
Dragon Sorcerer in One Piece

What would you do when you end up in a world full of adventure and great stories? What would you do when you obtain a power of 12 talismans from Jackie Chan Adventures? It's a new adventure for our main character David and he will witness stories he knew and interact with. Note: I grew up watching Jackie Chan Adventure and One Piece. This is fanfiction and the cover picture isn't mine but it looks awesome so I post it. Please support the original work of One Piece and Jackie Chan Adventure. Give me tips and advice on how to improve stories and world-building. Thank you

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Hitching a Ride

David was certain that Sengoku suspects something, this means he has to be very careful from now until he makes it to East Blue. David knew only a few pieces of information about Tequila Wolf, an ocean bridge that is still in construction for 700 years, and currently, they are located somewhere in the northern part of the East Blue. All this because 700 years ago some World Nobles ordered the construction to connect several islands together for amusement.

Finishing his thoughts, David needs to find a place so he can change to a different animal and hitch a ride in Garp's ship. Finding a dark quiet alley, David changed to a cat while being invisible just in case if he was caught in the middle of a transformation. While walking around like a normal cat, David didn't use the power of a snake because Marineford has strong people who can use observation haki, so if one of them senses an invisible cat walking around, that will be the end of his adventure and execution for him.

Leaving the alley, David heads towards the port's docking area, while looking for Garp's ship and marines running around searching for missing pirate prisoners. 'Good thing I purchased summoning beads, I wonder if there are other summoning items in the shop?' David thought as he arrived at a damaged and busy port, but for some reason, he couldn't find Garp's ship. It shouldn't be hard to find since Garp's ship has a figurehead of a dog with a bone in its mouth.

As David wanders around to find the ship, suddenly someone grabs him from behind and lifts him from the ground. Surprised and in a state of panic, David struggles to free himself, but the more he moves, it is difficult to escape. An unknown person turns a cat (David) around and says, "Wow, there buddy, what are you doing here?" David saw a man who held him, he was an old marine with purple hair and a stern face wearing glasses. David immediately knew this man, as he trained future three admirals and most of the vice admirals in the One Piece story. Instructor of marine and a former admiral, Black Arm Zephyr.


Zephyr's POV

While preparing for cadet's night training expedition, we were under attack by the Beasts Pirates. Luckily, Sengoku and Garp joined the battle and we quickly defeated our enemy without serious casualty. But this delayed my ship's departure, as cadets attend injured marines and I have to assess the damage situation, it was then I found a lost cat wandering around in the port.

"You don't have a collar on you, so you're not a house cat, maybe you hitched a ride from the previously arrived ship." I talk to the cat while examining if he was injured. As I finished checking the cat, two young cadets approached me and gave a report.

Female cadet with pink hair spoke first, "Instructor, all cadets are counted for and preparing for tonight's training expedition."

The male cadet with green hair and cigar in his mouth spoke next, "But it will take a few hours to depart since our ship got damaged during the battle."

I remember their name as cadet Hina and cadet Smoker, their records show impressive achievements as an enlisted. The only problem was that Smoker is a bit of a trouble maker while Hina for some reason spoke in a third person. Still, they show great potential as a marine, which is why they were recommended by their captain to receive officer training.

After listening to the report, I thought for a few seconds while petting the cat, 'Isn't Garp taking a vacation soon? Going to East Blue through the Calm Belt? Maybe I can salvage this and we can depart Marineford in time, not to mention it is a good teaching opportunity for cadets about Navy ship'

Finishing my thought, I passed the cat to Hina and said, "We will leave the base as scheduled, bring all the cadets and report to Vice-Admiral Garp's ship, I will speak to him and make the arrangement." Finishing giving instruction to two cadets, I use soru to find Garp.


Hina's POV

With instructor Zephyr gone, Hina asks Smoker while awkwardly holding the cat, "Why did the instructor give his cat to Hina? Do we take this cat with us?"

"Who knows, maybe he wants you to take care of it while we are in the expedition, you know, one of those babysitting training." Smoker grunty replies and starts to walk away, while Hina holds the cat in her arms and follows him to report back to their comrades.


Garp's POV

Garp's ship, one hour later

Garp wasn't happy, one hour ago he was about to depart and enjoy his vacation when suddenly Zephyr came out of nowhere. Somehow, Zephyr learned about my vacation and decided to hijack my ship since his own ship was damaged from the earlier battle. The worst part is, he used the favor I owed him when I declined his request. In the end, I allow him and his cadets to board my ship so they can finish their training.

With irritation, I told Zephyr, "We are now even, you better not ruin my vacation while training your cadets."

Zephyr laughs while teasing his old friend, "Don't worry Garp, my students will be a perfect marine and learn from the 'Garp the Hero' while observing how you take command in your ship." With a smile on his face, Zephyr walked away to instruct his students, meanwhile a pink hair cadet boarded the ship while carrying a cat.

End of POV


David the cat was confused as he was being carried by Hina and boarding the ship that he previously couldn't find before. His situation was comical, but at the same time, he was relieved when he saw Z still having his right arm and teaching the next generation of marine officers. This also meant Z already lost his wife and son to the pirate and dedicated his life to making his marine 'Hero'.

For David, Z is one of his favorite characters as he is a tragic hero in his own movie and master of hand to hand combat. Garp and Z are the only marines who fight with armament haki against powerful enemies without eating devil fruit, which makes them the most badass marines in the One Piece.

'I think this trip just got more interesting, not to mention young Smoker and young Hina is here on the ship. Wait, does this mean I change the course of history? Since it was my action that damaged Z's ship?' With philosophical thought, David wondered if he should prevent certain characters' tragic future events.

He already changed Rosinante's death by leaving a note about Vergo's true identity, so at this point, the story plot for Law and Straw Hat's Punk Hazard arc will be different. 'Maybe things will turn out better, who knows? I will just go with the flow.' Finishing his thought, David took comfort in Hina's bosom and slowly fell asleep.

When David woke up, he was on top of the table laying on towels next to Hina's hammock where she was already asleep. Looking at the clock, it was 2 am in the morning, remembering his conflict, David decided to use sheep talisman and make a small change.

David was floating in astral projection as a cat looking for Z's room. If he can possess Z's dream, there is a chance he could interact and give a warning regarding pirates who will take his right arm. 15 minutes later, David found Z sleeping in his bed, so right away he jumped in and entered Z's dream.

To add Z, I had to double-check if my story fit with Z's. It turns out after a few calculations the current year 1509 matches with Z's storyline.

*If Z was born in the year 1450

*Lost his family at age of 41, in the year 1491

*Lost his right arm at age of 64, in the year 1514

*Left marine at age of 70, in the year 1520

*At the current year 1509, Z is age 59 still teaching at


Also, Hina and Smoker should be around the age of 19, in the year 1509.

This is based on my calculation so it's non-canon, but I'm story fits together in the end.

ElJonsoncreators' thoughts