
Dragonwyrm Academy

“Damnit truck-kun” After attempting to save the dark haired woman crossing the street he instead ended up getting hit with her. Looking at the frail woman dying in his arms Cain’s vision shifted to the book she was still clutching, [Tales of Dragonwyrm Academy]. “And screw you too damn book”

Nova_527 · Fantasi
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5 Chs

His Imperial Majesty

Ba-thump Ba-thump Cain's heart raced uncontrollably as the moment of his father's arrival drew nearer. The sound of his own heartbeat echoed in his ears, drowning out all other noise. The anticipation was overwhelming, threatening to consume him.

He watched as the palace guards, who had exchanged knowing glances earlier, now stood at rigid attention, their expressions stoic and unwavering. They were the embodiment of discipline, a stark contrast to Cain's own nervousness.

Cain's eyes darted toward his mother, Rosalina, who stood beside him. Her violet eyes held a mixture of pride and concern, her hand resting reassuringly on his shoulder. In that moment, she was not just the Empress but a mother who understood her son's vulnerability.

"Remember to breathe, Cain," she whispered, her voice a soothing anchor amidst the storm of emotions.

Cain took a deep, shaky breath, trying to regain control of his racing heart. It was easier said than done when he felt like the world was closing in on him. He'd read about grand ceremonies in books and seen them in movies, but nothing could have prepared him for this.

The noise in his head continued to escalate until a powerful voice broke through the cacophony. "Announcing the arrival of his imperial highness, the emperor, Zephyr Dragonwyrm!"

The announcement sent a jolt of electricity through Cain's body. The most powerful man in the empire, the Emperor himself, had arrived. It was as if the world held its breath, waiting for the first glimpse of the ruler who commanded the loyalty and awe of an entire continent.

The massive doors of the palace swung open, and there he was, Emperor Zephyr Dragonwyrm, riding at the forefront of the procession. His regal attire, adorned with precious gems and intricate embroidery, shimmered in the golden light of the setting sun. The crown upon his head was a testament to his authority, and his presence seemed to fill the entire courtyard.

Emperor Zephyr Dragonwyrm was a figure of awe and majesty. His presence commanded attention, and every aspect of his appearance reflected his authority and power.

He stood tall and imposing, with a commanding posture that exuded confidence. His physique was that of a warrior, honed by years of leadership and battles. His fiery-red hair flowed gracefully down to his shoulders, framing a face that was chiseled and regal. Strong, angular features were accentuated by a well-groomed beard that added an air of wisdom to his visage.

The Emperor's eyes were the color of deep amethyst, a striking hue that seemed to pierce through the souls of those who met his gaze. They held an otherworldly wisdom, as if they had seen centuries of history unfold. Yet, beneath the stoic facade, there was a glint of emotion, a spark of recognition that hinted at a deeper connection.

Emperor Zephyr's attire was a testament to his imperial status. He wore a robe of rich, midnight blue silk, adorned with intricate golden embroidery that depicted dragons in all their glory. These dragons, with their scales glistening in gold and silver threads, seemed to come to life as they coiled around the Emperor's robe. Each dragon was a work of art, its eyes studded with precious gems that shimmered with an inner light.

The Emperor's shoulders were draped with a crimson cape, symbolizing the bloodline of Dragonwyrm. The cape bore the emblem of the empire—a magnificent dragon in flight, its wings outstretched in dominance. The dragon's scales were embellished with more gemstones, making it appear as if it could soar from the fabric at any moment.

Around his neck, Emperor Zephyr wore a resplendent necklace, a chain of intricate design that featured a dragon's claw clutching a radiant amethyst gemstone. The gem sparkled with a mesmerizing violet glow, matching the color of his eyes.

As the Emperor moved, the dragons on his robe seemed to come alive, their golden and silver scales catching the light and casting a dazzling display. The air around him was filled with an aura of regality, and his every step resonated with the weight of his rule.

Emperor Zephyr Dragonwyrm was not just a ruler; he was a living embodiment of the empire itself, a symbol of its strength, unity, and the mythical creatures that it was named after.

Cain couldn't tear his eyes away from his father. He was every bit as imposing as the legends had described. The Emperor's steely gaze seemed to sweep over the crowd, his expression unreadable. Cain's heartbeat quickened even further, if that was even possible.

As the Emperor dismounted from his horse, the palace guards and attendants, including Cain and Rosalina, knelt in a display of reverence. The moment was charged with tension, a mixture of respect and trepidation. Cain's eyes remained fixed on his father, unsure of what to expect.

The Emperor's footsteps echoed on the polished marble floor as he approached the assembly. His face remained stoic, his demeanor regal, and his gaze fixed forward.

'Calm, Cain, stay calm,' he reminded himself, even though his nerves still fluttered beneath the surface.

As Emperor Zephyr Dragonwyrm approached the grand throne, he did so with an air of regal poise. His eyes, sharp and observant, swept over the assembled courtiers before finally settling on Cain and Rosalina. There was a moment of stillness, a heavy silence that seemed to stretch on forever.

'What does he think of me? I am his child after all.' Cain couldn't help but wonder. He had lived his life as an ordinary streamer on Earth, and now he stood in the presence of the most powerful man on the continent. The uncertainty weighed on him.

The Emperor took his place upon the throne, and for a moment, he simply stared at them, his gaze unyielding. His eyes, the color of amethyst like Cain's, seemed to hold a myriad of emotions, though they remained enigmatic.

Cain's curiosity warred with his nervousness. He wanted to understand the man who was not only his father but also the ruler of an entire empire. However, their distance from each other during the ceremony proceedings was palpable.

"Rise," Emperor Zephyr Dragonwyrm finally commanded, his voice carrying the weight of authority.

Cain and Rosalina obeyed, their movements graceful but tinged with a sense of restraint. They stood before the Emperor, awaiting his words and actions.

As the ceremony continued, Empress Rosalina reported on the proceedings of the palace and the empire during the Emperor's absence. She spoke with a steady and measured tone, detailing the state of affairs, the challenges faced, and the accomplishments achieved in his name.

Cain listened attentively, his curiosity getting the better of him. He wished to understand the empire he was now a part of and the role he might play in its future. The Emperor's absence had left a void, and Cain wondered how his return would shape the course of Dragonwyrm.

Despite his nervousness and uncertainty, Cain maintained his calm exterior. He couldn't afford to appear desperate or eager, not in front of the Emperor. His mental age of twenty gave him a sense of self-awareness that he clung to, even in this unfamiliar world of royalty and power.

With a regal gesture, Emperor Zephyr Dragonwyrm called the ceremony adjourned, signaling the end of the grand welcome. The assembled royalty, nobles, and servants from across the continent began to make their exit, their conversations filled with excitement and whispers about the ceremony. The vast throne room slowly emptied, leaving it bathed in a warm, golden glow from the setting sun. As they all left Cain was led by his mother to a new place of the palace.

As they entered the private chamber, Cain saw the emperor in there waiting for them. Cain couldn't help but feel a mix of curiosity and nervousness. He knew his father was a powerful figure, but now, in this more intimate setting, the Emperor's aura seemed to have softened. However, Cain remained uncertain about what to expect.

Before he could ponder further, to his surprise, Emperor Zephyr Dragonwyrm's stern countenance suddenly transformed. He scooped up Cain into his arms, surprising the young prince, who let out an astonished, "Eh?"

Cain's amethyst eyes widened as his father planted a playful kiss on his cheek. The bewildered prince blinked, his mind racing as he thought, 'What's happening? Is this a new Dragonwyrm custom? A form of royal greeting?'

The Emperor chuckled warmly, his voice carrying an unexpected tenderness. "My dear Cain, it's been too long. I couldn't resist giving my son a proper welcome."

Cain's brain couldn't comprehend the situation, just a moment ago the air was thick enough to cut with a knife, but now the tension that had hung in the air earlier seemed to dissolve, replaced by an atmosphere of light-heartedness. He looked up at his father, his lips twitching into an uncertain smile. "Uh, tanks, Dada?"

Rosalina, standing nearby, burst out laughing at the sight. She couldn't contain her amusement at the bewildered expression on Cain's face. "Oh, Zephyr, you never change. But really, why did you take so long to return?"

The Emperor flashed a charming smile, his excuse ready. "You know how it is, my dear. Ruling an empire can be quite demanding. And then there were all those dragon negotiations."

Cain couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the mention of dragon negotiations. 'Dragons? Seriously?'

While the Emperor's jest seemed to amuse Rosalina, there was a subtle shift in her demeanor. Cold fury simmered beneath her surface, and her violet eyes narrowed slightly as she said, "I'm not mad."

'He's screwed'

Zephyr brightened up and said "Oh good I knew you had a good character from the moment I saw you."

'Nevermind he's dead'

Cain in a desperate attempt to save his newfound father chimed in,

"Dada, you have gwifts?"

Emperor Zephyr Dragonwyrm nodded, a glint of mischief in his eyes. He gently placed Cain back on his feet and reached into a small, ornate chest he had brought with him. From it, he produced an exquisite necklace, a work of art that left everyone in the room breathless.

For Rosalina, it was a masterpiece of elegance and beauty. The necklace was crafted from delicate, silver chains adorned with sparkling sapphires that seemed to capture the very essence of Dragonwyrm's skies. The centerpiece was a breathtaking sapphire pendant, cut in the shape of a dragon's eye, with a mesmerizing depth that drew you in.

Rosalina's eyes widened as Emperor Zephyr Dragonwyrm presented the necklace to her. It was a breathtaking piece, and the sapphires' deep blue hue seemed to shimmer like the very essence of Dragonwyrm's skies. She couldn't help but be captivated by its beauty.

"Oh, Zephyr," she exclaimed in genuine awe, her fingers delicately tracing the necklace's intricate design. "It's stunning. I love it just the way it is."

The Emperor's face broke into a pleased smile at her reaction, and he seemed genuinely touched by her appreciation. "I'm glad you do, my love. It's a small token of my affection for you."

'Wow, he's good, he might actually live tonight'

He then turned his attention to the Emperor's next offering. From the chest, he withdrew a magnificent artifact—an intricately designed spear, its handle adorned with shimmering gemstones and its blade glistening with enchantments. It was a weapon of immense power, something that would undoubtedly prove invaluable in this new world.

The shaft was made of a dark ebony wood, intricately carved with intricate patterns resembling a lizards scales. The blade was forged from a mysterious dark metal that seemed to absorb the very light around it, giving it an aura of otherworldly strength.

Cain's eyes widened in amazement as he took in the details of the weapon. It was unlike any he had ever seen, both elegant and fearsome in its design. The hilt was adorned with a sapphire-blue ribbon that danced in the slightest breeze, like a whisper of Dragonwyrm's sky.

The Emperor's voice was filled with pride as he revealed the name of the spear. "I present to you, Cain, the 'Astaroth's Fang.' A weapon forged by the finest artisans in our empire, imbued with the strength and cunning of the legendary demon lord Astaroth."

"Woooooow!" Cain let out an adorable noise of adoration.

The Emperor couldn't contain his delight at Cain's reaction. "Woooooow!" the toddler exclaimed again, his eyes wide with wonder.

Emperor Zephyr Dragonwyrm chuckled warmly as he engaged with his young son. "Yes, my little prince, it's quite a magnificent gift, isn't it?" He spoke in gentle, soothing tones, adjusting his vocabulary to match Cain's limited speech.

Cain, still holding the Astaroth's Fang, beamed with joy. "Pwetty!"

The Emperor nodded, thoroughly enjoying the bonding moment. "That's right, it's very pretty, just like you." He couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of pride and affection for his son.

Cain's amethyst eyes shimmered with happiness, and he snuggled closer to his father. "Daddy," he said, his voice soft and filled with innocence.

The Emperor's heart melted at the endearing term. "Yes, my little one?"

Cain looked at the Astaroth's Fang and then back at his father, his expression turning slightly puzzled. "Strong?"

Emperor Zephyr Dragonwyrm chuckled again, finding Cain's childlike curiosity endearing. "Yes, my sweet Cain, it's a special spear. That will make you verrrrrrryyy strong"

Cain's confusion persisted, but he trusted his father's words and snuggled contentedly in his embrace. "Okay, Daddy."

The Emperor couldn't have been happier, holding his son close, and looking forward to watching him grow and make his own choices in the future.

Cain couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the sight of the Astaroth's Fang. It was a weapon of great significance and power, and it was now his to wield.

Cain's eyes sparkled with excitement as he examined the artifact. He had always been fascinated by weapons, and this spear was a true masterpiece. But then a hint of confusion crossed his face, an inner thought echoing, 'Wait, I decided to use a sword...'