
Eir To Fall

Finding an object in the snowy mountains that had called to you from a young age. Your life is changed and you are caught in a series of events from fighting along side the Avengers, to discovering with Thor that Odin wasn't exactly where he's supposed to be. - Having yourself bewitched by a Trickster is just what some may call part of the adventure. Set around Age Of Ultron, Ragnarok and much further beyond. ***** (This is a Y/N story)

Chocobell · Movies
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26 Chs

Who Are You?

You arrived at the facility, getting out of your small car and grabbing your bag out of the trunk. You walked over to the sparkling new Avengers Facility stairs, designed much like the last one. Having a memorial out front for those who lost their lives defeating Thanos and his army. Walking through the entrance you were soon met by agent Hill.

"Glad to see you could make it" she smirked.

"Not like I had a choice.." you replied stopping before her. "So what exactly is the reason I'm being asked to come here?"

"That information is still classified" Fury called out from the indoor balcony. "Hill, bring her to the viewing room"

You let out a sigh before Hill spoke to you "Follow me please." So you did.

You soon met Fury in a more secure area of the facility, standing outside of a door.

"So what's so bad it needs to be classified?" you asked.

"You'll see.." Fury replied before opening the door into a dim room with a window onlooking an interrogation room. Glancing into it, you paused feeling as though your eyes were deceiving you.

"We need you to go in there and question him" Fury said as he stood next to you. "Apparently he's not from our timeline, but given his past I'm not exactly willing to trust him. So I was hoping he might open up to you, being Asgardian and all."

You looked at Fury, then back to the interrogation room. Looking at the raven haired man.

Moments later you found yourself on the outside of the interrogation room door, hovering a hand over the door handle, hesitating to open it. You breathed in… then out, before opening the door and walking into the room. You walked slowly over to the table in the center of the room, sitting down on the metal chair, opposite the man in front of you. Your heart was beating heavily and you felt like a lump was in your throat.

"I see Fury isn't done with his questioning…" he said as he eyed you from across the table.

Your brows furrowed in confusion hearing him, you asked "Do you know who I am?"

He paused for a moment scanning your face. "Your face does seem familiar.." your brow arched when he said this and you burned internally until he continued "Starks tower.. weren't you Starks fan?" The raven haired God replied to you.

You shot up from your seat leaving the room when you were met with Fury at the other side.

"Why did you leave?" He asked.

"He's telling the truth.."

"How do you know? You were in there for less than a minute."

"When we retrieved the stones.. he spotted me along with others. Loki went missing in that timeline, which is how Stark lost the tesseract. Loki from this point in the timeline couldn't have known that. So are you happy? Because I would like to leave now." You replied with a stern voice.

"Fury, where is my brother?" Thor called out from down the corridor. You looked past Fury to see the God walking your way. His eyes softened as he saw you, piecing together what had happened. You looked back to Fury in disgust before barging past him and walking straight past Thor.

"I told you not to bring her into this.." Thor grumbled as he looked to Fury.

"We needed more information. If that was our Loki, he would have shown some form of reaction putting her in front of him, but he didn't. So case closed." Fury replied before entering the interrogation room, leaving Thor in the corridor.

Meanwhile you had returned to your car out front sitting in the driver's seat, but you simply couldn't bring yourself to start up the engine and go home. There was a knock on the roof of your car, and you looked over, opening the window, finding Thor who then crouched looking in. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you… but with him not being.. you know.. I didn't want you getting hurt."

"How long has he been here?" You asked.

"A couple of weeks.." Thor replied and you nodded your head in response, staring at the steering wheel.

"What do I do now Thor?" You asked, looking over to him.

He sighed, squinting his eyes as the sun shined "You could come back inside… perhaps find out more on why he is here. Maybe, who knows. He'll be just like the Loki you know and it could bring you some comfort… or you could go home, try and forget about today."

You sat thinking before you closed your car window then opened the door causing it to creak, closing it again behind you. Thor stood, towering over you as he gave you a sympathetic look "I'm happy to see you again Y/N.." he said, pulling you in whilst he moved, wrapping his arms around you. You hugged back, holding back tears that threatened the innards of your eyelids. Till eventually you made your way back inside.

Later that day towards the evening, you were called to a meeting room and when you opened the door you were met instantly by Fury, "Glad you could finally join us.."

"Fuck off, Fury" You replied as you glared at him before moving further into the room, finding a few other faces sat around. Thor sat at the back, at the end of the large white table in the middle of the room, while Dr Strange and Loki sat on the opposite side to the doorway.

"Strange, I wasn't expecting to see you here?" You said, going to sit besides Thor.

He smirked to you "Glad to see you haven't caused any death and destruction Y/N"

"Why? Was that on my cards? Because as long as Fury keeps interrupting my life, you've still got a pretty good chance of that.."

"Don't push your luck Y/N.." Fury interjected. "Anyway, you're probably wondering why I called this meeting."

"To ruin our lives…?" You interrupted. Finding Fury glaring at you from the other end of the table causing you to smirk.

"That's enough now Y/N" Thor said as he placed a hand to your shoulder, with you looking at him apologetically before looking back to Fury.

"As I was saying. The reason I brought you here is because as you all know, the Loki we have here is from our past. Specifically to that of the New York invasion, which as you know Y/N this was when you tried to extract the Tesseract."

"Can I just pause you for a moment.." Loki said before continuing "Are we just going to ignore the fact that this man is called Strange?" You all raised your brows in confusion. Not sure what point he was making.

"What's wrong with that..?" Thor asked.

"It's just a funny name don't you think? Especially for an almighty Avenger" He replied, stifling a single chuckle from you as you looked to the table.

"Something funny about that Y/N?" Strange asked, raising a brow at you. You looked up meeting his eyes. "Hm? I mean.. it's a little ironic"

"Can we focus, people?" Fury interrupted. "This Loki as I said is from the past. He has informed us that apparently there has been a change in.. 'The sacred timeline' causing a disruption to the 'multiverse' allowing various versions of ourselves to travel between timelines. Meaning our very own could be in danger"

"That's a whole lot of confusing.." Thor responded.

"Loki, explain"

"Right, yes.. When I teleported with the Tesseract, I ended up in a desert. Before I could do anything this group of people called the TVA. - They made sure nobody messed up the sacred timeline and that everything followed its course without affecting other timelines."

"So like time police?" You interrupted.

"Exactly. When I was there they showed me how my life had was merely to help Thor by showing my future, including my eventual death to Thanos."

"Wait.. so how do you not remember me?" You interrupted again. "If they showed you your future.. how do you not know who I am?"

"Well they only showed me the important parts.. like my mothers death, my fathers, Asgard and… well my own." You looked to Thor when he said this, gaining a sympathetic look from him as Loki continued "..So I helped them track down a variant of myself that was causing problems.." he went on explaining the events of the TVA, finding variants and his fellow friend Variant killing the one in control of the timeline and escaping the TVA to get help from the outside.

"So, now that's explained. Strange, how do we handle this?" Fury asked.

"We have to wait.."


"Yes, I need to look into this. See how much truth there is to it. In the meantime we also need to wait and see if any try to show up in this timeline."

"So that's it then? We're just going to wait until more powerful versions of ourselves come to kill us?" Loki said, seeming unnerved.

"We do as Strange suggested. It works in our best interest too since multiple other Avengers are still out in the field. Apart from Strange, the rest of you need to stay on the facility grounds in case of emergency."

"What?!" You exclaimed "You want me to stay here now?"

"Did I stutter?" Fury replied. "That concludes the meeting. Thor, will you show Loki around? Excluding anything that may be of danger to us if he gets a hold of it." And with that Fury immediately left the room followed by Strange. Leaving just the three of you in the room. You held your head in your hands when Thor turned to you.

"It'll be okay Y/N…" he said, patting you on the back as he stood. Eventually leaving the room with Loki in tow. You sat there for a while before you got up, heading to collect your bag from the car. When you returned to the building, once again Fury was waiting.

"What now Fury?" You whined, seeing him.

"I took the liberty of moving some of your belongings to your room. It's on the second floor, here's your card. The biometrics for you aren't active seeing as you never pay us a visit."

You gritted your teeth at the thought of him invading your home, but still you took the card. Making your way through the place coming to the residency area of the facility. Walking down a wide, well lit corridor you came eventually to your door numbered the same as the card from earlier. Slinging your bag to the front of you, you dived your hand into it trying to fish out the card when footsteps were coming down the corridor. Getting gradually louder. When you finally fished out your card, it slipped from your hand when another caught it. Handing it back to you.

"Thank yo-.." when you looked, a tall man looked back at you with blue eyes. It was Loki.

"You're welcome.. but I see that we're neighbours" he said gesturing to the door opposite yours.


"See.." he said as he pulled out a card from his beige shirt pocket revealing it's number being only one lower than yours. "...Fury handed it to me during the tour.. not that there was much I was allowed to see." He sighed, having a soft expression.

You felt you gritting your teeth once more "..of course he did.."

"Anyway, I'll let you get to your room." He said as he tapped his card in his hand before turning towards his own door. You watched him as he did, then looked to your own, scanning the card and opening the door only a centimeter before turning round again, calling over to him as he opened his door. "Loki.."

"Yes..?" He said as he turned to look at you.

You paused not knowing what you actually wanted to say.

"...Never mind, I'm sorry. I forgot what I wanted to ask.." you purse your lips before turning to open your door fully. Finding your room filled with boxes covering the floor, halting you in place.

Loki watched you, seeing the boxes through the doorway. Looking away through to his own already made room.

When you walked more into your room, leaving the door open. It felt like Fury had moved the entirety of your apartment in there. There were even boxes on the bed. You walked over, opening a box that was stacked onto others to see what was inside. Finding it to be filled with books most definitely from your place.

You let out a sigh when you heard a knock on your open door. You looked round seeing Loki stood in the archway with his knuckles still hovered against the door.

"Apologies for the intrusion, but.. would you like a hand.." You hadn't expected him to be there let alone offer to help.

Glancing round at all the boxes before you responded, contemplating how you would manage spending that time with him. "Please.. as long as you don't mind?" You gave him a soft smile.

He replicated your smile as he came further into the room, standing besides you lifting up the box you had opened. His face being ever so close you could smell his sweet scent you were all too familiar with. "Where are these going?" He asked.

"Oh, urm.. just over there to that shelving area…" you replied pointing to a corner opposite the door that had a built in shelving nook. He went straight away with you following when he placed the box down. Taking out some books, sliding them onto the shelves. You took out some too, filling lower shelves.

"You have quite an interesting collection" he said as he analysed various books he picked up, noting they were mostly regarding Norse mythology.


"I didn't realize you Midguardians were so fascinated by such."

You chuckled slightly thinking about how this man you knew so much about, no longer had any idea who you were. How twisted the hands of fate are.

"What's so funny?" He asked, pausing.

"I'm only half a Midguardian."

"Oh? And what pray tell is the other half?"

You slid another book to the shelf as you replied "Asgardian"

His mouth gaped slightly from your answer whilst he scanned your face waiting for any crack of a smile to indicate you joking, when you stood looking at him. Retracting your hand from the shelf.

"You're joking aren't you?" He asked.


"Prove it"

You rolled your eyes with a smirk, heaving a sigh. You walked over to your bag, picking it up and placing it on top of a box pile. Pulling out your cuffs. Seeing them, Loki walked over. Taking them cautiously from your hands as he admired them. Reading the small scriptures that lined the gold bands that entwined them. He placed them back into your hands.

"So let me guess.. you stole these..?"

"Why would I steal them?"

"I don't exactly know how much you make running around, saving the world.. you could get desperate" he said, almost on par with being sarcastic.

"Fine, let's say I did. Then why did they give me abilities when I wore them?"

"Just pure luck and coincidence that they did.." he snarked, folding his arms across his chest.

You sighed. "Let's go with that. But if you see a sword knocking around amongst these boxes. Let me know and I'll prove it then, deal?"


You continued to unpack boxes into your room, your conversation unfolding into general questions to each other. Things regarding the TVA and you answered ones regarding what happened with Thanos, avoiding the topic of your trauma of being sent away helpless whilst his other self died. In the middle of the conversation he opened a box and froze whilst you were elsewhere hanging clothes into a wardrobe.

"It must have been weird seeing versions of yourself.. I mean.. a crocodile? That's a little crazy.." you said. When you didn't hear a response you turned. "Loki..?"

He stood holding a book, whilst he held a photograph in his other. Your heart thumped louder in your chest.

"Why do you have this?" He asked, turning the photograph showing you the one you had, had in your drawer back home of him.

".. it must have dropped out of a file or something.." you breathed nervously as you replied.

"Don't lie to me.."

"I can't tell you"

"Why not?"

"Because.. I just can't. Its obviously not important enough seeing as the 'TVA' didn't show you anyway"

"What are you talking about?"

"Nothing… it doesn't matter" with that you went to leave, dropping items from your hands and headed for the door. Before you could even reach the door handle, Loki pulled you back grabbing both of your hands to face him when you were both snapped into a memory.


You both stood in front of your mothers armour in the vault. "There was nothing in the books regarding these.." you said, looking at him, finding his eyes already fixated on you. His expression, soft. Finding yourself almost entranced.

"That would be because I was already in possession of the one that did.." Loki replied, once again in a calming tone before pulling out a book with his magic. Eerily similar to the one he had been reading in your bedroom earlier.

He held it out to you with one hand, continuing his gaze. You slowly and hesitantly, extended your own hand, panning your eyes between him and the book with an arched brow as you slipped it away from his fingers to make sure it wasn't a trick.

Noting this he smirked "I'm not going to bite"

In a flash, the area changed to Valkyries room back on Sakaar:

"Listen, Y/N I was just looking out for your safety" he spluttered seeing your anger spike. He was the helpless one now.

"My, safety?! I've almost died at least three times whilst being on this damn forsaken wasteland!" A split second your eyes flashed a spark of purple in your anger stepping closer to him.

"I understand that you're angry at me…which is fine.. but you know me. I'm mischievous."

You picked him up with both hands by the front chains like it was nothing, holding him up almost to his natural height. Glaring at him still as the purple flashes darted.

"Y/N, please, I truly never meant to hurt you.. please… I- "

You dropped him back to the floor, hearing noises coming from a neighbouring apartment. Like a trance you snapped from your anger. Causing everything building within you to dissipate.

"I'm sorry" you muttered, looking guilty and avoiding eye contact with him.

Time skipped again,

Upon the Bi-Frost bridge: "Get to the ship, help them finish getting everybody on"

"What about you?" You asked, walking over to him.

"I'm going to help Thor take care of Hela.."

"Promise you'll come back" you stared at him, now tilting your head up to look into his eyes.

He placed his hand on your head, running it down the side through part of your hair "I promise you…" he cupped your face with his hand, grazing your cheek "I will come back"

Next you were on the ship, the last moments you had with Loki:

You looked up to admire the culprit that had you bewitched.

"You came back.." you muttered in a breathed tone.

He wiped your cheeks, drying them "I promised you I would" Loki replied. You surrendered to his lips, pressing to yours once more. This time it was sweet and all you could want as it went deeper.

Before you could savor what you were remembering you were on the escape pod..

He looked at you through the doors. You stared back as tears began to swarm your face. You screamed for him to open them but still he stared, with a saddened look on his face. He said something to you… but you couldn't quite make the words out. Then, he pressed another button. Releasing the pod from the ship.

You screamed and your eyes balled. Watching his face grow smaller and smaller. Gaining more and more distance, till eventually it was unrecognizable.

"Hyper jump, activating. Setting the pod to hibernation mode" a voice in the pod sounded out. Your eyes grew weak as you continued to watch the pod doors, seeing the ship you were once on grow distant. Your legs gave way from under you, collapsing you to the floor. Still watching outside until your eyes eventually gave in too.


When your eyes opened, you were horrified looking at the man in front of you. Your emotions had reached their peak, feeling the pain of reliving those moments in such a vivid reality. Looking away from him as tears filled your eyes. You snatched away your hands and went to leave the room "Wait.." Loki called to you when you walked out. But you ignored him, continuing on and sprinted down the corridor in case he was following. You didn't dare look back. It hurt too much to see his face.

With your emotions being so high and flaring, so did your powers, despite the control you had for the most part. The building began to shake as if there was an earthquake whilst you made your way through it and an alarm started to blare out calling for an evacuation. When you came to the main entrance of the building, without being able to leave, you were met with armed forces, Fury, hill and Thor.

"Y/N, you need to calm down" Fury called out to you.

Glaring at him, you threw a hand out. Instantly throwing him to the side when armed forces began shooting at you. "Wait, stop!" Thor shouted to them. You threw out your shield in front of you, without even directing your hands, preventing the bullets from hitting you. With this you used your hands picking up the armed men, holding them up into the air as they dropped their guns below.

You hadn't noticed that Loki had come into the area. He marvelled at what he was seeing when Thor called out to you.

"Y/N you need to stop this! This isn't you.."

"But it is…" you replied before dropping the men to the floor. Fortunately they weren't high enough to cause casualties but still it would've hurt enough to hinder them momentarily. You started to walk forwards towards Thor with your eyes glowing purple.

"Please… stop, Y/N.. I know you're in pain. I know you are hurting. But you need to stop.." he said to you as you got closer. You stopped momentarily, eyeing Thor. Extending a hand, you elevated him.

"Y/N… what are you doing!…" he opened his hand, as if calling for Stormbreaker. Seeing it, you knelt to place your other hand to the ground sending two large vines, crashing up through the floor wrapping around his hands. Bundling them into balls of green. Loki ran over to you seeing you were occupied, placing his fingers to your temples before you could stop him. Knocking you unconscious. Sending Thor to the floor, while you were caught by Loki as you fell back into his arms.

Thor dragged himself up, looking over to you in Loki's arms. As Loki looked between Thor and your lifeless body, he stood panting from the run while a concerned look painted his face. Feeling it was his doing.

"Thor, get her taken to isolation." Fury said as he came to his feet, limping.

"Isn't that a bit much?" He replied.

"After that. No. If she can't control her temper she needs to stay in there. We have enough to deal with without having to monitor a pissed Asgardian with a power issue"

"I feel as if you are talking about me there.." Loki interrupted.

"Don't even get me started on you" Fury replied.

Thor went over to Loki, taking you out of his arms and into his to be carried. Loki followed him whilst Thor walked towards an isolation room.

"Are you really going to put her in there?" Loki asked.

"I don't have a choice Loki"

"But you do.. plus, what if I told you I was the one that ticked her off."

Thor stopped, looking at him "What did you do?"

"I may or may not have accessed her memories to see what the TVA neglected to show me, having her relive them too… without permission"

Thor glared at him having more understanding but still he moved your body into an isolation room which was made up of special glass panels, made to conceal your powers. He laid you onto a metal bed, going outside of it to close the door. As he looked at the panel he contemplated whether or not he should close the door. Loki stood watching him, when he punched in a code. Locking the door and leaving the area.

Loki stayed, staring into the room.. watching you.