
Dark If Hell

Kickplay and a player of an online RPG Kickplay online game that being the best player in the game he will get as much power points as he could to be the most powerful player in the game or rather a legend.

Huguel · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs


. Then, I made myself comfortable and turned the TV on to watch some random movie. The song 'I Want You So Bad' by Rihanna suddenly came on and my cheeks turned pink before continuing watching the movie with a smile playing on my lips.

About forty minutes had passed when I heard my phone vibrating, indicating that someone was trying to call me. I checked who it was, and saw that it was Yaku. "Hey, what's up Yaku?" I asked as I answered the call. "Hey Kenma, um... I'm sorry to bother you, but I need to ask you a favor, is Kuroo there?" replied Yaku nervously. I chuckled a bit, "yeah he is, why though?" "Well, you remember Kiyoko right, her brother called earlier, and well he wants to talk to him too" replied Yaku. I nodded, knowing exactly what was happening, Kuroo has had a crush on Yaku's sister since high school. I know that she knows about this, since she's always hanging out with him and asking him about him, even when he's not available. She usually tries to get him alone whenever possible so that they can hangout without others seeing, which I think works every single time because Kuroo always manages to turn the tables on Yaku whenever they talk.

"Okay, I'm gonna go get them, hold on a sec" said Yaku nodding, he hung up the phone and I continued the movie playing on screen, only a few minutes later I heard some rustling noises coming from downstairs. "Yaku, are you gonna get them?" called Kiyoko. "Uh yea, I just wanted to tell Kenma something" replied Yaku sounding flustered. A few seconds later I heard the sound of keys opening, followed by footsteps as Yaku walked over to me, "here they are Kenma, they sounded kind of nervous." I smiled and replied "thanks Yaku. Hey! You should probably get to training now or else your team won't last long, bye!" "Bye Kenma, I'm gonna tell them to keep practicing while you're gone" replied Yaku chuckling slightly and heading out the window.

A few minutes after Yaku left, Kuroo opened his bedroom door slightly with a questioning face. I looked over to him confused and asked, "what?" Kuroo then walked over to me and placed a light peck on the lips, "nothing baby, now lets get to bed, because I wanna cuddle with you" he winked, earning a chuckle from the raven haired boy. Once we finished changing clothes I grabbed a blanket from the foot of Kuroo's bed and covered him and myself before falling asleep.

Kuroo's Pov.

Just moments later, Kenma began snoring lightly and curled up against my side as he drifted off to sleep in between his fits of nightmares. As soon as I realized what happened, I tightened my grip on Kenma and pulled him closer to me and shut my eyes tightly, I didn't know what I would have done if he woke up crying in my arms again; I couldn't bear the thought of losing my best friend.

The next morning, Kuroo awoke and glanced at the clock, he groaned in annoyance realizing that it was almost noon. When he tried to move away from Kenma, however, he found that the raven haired boy was clinging onto him tighter than usual. I could hear the small snores coming from Kenma, making him look even younger and adorable. I sighed softly, "baby, we gotta wake up eventually, I'll be back in a minute okay? Just don't let go, please" I said leaning down and pressing a gentle kiss on Kenma's forehead. After a couple minutes, I stood up and slipped on my shoes, I grabbed my jacket and ran out the door, careful not to wake Kenma up as I stepped outside into the chilly air. I started walking towards Kenma' room and quietly entered it, I bent down and shook Kenma lightly, but still without waking him up.

"Kenma wake up love, we need to go and meet your uncle and aunt, now" I said. Kenma slowly opened his eyes and stretched slightly before yawning softly, and turning his head around so that he was facing me and whispering sleepily, "what time is it?". I smiled tenderly and replied with a soft "early afternoon", I then helped Kenma sit up and then reached out to grab his bag, pulling out his jacket and handing it to Kenma along with his PSP, before pulling the blanket off him and covering him back up with it. "Do you feel better now? Or shall we continue this conversation later?" I asked gently. Kenma shook his head, and replied with "n-no, it's okay, I feel much better now... thanks". With that, I stood up and grabbed Kenma's hand, intertwining our fingers together before leading him downstairs, so that we both could greet his uncle and aunt.

"Morning Uncle Kuroo!" "Morning Mr Kenma!" "Good Morning" greeted his aunt. I smiled at her, and replied "good Morning Auntie! How are you doing today?" "Oh dear, how I'm feeling isn't good, in fact, I feel awful" replied Auntie with a sigh and a worried expression plastered across her face. "Don't worry, you will feel better soon" said Kenma comfortingly. "Thanks darling" smiled Auntie warmly, she seemed to relax a little after hearing Kenma's answer.

We talked with Auntie for about five more minutes before heading home for lunch where we got ready to join everyone at the dinner table. We arrived right on time and were seated at the table in order for everyone to finish eating before I started talking, "so how was your first week of classes, Kenma?" Asked Uncle. "It was fine... although I did have to deal with three idiots who kept asking me stuff that I didn't know the answer to..." explained Kenma with a frown. His parents then burst out laughing and laughed loudly as a way of trying to hide how happy they were. I laughed too when I noticed Kuroo was also cracking up from beside me, he then whispered to me "we really need to get you laid tonight" causing me to blush and smirk, I replied sarcastically back "sure" and turned back to the adults to answer their questions about the day.

Soon we had finished eating and headed outside for the rest of the evening. The weather had gotten progressively colder by the end of the night, and my mom decided to walk me home, since it was only ten blocks away from their house.

When we arrived back at my house, my mom told me to wait for her by the door, then she went inside while I sat down on the doorstep waiting for her. I took out my phone to check the news, and saw a headline on Twitter with the following comments under it:

I laughed to myself, it seems like these people aren't able to change, even though they're older than me. Then my mother finally showed up, holding a box filled with snacks, ice cream and other food. "Here honey" she said handing me the box. "Thank you Ma" I replied happily, accepting the present from my mother. I then followed her inside and headed upstairs to put all the gifts on one of my shelves since we didn't have any space to store all of the food that she brought.

While we waited, my mother and I discussed how much of an improvement Kenma was doing and how excited she felt about meeting him and her boyfriends, and I promised her that we wouldn't leave the house until it was all set. About a quarter till seven, my dad came home from work, he was wearing sweatpants and a plain blue t-shirt, and carrying several grocery bags full of groceries, "hey guys! I've brought home a lot, I thought I'd bring some food for us too" stated Dad. We thanked him and helped him set everything up in the kitchen, I helped him put the things away once we were done, which wasn't hard considering how large most of it was. I then helped my father set plates out as he added salad and mashed potatoes to the already full meal. Soon enough everyone was sitting down to eat, I watched as Kenma's face contorted in disgust after taking the first bite, my mother looked up from her plate after noticing it, "are you alright hun?" she asked concerned. Kenma looked at her then at me before giving me a reassuring smile and saying "its nothing Momma, I'm just not used to such healthy foods yet" I smiled in relief before grabbing my fork and digging in. Everyone chatted happily amongst themselves as we ate, except for Kenma apparently, which was odd.

After we finished eating, we cleaned the dishes then headed into the living room to watch a movie. My family had a huge collection of movies, all of which we had seen hundreds of times, and all of which consisted of either action films or romantic comedy movies.