
Dragonwyrm Academy

“Damnit truck-kun” After attempting to save the dark haired woman crossing the street he instead ended up getting hit with her. Looking at the frail woman dying in his arms Cain’s vision shifted to the book she was still clutching, [Tales of Dragonwyrm Academy]. “And screw you too damn book”

Nova_527 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Planning for the future

With that "amazing" revelation, Cain's mind wandered to how he was going to prepare for the challenges he might face in the future.

In the original novel, Cain, true to his name, was a prodigy spearman. He was a genius who had become the best spearman in the continent by the age of fifteen, renowned for his incredible skill with the weapon. However, he knew that his path might need to diverge from the original plot to ensure his survival.

Cain couldn't help but ponder which weapon would best suit him. He leaned against the window sill, gazing out at the sprawling palace gardens, deep in thought. 'What weapon should I use, though?' he mused in his head.

In his past life, weapons were a foreign concept to him. As a streamer, he had never engaged in martial training or combat. 'If only I hadn't ignored the army recruiter when they came into our class,' he thought regretfully.

'Should I use a spear like the original?' Cain questioned himself, considering the weapon he was known for in the original story. But after some consideration, he shook his head.

'If a spear would have worked the original Cain wouldn't have died in the first place.'

Cain pondered intently on how to defeat an enemy skilled with a bow, recognizing the unique challenges it presented. As he contemplated his options, several thoughts crossed his mind, but ultimately, only a few methods seemed feasible:

Evasion and Stealth: The first and most practical approach was to rely on evasion and stealth. Closing the distance quickly and silently would minimize the archer's chances of accurately targeting him. Cain knew that his agility and speed could be assets in this regard.

Sword and Shield: Equipping himself with a sword and shield appeared to be the most effective option. While a ranged weapon might seem tempting, he realized that trying to outshoot an opponent with thousands of years of experience was an unrealistic gamble. He also understood that the terrain was predetermined, leaving him with limited options for using the environment to his advantage.

Ally Manipulation: Cain considered using allies initially, but he was aware that his enemy possessed a hypnosis skill. This skill could easily turn his allies into foes, making them unreliable in a confrontation. Therefore, he couldn't rely on others to help him defeat the archer.

In the end, it became clear that evasion, stealth, and a sword-and-shield combination were his best bets for confronting an adept archer while taking into account the limitations and challenges posed by the situation. It was a strategy that would require careful planning, precise execution, and a reliance on his own abilities rather than external factors.

He glanced at his reflection in the mirror, thinking aloud, 'Yes, yes, I should go with the sword. It's totally the most useful choice. I'm not picking it because it's the coolest or anything.' Cain attempted to justify his decision, convincing himself that it was a practical choice.

'Now that I've come up with a plan, I guess all that's left to do is wait,'

After thinking coherently for a while it became to much for him as he closed his eyes, unintentionally drifting off into the realm of dreams. Cain continued to live a comfortable life as a toddler with his rare moments of clarity until his second birthday.

The morning of that special day, he received an unexpected surprise from his mother. Bursting into his room with excitement, Rosalina exclaimed, "Cain, Cain, guess what?"

Still groggy from sleep, Cain responded with a tired, "Wha?"

"The b*stard," she started,


"I meant your father is finally coming home!"

'Uh oh'

Cain's heart raced with anticipation as he heard the news of his father's imminent return. He had heard stories about Emperor Zephyr Dragonwyrm, but he couldn't deny the growing excitement in his chest. The idea of finally meeting the man who was not just his father but also the Emperor of Dragonwyrm filled him with a mix of emotions.

"Dada come back?" Cain asked, trying to contain his curiosity but failing miserably.

Rosalina, his mother, gave him a warm smile. She understood that this moment was significant for her son, even if it was tinged with uncertainty. "Yes, dear, he's coming back, that coward, took him 2 whole years."

Cain's exuberance waned slightly as he absorbed his mother's words. It was true; his father had been absent for most of his life. Emperor Zephyr was a distant figure, more of a legend than a presence. While Cain was excited, he couldn't ignore the fact that this reunion might be awkward.

'And dangerous'

"When Mama?" Cain asked, his curiosity piqued.

Rosalina smiled warmly at her son, her violet eyes filled with a mixture of emotions. Though they seemed to be filled mostly with rage. Cain shivered after seeing her glance.

"Today, my dear. He's arriving this afternoon. You'll finally get to meet your father, the Emperor of Dragonwyrm."

'That's not good'

Cain started panicking, he was nowhere near ready to face the emperor. In the novel the emperor was described as the epitome of power. One ruling over an entire continent full of kingdoms. The true king of kings and ruler of rulers. The strongest man on the continent was about to return.


As the hours passed, preparations for the Emperor's arrival were in full swing throughout the grand palace. Cain couldn't sit still, his anticipation and nervousness palpable. He toddled through the palace corridors, the echoes of his footsteps reverberating through the ornate halls. Even the usually stoic palace guards couldn't help but exchange knowing glances as they watched the young prince's restless energy.

Cain arrived at the empress's room and took a deep breath to collect himself before knocking on the door.

"Come in" A soft voice echoed from inside the room.

Cain opened the door as he reminisced. The moments he spent with his mother, Rosalina, were precious to him. She was the one constant in his life, a source of love and support. He should be able to use her as a shield against the emperor in case of any problems,

'She seems feisty enough anyways.'

He entered into a lavish chamber, surrounded by opulent gowns and regal accessories. The gowns shimmered with threads of gold and silver, a testament to the grandeur of the occasion.

Cain watched as his mother carefully selected an ornate necklace, her fingers tracing the intricate design. Her eyes held a mixture of pride and concern, and Cain couldn't help but sense the weight of her expectations.

"Mama, Dad will like me?" Cain's voice trembled with vulnerability, his youthful uncertainty shining through.

Rosalina's eyes softened, and she knelt down to meet her son at eye level. She cupped his cheek gently, her touch warm and reassuring. "Oh, my sweet boy, your father loves you deeply. But you have to remember, he's been away for a long time, and he might need some time to get to know you."

Cain nodded, trying to understand the complexity of the situation. He knew that love wasn't always enough to bridge the gap created by years of absence. His mother's words resonated with him, a reminder that the road ahead might not be as smooth as he had hoped.

As they continued to prepare for the welcoming ceremony, Cain couldn't help but steal glances at himself in the grand mirror. His reflection showed a young man with dark red hair that fell in disarray over his forehead, and amethyst-colored eyes that held a hint of apprehension. He was from Earth, with a mental age of twenty, but he stood in the opulent surroundings of Dragonwyrm, a world he was still learning to navigate.

He thought about his life on Earth, the familiarity of his apartment, and the comfort of his online persona as a streamer. He was a young adult who had suddenly found himself in a world of royalty and responsibility.

Cain's internal monologue was filled with questions and doubts. What role would he play in this grand ceremony? Would his father be proud of him? Could he find common ground with a man he hardly knew?

Rosalina sensed her son's internal struggle and pulled him into a comforting embrace.

"Cain, no matter what happens today, always remember that you are my son, and I love you. Your father will come to know the wonderful person you are in time."

Cain's heart warmed at his mother's words. He might be a stranger in this world, but the love and support of his mother were constants he could rely on.

As the day progressed, preparations were made throughout the palace for the Emperor's arrival. Thousands of guards in their gleaming armor lined the corridors, servants bustled about, and the atmosphere was charged with anticipation. The citizens outside the palace gates had gathered in even greater numbers, eager to catch a glimpse of their reclusive ruler.

The anticipation in the palace continued to mount as the hours passed, and the arrival of Emperor Zephyr Dragonwyrm drew nearer. Imperial Guards stood at attention along the corridors, their presence a symbol of the empire's might. Servants bustled about, ensuring that every detail was perfect for the welcoming ceremony.

In the heart of the palace, Cain and Rosalina were not alone in their preparations. Attendants dressed in regal attire fluttered around them like busy butterflies. They adjusted robes, straightened collars, and ensured that every accessory was in its rightful place. The air was filled with the scent of fragrant flowers and the murmur of whispered excitement.

As Cain watched his mother being attended to by the servants, he couldn't help but marvel at her grace and poise. She exuded an air of elegance that befitted her role as the Empress of Dragonwyrm. But beneath the regal exterior, he saw a mother who had faced challenges and uncertainties just like him.

Cain's mind continued to churn with thoughts. The impending reunion with his father weighed heavily on his mind. He couldn't deny the fear that had nestled in the pit of his stomach. What would it be like to meet the man who ruled an entire continent? Would he measure up to the Emperor's expectations?

Rosalina, ever perceptive, placed a reassuring hand on her son's shoulder.

Her presence was a lifeline in the sea of anxiety that threatened to overwhelm him. Cain nodded, trying to summon the courage to face what lay ahead.

As the day wore on, the palace seemed to come alive with anticipation. The grandeur of the preparations matched the significance of the moment. The throne room, where the welcoming ceremony would take place, was adorned with banners, tapestries, and the Dragonwyrm crest, a symbol of the empire's strength and unity.

The citizens outside the palace gates had gathered in even greater numbers, their excitement palpable. They had waited for this day, a rare glimpse of their reclusive ruler. The cheers and chants of the crowd could be heard even within the palace walls, a testament to the deep respect and admiration they held for Emperor Zephyr.

As the sun began its descent towards the horizon, casting a warm, golden hue over the palace, the moment finally arrived. The palace gates swung open with a sense of grandeur and purpose. The guards stood at attention, their armor gleaming in the sunlight.

And then, in the distance, a procession appeared. Trumpets blared a triumphant fanfare, announcing the Emperor's approach. Cain's heart raced as he stood alongside his mother, ready to welcome the man who had been absent from his life for so long.

Emperor Zephyr Dragonwyrm, the ruler of Dragonwyrm and the beacon of power and authority, rode at the forefront of the procession. His regal attire matched the splendor of the occasion, and the crown upon his head shone with an ethereal radiance.

As the Emperor's horse drew closer to the palace gates, Cain couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and trepidation. The moment of their reunion was at hand, and he had to summon all his courage to face the man who held the fate of an entire empire in his hands.

*Ba-thump Ba-thump*

Cain suddenly became aware of his own heartbeat which sounded exceptionally loud in that moment. It was all he could hear.

He could vaguely make out the sound of footsteps getting closer yet the sound of his heartbeat overpowered them. It kept getting louder. Louder! LOUDER!!!

The noise escalating out of controluntil a powerful voice broke through it all.

"Announcing the arrival of his imperial highness, the emperor, Zephir Dragonwyrm!"

The most powerful man the emperor, and Cain's father, had arrived.