
Demon Magus

In a world ravaged by the relentless assault of otherworldly beings known as the Oceros, humanity found itself teetering on the brink of extinction. Despite the formidable magic wielded by humans and the assistance of powerful beast weapons, the tide of the war remained perilously balanced. It became evident that a new strategy was imperative to ensure the survival of the human race. Enter the Beast Tamers, heralds of a revolutionary concept that would alter the course of the conflict — the creation of Hybrids. Combining the essence of both human and beast, these Hybrids manifested extraordinary powers that surpassed conventional magic. Their emergence proved to be the turning point in the war, as they pushed back the Oceros with unparalleled strength. Yet, the respite was but fleeting. The looming threat of renewed tension prompted humans to expand their Hybrid initiative, turning to powerful organizations and adept Beast Tamers to create a formidable Hybrid army. However, in a society driven by inequality, only the privileged few could access the services of renowned Beast Tamers. Born into the chaos of war, Gavin Elsher faced the harsh reality of his family's impoverished circumstances. Driven by necessity, he delved into the shadows, becoming a skilled thief navigating the perilous streets. Little did he know that a pivotal moment awaited him, one that would not only alter the course of his life but also shape the destiny of the entire human race. A seemingly ordinary theft led Gavin to an extraordinary discovery — the Demon System. As the enigmatic powers of the system unfurled before him, Gavin found himself thrust into a world of unforeseen consequences, where the line between humanity and Hybridhood blurred. Now, burdened with newfound abilities and unforeseen responsibilities, Gavin stands at the precipice of a conflict that transcends worlds, as the echoes of war reverberate across dimensions. \[Congratulations you have successfully unlocked the Demon System\]

EMUAKHE · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Fire Magic Skill

Gavin, accustomed to early mornings, rose ahead of others on the day the Military Academy was set to pick him up. Eager and prepared, he decided to bring something special with him.

Gavin retrieved a bright red book from under his bed. Its warmth added a peculiar touch, not enough to burn but certainly noticeable as he prepared to bring it along to the Military Academy.

Gavin retrieved a bright red book from under his bed. Its warmth added a peculiar touch, not enough to burn but certainly noticeable as he prepared to bring it along to the Military Academy.

Examining the book, Gavin found it to be an F-ranked fire-based magic guide. It offered step-by-step instructions on manipulating mana to conjure the studied element, and for Gavin, that meant mastering the art of summoning fire.

Intrigued, Gavin touched the book, and unexpectedly, a message from the system popped up, surprising him with unforeseen information.

Gavin chuckled at the system message, finding it amusing. The notification read:

Gavin chuckled at the system message, finding it amusing. The notification read:

\[You have made contact with an F-ranked fire-based magic book\]

\[Do you wish to learn the book\]

\[Yes\] \[No\]

Without a second thought, Gavin confidently selected \[Yes\]. The system's question seemed redundant – after all, he had decided to learn the intricacies of fire magic from the mysterious tome.

As he tapped \[Yes\], a subtle surge of energy emanated from the book, creating a connection between Gavin and the ancient knowledge within its pages. The system message disappeared, leaving Gavin eager to explore the depths of the F-ranked fire-based magic book and unlock the flames of his potential.

It was worth noting that neither Gavin nor his family had the money to pay for the book. Gavin had resorted to theft, snatching the book before, driven by a desire to get stronger and improve his 'job' capabilities. Now, as he embarked on this magical journey, the stolen knowledge held the promise of enhancing his abilities for whatever task lay ahead.


\[You have selected Yes\]

\[Commencing transferring sequence\]

The system announced, and Gavin stared at the message, uncertain of what to expect. Suddenly, something strange unfolded.

The book in Gavin's hands began to disappear, not into visible dust, but seemingly into nothingness. Panic flickered in Gavin's eyes as he tried to comprehend the unexpected turn of events. He frantically thought of ways to halt the process, but to his surprise, the system had more in store for him. The disappearance continued, leaving Gavin bewildered and wondering about the fate of the F-ranked fire-based magic book.

\[Transferring sequence has already been initiated\]

\[Unable to reverse the effects\]

The system declared plainly, crushing Gavin's hopes. In that moment, a wave of despair washed over him. The book, a result of his hard work and clandestine efforts, was slipping away beyond his control. The sense of loss and the realization that all his endeavors to obtain the valuable knowledge had vanished left Gavin on the verge of tears.

\[Congratulations as the transferring sequence was a success\]

\[Additional information has been inputted into the system\]

\[Mana: 25/25\]

\[You have been gifted with two new magic skills\]

1. **Fireball (Level 1):** A potent offensive spell manifesting as a small, controlled ball of fire. Executing a fireball deducts 1 mana point. This newfound skill opens up the realm of offensive magic for Gavin.

2. **Fire Resistance (Level 1):** An essential skill for wielders of fire magic. This skill consumes minimal mana and serves as a protective shield, preventing the user from being harmed by their own flames. Without even a beginner level of fire resistance, the unleashed inferno could pose a threat to the caster.

The system's announcements unveiled a world of possibilities for Gavin, his mana pool charged, and his arsenal now enriched with the potential for both offense and defense.

Gavin's eyes widened in awe as the system unveiled the new Mana stat. He couldn't help but express his excitement.

"Geez, this is amazing! Mana: 25/25, and these new magic skills..." he muttered, a grin spreading across his face. The prospect of wielding fireball attacks and the added layer of protection with Fire Resistance filled Gavin with a newfound sense of power and enthusiasm. The magical world was opening up before him, and he was eager to explore its possibilities.

Gavin's eyes welled up with a mix of joy and relief as he gazed at the newly acquired fire skills. The fact that he now possessed not just one but two abilities filled him with a profound sense of accomplishment. While they were categorized as F-ranked magic skills, Gavin recognized their significance in his journey.

His tears, almost on the brink of falling, held a mixture of gratitude and hope. Despite the initial skepticism about the transferring sequence, the tangible change he felt within himself was undeniable. It was as if the magic had infused him with a newfound vigor, marking the beginning of a promising chapter in Gavin's pursuit of strength.

Excitement surged through Gavin as he contemplated testing the offensive prowess of his newly acquired fire skill, Fireball. Eager to witness its potential destruction, he couldn't help but ponder the size of the flames it would produce. Rumors had circulated that F-ranked fireball magic skills yielded flames smaller than a soccer ball.

Hoping for a bit more, Gavin anticipated unleashing his Fireball, wondering if the size would meet his modest expectations or perhaps even exceed them. The anticipation of discovering the true extent of his magical abilities fueled his determination to master the craft.

Gavin found solace in his newly acquired defensive skill, Fire Resistance. While it couldn't shield him entirely from external attacks, the realization that he was now protected from his own flames brought him a sense of satisfaction. He had heard cautionary tales about those who, in their impatience to master fire magic, neglected the importance of self-protection.

Gavin reflected on the stories of individuals who, considering fire magic solely for offense, ended up harming themselves during practice due to the lack of resistance. Grateful for his foresight in embracing a balanced approach, he felt a newfound appreciation for the defensive aspect of his magical repertoire.

Gavin, eager to put his newfound skills to the test, pondered on a suitable venue for experimentation. Realizing that a home wasn't the ideal practice ground, and random fireball launches in populated areas were out of the question, he resolved to await the perfect opportunity.

With a strategic mindset, Gavin decided to unleash his fire magic when he found an appropriate and controlled setting. The prospect of honing his abilities in a safe environment fueled his anticipation, and he patiently bided his time for the optimal moment to test the destructive potential of his fireball.

Gavin, driven by the desire to enhance his magical prowess, seized the opportunity to work out quietly in his room. Aware of his sleeping sister nearby, he engaged in a rigorous routine, combining physical exercises with mana control to optimize his training.

As the minutes turned into an hour, beads of sweat glistened on Gavin's forehead, testament to his dedication. The system's reward for his efforts appeared on the screen:

\[+10 EXP\]

\[EXP: 10/100\]

A sense of accomplishment filled Gavin as he observed the positive development in his experience points. Motivated by this progress, he decided to contribute to household chores before embarking on the day's activities, leaving a tidier space behind him.

In the bustling morning, with people going about their daily routines, Gavin found himself standing in front of a bus filled with eager teenagers bound for the academy. Before stepping into the journey ahead, he shared a heartfelt hug with his mother and sister. Gratitude filled him, knowing that his father's absence last night spared the farewell from any potential tension, considering his father's tendency to misbehave. As the bus engines roared to life, Gavin took one last look at his family, ready for the new chapter awaiting him at the academy.

The bus continued its journey, initially maintaining a steady pace as it left the city behind. However, as the landscape transformed into a blur, an abrupt surge in speed caught the passengers off guard. Most of them struggled to comprehend the sudden acceleration, but Gavin, with his heightened perception due to the recent change in his race, could discern the surroundings slightly better than the others.

The newfound velocity took a toll on the occupants. Nausea swept through the bus, and the once excited chatter now echoed with uneasy murmurs. The windows became a canvas for unintended artwork as some passengers succumbed to motion sickness, leaving traces of discomfort both on the bus and themselves.

Desperation permeated the air as those with slightly stronger constitutions attempted to communicate with the bus driver. Their pleas to slow down or come to a halt, however, proved futile. The driver seemed impervious to their distress, and the vehicle hurtled forward with an unrelenting force.

Gavin, still adjusting to the changes within him, felt a mix of concern and fascination. His altered perception allowed him to witness the chaotic scene unfolding around him. The passengers, varying in levels of discomfort, sought refuge in vain, their voices drowned by the relentless speed of the bus.

The landscape outside became a blurred mosaic, an indiscernible streak of colors as the bus traversed distances at an incredible pace. Gavin, trying to maintain his composure, wondered about the reason behind this supernatural acceleration. The mysterious force propelling them forward seemed beyond the control of both the passengers and the distressed voices attempting to communicate with the driver.

Amidst the chaos, Gavin couldn't help but reflect on the unpredictable nature of his journey to the academy. Little did he know that this unprecedented turn of events was only the beginning of the challenges that awaited him at the Military Academy.

As the bus hurtled through the landscape at an otherworldly speed, Gavin felt the unsettling sensation of his vision gradually fading. Determined to stay awake and make sense of the bizarre situation, he fought against the encroaching darkness. However, the relentless forces at play seemed to be taking their toll not only on him but on many of the other students as well.

Around him, the once lively group of teenagers succumbed to the overwhelming speed, one by one succumbing to the fatigue induced by the surreal journey. Slumber claimed the passengers, turning the bus into a mobile dormitory of sorts. Gavin, struggling against the drowsiness, found himself in the minority of those still fighting to stay conscious.

Meanwhile, the driver, seemingly immune to the disorienting effects of the speed, steered the bus with a practiced ease. Having experienced such high-speed travels many times before, he navigated the accelerating vehicle with a calm demeanor. Beside him, a teacher occupied the co-driver's seat. Although not as accustomed to such extreme rides, the teacher displayed a stoic strength, maintaining composure in the face of the unexpected journey.

Amidst the collective slumber and unease, the teacher couldn't help but empathize with the teenagers. He sensed their fear and disorientation, and a few students near him even began to entertain the notion that they might be victims of an unexpected kidnapping. The teacher pondered the responsibility that fell upon the one who invented these unconventional means of transportation, wishing silently that they were safer for the passengers.

"If only the person who invented these things made it safer," the driver mused inwardly, letting out a sigh of acknowledgment. However, he refrained from vocalizing his thoughts, fully aware that expressing such sentiments, especially in the presence of a teacher, wasn't within his purview. The surreal journey continued, shrouded in uncertainty and the quiet discomfort of the teenagers onboard.

As Gavin grappled with the struggle to stay awake, the rest of the students on the bus had succumbed to the overpowering effects of the journey, slipping into unconsciousness. Undeterred, Gavin's determination surged as he fought against the encroaching darkness, his eyes fixed on the enigmatic white light looming ahead through the front glass of the bus.

"I can't die now, not now. I just got this scholarship. Screw this, I'm gonna get out of here," Gavin resolved, his thoughts fueled by a mix of fear and the relentless drive to survive. The stakes were high for him, and the urgency to escape the inexplicable situation spurred him into action.

Meanwhile, the teacher beside him began to feel an unusual heat enveloping the bus. Turning to investigate, he witnessed a startling sight— one of the students held a fireball in their hand. The flame, slightly larger than a basketball, flickered ominously. The teacher's eyes widened in disbelief as he grasped the reality of the unfolding situation.

In Gavin's mind, the instinct to survive triggered a thought, and almost instinctively, the system responded. The fireball skill, dormant until this moment, activated with a simple command from Gavin's consciousness.

\[Skill Activated: Fireball\]

Gavin, fueled by a surge of adrenaline, struck the side of the bus with all his might. A burst of flames erupted from the impact point, creating a hole in the bus's structure.

\[-1 Mana\]

The sudden release of heat and the emergence of flames startled those who were still conscious on the bus. The teacher, now comprehending the gravity of the situation, watched in shock as Gavin's impromptu action left a tangible mark on the vehicle.

However, as the bus breached the threshold of the white light, the combination of the unrelenting speed, the shockwave from Gavin's fireball, and the disorienting transition into the mysterious illumination proved too much. Gavin, too, succumbed to the overwhelming forces at play, his consciousness fading as the surreal journey plunged into a realm beyond his comprehension.

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