
Day Dreaming

Wendy comes to have a crush on a man called Jung Hoseok when he saved her from an abusive man who is hitting his wife ....when they were all on vacation in Jeju. It is her first time to like a man. Later she learns that their fathers are friends and would like them to marry. The problem is Wendy finds out that Jung Hoseok is a gay (although it is a not true). Wendy would like to refuse to the marriage even how much she is fond of him, but the fathers insist they work together at his family's hotel to get to know each other. Wendy and Hoseok gets to near each other more and become friends. Wendy also meets another man who seems to interests in her, one of the most important man in hotel management team, Mr Lee Min Hong. Her appearance with Lee Min Hong makes Hoseok realises his feeling for Wendy is more than a friend and he doesn't want to lose her. Especially when Lee Min Hong is known to be a womaniser very unlike him, who he considers himself a boring normal guy and a loser in first love. How will he try to tell his feelings to Wendy? ......... (Chapter 19) Wendy: "Hope...you behave so badly today .. especially how you appear in here. it's so  rude.." Hoseok: "I know. .I can't help it...!" Wendy: "Why!" Hoseok: "Do you like him ...do you like Lee Min Hong?" Wendy: "Well I'm getting to know him.. what's wrong if I like him!" At that... Hoseok just couldn't control himself more..he just grab Wendy's face and kisses her on the lips. .... Wendy: "What does this mean Hope ...you like both women and men? but you should never cheat Jimin. ." In this, Hoseok remembers she has mistaken him as gay man...and somehow an idea just come to him. Hoseok: "Er....I'm very sorry Wendy.. I just want to know how it feels like to kiss a woman." Wendy: " it's just that?" ...... Hoseok continues,  "Will you marry me? Wendy" Wendy: "Are you crazy.... whatever is happening to you ??" Wendy looks up at Hoseok..His face is very serious. ........ Wendy: "I will need to think about it!!" ..... The story has completed.

WinnieAye · Umum
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34 Chs

Chapter 30: Honeymoon Trip..and Full Moon Night!

Soo Ae cries in Wendy's arms.

Then she tries to stop herself and loosen herself from the hug and try to change her mood.

Soo Ae: He loves you very much Wendy...

Wendy: Huh...Umm

Soo Ae: (Smiling) When he was young, he would like to refer himself as boring normal guy...but we all think he was very hyper friend..the most lively creature in our class. When he is serious he could be very serious...he is not likely to do anything if it is what he thinks is inappropriate..a hyper gentleman. that is partly why he avoids to see me these days after our two encounterments after years...I just sometimes wish heart warming from him again as an old friend not lover anymore...I know I did wrong him..

Soo Ae pauses ..then says.." I don't know how to say it but I'm really happy that it's you who revive him in that part that die in him for all these years...and I think it is even more alive than before... good luck to you both!"

Wendy: Good luck to you too .

Soo Ae smiles.." Yes .. thank you!"

Wendy goes back to her car...and Tae Suk finally drive into Jung Family garden.


Hoseok is sitting on a chair in front of the house.

He looks at Wendy as she comes nearer.

" Why you come late..I miss you a lot"

Wendy laughs ..."It's only one night Hope..."

Hoseok then come to hug her. Wendy can hear his heart beating.

"Let's go on a trip together for some days...we haven't really go on a honeymoon trip since we are married!.. officially married!"

Wendy: " Honeymoon Trip"?

Hoseok nods.

"We should have one...."

Wendy looks at his grinning request face

"Okay!" She finally says.


Wendy looks at the sky from the balcony of hotel's office again.

She looks up to the shining sky and stretch out both of her arms.

Lee Min Hong comes from behind.

"Good day Ms ..the day will closed soon ..."

Wendy looks back at him.

"You look quite light today.."

Lee Min Hong: "Maybe because I'm quite feeling good...!"

Wendy: That's great!

After a brief pause..he says...

"I think I will be going back to America soon!...my aunt call for me"

Wendy sighs..."When are you going?...

Lee Min Hong: Next Month

Wendy: Ohh That's near....we will miss you then..

Lee Min Hong: "I will come back to Korea often... especially here...!"

Wendy still look sad.

Lee Min Hong: Can I hug you?

Wendy : Yes...

They hug....

Lee Min Hong: I like you very much Wendy ..since the day I first see you..I like you more as I get to know more of you....I can't say it's love in the way for women and men having relationship...but I really want to know you more and get our relationship deeper although I know myself that I have lots of flaws.. probably not suitable for you..and I'm glad you choose Hoseok...he is good man and loves you very much...I can see that by his eyes.

The hug loosens...

Wendy: My elders always tell me that value of a person depends on that individual actions..but there are so little people who are free from wrong doings or getting disappointment in life. Nonetheless, life gives chances to most people. It's up on us that we will grab it when times come....umm ...life actually is complicated..

They both laugh..

Wendy: Umm.... You are a good person...Mr Lee...and successful too..

He looks down a little..

Wendy: To tell you the truth it's good to be "in love". That silly thing called Love can drive us energetic and lively and happy in carrying on with life. I am happy that I find one finally..

Lee Min Hong nods...

Wendy: I hope you will find one soon too..

Lee Min Hong laughs...

And Wendy knows that how much he would like to deny it..as he isn't meant for it...he wants to find it as well..

Lee Min Hong: "When she (my wife) left me I thought everything is falling apart and I'm such a loser....I thought I could never love anyone again..but you are Ms...I starting to love myself again...


Hoseok comes to pick her at work after Wendy parts with Joy who looks a little sad that day too since Joy isn't talkative as before.

Wendy gets on Hoseok's car.

Hoseok: I saw you talking with our manager..umm you really are on the limelight.. yesterday you talk with Soo Ae and today you talk with Lee Min Hong.

Wendy is supprised ..."You know!"

Hoseok: Umm...Yep...for now let's start our Honeymoon..I have already booked air tickets and accommodation for 2 nights 3 days.

Wendy: W - why are you so fast.. you should ask me before..

Hoseok: I asked you before.

Wendy: But .. you don't tell me when..

Hoseok: So is it ok if we are going now..

Wendy: Have you tell at our homes yet.. your parents and mine and other with us before and at your work place too?

Hoseok: Yes...I have already informed them Madam.

Wendy: ...umm...I'm the last one to know then..it's ok.. let's go ..but where are we going..?

Hoseok: Jeju...


It is not so late when they arrives at Jeju.

But Wendy is a little tired so they just stay hotel room and talk... about work and life and so on.

The night is closing in. That night the full moon appears and it is beautiful.

Wendy can't help looking at it from hotel balcony.

Hoseok hug her from behind.

"You love balconies..?" he exclaims.

"Yes!" Wendy says..."The scenery is beautiful here..."

Hoseok kiss her cheeks..

"I love you, Wendy!...I know I may act rude and stupid sometimes..but it is because

That makes Wendy look him through the eyes..she knows he is telling the truth..his eyes are filled with love.

"I love you too"

Hoseok then kisses on the lips..the kiss just get more passionate and passionate until Wendy feels like he is eating her lips..she kisses him back too...

When the kiss is done they are both breathless.

After that he kneels in front of her that surprises her again..

"Hey what are you doing...!! Get up now.. please!"

Hoseok holds her hand and looks at her heart shape diamond wedding ring.

"Wen.. everything about our wedding is true.. please be mine ..Wen.!"

Wendy nods.

Hoseok stand up again and kiss Wendy's forehead...and pick her up and take her to the bed.

That night, Hoseok and Wendy becomes one and their bodies and souls bonds.


The morning comes...

Hoseok and Wendy's are still in bed. Their bare bodies are wrapped in white blankets ...and they are in each other arms.

Wendy wakes up first and looks at her husband..

"He looks so innocent..umm...they say he is a normal gentleman...well he is a cunning gentleman..." Wendy can remembers how he lies about his gender , being a homo and how he manages to get her married to him. "Umm..sly cute fox..".. she thinks..she stoke his hair with her fingers... Hoseok suddenly hug her tighter..

"What time is it, sweet Wen"

Wendy looks at the clock it's near to 8 am...

Wendy: "Near to breakfast time..."

Hoseok: "Are you hungry...!"

Wendy: "Not yet"

Hoseok: "I'm not hungry too..I'm so full because you are beside me!"

Wendy:(can't help laughing) "Good then....don't eat anything for days...it help save up.."

Hoseok: "No not good...I will die then..(if I don't get food) I haven't love my wife enough!"

Wendy is so blushing all over...

Wendy: I think we better prepare for breakfast..I would like a little walk in town too.

Hoseok is still hugging her tight..

"Hope... please.. let's get up...."

He shook his head but he says

"Kiss me wake up then!"

And they share their morning.. Hoseok is satisfied.


After breakfast at hotel.

Hoseok and Wendy decides to look around the market in town.

Wendy is happy all the things she see. But Hoseok becomes worried. He feels like someone is following them.

Hoseok: Wen..I feel strange..I think someone following us.. let's go back.

Wendy: Ok! (She is a little disappointed though.. still enjoying her trip).

Just then he sees a man in black with dark glasses aim his gun at Wendy. The man in black fire his gun. Hoseok covers Wendy his body..and the bullet goes into his right arm.