
Demon Magus

In a world ravaged by the relentless assault of otherworldly beings known as the Oceros, humanity found itself teetering on the brink of extinction. Despite the formidable magic wielded by humans and the assistance of powerful beast weapons, the tide of the war remained perilously balanced. It became evident that a new strategy was imperative to ensure the survival of the human race. Enter the Beast Tamers, heralds of a revolutionary concept that would alter the course of the conflict — the creation of Hybrids. Combining the essence of both human and beast, these Hybrids manifested extraordinary powers that surpassed conventional magic. Their emergence proved to be the turning point in the war, as they pushed back the Oceros with unparalleled strength. Yet, the respite was but fleeting. The looming threat of renewed tension prompted humans to expand their Hybrid initiative, turning to powerful organizations and adept Beast Tamers to create a formidable Hybrid army. However, in a society driven by inequality, only the privileged few could access the services of renowned Beast Tamers. Born into the chaos of war, Gavin Elsher faced the harsh reality of his family's impoverished circumstances. Driven by necessity, he delved into the shadows, becoming a skilled thief navigating the perilous streets. Little did he know that a pivotal moment awaited him, one that would not only alter the course of his life but also shape the destiny of the entire human race. A seemingly ordinary theft led Gavin to an extraordinary discovery — the Demon System. As the enigmatic powers of the system unfurled before him, Gavin found himself thrust into a world of unforeseen consequences, where the line between humanity and Hybridhood blurred. Now, burdened with newfound abilities and unforeseen responsibilities, Gavin stands at the precipice of a conflict that transcends worlds, as the echoes of war reverberate across dimensions. \[Congratulations you have successfully unlocked the Demon System\]

EMUAKHE · Fantasi
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13 Chs


Gavin awoke to the faint hum of fluorescent lights, surrounded by the no one else but the students he had come across during his journey here, The plastic chair beneath him groaned as he sat up, taking in the sights of everyone in the room, some were already awake, or engaged in conversations about how they went from thr bus to the white room and since they where in the large room they were in it really wasnt hard to listen to their conversations.

Gavin's gaze shifted forward, and through the slightly ajar door, he could see the figure of the teacher entering the room. The atmosphere in the training ground subtly shifted as a hush fell over the occupants, their attention collectively turning towards the door.

The teacher, a commanding presence with an air of seasoned authority, moved with purpose. Gavin noted the familiar face – the same teacher who had been on the bus with them, a detail that added another layer of intrigue to this unfolding scenario. The teacher's eyes, sharp and discerning, scanned the room, acknowledging each student with a nod or a brief glance.

As the teacher approached, Gavin couldn't help but notice the subtle energy that seemed to radiate from his presence, and it had him wondering if it was because of the sistuatioj they were jn or he was just tensed. It was as if the room itself recognized the authority of this enigmatic figure, and the anticipation among the students intensified.

The teacher's voice, a resonant blend of authority and calm reassurance, cut through the room. Gavin's attention shifted entirely to the figure at the door as the teacher began to address the gathered students.

"First of all, I apologize for the unpleasant experience we made you all undergo during the bus ride," the teacher's words echoed in the room, acknowledging the peculiar journey that had brought them here. Gavin exchanged curious glances with those around him, and the look on some of the others faces jutlst said that an apology would not be enough but they didn't say anything.

"But I can assure you that it was all necessary for us to be able to transport ourselves here," the teacher continued, the weight of significance hanging in the air. The room fell into a contemplative silence, the students absorbing the cryptic explanation.

In that brief moment of the teacher's pause, Gavin's mind raced, connecting the dots. The white light he had seen, the disorienting sensation during the bus ride – it all coalesced into a revelation. The realization hit him like a sudden surge of clarity.

"The white light was from a portal," Gavin thought, his eyes widening with understanding. The plastic chair seemed to fade into the background as his attention honed in on the teacher's words. "And the portal they had entered was used to teleport them to the academy."

The implications of this revelation rippled through Gavin's thoughts. This wasn't just a training ground; it was had to be special since it accessed through portals, a place beyond the ordinary. Gavin's gaze lingered on the doorway, where the portal had momentarily transported them from the familiar to the extraordinary.

In the aftermath of the war with the alien race known as the Oceros, Earth bore the scars of a conflict that tested humanity's resilience and ingenuity. Although the battle against the Oceros was far from a clear victory, humanity had managed to push a significant portion of their forces back, giving the people of Earth a fragile sense of triumph.

The remnants of the Oceros technology scattered across battlefields became both a testament to the conflict and an unexpected boon for Earth's scientists. Salvaging the advanced alien technology, humanity embarked on a journey of reverse engineering and adaptation. Laboratories hummed with activity as Earth's brightest minds dissected, analyzed, and attempted to decipher the intricacies of Oceros inventions.

The reverse-engineering process, however, wasn't without challenges. Earth's scientists faced a formidable task in understanding the alien technology, and the inherent complexities of Oceros systems proved to be elusive. As a result, they were unable to replicate the devices exactly as intended by the Oceros. Nonetheless, what emerged from these efforts were innovations and advancements that propelled humanity into a new era.

Futuristic items began to grace the hands of Earth's citizens, from sleek communication devices to enhanced medical technologies and more powerful weaons.Energy sources, derived from Oceros innovations, revolutionized power generation, making strides toward sustainable and efficient solutions. The impact of these discoveries resonated across various sectors, fostering advancements in fields as diverse as transportation, communication, and healthcare.

Despite Earth's scientists missing a few critical steps in the Oceros technology blueprints, the adapted versions of these advancements became integral to the reconstruction and development of human society. The resilience of humanity, coupled with the inadvertent assistance from the remnants of the Oceros technology, heralded a period of renewal.

These technological leaps not only helped rebuild Earth after the devastation of war but also positioned humanity on the forefront of interstellar exploration. The adapted Oceros technology became a foundation for Earth's endeavors beyond its own atmosphere, sparking ambitious missions and establishing a foothold in the cosmos.

As humanity now had a newfound hope, the legacy of the conflict with the Oceros became a symbol of humanity's ability to adapt, learn, and thrive in the face of adversity. The unintended collaboration between Earth and the remnants of a once-hostile alien race ushered in an era of progress, blending human ingenuity with the fragments of Oceros knowledge to shape a future beyond the scars of war.

The opening of portals stood as a monumental technological leap for humanity, a gift born from the crucible of war with the Oceros. Portals, once confined to the realms of science fiction, became a tangible means of transporting people and goods at incredible speeds, reshaping the landscape of human connectivity and transportation.

However, this newfound capability wasn't common knowledge. The secrets of creating portal-generating devices were guarded by the military and a select few powerful organizations that rivaled the military in influence and power. Gavin, like many others, had glimpsed videos showcasing the opening of portals, though such footage was a rare find on the internet.

As Gavin contemplated the circumstances that brought him to the Interstice Training Grounds, the realization struck that the military or another potent force had orchestrated their transportation. To Gavin it seemed that the reason they were transported through a portal was because they did not want thr students to know the location of the military academy.

Videos depicting portal travel offered little insight into the actual experience. Those being transported described minimal sensations, perhaps a slight dizziness, leaving Gavin to speculate about the magnitude of the technology used. Had they harnessed a more weaker version of a portal for the students' transit to the academy, or were Gavin and his fellow students truly weaker than anticipated?

"Those of your who are either Hybrids or have any magical attributes at all please separate yourselves from those who do not",sergent George announced.

The two groups soon began to separate and those who were Hybrids or had magical abilities, had a source of pride and distinction, stood tall and confident, but to those who had no magical abilities or were Hybrids they couldn't help but get jealous as some of them felt like seregent George was going to start praising them again.

The world they lived in treasured those with powerful magical abilities or those who were Hybrids and as for those who were not, those who were deemed as weak were seen as a waste of space like leeches who were allowed to breath the same air as those who had actual potential to help humanity.

Sergeant George, a vigilant observer, noted the division with a nod of approval. His eyes, sharp and discerning, followed the movements of each student, measuring the resolve and demeanor displayed by those who now stood on either side of the room. The unspoken understanding lingered – this segregation marked the beginning of a more individualized evaluation.

"Now that we've sorted that out, we can proceed," Sergeant George announced, the resonance of his voice punctuating the charged atmosphere.

Gavin, flanked by his fellow magic users, exchanged glances with some of them. There was a shared sense of eagerness, bht at the same time some were anxiously waiting for their trial because at thr end kf the day although thise with magic and even Hybrids were stronger thsn the average human not all of them were talented.

"Your abilities will be thoroughly tested to determine your strengths and weaknesses," Sergeant George declared, his words resounding with a call to action. "This is not a place for complacency, and those who do not meet our expectations will be sent back home."

The students now seemed to understand better, it seemed to them that a test was going to be taken place to determine if they had what it took to be a student of thr military academy.

"Alright, I am going to hand over a watch to each of you," Master George announced, the authority in his voice commanding the attention of the gathered students. The plastic chairs shifted as the students turned their focus towards him. "The number it displays indicates how strong your magic is, and as you all know, the numbers are ranked from one to seven."

A subtle hum accompanied Master George's gesture as he tapped his ring. In an instant, a watch materialized, its design both intricate and mysterious. Master George, holding the magical timepiece, approached a student, and with a deft motion, handed it over for inspection. The student's eyes widened in anticipation as they glanced at the number displayed, a numerical manifestation of their magical prowess.

The magical watches, a fusion of technology and arcane craftsmanship, held the power to quantify the intangible strength of magic.

"The ring displays a number from one to seven and thr total number it shows displays just how much strength you have as a magic weirder or as a Hybrid", sergent George explained as continued to summon watches from his ring and place them on the teenager's wrist.

In a display of the ring's capabilities, Master George continued the process, each tap summoning a watch for the next student. The onlookers, seated in their plastic chairs, watched in amazement as the seemingly mundane ring revealed its extraordinary potential. For many, it was a spectacle unlike anything they had witnessed before.

Some magical objects had the unique ability to store materials in a separate space, a concept that captivated the students. Objects could be summoned based on the user's thoughts, emerging from this ethereal storage space.

As each student received their watch, the room buzzed with a sense of wonder and curiosity. The plastic chairs, initially silent observers, now cradled individuals whose destinies were subtly etched in the numbers displayed on their magical watches. The Interstice, a realm where magic and technology danced in harmony, had unveiled another layer of its mysteries, and the plastic chairs bore witness to the dawn of understanding among the students in this enchanted academy.

Finally, it was Gavin's turn as the last among those with magic to receive his magical watch. As he carefully placed the timepiece on his wrist, a collective hush fell over the room. Yet, to the astonishment of both Gavin and his peers, the display on the watch defied expectations—it showed the number zero.

The plastic chairs seemed to absorb the sudden tension in the room as the students exchanged bewildered glances. The magical watches, symbols of individual potential, had never before displayed a zero, and the anomaly sent ripples of uncertainty through the gathered students.

Master George, his expression betraying a mix of surprise and concern, took a moment before addressing Gavin.

"Are you really that desperate to get recognition from the academy that you thought you could get away with such a thing? Is this a game to you?" Despite his attempt at a calm tone, anger simmered beneath Master George's words.

Gavin, caught off guard by the unexpected turn of events, shook his head in genuine confusion. The plastic chair beneath him, once a seat of anticipation, now held a sense of unease. The room, once filled with the awe of magical revelations, had become a stage for an unexpected confrontation.

The other students observed the exchange with a mix of curiosity and apprehension, their plastic chairs becoming unintentional witnesses to a moment that disrupted the expected harmony of the evaluation. The Interstice, ever mysterious, had thrown a curveball into Gavin's journey, leaving both him and Master George to grapple with the implications of the magical watch's unprecedented revelation.

Sergeant George struggled to comprehend why a student would fabricate such information, questioning whether the individual in question was exceptionally brave or simply lacking in judgment. The plastic chairs, once mere seating arrangements, now bore witness to a moment of uncertainty as Gavin stood under the scrutiny of his instructor.

Amidst the perplexity, Master George, the teacher, found a flicker of recognition. A crucial detail emerged from the recesses of his memory. "Hold on one minute," he thought, his eyes narrowing as he scrutinized Gavin. "Wasn't he the kid who damaged the bus with that fireball?"

As realization dawned, Master George's gaze bore into Gavin, who now appeared visibly uneasy. A subtle tension hung in the air, the plastic chairs serving as silent witnesses to the unraveling mystery. Master George, determined to validate his suspicions, retrieved another watch from his storage ring. With a swift motion, he activated the watch on Gavin, expecting it to confirm the young student's magical abilities.

To his surprise, the watch provided a stark and unequivocal response—it indicated that Gavin had no magical capabilities. The plastic chair-bound students, their gazes shifting between Gavin and Master George, felt a collective sense of astonishment. The revelation painted Gavin in a different light, transforming the unexpected encounter into a moment of profound realization.

Master George, now armed with accurate information, regarded Gavin with a mix of contemplation and curiosity.

Master George, torn between conflicting information and the uncertainty of the situation, felt a bit confused. His gaze shifted between the memory of Gavin's fiery outburst on the bus and the current revelation that the young student possessed no magical abilities.

As he looked at Gavin, Master George grappled with a decision. The weight of responsibility pressed upon him, urging him to choose a course of action that would reconcile the conflicting details before him. Taking a deep breath, he opted to trust in the evidence presented by the magical watch.

"You will be punished for this," Master George declared, his voice firm and unwavering.

the second chapter for today will be released later

EMUAKHEcreators' thoughts