
Demon King In Marvel

After traveling through the world of Marvel and becoming a lord of hell, he has only two goals after entering the earth after untold hardships, one is to enjoy life, and the other is to make contracts in exchange of human souls and turn everything into his own property. Discord https://discord.gg/AptzesJmug Advance chapter on https://www.patreon.com/Lazy_Panda Raw link - https://www.69shu.com/txt/42796.htm / (This is a Translation Work ) 美漫地狱之主

The_Lazy_Panda · Filem
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76 Chs

Chapter 58: Super Soldiers, & Green Goblin

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Chapter 58: Super Soldiers, & Green Goblin

Upon seeing General Ross, Betty was utterly shocked, and she hurriedly asked, "Dad, what are you doing?"

"Of course, I'm here to protect you, to protect this country. Catch her, don't let her run around."

General Ross signaled the soldiers to capture Betty while he himself picked up a radio to command the soldiers to arrest Dr. Banner.

Meanwhile, more and more soldiers were entering the university, even deploying tanks and armed helicopters.

Gwen was increasingly astonished, "Are those real tanks?"

Natasha couldn't help but curse, "Is General Ross out of his mind? He's actually sending the military into a university? If there's a conflict, many people will die."

"The military didn't evacuate the students."

Gwen's face turned sour, and Andrew took out a camera to take photos, saying, "To achieve their goals, they won't hesitate to do anything. We must expose him."

Natasha glanced at Andrew speechlessly. Was he more focused on playing the role of a journalist than anything else?

At this moment, Bruce Banner was chased by a few soldiers to the position of a glass bridge. Seeing this, General Ross loudly shouted, "Give him two tear gas grenades."

Two soldiers immediately fired tear gas grenades at the glass bridge. With a snap, the grenades shattered the glass and released a large amount of white smoke. Banner quickly took off his clothes to cover his nose and mouth.


Betty broke free from the soldiers and ran toward the glass bridge. The two soldiers caught up with her and forcibly pulled her back.

Seeing his loved one being treated roughly, Dr. Banner could no longer control the "Hulk's power" within him. He let out a low growl, his eyes turned green, and his body rapidly swelled, tearing his clothes apart.

A moment later, amidst the white mist, a wild beast-like roar rang out, and immediately after, a more than two-meter-tall, angry, muscular, shorts-wearing green giant shattered the glass and leaped down to the ground from the bridge.

The Hulk, officially descended.

"These pants are really durable."

Andrew sighed, while Natasha and Gwen were speechless. Was he seriously concerned about the quality of his pants at a time like this?

"Open fire."

General Ross immediately shouted, and a large number of bullets densely shot at the Hulk, but they couldn't penetrate his skin and all rebounded to the ground.

The Hulk grew angrier, charging toward the soldiers. General Ross immediately ordered tanks to fire at the Hulk, but with a strong shove, the tank rolled over and flipped on the ground.

Other tanks, witnessing this, fired wildly at the Hulk, but they couldn't harm him and were instead continuously overturned by him.

"This is much scarier than what we saw in the videos."

Natasha couldn't help but gulp nervously, while Gwen hesitated and pretended to look frightened, saying, "Andrew, this is too cruel. I want to go back to the classroom."

'You're quite good at acting.'

Andrew knew Gwen's intention, nodded, and said, "Alright, you go back to the classroom and rest. Don't worry, nothing major will happen."


Gwen nodded, returned to the classroom, and a moment later, Spider-Gwen appeared, rescuing the frightened students who were running away.

Looking at Spider-Gwen, Natasha said, "Your girlfriend seems to have a little secret."

Andrew chuckled, "You think I don't know? Just wait till she finds out I'm the Ghost Rider."

Seeing that the tanks and regular soldiers were ineffective against the Hulk, General Ross called for his trump card, the six human-enhanced soldiers.

These six enhanced soldiers were led by Blonsky. They carried grenade launchers and approached the Hulk while firing continuously. Even the Hulk was forced to retreat from the barrage of explosions and surrounded by flames and smoke.

"Big guy, do you remember us? We've come for you."

Blonsky yelled ferociously. The Hulk roared in anger and ran towards Blonsky and his team.

Blonsky avoided the Hulk's fist with superhuman speed. Then, he dropped his grenade launcher and grabbed a submachine gun from his belt, firing at the Hulk.

The Hulk roared again and tore off two doors from a tank, using them as shields against the attacks. Blonsky took the chance to jump up onto a tree to avoid the Hulk.

The Hulk swung the doors, shattering the tree. Blonsky performed an acrobatic roll and continued his assault, shooting at the Hulk's head from behind. The Hulk turned around, trying to hit Blonsky, but he quickly dodged.

The battle raged on, with the six enhanced soldiers supporting and coordinating with each other, making it difficult for the Hulk to defeat them quickly.

"Darn it."

General Ross couldn't help but curse as the sonic cannon failed to stop the Hulk. He was about to call in the armed helicopters when a figure in green armor, riding a smoke-emitting glider, flew towards them.

The figure called out to General Ross, "General Ross, I've come to help you."

General Ross was taken aback, then asked in astonishment, "Norman?"

"It's me!"

The Green Goblin, Norman Osborn, grinned and controlled his glider to shoot mini-missiles at the Hulk, causing him to be blasted back. Blonsky and his team seized the opportunity to attack.

"Green Goblin? Is this some kind of play?"

Andrew couldn't help but mock. Although Norman had modified his Green Goblin suit, it was still undeniably the old Green Goblin.

"Why does another strange character appear?"

Natasha was speechless, "Is New York currently hosting a costume show?"

"No, just someone following the trend."

Andrew pointed to the cameraman below, "Someone wants to be like Iron Man."


Please notify me if there are any typos

