

What would happen if you were brought into a world that hated you from your first breath, your parents abandoning you at birth. How would you feel? Sora is a 12 year old boy who was abandoned by his parents at birth, he was hated by everything around him and the government stopped at nothing to put him back in order. All that Sora wanted was to become the number one magic user in the world. He wanted to be someone that everyone could rely on and someone that protects the ones he cares about the most. How will he be able to overcome the obstacles he faces? How will he be able to save everyone that he holds dear and become the number one magic user? DETHRONED.

Mazou · Fantasy
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98 Chs

The First Mission (Epilogue)

The journey back home proved less daunting than our initial trek to the Khyuka Empire, taking a mere five days compared to the arduous three weeks it had taken us before. By the time we returned, our wounds had faded, barely noticeable and unlikely to raise any concerns.

As we entered the Xuidian Kingdom, Williams greeted us at the gate, offering congratulations on our successful mission. "How was the first mission?" he inquired.

"Terrible," I replied, rolling up my shirt to reveal the scars inflicted upon me. "We were surrounded by over 100 bandits losing and we almost died. They held Oliver hostage, almost killing him too."

Williams appeared shocked, his surprise evident. "I'm sorry. I should have sent more experienced individuals to handle the situation. It was reckless on my part."

Remi stepped in, providing solace and reassurance. "You don't need to apologize, Williams. You couldn't have predicted what happened. We learned and grew stronger through this experience."

Williams's expression softened, gratitude replacing his initial guilt. The three of us had formed a bond during our trials, and that connection was unbreakable. We had faced danger head-on and emerged stronger, ready to tackle whatever challenges lay ahead.

Williams nodded, his expression filled with gratitude. "Thank you, Remi. I'm glad to see that you all made it back safely. You have shown great resilience and strength in the face of adversity."

Zion, who had been standing silently, observing the conversation, finally spoke up. "Indeed, it was a challenging journey, but we emerged stronger and more determined than ever. We proved ourselves capable of handling difficult situations."

A sense of pride swelled within me as I reflected on our accomplishments. We had overcome numerous trials, fought against formidable odds, and emerged victorious. I looked at Remi, feeling a deep sense of camaraderie and gratitude for her unwavering support.

Williams smiled warmly, his earlier concern gradually transforming into admiration. "I couldn't be prouder of what you've achieved. You have proven yourself to be an exceptional individual, capable of fulfilling crucial tasks. The kingdom owes you a debt of gratitude."

Remi's face lit up with a mixture of pride and relief. "Thank you, Williams. It was a challenging mission, but we worked together and managed to accomplish our objectives."

Williams turned to me, his gaze filled with appreciation. "And Sora, your combat skills and leadership were instrumental in the success of the mission. You have truly grown into a remarkable warrior."

I felt a surge of gratitude and determination. "Thank you, Williams. I'm grateful for the opportunity and the trust you've placed in us. We will continue to serve the kingdom with unwavering loyalty."

As we stood there, basking in the acknowledgment of our achievements, a sense of purpose filled the air. We had proven ourselves capable, not just in surviving the dangers of our journey, but in accomplishing the mission entrusted to us. Our bond as a team had grown stronger, and we were ready for the next challenge that awaited us.

Williams extended his hand towards us, a gesture of respect and solidarity. "Congratulations on a job well done. Rest and recover for now, but know that there are more tasks ahead. The Xuidian Kingdom relies on your skills and dedication."

Just like that, Williams guided us back to the school, our journey back filled with a sense of relief and accomplishment. As we arrived, a sea of faces greeted us, a vibrant mix of students and faculty, all gathered to welcome us back from our first successful mission. Their cheers and applause filled the air, resonating with a sense of awe and admiration. It was a rare occurrence for individuals our age to embark on such dangerous missions, and the magnitude of our achievement was not lost on anyone.

Smiling, I waved at the enthusiastic crowd, their cheers washing over me like a warm embrace. The sound of clapping hands and joyful whistles swelled in the air, a symphony of celebration. We were being hailed as heroes, their excitement fueling our spirits. It was a moment I would cherish, the culmination of our dedication and bravery.

Williams, always the charismatic figure, whistled sharply, commanding everyone's attention. The crowd hushed, their eyes fixed on him, eager to hear his words. His voice rang out with authority, cutting through the silence.

"I would like everyone to show their appreciation for our new official members of the Mages of Xuidian," he announced, his voice carrying a sense of pride. "Their efforts did not go unnoticed, and they displayed unwavering dedication in the face of adversity. Let us applaud them one more time!"

The applause erupted once again, a thunderous roar of support and admiration. Smiles lit up the faces of my friends, and even Zion, whose stoic demeanor rarely cracked, couldn't help but let a smile grace his lips. We basked in the euphoria of that moment, knowing that we had earned this recognition. It was a validation of our abilities and a testament to our potential.

After the ceremony, life at school resumed its familiar rhythm. I found myself back in class, surrounded by classmates engrossed in their studies. Yet, amidst the routine, a sense of anticipation lingered within me. Little did I know, another twist awaited me on this extraordinary journey.

Soon enough, I received a summons to the principal's office, the corridor stretching before me like a pathway to the unknown. Passing familiar faces, some of whom recognized me from the recent mission, I made my way, their curious gazes following me.

Finally, I reached the office, a mixture of trepidation and curiosity coursing through my veins. Williams greeted me with a warm smile and ushered me inside, where I settled into a chair, the room steeped in a veil of intrigue.

"Welcome back, Sora," Williams began, his voice exuding a mix of congratulations and admiration. "Congratulations once again on your successful mission."

I nodded, acknowledging his words. The suspense in the air was palpable, and I couldn't help but wonder why I had been called here again. Williams chuckled, breaking the tension.

"But enough with the small talk," he said, his tone becoming more serious. "I have an opportunity for you, one that showcases the extent of your abilities and offers a more specialized role within the school."

I leaned forward, my interest piqued. A specialized role? I had never contemplated the possibilities that awaited me.

"And what role would that be?" I inquired, eager to unravel this new path he presented.

Williams leaned back, his gaze fixed on me, his words measured. "It's a special group, comprised of individuals with exceptional talents that not only rival but even surpass yours. We call it the Guardian Society. And I believe you would be a perfect fit."

A surge of excitement and uncertainty coursed through me. The Guardian Society—a secret group, shrouded in mystery, dedicated to protecting the kingdom from unimaginable threats. It was a chance

to harness my abilities further and make a difference on a larger scale.

I paused, contemplating the weight of the offer. As much as I longed to be a hero, to dive headfirst into this clandestine world, a pang of caution tugged at my heart. I was not even thirteen yet, and the consequences of such a commitment needed careful consideration.

"Williams, I appreciate the offer," I began, my voice laced with hesitation. "But I think I need more time. I'm not sure if I'm ready to embrace this level of responsibility at such a young age. I want to be a part of something greater, but I must weigh the consequences and think about my future."

He sighed, understanding evident in his eyes. "Thank you for your honesty. Just remember, the Guardian Society is an incredibly secretive group. You must never speak a word of our conversation today. The consequences could be dire, not just for you but for everyone involved."

I swallowed hard, nodding in acknowledgment. The weight of the secret settled upon my shoulders, and I understood the gravity of the situation. Sometimes, the path to heroism required more than just courage—it demanded wisdom and a thorough understanding of one's own limitations.

As I left the office, the echoes of our conversation lingered in my mind. I knew I had made the right choice for now, prioritizing my growth and readiness. The journey to becoming a true guardian of the kingdom would continue, and when the time was right, I would seize that opportunity with unwavering determination.