
De Luna

An assassin girl reincarnated in One Piece World. She was born in One Piece's underworld. After years later, she was singing songs while floating on a piece of wood, and then she heard an excited voice ''Heey! You have a really nice voice! Are you a musician?!'' An OC story where she meets Luffy before whirlpool OC a little bit of HarleyQuinn and Luffy mix This story is also posted on Fanfiction.net by me.

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31 Chs

Fall of the God and the song of the island II

Before Luna wake up and come back to the sky island, on the Upper Yard,

Enel, Zoro, Nami, Robin, Knight of the Sky, and the man who attacked them when they first came to the White Sea, Wiper, was now in the City of the Gold. At least, what left of it since there was no gold but ruins that covered up in moss and big plants that looked like roots.

The knight of the sky, Gan Fall, and Nami were just come out of the inside of the enormous snake that they had encountered earlier of that morning.

It was crying and looking happy as it was in the ruins of the City of the Gold but soon, with the white lightning beam coming down from the heavens, he was burned down and laying on the ground with an unconscious state.

While Zoro was learning that Luffy was inside of the snake with the knight of the sky's horse/bird and a little Shandian girl, Aisa, Wiper shot out his bazooka to Enel, sending a white light beam to him. Enel dodged it easily before he used a little dial and form an orb cloud.

''Yahahaha!'' Enel laughed as he sat on the orb cloud that was hovering on the air ''Why did you do that for!? That's no way to return the favor of bringing you back to your homeland! Yahahaha!'' he spun his golden staff fastly before he leaned it over his right shoulder ''Anyways, the game is not over yet.''

''Game!?'' Wiper asked as blood was dripping down on his face

''That's right. You and the others are all contestants of my little game. The goal of the game is simple.'' Enel said as he looked down on everyone. They were all standing and looking at Enel, except Nami, who's hiding behind some broken wall with unconscious Chopper in her arms. ''Three hours after the Shandians entered the island, how many people among the eighty-one contestants will survive? It's a survival game! Of course, I am also a contestant. I even allowed some people to join the fun after the game already started. My prediction was that there would be six survivors...'' causing Nami to gasp as she closed her mouth with her one free hand.

'There are exactly six survivors here... Can he see me?!' Nami thought as Enel went on

''Unfortunately, one of them committed suicide earlier of the game so there should be five survivors...'' causing Nami's eyes to got widen this time

'Wait, so he can't see me' she thought as she seemed relaxed before a worried glint came to her eyes 'He is talking about Luna,' she mused as she remembered what happened to Luna. She was thought that Luna would already come back, so she didn't say anything to anyone yet, but...

''In three minutes, the three-hour time limit will be over.'' Enel went on, cutting off Nami's thoughts ''This is quite problematic that there are still six survivors here. God's prediction can never be wrong.'' causing tears to come in Nami's eyes now

'So he did see me in the end!?' she thought while she was still holding Chopper

''So... Who here will be eliminated? Will you do it yourselves or should I?'' Enel asked as he looked down at them

They all stayed silent for a moment

''Hey, do you want to?'' Zoro causally asked Robin as he now was standing with folded arms

''No, thank you,'' Robin said nonchalantly

''Me neither,'' Zoro added coolly as Wiper and Gan Fall also answered similar to them. They all turned to Nami then, scaring the hell out of her

Just she turned to look at them ''W..whait! I...'' She cut herself after what she saw

''You will!'' All four of them said as they were pointing their weapons at Enel as Robin was looking ready to use her powers at any moment while they were all standing beside each other.

''Impudence.'' Enel said with a shadowed face and an evil smirk before he suddenly burst into laughter like he heard a really funny joke ''Yahahaha!! You're going to eliminate me?!'' Enel asked between his laughter

Nami, on the other hand, looking absolutely anxious now 'No... That guy is very dangerous!!' she mused as she remembered what happened earlier while looking over there

''I wouldn't expect less from the survivors of this game...'' Enel said as he calmed down from his laughter and smirked smugly ''However, do you know who you are talking to? It seems that you don't understand what a God is.'' as they were all pointing their weapons at him, Enel start to laugh once again

''Yahahaha!! The old man fighting for the prosperity of Skypiea.'' causing Gan Fall to frown as he slightly flinched

''The warrior fighting to return to his homeland.'' causing Wiper to frown, his grip on his weapon got tighten as he harshly bit his cigar

''And pirates from the Blue Sea trying to steal the gold.'' causing Zoro and Robin to frown this time as they keep staring at Enel

''This world is filled with so many troubled lambs. Even the country itself has sinned greatly.'' Enel said but having enough of this, Gan Fall suddenly shout out

''Instead of talking nonsense, why don't you tell me what you seek to accomplish here, and where the militia members are being held captive!?''

Enel look at Gan Fall, not budged at all as he was keep relaxingly sitting on the orb cloud with a calm attitude ''I simply seek to return, Gan Fall.'' as Gan Fall questioned him about return, Enel explained ''I have a place where I should be. On the sky island where I was born, where people say God lives. People call it Fairy Vearth and there is a limitless amount of earth.'' He then opened his arms wide with a big smile on his face while looking at the skies, he declared ''That is the ideal world I seek!! That is what I deserve to have!! This God's island... This puny piece of earth is nothing, yet you've fought for centuries to control it!! Do you understand!? The reason you fight is actually more philosophical. Think about it...''

Enel calmed down and look down at them once again ''Not a cloud, but born of the sky. Not a bird, but lives in the sky. This country in the sky defies all laws of nature!! Earth, men and God, all have a place they belong!!'' causing Gan Fall's eyes to widen as he understood what Enel was implying. He started to sweat and tremble

''You can't..'' He stated but he was looking like he just trying to make believe himself

''What do you mean 'you can't.' !? I'm doing what a God should do. I'm sending you all to where you belong! Below the sky!!'' causing all of them to look shocked as they had big, widen eyes, trying to understand the exact meaning of Enel words.

''You want to destroy this country!?'' Gan Fall asked/yelled. He was looking outraged now

''It's the law of nature,'' Enel said, as a matter of fact, only to make Gan Fall angrier

''Don't think so highly of yourself, Enel!! God is nothing but a title for the leader of our country!!!'' Gan Fall shout out

''That's before I become God,'' Enel said with a smug attitude as Gan Fall become furious

''The people of this world don't need a God!!'' He yelled out as veins popped our on his face while his eyes were red with anger

Enel laugh at this though. As he was looking so calm against Gan Fall's anger, he told what happened to the militia. He said that six years ago they had lost to Enel's army, 650 followers of Gan Fall were finished their job this morning. He jumped off from the orb cloud and look at Gan Fall with a smirk on his face

''As I said earlier, right now, the only people still standing on this island are unfortunately just the six of us.'' causing Gan Fall to shake with a paled face now ''I didn't want to do it but after I told them my plan... Yahahahaha!! They all went berserk on me!!'' Enel laugh like it was something hilarious entertainment

''Their families on Angel Island...'' Gan Fall mumbled as he was even held down his weapon now. He was looking like he had lost his all hope

''Oh! That's right. Their families will need burials!'' causing Gan Fall to finally lost

''You fiend!!!!'' He yelled out with an outraged state as he began to run to Enel. He was ready to strike him but Enel just laugh and dodged Gan Fall's lance. He came beside Gan Fall in a matter of seconds, and he held his finger on him. His right-hand index finger was on top of Gan Fall's head, and he was pointing down at him while his left-hand index finger was under his head, and pointing up at Gan Fall.

''Ten million,'' As electric sparks start to appear on his right index finger ''Twenty million,'' this time electricity start to emerge from his left index finger ''Thirty million volts Vari!'' and suddenly Gan Fall shocked with high voltage electric energy that was released from Enel's fingers.

Everyone there watched in shock as Enel burned Gan Fall with electricity. ''Gan Fall,'' Enel said as Gan Fall fell down on his face with an unconscious state. There were burnt marks all over his body ''In this world, there is a God. '' Enel said as he looked down on Gan Fall with an evil smirk ''Me!''

''Devil fruit..!!'' Zoro said as he tightened his hold on his katana as he stared at Enel

''Most likely the Rumble Rumble Fruit.'' Roin said as she was also staring at Enel with shadowed eyes now ''It's one of the invincible powers. The power of lightning.''

''Lightning!?'' Nami asked as she was trembling with fear ''Impossible... How can we win against that!?''

''Perfect, it is now the predicted time. There are exactly five survivors.'' Enel said as he turned to look at the rest of them ''Yahahaha!! Good job surviving this far!! Now I shall travel to the Fairy Vearth! And all of you shall come with me!!'' surprising everyone there as he went on ''Once we are there, I will create a new God's Land. Only those chosen by me may live there!!''

As Enel was looking happy and welcoming, Nami look at him with confusion ''What is he thinking?!'' She asked to herself as Enel went on

''Since they weren't able to survive such a short game, my previous followers are unfit to live in that country!''

''What if we refuse?'' Robin asked as she was still looking at Enel, causing Nami to gasp with shock to her

''Refuse?'' Enel asked with a surprised face, not understanding why would someone refuse such a thing. This was the second this day ''Why? I've already decided. If you stay here, you will fall into the abyss with this country.'' He said as a matter of fact

''True.'' Robin also said, as a matter of fact, '''With your power, it is possible. However, if you destroy this country, that thing you want will also fall, right?''

''You mean the Golden Bell?'' Enel asked, but getting no answer, he start to laugh ''Yahahahaha!! Don't worry. Judging from your earlier adventures, I can think of only one place where the bell could be.'' shocking everyone there, even Robin

''Looks like you're also thinking what I'm thinking.'' Enel said to Robin as she took a couple of steps back ''You seem surprised! Did you think you could trick me and find it yourself? You underestimate me!'' He then held up her right index finger and point at Robin

''How shallow.'' as electric sparks start to appear on his finger

''Robin!!'' Nami yelled out in panic and fear as she saw this happened before

''I don't like shallow women,'' Enel said as he sent a bolt of lightning towards Robin, shocking and burning her before she started to fell unconscious.

While everyone was looking shocked at this, Zoro suddenly ran towards there in a blink of an eye and caught Robin before she hit the ground.

''She's a woman!'' Zoro said coldly as he stared at Enel. His face was shadowed as he was looking so angry with his clenched teeth, but Enel was still looking smug

''Yes. I can see that'' as he made a smirk, causing Zoro to frown and let Robin slowly before he fastly run towards Enel with his unsheathed katanas.

Enel spun his golden staff and blocked Zoro's sword, like its nothing as he also commented on Zoro's strong arms like he was playing with him

''You really piss me off, asshole!!!'' Zoro yelled out at him as veins popped out on his forehead, and swing his other katana to cut Enel but he jumped on the air and dodged Zoro's slash. Just at that moment, Wiper held up his bazooka and aimed at Enel, who's on the air

''Burn Bazooka!'' Wiper yelled out as he shot his bazooka and fired a large last of white-blue flames to Enel, but Enel just laughed

''Lightning Flash!'' he destroyed Wiper's attack in an instant as he unleashed a massive charge of electricity that formed a wide blast, causing an explosion as they met each other. Enel was completely fine as he jumped with his acrobatic body, and start to stand on some broken wall

''Damn you..'' Wiper said as he gritted his teeth ''Destroying the rocket in an instant!''

''You still don't get it? The pathetic trickle of power... That is all people like you can wield is useless against me.'' Enel state calmly as he looked down on them once again

'Creating lightning, speeding up the air with sonic speed... and that strong flash...' Nami mused to herself as she observed what's going on ''Such unimaginable power... A man who can control lightning!'' Nami said out loud as she look there with a shocked face while she was sweating

''Tsk,'' Enel suddenly clicked his tongue as he was looking dissatisfied ''I was simply inviting you to come to endless earth... Why did you suddenly attacking me?'' as he thought that even that woman wasn't attacked him before he attacked her first as she was also rejected him like them

''Who were you trying to invite?'' Zoro asked in annoyance before he launched toward him ''Because I have no interest in that dream world of yours!''

As Enel was laughing and jumping off from the broken wall while spinning his golden staff, Nami yelled out in horror ''No, Zoro!! You can't beat him!!''

''It seems you need to be taught a lesson on what a God is!'' Enel said as Zoro cut him in half, but Enel's body just turned into lightning and start to place itself back together again

''No matter how hard you try, you can't win. I will use my overwhelming strength and teach you what 'hopelessness ' feels like'' Enel said as he now completely placed himself back as if nothing happened to begin with. He then, suddenly held Zoro's two katanas from their blade with each of his hands, surprising Zoro.

''Losing all hope and dying are two strangely similar things...'' Enel said as Zoro was trying to move his katanas, but he couldn't do it. A moment later, Enel suddenly send lightning through Zoro's swords and start to shock Zoro with high voltage, causing him to scream out while Nami was also screaming his name with fear.

After Enel stopped his powers, Zoro suddenly fell on his knees as he had burnt marks all over him ''For mortal men, death is the most terrifying thing.'' Enel said calmly before he suddenly stomped Zoro to the ground with his bare foot, causing the ground to shook for a moment ''That's why men kneel with their heads to the ground and beg God for mercy!''

As Zoro tried to get up, Enel pushed him more, causing him to think how could he be so strong as Enel went on his talk ''It can't be helped. Men beg when terrified, it's in their nature.'' just that moment, they heard some crash voice and look there, only to see that Wiper threw his bazooka and in an instant, he was just in front of Enel.

He was holding up his right hand to Enel's chest as he was wrapped his legs around his torso, ''What are you doing? Are you also committing suicide?'' Enel asked blankly as Wiper just stared at him. He tried to get off from his wrap, but Wiper just got squeezed his legs more ''Wha.. what is... '' Enel stuttered but before he could continue

''Do you know what seastone is Enel?'' Wiper asked as he directly stared at Enel's eyes

'Sea stone... That's the stone used to seal devil fruit powers. That woman's sword was a sea stone...' Enel mused to himself while Zoro was frowning

''I added some to my shooter,'' Wiper went on as he was holding a dial on Enel's chest ''And it's draining your devil fruit powers.''

Seeing this as a chance, Zoro managed to get free from Enel and jumped backward before he stopped while kneeling and look at Enel and Wiper to see what's going on

''My strength is being... drained'' Enel said lowly as he was slowly falling on his knees. The moment Enel fell on his knees

''Eat this!!'' Wiper said coldly as he was glaring darkly at Enel

''No! You're trying to use reject dial?! Your body can't take it!! Don't you want to live and own the land?!'' Enel asked as he was now looking nervous

''Shut up!!'' Wiper yelled out in rage ''I just want to die and I'm taking you with me!!!'' causing Enel's eyes to got widen

''Don't do it!!'' Enel shout out at the same time with Wiper

''Reject!'' he pushed the button of the dial, causing a big, bright explosion to surround them

Zoro and Nami look at the smoke as they could see someone's shadow in it. They waited for the smoke to disappear as to see who was standing. Moments later, they saw Wiper was standing there. He was breathing hard with a burnt, bloody hand as it was smoking. Enel was laying flat on the ground, looking unconscious, as a trail of blood was also coming out from his mouth

''Can it be... Did he beat him!?'' Nami hesitantly asked with a surprised tone, before she stood up and run towards to Robin, who's also laying on the ground, ''Robin!! Hey, strange knight?!'' as she called out them but just at that moment, a flash of bright lightning suddenly burst out of Enel's body. Three of them look over there with completely shocked faces as Enel's body was covered up with lightning. They could hear the voice of a heartbeat for a brief of moment

He was applying jolts of electricity to his body to restart his heart. ''D-did he just... restart his own heart..?'' Nami stuttered as she was looking completely terrified now while Zoro and Wiper was looking at Enel with unbelieving eyes as he was standing up

''Mere men cannot make God feel fear...'' Enel said as he was now standing up like nothing happened ''For true terror comes from God, and God alone.'' as he wiped the blood around his mouth with a shadowed face before he look at Wiper ''I told you already, did I not, wiper the warrior? To stop resisting!'' he said while Wiper was trembling with his mouth hanging open as the blood was covering his face. Nami also wasn't that different from Wiper as Zoro was looking at Enel with narrowed eyes, thinking what's wrong with Enel.

Wiper look at his hand while trembling before he suddenly coughed blood and fell on his knees.

''See?'' Enel asked with a smirk as he saw Wiper fell ''How pitiful you are, Wiper the warrior...'' before he continue

''Don't you dare!'' Wiper suddenly said with a cold fierce tone, causing Enel to made a questioning noise ''Don't you dare to call my name lightly!'' Wiper shout out as blood spout out from his mouth while shouting

''800 years ago...'' Wiper start to talk as he was breathing hard ''The proud warriors of Shandia... Valiantly fought to protect this city... And we are their descendants..'' he was shaking as he was trying to get up ''Having inherited the blood and will of the great warrior Kalgara, in whose time our lands were suddenly stolen... I, like the generations before me for 400 years...!! Set this place as my lone objective!'' Wiper said within his hard breathes, and suddenly he got back on his feet as he shouted out once again ''And at last, I've finally reached it!!''

''But you're in my way!'' Wiper said strongly but before he could even do anything, Enel spun his golden stuff and send a low voltage electricity, breaking Wiper's shooters on his feet and causing him to fell to the ground

''I really felt that last hit of yours, Wiper. That was some stupid trick you came up with. Using a seastone like that...'' Enel said as Wiper was trying to get up ''Using a reject dial even once is a suicidal move for a normal person. It's very impressive you can still stand after using it twice.'' he went on as he held up his golden staff and thumped to one of the drums on his back.

''Unfortunately, you couldn't have picked a worse opponent.'' As he thumped the drum on his right side, that was just beside his head, lightning started to release from it and start to form a shape ''30 million volts Thunder Bird!''

A giant hawk-shaped blast of lightning shot out from his drum ''Lightning come out from a drum and transform in a bird!?!'' Nami asked in shock as she look at the giant bird that was going towards Wiper.

Wiper look at the bright lightning that is formed a bird with a shocked expression as he was now standing up.

However, it never reached to Wiper. Enel hasn't noticed it since he was too focused on Wiper but if he focused, he could hear the voice of an angry woman that was flying there with very high speed.

When the Thunder Bird was on it's halfway to reach at Wiper, a slash made of dark, blood-red flames come down from the sky and cut the giant thunderbird in two, causing a big explosion. Except for Wiper, even Enel recognized these flames as Nami was looking like tons of heavy burden just taken away from her.

After a second later the flaming slash cut the thunderbird, something fell from the sky at a very fast pace and crashed on the ground with a loud voice. Moments later, when the smoke finally disappeared, they saw Luna standing in the middle of some crater that she created when she landed on the ground as she had enormous wings with blood-red flames.

Enel look at Luna with full of amazement ''Yahahaha!! So you survived!'' Enel said with a laugh before he looked down on Luna's katana with narrowed eyes. However, Luna ignored him as she was only looking at one person since she finally came back. As she took her first step, all of her flames disappeared

Nami was looking relieved that Luna was fine. Though she wasn't sure if she was fine since she was looking worse before she jumped off, at least she was alive and come back. While Zoro looking at Luna with a blank face since Luna was looking very calm, which was weird, Wiper was looking surprised and confused as he was about to get burned down by Enel's powers just a moment ago.

Luna kneeled down beside Robin and look at her as Enel went on ''I thought you would be already dead...Did you come back to challenge me again, or did you decide to come with me?'' as he was looking smug, Luna's hand went towards Robin's neck to check her pulse

''You know Enel,'' Luna started slowly ''Even thought you throw away my baby and made me angry, I was still fine. I wasn't actually planing to fight with you or anything'' Luna slightly smiled as she felt the pulse with her fingers ''I'm not someone who says this kind of things aloud since it would give the enemy advantage, but you see, this big sister here... Robin is someone really important to me,'' Luna said as her smile fade away and start to grind her teets. ''Seeing that you did this to her...''

Nami's eyes got widen for a moment as everyone there, except Enel, start to sweat with the sudden burning air. There was smoke coming out from Luna's teets with a hissing sound, and even though there were no flames, they could hear the roaring sound of the fire. Her face was shadowed as she got away from Robin and turned to Enel, and when Luna suddenly lifted her head to look at Enel, flames burst out with a loud rumble voice.

As Luna was surrounded with blood-red flames that were much darker than she usually used, her eyes were looking nothing like ocean blue but dark cloudy color. It was the first time both Nami and Zoro to see Luna thins angry. They could see the veins popped out on her forehead and beside her eyes.

''You really pissed me off,'' Luna said with a cold but angry voice as the dark, blood-red flames around her starting to move, like trying to form a shape.

While Enel was looking at Luna, he mused to himself 'I'm God. Above to the mere humans, and yet why...' as he felt shivers down on his spine just for a brief of a moment when he look at Luna's dark eyes, but being for just a brief of the moment, he got over it and come back to his relaxed and smug attitude.

''So what? Did you forget what happened in the morning?'' Enel asked smugly as he looked down on Luna. He didn't need to feel that way, he already won against this woman

Luna, on the other hand, kept staring at him as the flames start to wrap her right leg. She start to hold her katana with her left hand.

''Your flames are useless against me, to the God, and that sword of yours will never land on me since you are too slow against the God.'' Enel went on with an evil smirk

''That's true,'' Luna casually said with a cold voice as she thought about it.

She knew that with the way she is, she didn't have much chance against Enel. He was already wary of her sword because of their meeting a couple of hours ago. As long as he moved at lightning speed, Luna couldn't cut him. Since he was a lightning logia, all of her hells were almost useless against him, and she didn't know that the distraction of her screaming hell would work again. Even though it would work, he could still move with lightning speed and dodge her...

She cursed to herself once again. Even though her powers were strong, from what she could say, every world had its own unique powers. She might be using spiritual energy for her hells, but in this world, haki was the main spiritual power as could be considered as the most powerful one. If she could awaken her Armament haki, she didn't have much of a problem against Enel, but she had a big problem to awaken her armament along with her cold hells.

Luna shoved away her thoughts ''With the way I am, I probably can't win against a lightning logia user.'' Luna bluntly said with her cold voice ''But, it's not necessary for me to win against you.'' she said, causing Nami looked confused as Zoro was looking blank, he had a guess what Luna meant with these words

She only needed to keep him away from Zoro and Nami until Luffy come. She wondered where he is as she tried to sense him, but she couldn't find him.

''Yahahahahaha!!'' Enel laughed like he heard a really funny joke as he spun his golden staff ''Not necessary? Seems like I need to remind you that I'm a God.'' he said smugly as Luna kept staring at him

''Wha..?'' Nami said lowly to herself as she saw Luna's flames, looking totally surprised.

Her flames that were trying to form a shape for a while now, was looking like it's succeeded. Flames were wrapping around her leg was now going up to wrap around Luna's body, as they were transforming into what looked like a dragon.

If it would be standing instead of wrapping itself around Luna, one could say that it was almost three meters. It has tiny, cat-like ears. A row of tendrils was flowing down the sides of each of its jawlines. It had the horns of a stag. From its noise, smoke was coming out with a hissing sound just like Luna. Rows of sharp teeth poke out from the side of its mouth, giving off the hint of terror. Its body was like a snake and it was made of shades of red color. Its snake-like body was climbing on Luna with its tiny legs that had claws like an eagle and wrapping around her body.

''Dragon...?'' Nami asked again as she look at Luna while blinking. She knew Luna had a thing for dragons but still... As Luna was standing there, the dragon was only wrapping her right leg, her waist, her collarbone, and its head was hovering beside Luna's.

Zoro, on the other hand, was thinking why Luna wasn't using all of her powers as he was looking at her blood-red little dragon. As someone who's training with Luna almost every day, Zoro had the most understanding about Luna's powers, so he knew Luna had not much control over in her eighth circle hell, but the enemy wasn't someone to take lightly either.

Enel held up his arm as his palm was facing with Luna, at the same time, Luna held up his katana that she was holding in her left hand, and pointed to Enel

''El Thor!'' as a massive lightning stream from his hand released towards Luna

''Dragon's Breath!'' as the dragon's head move and go on top of Luna, as it was behind her. When it opened its mouth, massive flames that had shades of red color stream come out and go towards Enel.

When the two massive elements met with each other, they caused an enormous, colorful explosion that the shock wave of it forced Nami and Zoro to cover themselves while Wiper was looking shocked as he was also trying to cover himself. As everyone was waiting for the smoke to dissipate, Luna ran towards Enel without waiting

As she came right in front of Enel, she swung her katana, which Enel blocked it with his golden staff. Luna didn't stop as she kicked him from his abdomen with her right leg that was her flaming dragon covering, causing another explosion on his gut and destroyed that part of him. She was thrown backward with the explosion as her right leg had some burnt marks now.

When Enel placed himself back together, he thumped the drum on his left side this time, causing the lightning to began to release from it

''Kitten!'' creating a giant wolf-shaped blast of lightning going straight to Luna

Luna also get up after thrown away and look at the lightning wolf that was coming towards her

''Slashing Tail!'' as she swung her katana horizontally, sending a regular flying slash, the dragon made of flames released Luna's body. While its claws were hanging onto Luna's shoulders and looking ahead above her head, it waved its tail firmly in front of Luna.

A huge slash made of her flames released with a swing of its tail and rash forwards with a high pace to met with the slash Luna made and mix with it. The moment they had met with each other, the flying slash turn into a flaming slash as it also got larger, faster, and sharper.

Nami's jaw fell to the ground as she saw that the huge slash didn't just destroy the lightning wolf with an explosion, but also cut Enel in half as it also exploded him, leaving behind only his head and his feet. But it wasn't stopped there either as it was coming towards them. If it wasn't Zoro, who's made Nami to bend, she couldn't move with the shock she was having. As the slash filed above them and continued its way, it only disappeared after it hit the giant beanstalk and sliced it into two.

''Giant Jack...'' Wiper muttered to himself with shock as he watched the giant beanstalk, that was looking like it goes to the heavens, was slowly began to fall towards the West.

While Zoro was thinking he needed more training as he was looking at the giant beanstalk that tilting slowly, Nami was looking at it with her jaw still on the ground

''What was that...?'' Looking there with unbelievable eyes, but her shock only grew more when she saw that Enel was placing himself back together again as if nothing happened. 'How could we even win against him...' she mused as she was trembling.

Luna, on the other hand, was mentally sweatdropping 'Was it okay to cut that thing...?' as she couldn't remember about its importance, but in the end, she just shrugged it off. It shouldn't be that important if she couldn't remember.

She look at Enel, who's placing himself together once again. She grint her teets again as her eyes got darken while the dragon behind her was also snarling, as the roaring fire sounds could be heard, it also breathed out smoke at the same time with Luna. As she was thinking to launch towards Enel, she look around for a moment. Most of the ruins were got destroyed from their first attack

'If this keeps going, Robin will be sad...' Luna thought as she remembered that the only thing would make Robin really angry was this kind of thing. Her eyes got darken when she thought about Robin. Without waiting for more, she ran towards Enel

''Fifth Circle, Dai Kyaukan Jigoku,'' Luna said a calm and cold voice as she held up her katana, causing all of her flames to disappear ''Great Banshee!'' she swung down on her katana on Enel, but he blocked with his golden staff, though that was the only thing he could at that moment

When their weapons clashed, everyone there began to hear loud screams.

''My ears..!!'' Nami shout out as she closed her ears along with Zoro and even Wiper.

Enel's eyes shook for a moment as he lost all of his control on his mantra once again, but it wasn't just that. His mind was gone entirely blank, as he even lost his control over his powers with the loud screams he was hearing inside of his mind.

Luna shut down her screaming hell as their weapons were still blocking each other

''Eight Circle, Mugen Jigoku,'' she said coldly as the temperature got heated again, but there was no fire, and it wasn't just hot. It was too hot that even the stones around Luna were beginning to melt, and they were all having a hard time breathing

''This is for throwing away my baby!'' Luna yelled out as she threw a kick that aimed at his balls with her right foot that was suddenly on fire with the darkest shade of red.

''Your flames won't work on me!'' Enel said as he saw her flaming leg, but when her kick hit his balls, which he couldn't even have time to predict as he was still trying to get back his control over his powers and mantra, he felt a burning pain that caused him to bend down a little with big widen eyes.

As he was trying to understand how could he even felt it, his down part was completely exploded as well as Luna's right leg was burned, but she wasn't going to stop with just this as she look down on Enel with dark eyes.

''Woman's from Blue Sea are ruthless'' Wiper murmured as he saw what Luna had done while Zoro was gone pale as he once again remembered himself to not to touch Luna's babies. Nami however, was looking serious with her widen eyes and frowned face as she was looking at Luna's leg.

''And this...'' Luna pulled her right fist back that her skeleton bracelet was on. ''This is for Robin!!'' She shouted out as now her fist was covered with flames, and punched him on his stomach so hard that Enel flew backward, straight to the forest that was close to them. He wasn't only felt a burning pain like that kick, but it was like he didn't have any power at all.

He coughed blood as his eyes got widen when he remembered the bracelet on Luna's right hand 'Sea stone again..!?' he thought as he flew away

Luna made a devilish smirk as she thought how satisfying to punch him while her anger was finally beginning to fade. She didn't wait though as she start to run towards the forest, to where Enel flew, at a very fast pace before Enel come back there.

''Robin! Strange Knight!'' Nami ran towards them as soon as she saw Luna went after Enel.

''She seemed like she finally could damage him...'' Zoro said with a thoughtful face as they start to hear a couple of explosion sounds from the forest, but Nami frowned at this

''No...'' She said seriously as she was pulling Robin to beside Chopper ''When she kicked Enel, Luna took more damage'' Nami added as she also thought about this morning. The explosion voices and Luna's hand that was looking burned several times... She made a serious, thoughtful face. Luna's attacks with long-range weren't working on Enel. She needed to get close but it was looking like she was taking more damage than she caused.

She look at the giant snake that was lying unconscious. They couldn't keep this, they needed to run away.


'Damn.' Luna thought as she dodged another lightning bolt that was rushing towards her.

Enel was quick to come back to his usual self, no, maybe he was even angrier. He wasn't even letting touch the attacks that would normally have no harm on him. Both of them throwing long-ranged attacks at each other and both of them were dodging or simply destroying the attack. It was completely turned out a dodge fight.

Luna had no complaints about it though. Even thouh she was angry at him, she wasn't sutupid as all she wanted was Enel to let go of Zoro and Nami before he also did something to them either, and hold him off until Luffy come and beat him. Without haki, the only way she could really hurt him would be heating up her flames to such degree that it could compare with lightning. However, even if she had used them, she still took more damage and it wouldnt be just herself and Enel who's getting hurt in the end. Battles between two elements were dangerous, moreover lightning and fire were not a good match, at least for her.

Since she knew Luffy would beat him and he had a more chance to win, she didn't think it was necessary for her to risk her life to win against him. Still, if she had armament haki, she would have killed him long ago now.

''I spent enough time. Your coming back wasn't something I was waiting, but the predicted time is over.'' Enel said with irritation as he didn't like this situation ''I have somewhere else to be, you can all just fall with the island and die.'' As he stopped his attacks, looking smug once again before he suddenly appeared in front of Luna with lightning speed, and hold both of her arms

''But before I left, I would like to take that thing with me this time.'' He said with an evil smirk. He knew she wouldn't come with him and he didn't want her anymore either

Luna followed his gazes before her eyes got widen ''You want my baby?!'' she yelled out as she struggled, but being both of her hands were holding, Enel released high voltage electricity and shocked Luna, who's glaring daggers at him.

''No matter what, a mere human can't go against a God,'' Enel said with a smirk as he let Luna fall. While Luna was laying on the ground unconscious, he took the pitch-black katana and sheathed it. Its blade was sea stone but not the rest of it, he purely wanted it because it irritated him. He glanced at her sea stone bracelet for a moment, but he just let it go as he went to his ship with lightning speed. He couldn't get late more, he still had to take the Golden Bell.

A couple of minutes later Enel left, Luna opened her eyes and blinked a few times.

''From our first encounter, he should be noticed that I have good stamina... What an idiot to let his enemy like this...'' Luna murmured to herself as she got up. Is it were her she would be sure that her enemy was dead, but she suddenly lost in anger

''This is the second time!!'' She yelled out with a very angry face as she kicked the ground ''God?! What God?!! That fucking bastard!! How dare he stole my baby!!!That damn lightning fruit!!'' causing the ground to crack with every kick

''No, wait!'' She suddenly stopped and blinked a couple of times ''This is not the time to get angry.'' while looking calmer, she sat on the ground with crossed legs and let a long breath ''Let's calm down and find Naraka...'' she murmured as she closed her eyes and focused on the bond between herself and her katana.

After a couple of minutes later, she suddenly opened her eyes and look at her right side ''There.'' before she started to run.


It wasn't long Luna and Enel were gone and currently, Nami and Zoro having an argument. Nami was saying they should run while Zoro was saying Luffy was still inside of the snake, and they should wait for his decision. He was sitting on the floor calmly as he was saying that he would wait for Luffy to get out of the snake's butthole, causing Nami to hit him on the head while yelling that it was disgusting, and how could he even say the same thing with Luffy.

Before they could continue, however, they saw Luna, who's running out from the jungle.

''Luna!!'' Nami called out, getting Luna's attention as she started to go there. After Luna came there, she quickly checked on Robin and Chopper as he was also looking bad, causing Luna to get angry once again, but it wasn't looking like the culprit was Enel.

''What happened to Enel?'' Zoro asked, causing Luna to made an angry face in an instant

''He stole my baby and left! I'm going after him!'' She yelled out as Nami gasp at her

''No! We can't win against him and he's planning to destroy the island! We have to run before that happens!'' Nami yelled out, causing Luna to made a confused face for a moment but before she could say anything

''Hey, woman'' Wiper called out as he came towards there ''If you know where Enel is tell me, he is mine to kill.''

''You want to kill him with this state of yours?'' Luna asked as she raised an eyebrow while looking at Wiper ''I think the one who's dying would be you...''

''I don't care about that! Tell me where he-'' Wiper was shouting out before Luna get his back and chop his nape, causing him to fell unconscious on his face.

''Why the hell did you do that!!?'' Nami yelled/asked as she look at Wiper with big widen eyes

''He was in the way.'' Luna said bluntly as Zoro also nod with an agreement ''Anyway, I'm going to get back my baby'' Luna add before she coughed blood

''Where the hell do you think you're going with this state?!'' Nami yelled out again as she saw Luna cough blood ''Just forget about that katana! You can get something new once we go back to our sea!'' causing Luna to gasp after she wiped the blood

''Are you insane?! I can't leave my baby behind! This is the second time!'' Luna also yelled out, only making Nami angrier. First, she was jumping off after it, while they were on an island that was ten thousand meters high up, and now she was going after a dangerous man...

''If you go after him, you'll absolutely die! We have to run! The ship is already coming towards here! As soon as Luffy out, we're leaving!'' Nami said, completely against going after Enel

''I'm not going to fight with him. I know I'm not fine since I crashed to the ocean, but I can't use my powers with just any katana. It's like he stole my powers, so I need to get it back.'' Luna said more calmly now as Nami's eyebrows were twitching, but she couldn't find anything to say at this before she made a face like she noticed something

''You crashed to the ocean? How the hell are you even still alive!?'' she asked with big widen eyes, causing Luna to let a sigh

''I caught my katana just before I was about to crash, so it was softened a little...'' Luna said with a thoughtful face while Nami was blinking as she was trying to understand

''What are you talking about?'' Zoro asked with a confused face, but Luna shrugged it off as she waved her hand dismissively while saying its nothing.

''Whatever, I'm going! I don't have time!'' Luna said as she start to run before Nami had a chance to stop her

''Wait, Luna!!!'' Nami yelled out, but Luna was already running towards the other side of the forest, and soon she disappeared while yelling out

''I'm coming to save you, my little baby!!!'' as her echoing voice disappearing, Nami turned to Zoro with an irritated face

''Why didn't you stop her!?'' she asked as veins popping out on her forehead, causing Zoro to look at her weirdly

''Me? If you wanted to stop her, you should do it yourself'' he said in annoyance as he thought that he would do the same as Luna if his katana would also be stolen while his hand went on his pure white katana.

''Like I could!!'' Nami yelled with anger before she look over Robin and Chopper to check them again.


After running for a while, Luna finally reached someplace that looked like a cave and run towards there without even thinking. She was completely following her feelings over her katana.

When she finally came to the end of the cave, she saw a giant ark with large oars on the side along with propellers. There was a giant face made of gold on the main deck, which actually amused Luna that Enel was able to do this on his own. She shook her head as she thought that it wasn't time to get amused as the ship could move any given moment now. She ran towards there, and not even thinking twice, she punched the ship, creating a small hole. She started to climb the ship as she punched it and use the little holes as stairs.

''So in the end, you decided to come to the Fairy Vearth'' Enel said with a calm voice as he was relaxingly sitting on his golden throne

''I just came to take my baby back.'' Luna also said calmly as she look at him and her katana, that was placed right beside his throne.


Just after Luna left Nami and Zoro,

The giant snake's jaw suddenly fell open as Luffy, Ais, and Pierre start to fell out of it. Pierre caught Aisa as Luffy crash to the stone ground. While Aisa was looking around with amazement, Luffy climb a high place, that was looking like an altar and yelled out with a big smile on his face

''I'm out!!! I'm finally outside!!'' As he was looking really happy while his arms were wide open. Aisa also climbed the stairs to came to where Luffy is and look around as Luffy was yelling out ''Whoa, look! This place is huge! Where is this place!? These must be city ruins!'' As he look around with shiny eyes that looking clearly thrilled ''Maybe the giant Golden Bell is somewhere here!?''

''Could it be..'' Aise whispered to herself as she was looking around with awe ''That this place is, my people's homeland?''

''Whoa...!! There are huge holes there!'' Luffy said as he look at the large holes that were not too far from where they were, but as he was trying to see more clearly, his smile faded away from his face, and frowned with a serious face. He jumped down without even waiting for a moment and start to run towards the holes he saw as Aisa was yelling at him to wait for her, not that he listen ot her though.

When Luffy finally come close, he saw the destroyed ruins, cracked ground, and the stones that were looking like they were melted, and there was a giant beanstalk that was sliced. Soon, he finally saw Zoro, Nami, Chopper, Robin, Gan Fall, and Wiper. Zoro was looking bad as he was sitting beside Nami, who's looking over Chopper. They were all laying on the ground as they were all looking severely injured. Chopper was looking as if he was slashed several times, that could make one believe he was dead, while the rest were looking burned down just like Zoro.

''Zoro!! What happened here?!'' Luffy asked with a completely worried voice and face.

''Lu-'' before Zoro could keep what he was going to say

''Finally!'' Nami yelled out ''What took you so long?!'' As she hit Luffy on the head, looking so angry

''I came out in the end! Why are you hitting me?!'' Luffy yelled back before he looked around, especially Robin and Chopper ''What happened? Where's Luna and the rest?'' Luffy asked again more calmly but there were worry and anger in his voice

''It was Enel...'' Zoro said as he and Nami started to tell what happened. Along the way, Pierre and Aisa also came. Little Aisa was happy to see Nami and was hugged to her, but soon she was crying worriedly over Wiper while Pierre was squawking in horror as he ran toward Gan Fall

''That bazooka jerk!'' Luffy said as he look at Aisa and Wiper ''He was pretty strong too but even he was beaten...''

''Enel is the only one who could do something like this!'' Aisa yelled out with tears, causing Nami and Zoro to avert their gazes with sweatdrops. The one who beat him was Enel, but the one who knocked him out was Luna in the end. As they look at the teary-eyed child, they decided to say nothing about it. Robin also wake up, causing them to go towards her when they heard her coughings

''Robin!'' Nami called out as she tried to make Robin more comfortable

As Zoro quickly finished to explain what happened, ''So, this Enel dude did this all and then stole Luna's katana, so she went after him...'' he said with a thoughtful expression.

''At this rate... this land, Skypiea will be destroyed,'' Robin said as she panted while Nami was saying not to talk to her and rest

''Sky island will be what?!'' Aisa shouted out with shock ''E-even my village?!''

''Everything.'' Robin said as Nami frowned, and Zoro narrowed his eyes as they thought about Enel's words ''Enel aims to return all the people living in the sky back to the surface.'' Robin add between her hard breaths as she start to tell all she knows

''Then... Enel is definitely going to show up at the place where the Golden Bell is?'' Luffy asked after everything he heard

''Yes, I'm certain. It will be all over if you wander the island and miss the chance to find him'' Robin said.

Even though she was knocked out, her consciousness was coming slowly from time to time with the loud sounds she was hearing. She couldn't find the energy to open her eyes and react though, but she remembered what Luna told Enel. She was said that she couldn't win against Enel, but it wasn't necessary. It meant that it wasn't necessary for her because Luffy would win, which Zoro was also guessed the same thing.

''Don't worry!!'' Aisa suddenly shouted out ''I can tell! I can sense two voices moving across this island.'' she said as she look over there with a frowned face ''I'm sure they are Enel and your friend Luna.'' causing Luffy to look at her with a serious face as his eyes were shadowed

''Good, take me there,'' he said with a frowned face

''Wait! You're planning to fight with him?!'' Nami asked with big, widen eyes as she just wanted to go away from this island

''You said Luna went after him and he is going to destroy the island,'' Luffy said bluntly, he didn't understand why she was even asking this.

While Nami was saying that he should just take Luna back and come back so that they could run, Luffy hop on Pierre's back as Aisa was already on it and was waiting for Luffy. Zoro asked if he also should go with him, but Luffy said its fine and stay there with the rest. Not listening to Nami, the three of them begin to go towards the forest with Pierre following Aisa's directions.

Nami's jaw was on the ground as she watched the three of them to disappear.

''Why no one listens to me!!!??'' She shouted out as she look at the skies while Zoro was sweatdropping at her.


Luna and Enel were surprisingly having a peaceful conversation, though the words they were uttering weren't fitting their laid-back attitude. Enel was talking about the girl, Conis, somehow learn about his plans, and she was warning the citizens to leave the island. While Luna was calmly listening to him speak about his plans, she was also saying that his plans were not God-like at all, as she was also saying that he was not a God, not that he was caring what she was saying though, but Luna also wasn't caring what he was saying either.

A short while later, Enel's smile faded off from his face as he looked dissatisfied with something else. Luna also wondered what happened, and she was actually sad that her Observation haki wasn't long-range.

A couple of minutes later, Enel got up from his throne with a frowned face, and start to walk towards the side of the ship as Luna's eyes slide to her katana that was left there all alone. When Luna took a step towards the golden throne, she suddenly bent backward as a lightning bolt rush towards her.

''Don't get funny ideas'' Enel said with an evil look on his frowned face, looking completely dissatisfied. Luna raised an eyebrow at him as she didn't mind what he was saying, but she just watched Enel as he kept going to the side of the ship, and look down with his golden staff in his hand

''As I suspected... He wasn't among the five survivors'' Enel said as he was frowning down, causing Luna's eyes to widen momently, as she understood why he was acting like this and also begin to sense a familiar presence ''How unpleasant... To see that my prediction was off...'' Enel add as Luna smiled with the voice she heard

''Are you the one called Enel?!'' Luffy shout out as he look up to Enel. He had a serious face as he was standing there with his worn-out clothes ''What the hell did you do to my crew?'' Luffy asked without shouting now, but his calm question sounded dangerous

''Which trash do you refer to?'' Enel asked as he glared at Luffy with a dissatisfied, dark face, causing Luffy to frown

''I'm going to kick your ass!'' Luffy shouted out again, only to make Enel more dissatisfied

''Watch your tongue. You are speaking to God!'' Enel state loudly while looking high and mighty as Luna was moving towards her katana

''Just what part of about you is God?!'' Luffy demanded as he look up at Enel, shocking Aisa, Pierre, who's watching them while hiding. Enel was also looking baffled at this question for a moment, but he made a smirk as he looked down on him

''Oh, you will see'' he said smugly as Luffy suddenly start to ran up one of the oars as he stretched his arm out and swung up to the upper part of the ark. Enel looked slightly surprised as he saw Luffy stretched his arm

''I see...'' he muttered as he turned around to face with Luffy ''So you are not an ordinary human either. But,'' As electricity start to appear on his body, he made an evil smirk ''A mere paramecia? How insignificant!''

As Luffy was running towards Enel, he coated his hand with lightning ''All attacks are meaningless before me! For I am God!'' as he pointed at his hand to Luffy ''El thor!'' a massive lightning stream from his hand released towards Luffy, and the bright lightning swallowed him up. While Aisa was panicking, Luna finally took her katana and head to there as the ship was rocking with Enel's power.

When Enel's attack came to an end, he look at the fading smoke. His attack was even burned and destroyed some parts of the cave's walls, but Luffy was standing there, as he was looking completely unharmed. His lips were sucked in as he was looking back to the smoking crater on the cave's wall before he turned to look at Enel with questioning eyes.

Enel look at him with a confused expression for a moment before he made a smirk ''It seems you dodged that well!'' as he started to spin his golden staff before he thumped the top two drums he was carrying on his back. ''60 million volts, Thunder Dragon'' A giant dragon-shaped blast of lightning emerged from the two drums and rash towards Luffy

''My dragon is better...'' Luna murmured as she came just that moment and saw that the dragon indeed hit Luffy. When it's over, however, Luffy was standing there as if nothing happened. 'Being rubber must be nice...' Luna thought as she look at perfectly fine Luffy while remembering all the lightning and explosions she took until now.

Enel, who's looking baffled, suddenly disappeared with lightning speed and appeared right in front of Luffy. As his hand was on his chest, he smirked as if this would definitely be an end ''100 million volt Vari!'' he released of his electric energy as his body also become one. But Luffy kept standing there as his body was practically gleaming with the lightning he was getting hit while his face was scowling with irritation

''Quit it!!'' Luffy shout out and threw Enel out of him. While Aisa and Pierre, who's still hiding, were gaping in shock, Enel was sent back as he took several backflips before he landed on his feet. Luffy was still standing where he was as he was looking ready to fight, but Enel was not in a condition to fight at that moment. He was standing there, lost all of his smugness and his arrogance as his eyes were budging out of his head, his jaw was wide open, sweats were falling down on his face along with a snort coming from his nose with the shock he was having.

''Pfft!!'' Luna, who's trying to hold her laugh, suddenly broke into laughter ''Ahahahaha!!! Oh my, his face!! Ahahahaha!!'' She was practically rolling on the floor, and she was laughing so much that even tears were coming to her eyes. She felt really lucky to see his face like this

As Luna's laughters were echoing, Luffy turned to look at Luna with a smile ''Oh, Luna did you take your katana back..?'' his smile faded on the half after seeing Luna though. She had several injures on her, and the worst ones were looking like her right arm and right leg. Her dress was looking like it burnt at some points, as her hair that was usually straight and silky, now was looking puffy.

While Luffy was looking at Luna, who's trying to calm down her laughs, ''What happened to you?!'' as it was the first time he had ever seen Luna this injured ''Is he the one who did this?!'' Not only the rest, but even Luna was like this too

Luna look at Luffy as he was also looking at her. As she didn't understand what he was talking about, she also looked at herself. She blinked a few times as she was thinking over. Honesty, it was actually herself to cause damage to her more than Enel. She could just stop using her flames, but she kept using them, and the explosion cause her injury, but if it wasn't Enel and his surprise visit in the morning, she would be much finer

''Yeah, I guess?'' Luna said with a tilted head as Luffy charged against Enel with a battle cry, which Enel was shaking his head to regain his calmness for a while now

While Luna was watching Luffy kick Enel so hard in the stomach and cause him to spit blood while flying back and falling his back, she thought that everyone on this island was really lucky that Luffy ate the rubber fruit, except Enel, that is.

After he coughed some blood, Enel slowly got up from where he was laying, and leap on back as he was now standing on the railing ''Who in God's name are you?!'' Enel asked as he looked down on Luffy once again, causing Luna to think that he really likes to look down on people

''I'm Luffy!'' Luffy said with a blank face and cold voice ''A pirate and a rubber man.''

''Rubber?'' Enel repeat in confuse as blood was dripping off from his nose

''Your lightning won't work on me!!'' Luffy practically answered his question as he ran towards him, ready to punch him, but Enel, who's finally getting back his senses as he calmed down, easily dodged Luffy's punch with his Manta as he basically sidestepped.

Sending fly by his own attack, Luffy glanced at his back and didn't stop with just that as he stretched out his leg to use his 'Gum Gum Whimp', but Enel disappeared just then with his lightning speed and appeared a little further back of Luffy. Noticing this, Luffy next used his 'Gum Gum Spear', but he moved in lightning speed once again and dodge Luffy's attack.

Before Luffy could do something else, Enel suddenly came close to Luffy and swing is golden staff to Luffy and hit him, causing him to fly backward as he kept hit him several times more. However, his staff was blunt, and it wasn't actually hurting Luffy. After beating him a couple of times more, Enel pinned him against to golden face of the ark

''Don't get cocky.'' as he was pushing his staff on Luffy's throat, causing him to cough ''Shocks are not the only thing lightning can do. If shocks are ineffective, I have other ways of fighting you.''

Luffy grabbed his golden staff after what Enel said and threw a kick at him, ''Punches and blows won't work on me either!'' but Enel moved at lightning speed once again and reappeared on the railing ''Damm it! He's also using that haki thing to read my movements!'' Luffy muttered to himself

Enel, on the other hand, was looking thoughtful before he suddenly made a face like he noticed something ''Gloam Paddling!'' as he started to release electricity to his staff. He was heating and melting the gold to reshape it. While Luna was watching it with interest, Enel's golden staff was now morphed into a golden trident.

''Consider this as a physical manifestation of my thunder!'' Enel said loudly as he thrust his trident towards Luffy, ''I have no time to waste playing with the likes of you!'' but Luffy dodged his attack as he jumped up to the upper part of the golden face and look down at Enel, who's laughing ''Yahahahaha!! Just as I suspected! You're weak to sharp things, aren't you?!''

''That's right.'' Luffy said casually before he jumped off, ready to use his 'Gum Gum Gatling Gun', but Enel disappeared before he could even use his attack. As Luffy was in midair and was staring around to find Enel, Luna also used her observation to find him

''Luffy! Behind you!'' Luna called out at the same time with Aisa, causing both of them to blink for a moment as they weren't seeing each other. However, both of them shrug it off and focus on Enel, who's moving through the gold with his powers and appeared on the golden face, at the same high with Luffy. As Enel stare at Luffy, he suddenly stuck his trident at Luffy to stab him.

Luffy was able to dodge it as he caught the trident and hold it, but due to Enel's powers, it was hot as Luffy's hands were burning so much that they were smoking while holding it.

''Yahahahaha!! You may be immune to electricity, but the electrical heat building up in my trident is another matter!'' Enel said with a laugh but made a questioning sound as Luffy suddenly stretched his right leg up and bring it back with more power. Using his 'Gum Gum Axe' he smashed Enel down to the deck, causing the wooden deck to cracked

''You little brat!!'' Enel shout out as he got up immediately, looking angry as he was glaring up at Luffy.

While Luffy was still up in the air, he used his 'Gum Gum Gatling Gun' this time, looking like he was throwing dozens of punches, but it was useless against an observation haki user. Enel easily found his real arms and caught his hands from his wrists before he slammed him down, causing Luffy to crashed into the deck this time.

''It's not as if your arms actually multiplied in number!'' Enel shouted out before he start to walk away while twirling his trident ''You chose a terrible time to tour sky island, the inhabitant of the Blue Seas'' he then looked down at Luffy while wiping out the blood from his mouth as he was smirking ''I'm God! Everything is as I will! And I will create a world as I see fit!''

As Enel was walking towards his golden throne, Luna glance at Luffy ''I will not be obstructed by some brat that popped up from the Blue Seas'' Enel went on, looking calm and smug once again ''Will you care to see the sight with me? The sight of this country's destruction! Yahahaha!!'' as he was laughing, he stood in front of his throne and placed both of his hands to the large, golden orbs that were on either side of him, and used his powers to surge electricity through them.

As Enel used 200 million volt electricity, the propellers had slowly begun to turn and then spin. With a loud grinding sound, the giant wooden ship they were on began to move, and it actually started to rise from the ground.

Luna look around as the ship was slowly being lifted off the ground and heading up to the large hole above them.

While Aisa was calling out Luffy's name ''Look... It's lifting off. The ark that will guide me to Fairy Vearth, Maxim!!'' Enel said as he looked up at the skies

''I don't understand you, Enel'' Luna said as he look at his excited face while she was looking unimpressed, getting Enel's attention ''If you want to go there, just go. Why are you even doing this all?'' she asked with a tilted head as she really couldn't understand him

''Why?'' Enel asked, looking like he was also didn't understand ''Because it's unnatural. As a God, I should send this place back to were it was once before I leave.'' Enel said, sounding like this was how it was supposed to be, as he was looking like a generous God.

Luna looked at him while scratching the back of her head, ''Dude...'' like she doesn't know what to say, ''You need a psychologist.''

Enel look at Luna weirdly since he didn't know what is a psychologist as Luna let a sigh and went on ''Unnatural? You think you, a devil fruit user, is natural then? Because if its what you believe, you should also destroy yourself since devil fruits are not natural either'' Luna calmly said while looking at Enel, who's looking at Luna with a frowned face

''Hmph, As a God, of course, I'm unnatural. It's how supposed to be.'' Enel said with a self-confident smirk, but Luna look at him as if he was a hopeless idiot

''God? It's true that when humans see something beyond them, they tend to call them God. Either out of fear or awe, it doesn't matter.'' Luna said as Enel made a smirk, but it didn't take long his smirk fade off ''However, don't get too cocky just a bunch of citizens of one island calls you God and fears you. A long time ago, humans were also called the sun as a God until they learn that it was just a star. God is supposed to be the one who creates all. When you compared to something like that, you're actually quite an insignificant bug.''

Enel was looking at Luna with a dark and frowned face as Luffy was also getting up ''You're talking a lot for someone who doesn't even believe in God'' Enel scowled, causing Luna to raise an eyebrow

''Well, what can I say... Even though I don't particularly like it, I have seen enough to believe in fate'' Luna said casually, causing Enel to snort

''But the fate is something God controls.'' He said as he looked down on Luna before he opened his arms widely ''I can hear the feverish dance of the angels! I wonder just how far they can run away before the island crumbles below their very feet! It seems they've to become aware of Skypiea's fate! The fate that I decide, God! Yahahaha!!''

Luna stared at Enel as if he was the most idiot person she had ever seen ''I don't think that's true...'' she said slowly as she had a blank face, causing Enel to stop laughing and look at her

''Just now, you said we came at the worst time, but I believe its the opposite. If we were to come here even a day later, there would be nothing left here. However, while we were sailing our route, our loge pose suddenly lock on a sky island, and we even risked our lives to come here. Not only that but out of everything, you happen to be the lightning logia user while Luffy was a rubber man.'' Luna calmly said before she made a smirk ''If fate is really something God controls, don't you think that God wants you to take down? The fake one, I mean.''

Enel look at her with a dark face as some electricity discharged from his body as if he was really irritated, ''You speak as if mere paramecia can take me down.'' he said with a heavy voice as he glared down at Luna, who's looking like not impressed from him at all

''Of course, he can. He is the future Pirate King'' Luna said, as a matter of fact, causing Luffy to smile a little as he was listening to them with a blank face until now

''Pirate King?'' Enel asked as he glanced at Luffy now ''And what exactly would he be the king of..?'' causing Luffy to look at him as he had a blank face once again, but his eyes were deadly serious as he talk with a calm voice

''He is the king of the sea.'' Luffy declared as suddenly wind blowed

Enel smirked, ''That doesn't sound half bad...'' As he was looking rather evil with his smirk ''Let's finish this in the sky!'' While they were looking at each other, the ship was lifting more and more with every passing second as Enel started to laugh ''Yahahaha!!! The great engine of this ark has roared into motion! I name it Deatpiea. A savior of this world in the name of despair!'' he said with an evil smirk of his, causing Luffy to frown as Luna was looking around. Just then, the ship was temporarily caught in the earth and stopped moving, but it was a matter of time for its move once again

Just that moment, out of the chimney that was on top of the ark's head, black clouds began to release out, and in a matter of seconds, the darkness began to cover all the sky around them, giving off an eerie feeling

''Are those...'' Luna murmured as she look up at the sky, causing Enel to made a smirk

''Yes, they're lightning clouds.'' Enel said as he was looking like he was proud of them, ''Using my energy, Deathpiea will expel extremely volatile lightning clouds and as the clouds amplify their stored energy, they will cover all of Skypiea in darkness. Then, upon my signal, they will all transform into lightning and destroy this whole country!'' Enel declared looking like he was thrilled just with the thought of it.

He then made a smirk, and he raised her right arm ''Like so...'' as he pointed his index finger at the sky, he sent a single bolt of lightning to the dark clouds that were forming above them, causing a large bolt of lightning to came out and struck at Angel Island. ''Don't you think that it's an ability fit for a God? Yahahahaha!!'' Enel said as he glanced at Luna, who's studying at the clouds with a thoughtful expression

Fire and lightning might be pretty different, but they could also be quite similar. Her mind was full of new ideas that she was dying to try out when Luffy suddenly yelled out

''You think you can rob people of anything just because you think you're a God?!'' as he was looking really enraged

''Indeed,'' Enel said coolly ''As I said, their lives and their lands are mine to give or take'' before he suddenly tried to attack Luffy with his golden trident ''Now then, it's time to eliminate you! The preparations for the final ceremony is complete!'' as Luffy jump in the air and spin around to dodge the trident

While he was in the midair, he threw a kick at Enel's head, but he blocked with his arm. Looking annoyed, the tried to stab Luffy with his weapon, causing Luffy to blocked it away with his barefoot, but he immediately pulled it back as the heat of Enel's trident burned down his foot.

''Yahahaha! It's a trident with high electrical heat!'' Enel said as he was enjoying seeing Luffy struggle, and tried to stab him over and over again as Luffy dodged them, but at some point, not being able to dodge, Luffy grabbed the trident which caused him to burn his hands this time.

As Luffy got away from Enel for a moment, he began to blow on is burnt hands. Seeing this as a change, Enel struck his trident towards his head, but Luffy dodged it as he duck, causing Enel to burn down the railing as it turned into ashes in seconds.

''Damn, isn't there something I can do about him reading my movements?'' Luffy mumbled to himself as he glared at Enel, but just then, he made a face like he had a brilliant idea ''That's it!''

''Gum Gum...'' as he got up ''...Daze'' he suddenly start to look like a brainless person, causing Luna to sweatdrop and actually avert her gazes 'Maybe I shouldn't delay their training...' she pondered to herself as Enel attacked him with his trident once again

Luffy dodged his attacks over and over again, looking like a leaf that was floating around. 'It looks like Kami-e, but at least that doesn't require the mind to be shut down.' she mused as she watched Luffy to dodge Enel's attacks entirely unconscious state. He was dodging strikes entirely on instinct

As Enel was getting more and more frustrated, with one last strike, Luffy ended up doing a backflip in the air and landed on the deck. As soon as he landed, his technique worn out as he was now breathing hard and was murmuring to himself, ''Damn it! If I daze out, I can't attack either.''

''Now you thinking that?'' Luna asked as Luffy's eyes lit up with a new idea. He suddenly breathed in, like how he usually was doing when he was going to use his 'Gum Gum Balloon', but the air he took wasn't going on his body but his head. After his head inflated to an enormous size, he exhaled it back for a moment later, causing his limbs to look stretched and gone limp. As he called this 'Gum Gum Octopus!' Luna sweatdropped once again

''It seems you quite dislike my mantra.'' Enel commented as he spun his trident ''That is natural. It is all, after all, what gives me such overpowering dominance!''

Not that Luffy was listening to him though, as he was looking at his back, to where Enel's golden throne is, ''That place might do!'' Luffy said as he bounced himself towards the golden face while Enel was saying that it doesn't matter and whatever he tries, he was just a nuisance who can only resist his lightning

''Gum Gum...'' as Luffy began to attack to the golden face with his long arms and legs ''Octopus Fireworks!'' he screamed out as Luffy's limbs were starting to bouncing off the wall

''Fool! Trying to destroy my ship because you cannot hit me?!'' Enel asked with a laugh ''How futile!'' as he was charging towards Luffy, who's punching and kicking the wall non-stop. Soon, Enel realized what's going on as a punch just missed his check very closely, but even if he noticed, it was too late

Since Luffy was punching the wall, and his limbs were limp, even he, himself couldn't predict or know where his punches and kicks were going to land, so Enel couldn't predict or dodge his attacks. Just like a normal person, who's getting hit by Luffy's Gum Gum Gatling Gun, Enel was struck by Luffy's attacks. He was hit over and over again until blood start to pour from his mouth, and flew backward as he fell flat on his back

Not stopping with just that, ''You're not getting away anymore!'' Luffy shout out as he charged at Enel, throwing his arms back. When Enel just got back to his feet ''Gum Gum Bazooka!'' he hit him on the stomach, causing more blood to pour out from Enel's mouth as his eyes were rolled back into his head. He fell to the floor once again as Luffy was getting ready to charge again.

Struggling to get back to his feet while he was spitting blood, Enel look at Luffy with fear in his eyes as Luffy threw his fist back. ''Gum Gum...'' causing Enel eyes to got widen as Luffy's stretched arm was twisting around ''...Rifle!'' Luffy shout out as his punch hit Enel on the stomach once again with so much force that it sent Enel flew back and hit the golden face before he fell on the floor

Just Enel was laying on the floor, with his eyes were rolled back, the ship finally broke free itself, and start to rose up into the air as it was breaking apart the trees around it. As Luffy and Luna were looking around, they turned their heads towards Enel as he suddenly slapped his hand to the floor, trying to get up.

While blood was dripping from his face, he hissed ''Fools...'' he said as he was breathless ''This... this much is nothing...'' he coughed up some blood as he was trying to control his breathes ''Hah... If I can just get rid of you... This world will be mine!'' he look at Luffy with a dark look in his eyes ''All will fear me, revere me! Worship me! My... world...'' He gasped for breath for a moment before he went on ''A brat like you... Cannot hope to defeat me! Nothing is impossible for me! I'm Almighty!! For I am God!!'' Enel declared as the ship was now over the trees, and the dark clouds that the ship was creating was growing bigger and darker with every passing second.

''Just you watch, rubber human... The despair of a crumbling island...'' Enel said as he stood up while electricity was beginning to sparking on him ''No one can stop it anymore!'' He stated with a smirk

Realizing that he was trying to do something again, Luffy charge towards Enel ''Stop it!!''

As Luffy was running towards him, ready to punch him again, Enel placed his hand on the golden wall behind him, and melt it like butter. Swirling it around himself, Enel formed a giant golden ball just the moment Luffy threw his punch at him.

''Gloam...'' Enel said as he moved the melted gold ''Paddling!'' And suddenly, the gold that was melted wrapped itself around Luffy's punch, and just like that, Luffy's arm was trapped into a giant golden ball.

''H...Hooottt!!!'' Luffy screamed out as he fell, struggling to get it off, but the gold was already cooled into a large ball as Luffy's arm was burning and turning red while the stream was coming out off from his hand. Luffy was yelling out that it was hot while Enel was laughing at him

''Rubber human of the Blue Seas, there is no need for me to exert my energy in fighting you...'' Enel said as he let a tired sigh while Luffy was yelling at him to get the ball off of him, not that Enel would do it though

''I don't want to risk possibly getting bitten back in return by some mangy mutt'' Enel said as he kicked the giant golden ball, causing Luffy to roll with it before he ended up his hand with the ball to fell from the ship. ''So let us part ways here.'' Enel said as he was looking smug again ''But for putting up a valiant fight, I will present you with this golden ball'' The weight of the ball was forcing Luffy back as he was struggling to get his hand back

''As long as I can seal you away... Everything will be as it was before. This world will remain mine!'' Enel said as his face was now morphed into an evil and dark smile ''There will be no one in this world who can oppose me!''

''In this world you said?!'' Luffy asked/yelled within his struggles ''There's plenty of people who can do that!'' causing Enel's smirk to fade off as his face remained dark ''Down in the seas, there are even more powerful monsters!'' Luffy said as he stared at Enel with a serious face ''Compared to them, you're n-''

''You won't stop talking, will you?'' Enel said as he cut off Luffy's words, looking completely irritated as he moved at lightning speed, and come right in front of Luffy. As he glared at down at him, Enel swung his staff and hit Luffy's legs, causing him to lose balance and fall backward with the heavy gold on his hand

''Fall! Along with Sky Island!'' Enel said in a dark tone as Luffy started to fall while yelling at him

Luna also was now standing on the railing and was unsheathed her katana. She was already started to form wings on her back. With a last glance at Enel, who's also glancing at her darkly, she jumped off after Luffy.

Aisa and Pierre, who's in his Pegasus form, was also there. Flying to get reach at Luffy with Aisa calling out his name and saying they will save him while Luffy was yelling at Enel to fight with him

''Luffy! Hold on!'' Luna called out as she began to fly towards there, causing Luffy to look at her before he stretched out his free arm and wrap around her waist. Just at that moment, Enel, who's glaring down at Aisa and Pierre, sent a huge and powerful lightning bolt crashing down from the sky, causing Luna to fly towards there with full speed.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

emmalmannycreators' thoughts