

What would happen if you were brought into a world that hated you from your first breath, your parents abandoning you at birth. How would you feel? Sora is a 12 year old boy who was abandoned by his parents at birth, he was hated by everything around him and the government stopped at nothing to put him back in order. All that Sora wanted was to become the number one magic user in the world. He wanted to be someone that everyone could rely on and someone that protects the ones he cares about the most. How will he be able to overcome the obstacles he faces? How will he be able to save everyone that he holds dear and become the number one magic user? DETHRONED.

Mazou · Fantasy
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98 Chs

The First Mission (3)

The bandits charged relentlessly, an overwhelming force closing in on us. They seemed countless, a mass that threatened to engulf us completely. Amidst the chaos, I turned my gaze to Zion, seeing determination in his eyes.

"RING FROM HELL!" he shouted, and instantly, a swirling inferno erupted around us, engulfing the air in fire and smoke. The crackling heat formed a protective barrier, holding the bandits at bay and giving us time to regroup and prepare for the impending clash.

"We need a plan; this ring won't hold them back for long," I urgently implored, searching desperately for a solution to avert the looming doom.

With resolve in her voice, Remi stepped forward, her eyes shining with determination. "I'll use Luminous Enigma to disorient them and free Oliver."

Nodding in agreement, I braced myself for the ensuing chaos. The ring of fire subsided, and Remi swiftly chanted the incantation of "Luminous Enigma," casting a radiant veil that confused the senses of the surrounding bandits. In those disorienting moments, we maneuvered through the bewildered attackers, inching closer to our captive comrade.

Yet, amidst the disarrayed horde, their leader remained steadfast, unaffected by Remi's enchantment. He embodied their vile cause, his fists glowing with an aura of rage. "MOVE ASIDE!" I shouted, my voice filled with determination.

I watched in disbelief as his charged fist, swirling with furious energy, struck with devastating force, sending me crashing into a tree trunk, pain coursing through my battered body.

Zion's eyes blazed with resolve as he summoned his unique magic. "FLASH FLAME!" he cried, conjuring a searing burst of fire that pierced through the leader's shoulder, forcing him to his knees and shattering his confidence.

Summoning my remaining strength, I struggled to my feet, a defiant glint in my eyes as I hobbled towards the fallen leader, standing over him like an indomitable force. "We won't let you defeat us," I declared, my voice filled with resolve.

His laughter rang hollow, unperturbed by my defiance. "You think you can scare me? You're nothing but insignificant!" he sneered, his contemptuous gaze fixed upon me.

Rising to his feet, he seized me and Zion by the neck, slamming us mercilessly into the ground. Remi, wielding her mana-fueled sword, delivered a desperate strike that found its mark in his side.

Pain wracked my weary body, but the flames of vengeance burned within me. I wouldn't let him escape unscathed. If he pushed me, I would be the one to end his life.

As he loomed over me, reveling in his perceived superiority, I gritted my teeth, mustering my strength. "Get up! We're far from finished," he taunted, his voice dripping with sadistic pleasure.

Surrounded by a blazing forest, littered with unconscious foes, it was now a battleground with only him and us. This was the ultimate trial, the climactic confrontation that would determine the fate of Oliver and ourselves.

Drawing upon an indomitable spirit, I rose to my full height, locking eyes with him as he launched another attack. Swift as a shadow, I evaded his strike, using Absolve to bind his hands behind his back, restricting his movements.

"Hear the roar of my fiery wrath!" Zion bellowed, his voice resonating with unrestrained power. "HEAT BLAST!" A tempest of scorching flames engulfed our nemesis, but he emerged unscathed, tearing free from the restraints.

A chilling chuckle escaped his lips as he revealed his true name with sinister amusement. "My name is Patrick."

The three of us stepped back, determination etched upon our faces as we prepared for the final showdown. Patrick's gaze pierced us with malevolence, his stance shifting into one of deadly precision as he readied himself to unleash his formidable might.

Unyielding, I conjured another blade, a weapon shaped by years of strife and unwavering resolve. Remi intensified her sword with magic, each shimmering thread a testament to her determination. Together, we charged at Patrick, our weapons slashing through the air with deadly intent. Yet, he deftly evaded our blows, his movements fluid and calculated.

As we continued our relentless assault, my mind raced, seeking inspiration amidst the chaos. And then it struck, a daring notion. Slapping my hand against the scorched earth, I conjured Light Roots in a desperate attempt to ensnare Patrick's legs. But the agile leader easily evaded the entangling tendrils, sidestepping the desperate maneuver.

Undeterred, we pressed on, unwavering in our pursuit of victory. The clash of weapons and the crackle of unleashed magic reverberated through the forest as our determination clashed against Patrick's resolve. This battle would be won with the indomitable spirit burning within our hearts and the unwavering unity of our fellowship.

As the battle raged on, Patrick's frustration grew, evident in his every move. "I believe it's time we put an end to this little spar and get serious," he sneered.

As we distanced ourselves from him, his eyes surveyed our group, a malevolent smile stretching across his face. A crimson aura enveloped him, and his cries of rage pierced the air. "True Retribution." In an instant, he transformed, growing taller and more muscular. This new form seemed to amplify not only his agility but also his raw strength.

Amidst the chaos, Zion remained unfazed, the least anxious among the three of us. He slapped us both back to reality with a forceful command. "WAKE UP, DAMN IT!"

Overwhelmed by exhaustion, I gagged and struggled to catch my breath, my consciousness teetering on the edge of fading away.

"Sora...?" Remi's concerned gaze locked onto me as I stumbled unsteadily.

Patrick seized the opportunity to mock me in my weakened state. "Have you given up, Sora?"

I glared at him, my eyes filled with a burning hatred, but my body could no longer fight. Finally, succumbing to my overwhelming exhaustion, I collapsed.