

What would happen if you were brought into a world that hated you from your first breath, your parents abandoning you at birth. How would you feel? Sora is a 12 year old boy who was abandoned by his parents at birth, he was hated by everything around him and the government stopped at nothing to put him back in order. All that Sora wanted was to become the number one magic user in the world. He wanted to be someone that everyone could rely on and someone that protects the ones he cares about the most. How will he be able to overcome the obstacles he faces? How will he be able to save everyone that he holds dear and become the number one magic user? DETHRONED.

Mazou · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
98 Chs

The First Mission (4)

As I crumpled to the ground, my body trembling with exhaustion, a surge of frustration coursed through me. How could I let myself falter now? The weight of my determination bore down on me, refusing to let me surrender.

Remi, her voice laced with concern, rushed to my side, her hand gently resting on my shoulder. "Sora, don't give in. We're in this together."

Her words breathed new life into my weary spirit, reigniting the dwindling flame within me. I mustered the last remnants of strength, pushing myself up from the ground. With gritted teeth and determination burning in my eyes, I faced Patrick once more.

He scoffed, arrogance dripping from every pore. "You still cling to futile hope? How amusing."

Zion stepped forward, his fiery gaze locking onto our formidable adversary. "Hope is not futile when it is fortified by our unwavering unity," he declared, his voice carrying a resolute conviction.

The air crackled with tension as we circled Patrick, each step deliberate, our movements synchronized in a display of unwavering resolve. This was no longer a mere fight; it had transformed into a battle of wills, a clash of ideologies, and the stakes were higher than ever.

Patrick lunged, his newfound strength fueling his strikes. With lightning-fast reflexes, I parried his blows, each clash reverberating through the air. Remi unleashed a barrage of spells, her magic pulsating with an intensity matched only by her unwavering determination.

Zion, the embodiment of unwavering calm amidst the chaos, unleashed his own brand of magic. Flames erupted around him, twisting and dancing to his will. "Inferno Surge!" he commanded, directing a torrent of searing flames towards Patrick.

But Patrick, fueled by his twisted conviction, deflected the fiery onslaught with ease. He reveled in the challenge, his laughter echoing through the battleground.

Undeterred, we regrouped, our collective strength bolstered by our unbreakable bond. We had faced countless trials together, and this would be no different. We summoned every ounce of courage, knowing that failure was not an option.

As the clash of metal and magic resounded through the air, the forest around us seemed to hold its breath, as if the very elements were bearing witness to our struggle. The ground beneath us trembled, mirroring the intensity of our battle.

With each strike, each spell cast, the determination within us burned brighter. We refused to yield, refused to accept defeat. This battle was not just for Oliver's sake; it was a testament to our unwavering spirit, a defiance against those who sought to trample upon our convictions.

Time seemed to blur as we fought, each passing moment etching deeper lines of exhaustion on our faces. But our will remained unbroken, our resolve unyielding. We pressed on, locked in an intricate dance of blades, magic, and indomitable spirit.

And then, in a crescendo of determination, our collective strength coalesced into a final, desperate gambit. Our movements synchronized, our attacks perfectly timed, we launched a relentless assault upon Patrick, channeling every ounce of our being into a final, climactic strike.

The world seemed to hold its breath as our blades clashed with an explosive force, magic surged, and the battlefield erupted into a blinding cascade of light and energy. The ground trembled beneath us, and for a fleeting moment, time stood still.

When the brilliance dissipated, and the dust settled, we found ourselves standing amidst the aftermath. Patrick, once a formidable foe, lay defeated before us. His aura of rage had dissipated, replaced by a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes.

As Patrick lay on the ground, his face twisted in pain and defeat, his gaze met ours with a mix of resentment and frustration. We stood over him, our figures towering above him like looming specters, our presence a reminder of the pestilence he had become.

Turning my attention away from him, I focused on Remi as she rushed to Oliver's side, removing the tape that had bound his voice. With a relieved sigh, Oliver regained his ability to speak, his voice tinged with bewilderment. "What the hell just happened..."

My gaze shifted back to Patrick, who attempted to rise, his broken form struggling against the weight of his injuries. Drawing upon the wellspring of mana within me, I channeled its energy into my leg, imbuing it with a radiant power. Swift and precise, my foot connected with his ribs, shattering them on his right side, forcing him back down to the ground. "Stay on the ground," I commanded, my voice laced with a cold determination.

Zion turned his eyes toward me, his expression mirroring the question that lingered in my mind. "Should we kill him?" he asked, his voice filled with a mix of uncertainty and a thirst for justice.

For a fleeting moment, my thoughts darkened with vengeance, my eyes narrowing with a singular purpose. But then, a surge of clarity washed over me, grounding me in the reality of our choices. "No," I declared firmly, my voice resonating with the weight of my conviction. "Everyone here should live. Let's make our way to the Khyuka Empire and leave this chapter behind us."

Zion nodded in agreement, and together, we began our journey toward the Khyuka Empire. We walked in unison, taking breaks when needed but never wavering in our determination to reach our destination. As the miles passed beneath our feet, relief settled upon us like a warm embrace. The weight of the battle lifted, and we allowed ourselves a moment of respite, knowing that the end was within reach.

Finally, we arrived at the gates of the Khyuka Empire, a bastion of solace and security. Each of us exhaled a collective sigh of relief, a testament to the arduous path we had traversed. We had finally found our way home, a place where we could rest, heal, and rediscover the tranquility that had eluded us for far too long.

Oliver, grateful for our unwavering support, bowed his head and graced us with a heartfelt smile. "Thank you for everything you have done for me. I will make sure to repay this debt that I have been given."

Laughter bubbled up from within me, a resounding echo of camaraderie. "Oliver, my friend, there is no debt to repay. We undertook this task because it was entrusted to us by Williams. You owe us nothing."

Oliver nodded, his gratitude shining brightly in his eyes. As we bid him farewell and were provided with fresh horses, it was time to embark on the final leg of our journey homeward. The road stretched before us, winding and promising, leading us back to the place where our hearts belonged.