
Dragonwyrm Academy

“Damnit truck-kun” After attempting to save the dark haired woman crossing the street he instead ended up getting hit with her. Looking at the frail woman dying in his arms Cain’s vision shifted to the book she was still clutching, [Tales of Dragonwyrm Academy]. “And screw you too damn book”

Nova_527 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Etiquette Lessons

With the exchange of gifts and heartfelt moments complete, the royal family of Dragonwyrm retired to their respective chambers. Cain, still clutching the Astaroth's Fang, was placed in his crib, his eyes heavy with the exhaustion of the day's events. He let out a soft yawn and blinked sleepily at his parents.

Emperor Zephyr Dragonwyrm and Empress Rosalina exchanged a fond look as they tucked Cain in, their hearts full of parental love. They knew that their son's journey in this new world would be filled with challenges, but they were determined to protect and guide him every step of the way.

As the chamber doors closed, Cain settled into his crib, surrounded by the comforting darkness of his room. The rhythmic noise of his parents' room, a soft, steady beat like a distant drum, echoed in his ears as he drifted into slumber, his vivid imagination playing tricks on him.

'I'll remember you father' Cain thought as he drifted off into a world of dreams.


The days following the grand welcome were a whirlwind of activity within the Imperial Palace. Reports and petitions flowed like a river as the Emperor returned to his duties. Courtiers, ministers, and advisors scurried about with renewed fervor, discussing matters that had arisen during his absence.

One morning, as Cain played in the palace gardens under the watchful eye of his mother, Empress Rosalina, a magnificent carriage pulled up nearby. Its polished woodwork gleamed in the morning sunlight, and the wheels rolled gracefully over the cobblestones.

Cain's curious amethyst eyes followed the carriage's approach. He watched with fascination as the door swung open, revealing a refined older gentleman with impeccable poise. Dressed in regal attire, he exuded an air of authority and sophistication that was immediately evident.

Cain couldn't contain his curiosity any longer. Turning to his mother, he tugged gently on her gown and asked in his innocent toddler's voice, "Mommy, who's that?"

Empress Rosalina smiled down at her son, a gentle expression of amusement on her face. "That, my dear, is your new tutor."

The distinguished gentleman approached, and Empress Rosalina introduced him to her son. "Cain, this is Master Alistair Beaumont. He will be teaching you the art of etiquette and the ways of our court."

Cain blinked up at the newcomer, his eyes wide with wonder. His fascination with the palace's busy world had now extended to the prospect of learning from a tutor.

Master Alistair Beaumont stepped forward, his posture unwavering as he extended a gloved hand toward the young prince. With impeccable grace, he introduced himself in great detail, his voice carrying an air of authority that immediately commanded respect.

"Your Highness Cain, it is an honor to make your acquaintance," he began. "I am Master Alistair Beaumont, a scholar of courtly etiquette and diplomacy with over three decades of experience in the royal courts of Dragonwyrm. I have served as etiquette instructor to generations of nobility, ensuring that they adhere to the highest standards of conduct and decorum."

His words held a weight of wisdom, and his eyes, a striking shade of emerald green, bore the marks of countless encounters with courtly intricacies.

"I have also had the privilege of representing Dragonwyrm in diplomatic missions to neighboring kingdoms, forging alliances, and maintaining peaceful relations," he continued, his voice measured and articulate. "It is my fervent belief that the foundation of any great ruler begins with a thorough understanding of etiquette, diplomacy, and the customs of our realm."

As Master Alistair Beaumont spoke, Cain listened with rapt attention. He might have been just a toddler, but there was a spark of recognition in his young eyes, an understanding that this tutor was no ordinary teacher.

Empress Rosalina, with a nod of approval, encouraged the introduction to continue. "Master Beaumont, this is my son, Cain Dragonwyrm. He may be young, but I believe he will prove an eager and diligent pupil."

Master Beaumont acknowledged the empress with a gracious nod. "Your Highness, I am honored to be entrusted with the education of the future Emperor of Dragonwyrm. I shall devote myself to instilling in him the wisdom and grace that befit his esteemed lineage."

Empress Rosalina offered a warm smile to her son and the tutor before excusing herself, leaving Master Alistair Beaumont and young Cain alone in the palace's opulent study.

Master Beaumont gestured elegantly for Cain to take a seat at a polished mahogany table adorned with fine china and a silver tea set. The tutor, his poise unwavering, settled across from him, his expression one of unwavering patience.

"Today, Your Highness," began Master Beaumont, "we shall embark on your first lesson in proper tea etiquette. It is an essential skill for any member of the royal family."

Cain, however, wasn't immediately convinced by the idea. He couldn't resist the temptation of the beautifully arranged tea set before him. With an eager but inexperienced hand, he reached for a teacup, took a sip, and promptly spat it out in a little fountain of tea, much to the tutor's quiet dismay.

Seeing his charge's innocent blunder, Master Beaumont calmly instructed, "Your Highness, let us try that again."

Cain, now wary of the unfamiliar taste and not wanting to repeat the unpleasant experience, protested with a childlike, "Don wanna."

Master Beaumont's response was swift, and it carried an unexpected sharpness. In an almost reflexive manner, he reached for a ruler that lay on the table beside him.


The sudden and unexpected discipline elicited a startled yelp from Cain, his eyes widening with a mixture of surprise and pain. The sting on his cheek seemed to bring instant clarity to his young mind.

'Where am I? What's happening'

With tears forming in the corners of his eyes, Cain looked down at his palm and then back at Master Beaumont. The tutor's eyes met his with a calm and unwavering gaze. There was no anger or malice in those emerald orbs, only an expectation of compliance.

'Dang he slapped me so hard I came back to my senses'

Cain glared at Master Beaumont while recollecting what had happened.

'Alright, etiquette lessons is it? That can't be too hard' 

Cain took a deep breath and, with a newfound determination, unclasped his little arms and placed his palms flat on the table.

Master Beaumont nodded in approval, acknowledging the young prince's understanding of the situation. "Very well, Your Highness. Let us proceed."

With his cheek still slightly tingling from the ruler's correction, Cain focused intently on the lesson. He watched every movement Master Beaumont made, from selecting the finest china teacup to properly holding the teapot's handle.

But alas, a few minutes later...


Cains hand recoiled in pain after receiving another slap, this one to the palm.

'What did I even do wrong?' Cain felt betrayed by the lack of warning. He had grasped the same tea cup as Master Beaumont so what was the problem?

"A member of the royal family should be able to use both hands equally," Master Beaumont explained seeing the confusion in Cains eyes.

"You put down the teapot with your right hand in order to reach for the tea cup. Use your left hand to poor the teapot and your right to grab the cup."

'That doesn't even make sense!' Cain exclaimed in his mind.

'How am I even expected to know any of this?'

However even while protesting his head the only words that came out of his mout was a polite "Yesh sir"

As the lesson continued, Cain's childlike reluctance gave way to a remarkable display of concentration and diligence. He mimicked Master Beaumont's actions with precision, demonstrating an innate ability to grasp the concepts of proper tea etiquette.

Master Beaumont couldn't help but be impressed by the young prince's transformation. The ruler's correction had indeed been a crucial turning point, but it was Cain's own determination and adaptability that shone through as he continued the lesson.

With each step of the lesson, from pouring tea to the correct way to hold a teacup and engage in polite conversation, Cain displayed a remarkable aptitude for etiquette that belied his age. He made a few mistakes along the way, as any child might, but with each correction, he grew more and more refined in his actions.

Master Beaumont, an expert in his field, found himself in the presence of an unusually quick learner. He guided Cain through the intricacies of proper tea etiquette, his initial reluctance replaced by an eagerness to learn and adapt. Cain was proving to be not only a prince but a promising student, one who had the potential to master the customs and decorum befitting his royal status.

Master Alistair Beaumont observed the young prince as the lesson drew to a close. Cain's initial reluctance had been replaced by a genuine eagerness to learn and adapt. However, the strain of the lesson, combined with the earlier emotional episode, had begun to take its toll. Cain's eyelids grew heavy, and his head began to droop as he struggled to stay awake.

Master Beaumont, perceptive and compassionate, recognized the signs of a tired and sleepy child. With a gentle smile, he said, "Your Highness, it appears that our lesson has taken its toll. You have done exceptionally well today. It is time for you to rest."

Cain, now fighting to keep his eyes open, nodded in agreement. "Naptime?"

"Yes, Your Highness," replied Master Beaumont, his voice carrying warmth and understanding. "Naptime."

With a final nod, Cain, the young prince of Dragonwyrm, rose from his seat, his movements now drowsy. He shuffled out of the study and made his way to his chambers, where he would soon be embraced by the comforting embrace of sleep.

As Cain settled into his crib and succumbed to the embrace of slumber, his mother, Empress Rosalina, joined Master Beaumont in the study. She regarded the tutor with a curious yet expectant gaze.

"So, Master Beaumont," she inquired, "how did it go?"

The tutor's expression remained composed as he offered his assessment. "Your Highness, during the first lesson, His Highness failed seventeen times, eight times in the second, and only twice in the third, for a total of twenty-seven errors."

Rosalina's eyes widened in surprise. "You mean?"

Master Beaumont nodded, his tone carrying a hint of admiration. "Yes, Your Highness. His Highness is a very talented child. I have never seen anyone pick up the intricacies of etiquette and decorum at such a rapid pace. Most children struggle to get through the first lesson, and they are usually more than twice his age."

A sense of pride and gratitude filled Rosalina's heart as she contemplated her son's extraordinary abilities. "That's remarkable. Thank you, Master Beaumont, for teaching him."

The tutor bowed respectfully. "It has been my pleasure, Your Highness."

With that, Master Alistair Beaumont took his leave, leaving the Empress alone in the study. She watched as her young son, Cain, slept peacefully in his crib, his innocent face devoid of the earlier determination and focus. A fond smile graced her lips as she whispered softly to herself, "You truly are an extraordinary child, my dear Cain. Even when as a human you show great potential." 

With a final, loving glance at her slumbering son, Empress Rosalina left the study to attend to her own duties as the Empress of Dragonwyrm. As she stepped out of the study, the palace corridors whispered tales of her son's exceptional talents and abilities. Word of the young prince's rapid progress in etiquette and decorum spread like wildfire, earning him respect and admiration even among the most seasoned courtiers.

Cain slept on unaware of the words his mother had spoken, as well as the rumors floating around about him in the palace.