black.

You looked at him in confusion as he pressed away. You looked back to the TV following the wire to a socket, noticing the plug wasn't in. You got up, and he watched you as you made your way over to it. Plugging it in before going back over to him and holding out your hand. He looked at your hand, handing the remote over when you clicked the standby button, turning it on.

"Oh…" he muttered as the TV flickered pictures from the show that had come on.

"Never thought I'd have to show a God how to turn on a TV…" you smirked.

"In my defense, I usually have better things to be doing."

"Like destroying a city?" You jested.

"Hey.. that was the old me."

"Oh? and what does the new you, do instead?" You asked, taking a seat at one end of the sofa with your knees to your chest.

He sat down in the middle of the sofa when he replied "Well the new me is more rehabilitated. So I do things such as reading."

"How very adventurous.."

"You know as well as I do that if I did anything else Fury would have my neck.."

"That's a very true observation. So anyway, what are we watching?" You replied, looking to the TV

"We?" He asked, raising a brow.

"It's the least you could allow seeing as I helped turn it on for you" You smirked.

"Well, seeing as you're the Midgardian here… why don't you choose"

"Half, but okay. A film it shall be then." You replied whilst scrolling through the options. Selecting a comedy.

You laughed as the movie played, even catching some chuckles from Loki, who occasionally glanced at you, seemingly admiring you whilst you laughed. Sat with your legs crossed, your eyes soon and slowly felt heavy. By the time you realized another movie had started, you had fallen asleep. Loki himself only realized when your head rolled onto his shoulder, having his eyes scan your sleeping face for a while, whilst 'it's a wonderful life' continued to play in the background. He reached with a free arm as he grabbed a throw from behind the sofa, placing it over you. He slowly set free his other arm, putting it over you gently, running his hand from your damp hair down...drying it through green shimmers as he continued to watch the film on screen.

'What is it you want, Mary? What do you want? You want the moon? Just say the word and I'll throw a lasso around it and pull it down. Hey… That's a pretty good idea. I'll give you the moon.'

When you began to wake, you nuzzled your head into your pillow finding it to feel a little odd. You felt a weight over your back and began opening your eyes slowly, inhaling a familiar scent as blurs of a grey shirt came into view. When your eyes fully opened, you tilted your head up before looking down, finding yourself to be sprawled across the sofa, with Loki intertwining your legs with his own, as your head rested on his chest and his arms wrapped over you. Your heart began to beat double time as you laid there, unsure of what to do when a knock was heard upon his door. At first, you just stayed there, leaning up from his chest as you looked at the door, hoping it was a fluke until there was another. Loki woke up hearing them, noticing you were still in the room, peering at the door. He tapped you gently on the arm. When you panned your vision to him, he held his finger to his lips, hushing. Shifting from him, you moved, allowing him to get up and you grabbed a throw that was on the floor, wrapping yourself with it for warmth as you continued to stay sat on the sofa.

Loki walked to the door when another knock sounded. When he opened it, he spoke to the one on the other side, whilst his body obscured the view into his room.

"Have you seen Y/N?" Fury asked, seemingly displeased.

"I believe she went to train," Loki replied.

"Really? Because her door is open and her sword is still in her room."

"Maybe she left without it-"

You came behind Loki, opening the door more to unveil yourself to Fury. Bundled in the throw.

"You were saying?" Fury snarked, glaring at Loki.

You rolled your eyes, finding yourself to be irked by Fury once more. "Don't threaten too much or you'll burst a blood vessel. I'm going back to my room anyway so you can leave..'' you said, moving past the doorway. Fury stepped aside allowing you to pass when you came to a realisation, you paused, uncovering yourself from the throw.

"Oh.. this is yours.." you said, turning around to hand Loki the throw. He took it, looking at it briefly before turning his eyes to you. "Thank you," he said softly.

Once more heading to your room, you bent to collect the towel in your doorway and walked into your room, closing the door. Fury turned back to Loki who had followed you with his gaze, still holding the throw.

"This better not become a problem.." he said before leaving. Loki furrowed his brows watching him leave, returning his attention to the throw and then to your door, before retreating back into his. On the inside of your room, you lent with your back against your door. Processing what had just happened and how composed he was to be laid like that. Walking over to your bed, you noticed that it was 7am meaning you had spent the whole night wrapped up in his arms. Once again at that thought you could feel your heart thumping against your chest with a turning feeling inside.

Two days had passed since you slept in Loki's room. You had been avoiding contact with him and spent your time mostly keeping to your room, occasionally leaving to stock up on snacks and food from the kitchen area. It was the evening when you were just arriving in the kitchen to stock up again and cook dinner when your phone buzzed. Seeing it was your father, you answered straight away.

"Hi dad"

"Hey, just wanted to check in to see how you're coping. I haven't heard from you in a while."

"Yeah… about that, I've had to move into the facility. There's a whole bunch of things going on." You replied as you reached for items in an overhead cabinet, keeping the phone pressed between your ear and shoulder.

"Oh, that bad huh? Well I hope you're not having a hard time. If you get any time, you should come for dinner. I'll cook your favourite."

"That sounds lovely, I'll have to try and persuade Fury to let me visit. But I'll let you know" You said, continuing to stretch for something on the top shelf when a hand extended next to you, grabbing it. Looking to the culprit, you found Loki, holding it out to you as you continued your conversation with your father.

"Do you always have to do that? I can come and pick you up if he's being hard work"

"Dad, I'm not a child anymore. I can handle this. Don't worry. By the way, are you driving? You know you're not supposed to be on the phone if you are right?" You asked, hearing the distinct sound of traffic, taking the item out of Loki's hand and mouthing a thank you to him. He smiled softly at you in return.

"Don't worry, you're on the hands-free. I'm just on my way home from work.

"Oh? Did you make any headway on that promotion you wanted?" You asked him as you stood in the kitchen by an island, prepping food with Loki close by who had moved to sit on a stool. Snacking on some grapes from a fruit bowl.

"I sure hope so. Though it's been difficult with all the new faces to compete…-- gah" screeching and crashing filled the phone before your father could continue.

"Dad?..." you called into the phone, putting your dinner on hold as you put the phone into your hand. "..dad, are you okay?" The line went dead.

Loki stood from his seat monitoring your reaction. You rushed out of the kitchen in a sprint heading to your room. Loki followed.

"What's wrong?" He asked, panting as he followed you into your room whilst you grabbed your bag and keys.

"Something happened, I need to get to him" You panicked rushing back out past Loki.

"I'll come with you.."

Running to the garage of the building you came to rows of cars, quickly coming to yours.

"You're driving that?" He asked, glancing at your small run down car.

"I don't have time for this Loki"

"No, I just mean. Why not take one of the others? Won't they be faster?"

You stood looking at the other cars as you held the door to yours open. "Fine.. but if anyone asks, you better take the blame."

With that you ran quickly over to the key vault for the agent cars. Scanning your hand it declined when Loki came over, scanning his own. Declining. He morphed himself into Fury to scan it again hearing the sound of it accepting it, it opened allowing him in. He grabbed a key and handed it to you.

Marching down the rows of cars, you continuously pressed the unlock button till one finally responded. You both rushed over getting into it, instantly starting it up and leaving the facility at speed. When you approached the barrier, a man stood in front of it yelling for you to stop.

"You're not going to hit him are you…?" Loki asked as he braced himself.

"He'll move if he's not stupid."

You were right, he darted before you hit him. Instead you knocked through the barrier, driving down the open road gradually making your way to the city. Seeing as you were in an agent car, you fiddled with the interface. Glancing to the road to check for oncoming traffic.

"What are you doing now?" Loki asked.

"Checking for accidents reported near my fathers apartment and his work."

Two accidents occurred, one near his work and the other near his apartment.

"Which one do you think he was in?"

"I'm not sure.. but we'll check the one near his work first."

Eventually you arrived at a crash scene. Ditching the car a way out, seeing as the traffic was in a standstill from it. Having ran the rest of the way, you were left disheartened seeing it was a taxi and a bus that had a small impact. Quickly running back to the car to find the other site, your phone buzzed from an unknown number. You still continued to run whilst you passed the illuminated stores that lit the concrete.

"Hello. Is this Miss L/N?"


"Ah, I'm Dr Wallingford. I'm calling on behalf of your father." You stopped running, Loki stopped beside you looking concerned. "He's been involved in a hit and run, is it possible you could come down?"

"Of course.. is he okay?

"I.. I'll explain when you arrive ma'am"

After that he gave you the hospital name. You quickly made way back to the car once more, heading to the hospital with Loki.