
Swords vs Devils 2

Sensing my suppression, Tang San quickly reacted, a light blue aura was emitted by him covering all Shrek. "There's too much difference between us, in comprehension and spirit rank" Bai's domain quickly started dispersing Tang San's domain, easily showing that Bai's was far superior. Tang San could only retract his domain and try to defend only himself.

Mubai's rings shined, his muscles grew bigger and white fur covered him "Roarrr!" He roared emitting white light and lowering Bai's suppression, even if it was only a little. All the others revolted their soul energy trying to resist.

Bai's left sword disappeared while he lifted his right sword, pointing it at the sky. The sword started shining "<All Sword: Retaliation>!" the sword dissolved in particles, 50 meters around Bai the air turned white, covering all Shrek's members.

Shrek's members prepared themselves and looked cautiously at Bai. In contrast to what they expected, this new seemingly domain didn't affect them at all, the truth was that the previous elemental domain had lowered its intensify and it was easier for them to stand up. Knowing that something was wrong, they became even more cautious.

"Sigh" Bai shook his head seeing his rivals not moving "It seems that I'll need to start". Lightning surged all around his body. This lightning was stronger than before being boosted by the All Sword, being formed by Life, it has great support abilities. Bai dashed towards Mubai who was the nearest, flames exploding from his left hand as he punched towards him.

Mubai's rings shined "<5th skill: White Tiger Devilgod Transformation>" his muscles bulged, fur started growing around his body, his hand became claws and all his hair became white. He crossed his hands, blocking Bai's strike. Thanks to his skill boost of strength and defense power, supported by Rongrong, he could stop Bai's attack relatively easy, realizing that it was weaker than his swords attack.

Mubai didn't lose time, two figures appeared at Bai's side. They were over 3 meters humans that resembled bipedal tigers, they were the guardian mode of Mubai's skills, thanks to his 6th skill he was able to create avatars from his White Tiger Devilgod and White Tiger Vajra. Both tigers jumped at Bai trying to lock him.

Bai simply grinned and opened his hands accepting the attacks, both tigers blocking his position.

Zhuqing charged at Bai while her rings shined, her claws grew and nine shadows of her appeared behind her. She unleashed a barrage of attacks, slashing not stop at the immobile Bai, each attack was followed by the nine attacks of her shadows, but her attacks were unable to damage Bai. It was very strange, she couldn't feel any resistance from Bai's body, it was like cutting the air but he was undoubtedly there as her claws couldn't go over.

Over Bai, Xiao Wu appeared teleporting. She lifted her right leg that started glowing with a pink aura. She fell over Bai kicking Bai's head, even with her monstrous strength, the most that could he do was move Bai's head 2 centimeters. Xiao Wu had the same feeling as Zhuqing, her attack seeming to hit almost without any resistance.

"Let's see if you can ignore this, Bai!" Chenxiang said smiling. Her rings shined and crystal feathers started forming all around her, a long beak grew at her mouth as her wings doubled their size, this was Chenxiang's Spirit Avatar "Crrrr!" She munched some pink sausage at the same time that a nine-colored light fell over her, increasing her spirit energy and overall attributes. Her wings shined brightly, and the light started focusing as more than 20 little dots "<Photon Rain>!"

Each dot became light rays that shot to Bai, using her Spirit Avatar, each ray was twice as powerful that without it, this without taking account of the increase in numbers.

Mubai's guardians stepped back at the same time that a Silver-Blue Grass Cage grew around Bai, locking him. Bai ignored it as he looked at Chenxiang's attack curiously "This could become a problem" he said before being engulfed by the rain. The Photon rain fell with a blindly light making difficult to see what happened inside.

Once the rain stopped, Bai stood there with the right arm lifted. His right hand was all black with burns as it had received the blunt force of the attack. He turned to Chenxiang and warmly smiled "Congratulations. You really worked hard" he sighed "To be able to go over my All Sword"

He looked at his hand and shooked it, dead burn skin fell showing a completely cured hand. Then, he turned to Shrek's members "Let me teach you something. It's elemental physic, all action at a body creates a reaction with equal strength and opposite direction from that body" A white sword formed at his right hand "You created the actions, experiment the reactions"

In a blink of an eye, he crossed all Shrek's members, appearing at Rongrong's side. He lifted his sword and lightly pocked at his sister's forehead with the sword handle. He smiled at his sister "I think that this is one down". Rongrong fell to her knees as she touched her forehead with a surprised face.

All Shrek was flabbergasted, his speed was so incredible that they were unable to react, in the blink of an eye he had passed all of them and was able to attack their support. Even Xiao Wu teleporting had a lag between her attacks so that it could be countered and suppose her position, but Bai's was simply a high speed and swift dash.

Bai turned to the others "Of course, strength can become speed" He charged again, this time even if it was very fast, it could at least be seen.

"Mubai!" shouted Tang San. Mubai swiftly reacted, he with his two guardians jumping at Bai.

Bai made a circular slash at the guardians, even when they were prepared and crossed their arms trying to stop the attack, it was a futile intent. Bai's slash cut through them, slicing both in two. He put his weight to his right foot as he twisted his body, spinning 180º and kicking Mubai with his left foot "With this, two downs" Mubai was shot away while vomiting blood crashing to the ground more than 30 meters away.

Suddenly, Bai found himself surrounded by 4 Zhuqings, each from one side. Each Zhuqing's claws grew as they charged to Bai. Bai swung swiftly his sword stopping each claw, his movements were precise and seemed like he was dancing. He stepped forward, letting the 4 Zhuqings behind, without even turning behind, he hit with the hilt of his sword at one of the Zhuqing's neck.

The one hit fell down unconscious while the other disappeared "And this makes three"

"Burn!" a fire blast was shot to Bai by Hongjun who was flying with his wings. Bai looked at the fire completely unimpressive "Such a weak fire" Bai said "Normal that he would never become the fire god" this last part for himself". At Bai's left hand appeared one of his Twin Colored Treasure Sword, this one shined with a red color. The fire blast was instantly absorbed by this sword, it circled around the sword forming a fire tornado, not only that, it became brighter and stronger. Bai pointed the sword at Hongjun returning his attack now empowered "Your fire comprehension lacks too much".

Hongjun was engulfed by the flames and fell to the ground surrounded by it, even with his great fire resistance he was being burned. Bai's own fire comprehension was stronger than Hongjun, even Hongjun's flames seemed to reveal against him. The biggest counter to one element is not an opposite one, it's the same but stronger. "Four down"

At Bai's back, some feathers were shot. The feathers were shot by Chenxiang, however, they were unable to pierce Bai's defense and slowly fell to the ground. Bai twisted his body, his left sword glowing with a transparent color "<Dimensional Slash>!>" he slashed towards Chenxiang. From the sword, a blade was shot, it seemed to cut the space around it.

Chenxiang twisted her body, closing her wings and spinning to her right side evading the slash. However, as the slash passed next to her, Bai left from it. He had disappeared from his previous position and suddenly appeared from his attack. He opened his arms and caught Chenxiang who due to her evade was unable to resist. He caught her in his arms, carrying her in a princess carry.

Having locked her, he slowly fell. Landing to the ground, his eyes pierced her, he leaned to her and lightly kissed her lips "We will need to talk alone later" Bai said letting her standing. He turned to San "And five down".

As he was approaching San, Xiao Wu teleported at his back and kicked him. Bai twisted his body, blocking Xiao Wu's attack with his sword. Bai pushed her aside and thrust his sword at her. Xiao Wu tried to teleport again, but found herself unable to do, in Bai's All Sword she only was able to teleport because he let her.

Before the sword was about to pierce her, Bai twisted his ankle, the tip of the sword changing its trajectory, piercing between her legs. The sword that continued with a transparent glow, let a physical afterimage, a true sword at its place as it retreated. Bai made 5 more quick stabs, encasing Xiao Wu between swords, completely locking her movements "6".

All Swords had the power to influence the world around them, forcing the will of the world to the user, being capable of controlling the world and changing its laws. In Bai's case, his All Sword, let him control the action and reaction. He was protected from any attack while everyone inside the All Sword found themselves without any resistance, not even the air. They could sense themselves even stronger than usual. Bai's would accumulate all these force reactions and then used them when and how he seems more convenient.

Of course, even if it was a very strong skill, it wasn't like it was without flaws. If someone had high control over the world as Renxue's Truth, he wouldn't be affected by it, his attack being normal. There was also the case of one attack so strong that overpowered Bai's defense. In that case, the attack would be able to overcharged the All Sword and make some damage to Bai, but even in this case, Bai's would obtain the maximum reaction from his All Sword, only receiving the leftovers while he could use its strength. So for an attack to truly be able to damage a prepared Bai, it should be at least twice strong as the All Sword's defense.

Having charged his All Sword with Shrek Eight Devils's attacks, Bai had won over 6 of them in less than 15 seconds, with shocking speed, strength, and technique.

Bai looked at Tang San's eyes as the white area retracted to him, returning and forming his other twin sword at Bai's right hand. "Tang San" he said slowly "You really pissed me off" his face contorted "Always doing what you think is better and forcing it to the others, thinking that you're always right and do the best" he rambled "Do you know why I didn't hit you before?" he paused for a moment "I was always wary for your father, but if I'm right now he won't be in any condition to fight" seeing Tang San's shocked face, Bai knew that he was right "I will take revenge of you now. And I will not stop until a beat you into a pulp" Bai signaled at Mubai and Hongjun "They will seem perfectly fine comparing with you" Bai grinned "Finally, I would act as my heart content"

"Try it!" Tang San glanced at Bai with a decisive, powerful look, the Deathgod Domain surrounding him, making his impression even stronger.

While Tang San and Bai glanced at each other prepared to fight, Oscar was far of them, slowly retracting himself from both, trying to escape from their fight. Suddenly, Bai turned his head towards Oscar "Don't think that I forgot about you. I'm not so idiot to not realize your and my sister's looks. If you like her, show your bravery. You will need to pass over me if you want something with my sister" Bai turned again to Tang San "You even have a helper"

Oscar seems to doubt for a second, but he quickly made up his mind and decisively looked at Bai, prepared to fight. He looked at Tang San and received a nod from him, he returned to Bai "I will show all my determination!" he shouted.

Bai grinned viciously "Let's see how many bones I will break".

Some days without writing, sorry. Here you have and over 2000 words chapter.

I could have written more, but maybe it's the start of the famous Writer Block, let's see how I continue. I will try to post tomorrow.

picacocreators' thoughts